

情况分析了巴瑟斯特社区的经济发展的目标是提高饭店企业在该地区。餐馆被视为威胁他们的战略规划特别是如果他们跟不上巴瑟斯特的增长。巴瑟斯特的稳定人口增长也被视为一个机会为餐馆利用有越来越多的客户(巴瑟斯特地区委员会,2011年)。案例研究表明,即使在9 inety 2我们已经全面开放预订的一些主要的座位。这是巴瑟斯特同意规划委员会的分析。有一个稳定和不断增长的客户业务。

业务所有者的布雷特和罗伯报告,当厨师Brett走出餐厅采取了自己的生意,他的大部分客户在9 inety 2我们来看望他们。这表明竞争力是基于忠诚的食物。这也是建立基于客户忠诚度的研究将影响客户购买的零售消费(太阳,2011)。还在定价布雷特和Rob状态,他们的定价必须尽可能的竞争,他们必须与当地的菜单定价,以确保他们不是过高。大多数的顾客评论上的食物旅行顾问提供很好的评级


A situation analysis done for the economic development of the Bathurst Community aims to increase the restaurant businesses in the region. Restaurants are seen as a threat to their strategic planning especially if they failed to keep pace with the growth of Bathurst. The steady population growth in Bathurst was also seen as an opportunity for restaurants to exploit as there are increasing numbers of customers (Bathurst Regional Council, 2011). The case study shows that even when the 9inety 2wo was opened there was already a full booking on some of the major seating. This is in agreement with the Bathurst Planning committee analysis. There is a steady and ever-increasing stream of customers for this business.

The owners of the business Brett and Rob report that when the chef Brett walked out of a restaurant to take up his own business, most of his customers came to visit them at 9inety 2wo. This shows that competitiveness is based on the loyalty to food. This has also been established based on research that customer loyalty will influence customer purchase of retail consumption (Sun, 2011). Also in terms of pricing Brett and Rob state that their pricing has to be as competitive as possible and that they have to work with the local menu pricing to ensure that they are not exorbitant. Most of the customers that have commented on the food on Trip Advisor have given it very good ratings