

哲学家说过,自由意志的概念是一种幻觉,一个人的信条完全受他的基因和环境的影响。这意味着一个人的行为与他的行为毫无关联,他完全没有责任。哲学家的这种说法提出了几个疑问。如果自由意志是一种幻觉,那么它表明人们对自己的思想认识有限,对人们的命运没有提出明确的看法。本文将讨论为什么这个说法是不恰当的,并给出相关的论点。一般来说,每个人都要对自己所做的事情负责。根据哲学家的说法,人的意图似乎只是由潜意识决定的。另一方面,现代学者运用各种数据驱动的方法来研究早期哲学家的这一立场。这里有一个例子来证明这种想法是完全错误的(Max, 2002)。

一个人被要求移动他的手指,因为他已经开始和某人谈论一些有趣的事情。在这种情况下,手指的运动是自动发生的,不需要潜意识的存在,对话也会继续。这表明自由意志不是幻觉,它是真实的。因为他的大脑允许他交谈和移动他的手指,他能够做到,而且大脑活动的测量也是有限的。我对这个问题的观点如下:决定不太可能是瞬间做出的。心理过程影响决策,但也有其他的影响因素。自由意志实验似乎更依赖于对行为的认识和对行为可能发生的时间的实际估计。这只是一个复杂的问题。自由意志与自由是完全不同的(Max, 2002)。


Philosophers have stated that the concept of free will is an illusion and a person’s tenet is completely influenced by his genes and surroundings. This implies that the actions of a person are no way associated with the behavior and that the person’s accountability is totally absent. This statement given by philosophers raises several doubts. If free will is an illusion, then it shows that people know limited knowledge about their minds and have put forward no clarity on the destinies of people. This paper would discuss on why this statement is inappropriate and relevant arguments would also be given. In general, every person is responsible for what he or she does. According to the philosophers, the intentions of people appear to be decided only by the subconscious mind. On the other hand, modern scholars have applied various data driven methods to study this stand given by the early philosophers. Here is an example to show that such thoughts are totally wrong (Max, 2002).

A person is asked to move his finger as he has been already into a conversation with someone on something funny. In this case, the finger movements automatically happen and do not require subconscious presence and the conversation also continues. This shows free will is not an illusion and it is true. Because his brain allows him to converse and move his fingers, he is able to do and the brain activity measures are limited, too. My arguments on this subject are presented below:Decisions are less likely to be instantaneous.Mental processes influence decision making but there are other influencers as well.Free will experiments seem to have higher dependence on the awareness of actions and the actual estimation of time within which the actions might happen. This is a mere complication. Free will is totally different from freedom (Max, 2002).