

  The Eataly case analysis carries out an elaborate assessment of Eataly and its strategic objectives based on how they are supported by the current internal and external environment. Eataly in adopting the Blue Ocean Strategy has placed itself in a competitive standpoint. However, in order to maintain strategic consistency in a global dynamic environment, it will need to consider some changes.

  The Eataly analysis was conducted in three steps. Firstly, the internal and external environment was analyzed. Secondly, the competitive position of the company was analyzed. Finally, a strategic solution was presented.

  Eataly must focus on costs control strategy in order to retain its consumers, but the control should not be impinged on the ideology of the company. A balance has to be achieved between strategic consistency and change.

  Competitive Position

  The chart is prepared based on quality vs quantity. The premised adopted is that when people buy less food portions of high quality food, and then they will reduce quantity (adapted from Venturini, 2009)

  Eataly strategic consistency was analyzed with respect to its external environment and internal environment. It is situated in a high-quality market positioning. In order to sustain its position, it will be necessary for Eataly to work on reducing costs to customers with no reduction in value (the slow food ideology). In order to do this, it has been recommended that Eataly revamp its supplier relationships within the clusters and also reduce the costs of operating the restaurant.

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