



Susan has the right to claim the damages because she has suffered with multiple kinds of damages. She has suffered with financial, medical, personal and legal elements. All these damages must be recovered by John because he has violated the law. According to the law the individual who is suffering from the damages has the right to recover the damages. Susan was injured as a pedestrian and street walks are developed for people to walk and drivers are asked to lower their speed while driving across these streets. Susan can recover and claim economic damages like medical, rehabilitation, lost income expense, out of pocket expenses and compensation expenses. Susan has also suffered with emotional stress and she needs to be compensated on this side also. She can claim her medical damages along with her eye glasses, ambulance bills and her clothes that were destroyed during the accident. All these damages must be repaid to Susan because it is her right.

According to the employers liability the employees of the organization are held responsible for all the acts that are committed by the employees. Senior employees and other managers of the company if commit a crime, fraud or tort they are held responsible for them along with the owners of the organization. If John was working for a Pizza company and this accident took place at the time of delivering pizza, then the company would have been held responsible for this accident along with John. A company is legally responsible for bad acts committed by the employees of the organization. This accountability could be limited by using the vicarious liability.