


在2007 – 08年发生金融危机之后,欧盟制定了“银行复苏与解决方案指令”,旨在挽救公共资金,并试图避免纳税人因金融市场危机而受到影响。这样的目标严重影响了私人和跨境银行。由于BRRD试图维护公募基金和纳税人,股东和债权人面临着任何金融危机的风险。随着BRRD及其决议的出台,确定了股东应该承担损失而不是纳税人(Acharya,2013)。这导致了欧盟委员会和汇丰银行之间的一些争议。银行股东还没有准备好承担任何这种危机的代价。由于这种规范,股东开始对银行失去兴趣。银行的业务开始下滑,承担了银行方面的损失。

这就是BRRD所承诺的。 BRRD是为了提升危机下的银行而启动的,但银行却被淹没得更深。随着BRRD的引入,纳税人得以拯救,不必承受危机的代价。汇丰银行的存户和债权人会因此而受苦。如果能够达到减轻纳税人负担的标准,BRRD就是成功的(Petrusková,2015)。如果将BRRD应用于汇丰银行,将能够实现其目标,因为纳税人将免于承担任何费用。但是,这是以损失信用人,存款人和汇丰银行股东的损失为代价的。成员国负责资助与该成员国有关的金融机构。在汇丰银行等跨境银行的情况下,有关部门负责融资。


After the financial crisis that struck in 2007-08, the European Union with the establishment of Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive aimed to save the public fund and tried that the taxpayers should not be affected due to any such crisis in the financial market. Such an aim had affected the private and cross-border banks badly. As the BRRD attempted to safeguard the public fund and taxpayers, the shareholders, and the creditors held the risk of any financial crisis. With the introduction of BRRD and its resolutions, it was set that the shareholders should bear the losses and not the tax-payers (Acharya, 2013). This led to some controversy between the European Union Commission and the HSBC bank. The shareholders of the bank were not ready to bear the cost of any such crises. The shareholders started losing interest in the bank due to such norms. The business of the bank started falling bearing the loss on the bank’s side.

This was what BRRD had promised. BRRD was started with a view to uplift a bank under crisis, but with this the bank is being drowned even deeper. With the introduction of BRRD, the taxpayers are saved and do not have to bear the cost of the crisis. The depositors and the creditors in HSBC bank will suffer for this. The BRRD is successful if it can meet the criteria for removing the burden upon taxpayers (Petrusková, 2015). If BRRD is applied to HSBC it will be able to achieve its goal as the taxpayers will be saved from bearing any cost. But this will be done at the expense of losses of the credit holders, depositors, and shareholders of HSBC bank. The member states are responsible for financing the financial institutions associated with that member state. In case of cross-border banks like the HSBC bank, some relevant authorities are responsible for financing.