

人才管理计划应由管理者/主管和员工制定,以关注员工的绩效管理。有一个适当的人才管理计划是重要的,以便集中注意本组织的重要活动。组织需要制定人才管理计划,在公司设定的目标和核心竞争力(Rappaport et al, 2003)的情况下,超越公司设定的期望。人才管理成为高绩效员工绩效协议的重要组成部分。这是由组织的需要驱动的。这可能包括一些发展活动,以便使员工准备好面对新的挑战,以及员工的个人形象、员工的优势和兴趣应该适合的职位。中石化集团是中国最成功的公司之一。中石化是中国最大的石油天然气公司。它在中国、香港和纽约上市。该公司大约有3,60,000名员工在不同的国家工作。确保在公司工作的员工得到合理的管理,员工得到合理的管理是非常重要的(Collings et al, 2009)。


中石化集团成功地建立了人才观,成功地在组织中建立了人才管理计划。这是一家财富500强公司,而且在很长一段时间内都是成功的。这是成功的,因为公司有高效的人才管理计划。中国石化人才管理团队设定的目标包括:正确实施目标为基础的学习和规划,确保不同领导岗位的技能和知识得到有效构建(Hughes et al, 2008)。确保有许多教育支持项目。确保有职业分配计划。同样的一个例子是拉伸作业和其他一些短期作业。确保员工得到必要的指导和指导,以促进他们的工作。确保国家和国际委员会的参与。确保员工参与组织的一些专业活动。确保员工与组织内创建的不同工作组、委员会和社区有联系(Bhatnagar, 2007)。


Talent Management Plan should be developed by the managers/ supervisors and employees so as to focus on the performance management of the employees. It is important to have a proper talent management plan so as to focus on the important activities of the organization. The talent management plan is required to be established by the organization so as to surpass the expectations which have been established by the company both in case of the objectives which have been set by the company and also the core competencies (Rappaport et al, 2003). Talent management becomes an important part of the performance agreement of the high performing employees. This is driven by the needs of the organization. This may include a number of developmental activities so as to prepare the employees to face the new challenges and the positions for which the profile of the employee, the strengths and interest of the employee should be well suited. Sinopec group has been one of the most successful company in China. Sinopec is the Chinese Petroleum and Chemical Corporation which is the largest oil and gas company in China. It is listed in the China, Hongkong and New York trades. The company as around 3,60,000 employees working in different nations. It is very important to ensure that the employees working in the company should be managed in a proper manner and the workforce should be properly managed (Collings et al, 2009).

Sinopec group has been successful in establishing the talent view and has successfully established the talent management plan in the organization. It is a fortune 500 company and is continuing to be successful for a long time. This has been successful because of the efficient talent management plan of the company. The goals which have been set by the Talent Management group at Sinopec include the following:The proper implementation of the target based learning and planning so as to ensure that the skills and the knowledge is built efficiently for the different leadership positions (Hughes et al, 2008). To ensure that there are a number of educational support programs.To ensure that there is career assignment programs. An example of the same is the stretch assignments and some other short term assignments.To ensure that the employees should get the proper mentoring and coaching as required so as to facilitate their work.To ensure that there is the involvement of the national and international committees. To ensure that the employees are participating in some of the professional initiatives of the organization.To ensure that the employees are involving with different working groups, committees and communities created within the organization (Bhatnagar, 2007).