
  本篇商业论文代写-Lululemon面临的国际扩张挑战,不同国家的社会文化框架对Lululemon在这些地区宣传和销售瑜伽服装构成了挑战。一个国家保守的社会和文化背景可能不会有大量的瑜伽爱好者,这将减少公司的目标客户细分(Solarina, 2013)。不同国家使用的语言是营销沟通过程中的一个问题。由于公司的营销策略侧重于基层推广和口碑营销,可以认为与国外客户的沟通将是一个挑战。瑜伽服装的高价和在国外市场的缺乏也是一个主要问题,因为有其他优质品牌以更低的价格提供高质量的瑜伽服装。此外,耐克、阿迪达斯等品牌的全球存在,导致主导市场份额在国际市场(Solarina, 2013)。接下来为同学们分享商业论文代写-Lululemon面临的国际扩张挑战。

  The Company must effectively identify strategies to diversify into other product segment which can offer different apparels to a larger market base rather than a niche market.

  It must undertake research and developmental activities more proactively to implement cost effective technologies so that the production costs can be reduced and competitive pricing strategies can be adopted to apparel products for selling to larger buyer base.

  The Company currently provides yoga apparels to the female customers aged between 15-65 years. However, it is recommended that the Company must also create yoga apparels for male customers. This will increase the customer size and also help in reaching larger target audiences.

  It is required that before tapping into the international markets, Lululemon must undertake large scale environmental analysis and scanning to strategically decide upon profitability and viability of the business proposition.

  Lululemon has been successful in creating a strong sales and demand for its yoga apparels. The business enterprise has adopted unique and differentiated business strategies which have enabled in gaining profitability. The essay has focussed on providing an insight into the strategic management processes adopted by the Company. A strategic evaluation of the internal and external environment of the Company has provided an overview of the underlying strengths and competencies of the Company. However, the firm suffers from certain drawbacks which have resulted in inability to actively enter into the foreign markets.

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