


利益相关者理论和程序正义理论被用于理解组织中的伦理决策。利益相关者理论要求公司在做出任何决策时都要考虑到所有的利益相关者(Freeman, 1998)。因此,在考虑位置问题的情况下,例如,公司可能更喜欢对他们来说成本更低的决策。然而,在该地点建立公司可能会阻碍其他利益相关者,因此根据利益相关者理论,有必要考虑对每个人的影响。其次,在程序正义的语境中,组织决策需要以协商公平的方式进行。

在相互竞争的价值观和伦理冲突的背景下,有必要考虑并采取措施,确保每个人都能做出公平的决定。这里必须考虑决策的观念、价值和后果(Freeman, 1998)。虽然可能没有明确的方法来建立利益相关者如何排名优先在组织内的人力资源以外的组织或组织等社会商业运作,它仍然需要做一些努力确保每个人都公平的决策和在这样做时,道德保存。


Stakeholder theory and Procedural Justice Theories are used in the understanding of ethical decision making in the organization. The stakeholder theory requires that in the making of any decision the company should consider all stakeholders (Freeman, 1998). Therfore, in the case of considering the location issues, the company might for instance prefer a decision that is more cost effective for them. However, establishing the company in that location might hinder other stakeholders and according to the stakeholder theory hence it is necessary to consider the impact to everybody. Secondly, in the case of the procedural justice’s context, organization decision making is required to work in such a way that a deliberative fairness is induced in the process.

In the context of competing values and ethical conflicts, it is necessary to consider and take up the step that will guarantee a fair decision to everybody. Perceptions, values and consequences of decision making must be considered here (Freeman, 1998). While there might be no clear cut way to establish how to rank the priorities of stakeholders within the organization as in the human resources of the organization or outside the organization such as the society in which the business operates in, it is still necessary to make some effort towards ensuring as much fairness in decision making to everybody and when this is done, ethics is kept.