
许多人认为兔八哥作为一个骗子,他与旧的民间故事的比较。根据电视节目,小兔子的性格被描绘为无畏和创造性。然而,大家都知道,兔八哥是智能去面对任何复杂的情况下(弗尼斯,2009)。这个角色实际上是关键情况的创造者,当他无法克服它时,一个口号从他身上升起–“你当然知道这意味着战争”,所有的观众都知道他会赢的,不管发生什么事。兔八哥智取对手,利用他的聪明在自己的成就上。恶作剧的行为和他的智取技术得到所有其他字符一样傻乎乎的,袋獾的更好,马尔文和Elmer Fudd在战争的情况下击败他们。在二战的时候,以对抗阿道夫·希特勒说明了兔八哥的性格,日本士兵和本尼托·墨索里尼。在这一集里,兔八哥咬咬,情况是兔八哥与日本士兵的可能性。它表现出极端的种族主义对日本人民,这就是为什么卡通已经从分布拉(estren,2012)。
在永远的谎言和Fudd的帽子的情节,有严重的性别问题喜欢打扮得像个女人,兔子的做法错误。而Elmer Fudd他会突然跑过一门砰的一声,当开门时由埃尔默跑,他在一个女人的着装发现bug。


Many people consider bugs bunny as a trickster and compare him with the older folktales. According to the television show, the Bugs bunny character has been portrayed as fearless and creative. However, everybody knows that Bugs Bunny is intelligent to confront any kind of complicated circumstances (Furniss, 2009). The character is actually the inventor of the critical situation and when he can’t overcome it, a slogan rises from him- “of course you know this means war” and all of the audiences know that he is going to win no matter what happens. Bugs bunny outsmarts his opponent and utilizes his cleverness in terms of his own achievements. The mischief behaviour and his outsmart techniques get the better of all other characters like- Daffy, Tasmanian Devil, Marvin and Elmer Fudd by defeating them in a situation of war. In the time of World War II, the Bugs Bunny character was illustrated with confrontation against Adolf Hitler, the Japanese soldiers and Benito Mussolini. In the episode, Bugs Bunny Nips the Nips, the situation represents the odds of Bugs Bunny against Japanese Soldiers. It showed extreme racism towards the people of Japan and that’s why the cartoon had been pulled from the distribution (Estren, 2012).
For social acceptance there are messages for the landmine survivors which were presented in the Daffy with Umbrella episode. The conversation between the Bugs Bunny and Daffy the duck was the symbol of social acceptance here (McLaughlin, 2001).
In the Semper Lie and Fudd’s hat episodes, there are severe gender issues like- Bugs Bunny’s practices of dressing like a woman. While running from Elmer Fudd he would suddenly run through a door by slamming it and when opening of the door happens by Elmer, he finds Bugs in the attire of a woman.