



然而,大卫琼斯有限公司似乎并没有忽视多样性,因为它认为这对组织的成功至关重要。为了完成这份反思文件,我以一些关于多元化工作场所的概念和这个多元化的工作场所的管理的研究文件为题材,在这个研究的基础上,我发现劳动力的多样性对雇主和员工都是有利的。即使员工在工作地点相互依存,尊重个人差异也有助于提高生产力水平(De Cieri和Kramar,2003)。与劳动力多元化有助于减少法律诉讼,增加市场营销,创造力和招聘的机会,同时提高声誉。在当前需要高创造力和灵活性的时代是竞争优势和优势的关键,多样化被认为是组织成功的关键(Deighan,2013)。但是,大卫·琼斯有限公司的组织不应忽视增加多样化的后果。


Based on these activities, I was able to conclude that the organization is still more focused on enhancing the skills and commitment of the employees, yet ignoring the diversification spread across the entire workforce. As mentioned previously, I was able to see a number of different ethnic groups and age groups within the organization that included, employees with families, some workers who were older in age, younger part time workers like myself, along with different minority groups as well.

However, David Jones Limited does not seem to be ignoring the diversity as it considers it important for the success of the organization. For the completion of this reflection paper, I went through some research paper focusing on the concept of diversified work place and the management of this diversified work place. On the basis of this research, I was able to identify that diversity in work force is advantageous for both, employers as well as the associates. Even though associates are known to be interdependent within the place of work, respecting the differences of individuals can assist in increasing the level of productivity (De Cieri and Kramar, 2003). Diversification with the workforce can help in reducing the law suits and increasing the opportunities of marketing, creativity, and recruitment, along with an improvement of reputation. In the current era with the need for high creativity and flexibility are keys towards competitive edge and advantage, and diversification is considered crucial for the success of the organization (Deighan, 2013). However, the organization of David Jones Limited should not be overlooking the consequences of increased diversification.