

德比臂提升区和巡航服务是劳斯莱斯典范的技术园区的一部分。该公司目前正致力于解决一些业务问题,如业务的高要求和可持续性(DC Council, 2014)。该公司希望在推广和it操作过程中有新的方向。如果考虑到外部因素和内部操作,项目管理将是有效的。这将使公司能够满足消费者的需求。为了在业务中带来变化,必须对产品进行需求分析。




Derby Arm Boat Lifting area and Cruise services are a part of the technology park of Rolls-Royce paradigm. The company is currently focussing on ways to address some of the operational issues such as high requirement and sustainability of the operations (DC Council, 2014). The company wants newer directions in its promotions and in it operational procedure. The project management will be effective if there is factoring of external factors and also the internal operations. This would enable a company to meet the demands of the consumers. To bring changes in the business need analysis must be done for the product.

External factors play an important role. In case of extending the demography of the people important factor in the consumer behaviour and alter the processes of the company based on these factors. In this analysis, there is a funnel based approach that has been used to understand the demographics. As an initial step the nation economy index, the city economic status and the internal planning for addressing the consumer has been probed. This is followed by having a monitoring and process of control. A detailed analysis of these factors has been probed in the following analysis.