


两个叙述者之间的主要相似之处是,他们仍然保持团聚与他们的家人和决心保持自由,可以把光通过自己未完成的希望寄托在他们的生活中追求自己的希望。他们用不同的方式表达他们对自由和希望的决心和自由意志。在Alicia Partnoy的小说中的叙述者将自己承诺的消息为追求自由和希望的生活提供了一个关于在那个集中营的声音和语言描述。语言的描述是这本书的一个重要方面,因为语言很容易表达情感。这是叙述者和他的朋友之间的一种交流方式。叙述叙述者的感受和情境的语言使读者更加生动,在阅读叙述者的语言后,能更好地理解集中营中的非人对待和不关心人权。有一些实例,书中描述为“耳语几句话从她嘴里一边vasquita”(帕特诺伊27)。讲述者在她的拖鞋里谈论花朵,使她的朋友们发笑。面包来时,面包袋的声音扫过地板。当我们分析警卫的谈话时,我们知道“小学校”里的守卫和监督者是如何破坏囚犯的尊严的,但他们仍然有意识与他们在一起,他们谈论塑料花,知道真正的面包袋的声音。它只是反映了他们仍然相信仁慈和仁慈,慷慨和荣誉。他们有勇气和诚信,有系统地连根拔起通过反对他们的政权。另一方面,每一章 有助于诗歌的理解。我认为 诗歌 扮演一个引物和 亮点 的 下 第 表达中心思想的作用 。例如,“你的名字好了,颤抖着在一张纸上…”(帕特诺伊,39)。在那首诗之后,叙述者谈论她的真实姓名,这对她来说非常重要,因为这是她的原始身份。每天早上醒来后,她总是告诉自己,她还活着,为此,她感谢上帝,她的名字已成为一个象征她的信心,坚持她做他们的工作在各种追求政治平等。


The main similarity between the two narrators is that they are still maintaining their hopes for reuniting with their families and determination for maintaining the pursuit of freedom that can bring light through their unfinished hopes in the darkness of their lives. They had used different ways to express their determination and free will towards their freedom and hope. In Alicia Partnoy’s story the narrator conveys the message of her commitment for the pursuits of freedom and hope of life providing a description about the sound and language in that concentration camp. The description of language has acted as a very important aspect of this book because the language can easily convey emotions. It is a way of communication between the narrator and his friends. The language used for describing the feelings and situation of that narrator makes the readers feel more vivid and they can better understand the inhumane treatment and no concern for human rights in concentration camp after reading the language of the narrator in the book. There are some instances described in the book as “whisper a few words out of the side of her mouth to Vasquita” (Partnoy 27). The narrator talks about the flower in her slipper and makes her friends laugh. When the bread comes it is also with the sound of the bread bag sweeping across the floor. When we analyze the conversation of the guard we know how the guards and supervisors in “the little school” destroy the sense of human dignity in the prisoners but still they have senses remaining with them that they talk about the plastic flower and know the sound of real bread bag. It simply reflects that they still believe in mercy and kindness, generosity and honor. They have the courage and integrity that got systematically uprooted through the regimes opposed by them. On the other hand, each chapter helps in the better interpretation of the poetry. I think that poetry played the role of a primer and highlights the next article to express the central idea. For example, “Your name is ready and is trembling on a piece of paper…” (Partnoy, 39). After that poem, the narrator talk about her real name which is very important for her as that was her original identity. After waking up every morning she always tells herself that she is alive and for this she thanks God her name has become a symbol of confidence for her that insists her for doing their work in various pursuits of political equality.