
曼彻斯特论文代写-新西兰房地产的影响。汇率对这个国家的房地产市场有很大的影响。因为这个国家的房地产市场非常依赖外国投资。因此,外汇汇率在房地产业中扮演着重要的角色。此外,房地产市场对汇率也有很大的影响,因为本币的表现高度依赖于该国的行业,尤其是该国的房地产行业。抵押贷款政策也对房地产市场产生了重大影响(Duarte and McManus, 2011)。由于按揭政策和按揭利率的影响,房地产市场的投资。有许多购房者寻求按揭贷款来购买他们理想的房子。此外,优惠的按揭政策和有限的利息按揭贷款支持客户购买他们的梦想家园。因此,金融进入市场,房地产市场得到了发展的机会。

Impact on the stakeholders
The price hiking of the real estate market in New Zealand has a dissimilar impact on the different stakeholders of this industry. The stakeholders of the real estate industry of New Zealand are builders, promoters, contractors, project managers, the management staffs, workers, labours, customers or buyers of real estate, proprietors of the real estate, the intermediates, the surrounding society, environment and the government. Moreover, the boom in real estate market has a diverse impact on the different stakeholders (Chinloy, 2011). The customers, who require an ideal home in this housing market, are mainly affected by the price hiking as they have to pay an extensive amount of money to the sellers and intermediates at the time of purchasing a house. Moreover, due to the price hiking, many prospective buyers are unable to buy a house for themselves. Furthermore, the housing industry in the country has hiked drastically. Moreover, the price of the housing is also increasing in this market. On the other hand, the sellers or investors or proprietors are benefited from the market as the price hiking provides them substantial economic benefits. All the builders, promoters, contractors, project managers, the management staffs, workers, labours, are also benefitted with the growth of the real estate market in this country (Cho, Hwang and Satchell, 2010). Apart from them, the society is also benefitted from the growth of the real estate market in New Zealand as the living standard of the society is growing with the growth of the real estate market. The living standard for the people of the society is improved as they are also benefitted from the prices hike because it creates job opportunities in the society and increases the per capita income of the people of the society.
It has an adverse impact on the environment of the surrounding society as with the increment of the real estate business. The carbon monoxide and other greenhouse gas emission have been increased, and thus, the pollution level of the society has been increased. The government is also benefitted from the real estate boom in the country as the growth of the real estate improves the monetary condition of the country (Clark and Baker, 2011).

The government regulations have also substantial impact on the real estate market as the rules determine the path of the industry. The real estate market is strongly influenced by the government rules, and the New Zealand government has applied significantly favourable rules for the real estate market of the industry. Hence the market has been improved substantially.

The real estate market of the New Zealand has been elevated substantially. Therefore, the foreign investors are attracted to the real estate market of this country. Especially, the Chinese investors have a significant investment in the real estate business in this country. There are people who believe that because of the Chinese investors, the price of the housing has been hiked in this level and the government should restrict on the foreign investment on the real estate market in this country. However, there are many people who believe that the real estate market boom has been improved for different reasons and the Chinese investors do not have any liability in this matter (Frame, 2015). They believe that with the Chinese investors and their investment, the industry has been benefitted. The Chinese investors have substantial opportunity and development prospects within this real estate industry in this country as the industry is rapidly growing and has huge potential.

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