


这将有助于北京和中国其他城市立即大幅减少空气污染问题(绿色和平组织)。绿色和平组织在中国不同地区,特别是北京和其他污染城市开展了寻找替代能源以替代煤炭的活动(Vautard, R, P Yiou and G, J Van Oldenborgh)。由于煤炭的燃烧会在空气中增加大量的颗粒物,这些颗粒物会导致中国人民患上几种呼吸道疾病和其他严重疾病(经济117)。但在2015年12月7日,学校被关闭,人们限制旅行通过北京路作为城市覆盖着厚厚的毯子的烟雾和政府试图保护约2100万人的不良影响空气污染(索科洛林和29)。

空气的清洁度是通过大气中存在的一种微小污染颗粒(也称为pm2.5)来测量的。根据世界卫生组织,任何个人暴露在PM2.5水平高于25的空气中超过24小时都是潜在的危险(J. Lin, et al . 1736)。北京市超过美国国际环境保护署规定的可接受的污染标准;(Rohde, R.和Muller, R.)极端的空气污染也会导致发育迟缓或神经认知障碍(Vautard, R., P Yiou and G, J Van Oldenborgh)。有证据表明,空气污染也可能导致儿童肥胖。也有人指出,接触有毒空气污染物的儿童可能在学习中表现不佳,更有可能有较差的学业成绩。


This will help Beijing as well as other cities of China to drastically reduce the air pollution issues immediately (Greenpeace). There have been campaigns conducted by Greenpeace in different parts of China especially in Beijing and other polluted cities of the country to look for alternative sources of energy as a replacement for coal (Vautard, R, P Yiou and G, J Van Oldenborgh). Since burning of coals add a huge quantity of particulate matter in the air which is responsible for several respiratory disease and other severe ailments among the Chinese people (Economy 117). But in the year 2015 on December 7th, schools were closed and people were restricted for travelling via road as the city of Beijing was covered with a thick blanket of smog and the government tried to protect approximately 21 million people from the ill effects of air pollution (Socolow and Lam 29).

The cleanliness of air is measured by the help of a pollution particle microscopic in size also known as PM 2.5 which is present in the atmospheric air (Gao). According to WHO, any individual exposed for more than 24 hours to air having PM2.5 level higher than 25 is potentially hazardous (J. Lin, et al 1736). The city of Beijing exceeds the acceptable standard of pollution set by the International Environmental Protection Agency, US; thus making the city unfit for its citizens to leave in or they are surviving in a condition which is dangerous to their health (Rohde, R. and Muller, R). Exposure to extreme air pollution also causes developmental delay or neuro-cognitive hindrances (Vautard, R, P Yiou and G, J Van Oldenborgh). There are evidences that air pollution might also contribute towards obesity in children. It has also been stated that children exposed to toxic air pollutants might perform badly in studies and are more likely to have an inferior academic records.