

  Gamers around the world see mobile phone or tablets as the affordable substitutes to console gaming such as PlayStation, Wii and Xbox360 games. In addition, they regard mobile gaming as less commitment as compared with PC bang gaming. In a majority of countries across the world, maximum number of mobile gamers is aged between 25 and 30 years old. As per the statistics shared by Hamer (2007), Android as well as iOS devices are attracting more and more users or consumers during their earning or employment years but not in their teenage years as people are more likely to afford more expensive mobile devices like mobile phones and tablets as well as paid mobile games during their earning years.

  Demographics of mobile gamers, by Gender

  According to numbers, there are more female mobile gamers across the world than those male mobile gamers. In the United States of America, for example, there are 61 percent of female mobile gamers as opposed to just 39 percent of male mobile gamers. However, as per Lubliner (2008), the gender distribution of mobile gamers is gradually reaching equilibrium in countries around the world. Based on a research study carried out in the year 2016, the gender distribution of mobile gamers will reach equilibrium by the year 2020.

  Genre Preference of a majority of mobile gamers

  The maximum number of mobile gamers prefers puzzle games. Nearly 45 percent of mobile gamers in countries like the UK, USA and China prefer mobile games genre – puzzle games the most. Adventure Games are the second most preferred choice of the mobile gamers. Social mobile games, strategy games as well as casino games are also highly preferred in different countries around the world and are therefore among some of the most preferred mobile games around the world.

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