
personal statement 代写:HIH董事会在传奇中做了什么

personal statement 代写:HIH董事会在传奇中做了什么

当该小组在2001年8月27日结束工作时,估计赤字约在36亿至53亿美元之间。仅仅过了两天,皇家调查委员会就成立了,负责调查原因(HIH破产2001)。这使得这一传奇故事得以展开,成为一份描述糟糕和不当企业政府的遗嘱,审计机构安达信(Arthur Andersen)严重违约。然而,尽管当前的立法改革同时针对审计改革和公司信息披露,但仍在很大程度上侧重于审计改革,特别是在考虑审计独立性时(HIH Bankruptcy 2001)。据说,糟糕的会计和糟糕的管理最终导致了大多数公司的倒闭。最引人注目的证据是,HIH公司管理不善,至今仍被视为长期保守。正如皇家委员会的报告所指出的,“一般保险公司资产负债表上最大的一项就是为未来索赔预留的准备金”(Marquardt 2010)。

personal statement 代写:HIH董事会在传奇中做了什么
为了作出这一规定,保健处审计委员会对安徒生提交的评估报告和这些报告的独立精算师具有可靠性。HIH管理层忙于遵循他们的不良做法和糟糕的会计程序。在这种背景下,可以说,大多数企业的倒闭基本上是由于会计和管理不善(HIH Bankruptcy 2001)。毫无疑问,证明HIH管理不善的最明显证据是其持续的储备不足。正是HIH董事会的低效导致了HIH的失败(Marquardt 2010)。从这项研究中可以看出,行政长官的管辖范围内没有明确界定的界限,因此,在某些领域,这种制度失去了控制,因此没有得到执行局的赞赏。执行局对一些问题缺乏公认的政策,因此对执行局保持保留。因此,这些问题似乎是由行政长官处理的。管理层控制了董事会的时间表(Napier 2010)。

personal statement 代写:HIH董事会在传奇中做了什么

When the group had been wound up on 27th August in the year 2001, the estimated deficiency was approximately between 3.6 billion dollars and 5.3 billion dollars. Only after two days, there was an establishment of Royal Commission of Inquiry for investigating the cause (HIH Bankruptcy 2001). This allowed the unfolding of this saga as a testament depicting poor and improper corporate government, with the significant involvement of a default by the auditor, Arthur Andersen. However, even though as targeting both audit reform and corporate disclosure, current legislative reforms had heavily weight the side of audit reform, specifically when considering the independence of auditor (HIH Bankruptcy 2001).It has been stated that poor accounting and bad management end up causing majority of the corporate failures. The testament that was most striking was bad management at the company of HIH that was still considered as a chronic under- reservation. As noted by the Report of Royal Commission, ‘the largest single item on the balance sheet of the general insurer is the provision that sets aside for payment of future claims’ (Marquardt 2010).

personal statement 代写:HIH董事会在传奇中做了什么
In order to make this provision, the board of HIH had a reliability of reports of assessments and independent actuaries of these reports presented by Andersen. The HIH management was busy in following their bad practices and poor accounting procedures. In this context, it can be stated that most of the corporate failures takes place basically due to poor accounting and bad management (HIH Bankruptcy 2001). There was no doubt that the most evident proof for bad management at HIH was its persistent under-reserving. It was the inefficiency of the HIH board that caused the failure of HIH (Marquardt 2010). It was observed from the study that there was absence of clearly defined limits across the jurisdiction of the chief executive and hence, in some areas resulting as the system being out of control and not being appreciated by the board. There was an absence of well- perceived policy on issues by the board remaining reserved with the boards. And hence, the matters seemed to be coming forward at the disposition of the chief executive. The management controlled the schedule for the board (Napier 2010).