


在批评的情况下,是否是健康的批评还是破坏性的批评呢?破坏性的批评来自团队成员之间的个人恩怨和偏见。它经常在团队中产生敌意(Michan 2000)。

团队领导的选择是有效的团队工作的另一个重要考虑因素。团队的领导者必须慎重选择。所有的成员必须有机会就团队成员的选择发表意见。更好的选择是为领导投票。如果会员不接受领导,会出现问题。负责人负责解决因压力,资源缺乏,共同目标,舒适的环境,每个成员同等重视,保证团队间的良好沟通而出现的问题(DeChurch 2010)。


Unclear Group Objective
The performance of teamwork is greatly affected by the problem that the objective of project is not clear to all the team members. For effective progress in project it is necessary that each and every member must be aware of the object of the project. This will enable every member to give optimum input in project work.
Destructive Criticism
In case of criticism, the question arises that whether it is healthy criticism or destructive criticism. Destructive criticism arises from personal grudges and biasness among the team members. It often produces hostility in the team (Michan 2000).
Steps to Ensure Effective Team Work
It is the responsibility over each of the member to ensure proper steps for a positive behaviour of the team for successful completion of the project.

Setting up Introductory Meeting
An introductory meeting must be arranged before start working on the project. The presence of each and every member of the team must be made confirm in this meeting. It would be more beneficial if project advisor is also present in that meeting. The objective of the project should be discussed in detail in this meeting. All the constraints of the project including time, resources, and availability of literature should also be discussed. Every member should introduce himself, his potentials, reservations and opinions for the project.
Selection of Team Leader
Selection of team leader is another major consideration in effective team work. Leader of the team must be selected carefully. All of the member must be given chance to give their opinion about selection of team member. A better option is to make voting for leader. Problems will arise if members do not accept the leader. Leader is responsible for solving the problems arising due to pressure, unavailability of resources, sharing common goal, comfortable environment, giving equal importance to each member and ensuring sound communication in the team (DeChurch 2010).