

  Same-sex marriage used to be illegal in Vietnam without the recognition of same-sex union in any other form. There was repealing of past laws as per various forms of cohabitation under the approval of new marriage law in 2000 by the parliament. In the year 2012 in Ha Tien, a gay couple conducted a public traditional wedding but faced major restrictions from the local authorities. There was wide reporting of this event on the media of Vietnam which further initiated major debate on the problem. However, in 2015, the communist party of Vietnam lifted the ban over same-sex marriage (Biblarz and Savci, 2010). So the text analyse in Vietnam is “marriage legally”.

  As reflected in figure 1, the issue of the same-sex marriage is known for having a diversified potential due to its threat from both parties of the debate even if others do not show major concern regarding the same. While some debate that same-sex marriage is fundamental to nature’s form, others believe that it is strongly concerned with the literal welfare of children and future generations which is under the “values” of religion. For those who practically support the change as reflected in figure 1, same-sex marriage should be equal and regard the provision of a basic human right. In Australia, Senator Katy Gallagher states that there are no arguments rationally or reasonably for the opposition of marriage equality in same-sex people (Adut, 2012).

  Unlike some states of Australia where vindictive politicians want to stop payments for any official certifying such marriages, the political class of Vietnams has considerably given a response of collective shrug. As far as same-sex couples are refrained from denouncing the communist party of Vietnam as reflected in the above figure, they are not bothered much. There is still no complete endorsement of same-sex marriage in Vietnam. Different from normal couples, who have legal protection with rights dictated for assets and additional lawful perks, there is no full recognition of same-sex marriage in accordance with traditional weddings and marriages. It is also worth noting that Vietnamese are atheists and same-sex couples tend to fear their parents than god (Butler, 2014). Hence, there is a huge impact of family pressures in Vietnam and many homosexuals live a fake life as heterosexuals in order to avoid being a disappointment for the family by concealing their actual romantic interests. Complete legalization of same-sex marriage with benefits similar to that of straight marriages can be expected in the future of Vietnam. It becomes extremely fundamental after navigation but there is no assurance with concerned supportive people and human beings displayed (House, 2016). Therefore, the acceptance of homosexuality considers connoting assistance and safety by using the tool for navigating discovered undertaking with the cautious requirement. However, the problem is inclusive of distinctly divergent beliefs regarding the marriage relationship and so these cannot be recognized. Therefore, there is an involvement of simple issues on private opinion.

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