




The process of self-assessment may also address an issue that may very well be the one that has never been addressed in the literary world of education (Freeman and Lewis, 1998). The issue that can be discussed and analyzed by the implementation of peer-assessment technique is the benefit it provides to the students training for degree courses. It has always been recommended by authors that students become a part of designing the technique that is used to assess them. As the peer-assessment technique involves the students directly in the assessment process, it might be a good idea to involve them in the process of designing the technique as well. This will be beneficial for all of the parties included such as the technique, the tutors and the students. One of the biggest concern with the implementation of peer-assessment is lack of knowledge about how a student rewards marks to the other students and what can be the influential factors in that decision. Involving students in the process of designing the peer-assessment technique can be helpful for tutors as students can better reflect on this concern and offer a solution for this.
For example- Boud (1989) focused on the concern in peer-assessment saying that marks rewarded by the method of peer-assessment may be biased and unreliable and hence, he recommended use of practice training for the assessment to make the peers more experienced in marking the students. Mowl and Pain (1995) made justification on the peer-assessment process by emphasizing on “The research [reported in their paper] shows that even with subjective methods of assessment such as essays, students are generally capable and conscientious self- and peer-assessors, as long as they are adequately prepared and reassured about the value of the exercise.” The research carried out by these authors suggests that the preparation and training provided to students before implementing the peer-assessment process certainly helps prepare them for the process, but there was not enough evidence to support the theory that such training was necessary. Oldfield and MacAlpine (1995) made their opinion about the peer-assessment process by saying that: “Experience had led us to believe that, in a new situation, students must have concepts introduced to them in absorbable and achievable steps, they must receive understandable feedback at each stage and their confidence must be built from experience.”