
《白雪公主与七个小矮人》大概是80年前迪斯尼出品的第一部完整的成功动画电影。从那时起,美国公司一直主导着全球动画电影产业。直到20世纪90年代,华特·迪士尼一直是动画行业无可争议的领导者。然而,在那之后,环球影业、皮克斯、梦工厂动画、蓝天影业和索尼影业都进入了联盟,彻底改变了动画电影产业。有了这么大的专业管理的公司,好莱坞从来没有受到来自美国以外公司的任何激烈竞争。英国和法国的动画作品多年来都是充满活力的,但是由于他们的观众都是国内的,所以这些国家不得不面对有限的财政前景(Cain, 2015)。然而,对美国动画电影产业构成严重威胁的国家是日本。日本动漫产业始于1917年左右,近年来取得了长足的发展(Yasuo, 2013)。美国动画产业的增长确实是惊人的,但是日本动画电影产业的发展是巨大的,他们的动画电影在国内和全球都获得了巨大和意想不到的份额(Sanders, 2017)。本ps代写-日本动漫对美国动画电影产业的影响研究的意义在于找出日本动画电影市场崛起的原因及其对美国最大的动画产业的影响。研究将提供与电影产业相关的事实和数据,并在此基础上得出结论。

This study will have a detailed description and evaluation of both the selected film industry. The first chapter will be the background and introduction about the topic and its overall significance. The paragraph will explain why the study is important for the future learners and researchers. This section of the research will include all theoretical work take from various texts and previous research articles. The complete hypothesis of the study will be framed in this section so that readers can understand the relevance of the study and they can learn useful facts about the western and eastern animation industries.
The second chapter will be the literature review. As name suggests, this chapter will include the review of all the texts read by the researcher for the study. This is a theory part, but it is not just the summary of the entire text read. The section will state various theories and views related to the research topic given by different scholars and experts. The section will contain what the early researchers think about the evolution and progress of both the animation industries and how their views differ or match with each other. However, finally, the researcher will follow the strongest argument of all and continue the review in the light of that argument. The study will follow an induction approach through content analysis. It will review various academic tests on Western and Eastern film animations recently. For that reason, the study will be based upon textual analysis.
Third chapter will be the research methodology. This section describes the research philosophy and research procedures used to conduct the research. It lets the researchers and scholars to know about the suitability of the methodology employed in relation to the community of academics to which this particular study belongs. As mentioned above, this study will be based on content and text analysis. Hence, it will use the secondary data collection method (Sani Cln, 2013). All the data will be collected through the case studies. For evaluating the evolution and development of American animated industry, the Snowhite and Seven Dwarfs will be studied, while for Japanese animation, the famous Doraemon will be studied. The animation effects, the techniques and tools, the type of audience and the market share of both the animated programs will be studied in detail to conclude how both the industries are different.
Fourth section of the study will be the data analysis and discussion. This section will include the complete analysis of the data collected in the previous methodology section. On the basis of the data and the facts and figures collected from various texts, a comparative analysis of American and Japanese animation industry will be provided. This comparative study will answer all the research questions mentioned in the previous sections. The analysis will fulfil the objectives of the study.
Fifth section will include recommendation and conclusion section. The researcher will recommend the changes required for the development of both Western and Eastern the animation industries, if any, on the basis of the analysis of both the industries, given in the previous sections of the study. These recommendations will be in general to make the study fruitful for the animation industry people and the people concerned with this study. The conclusion will be drawn according to all the sections and the answers of the research questions.

Japanese anime started in 1917, when there was still the time of quiet/mute movies—through learning from the excerpts of already established markets of animation in US and France. Individuals began discussing the high calibre of Japanese “manga movies”. However, Japanese anime were costlier to create as compared to animated films in West and were eclipsed by the notoriety of Disney kid’s shows. They confronted a daunting struggle from the beginning (Kim, 2013).
Something that helped them discover their specialty was anime creation for advertising and reputation battles by open establishments. Local anime generation was starting to build up a little yet strong establishment when Tokyo and the encompassing region endured cataclysmic harm in 1923 by Great Kanto Earthquake. The anime business was compelled to begin once again starting with no outside help (Lahiri, 2014).
The importance of this study is to evaluate the impact of Japanese animated film industry on the world animation industry and how the Japanese industry is different from American industry from evolution till now.

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