


最著名的是吉米·克罗斯的《单恋》。泰德·拉文德是这支部队中第一个在战争中牺牲的人。有人提到拉文德在危险的丛林中携带的镇静剂和麻醉剂。它象征着拉文德试图解决毒品问题(Bloom 23)。这些是士兵们的一些负担。他们每个人都试图以一种复杂的情感来处理他们的战争事件。战争事件给士兵们造成了伤亡。克罗斯无法控制自己对玛莎的白日梦,有时会对周围发生的事情浑然不觉。这可以从Lee Struck在Than Khe隧道中搜索的例子中看出。克罗斯迷失在自己的白日梦里。在斯特伦克从隧道里出来的关键时刻,拉文德被枪杀。在这次不幸事件的余波中,这些人坐在一起,通过吸食毒品来讨论事件。
在等待直升机的过程中,克罗斯似乎又一次滑入了玛莎的梦中。在这个时候,他觉得拉文德的死是可以避免的,如果他能更多地意识到这些人身上发生的事情。每个团队成员都试图从不同的角度来看待拉文德的死亡。克罗斯选择站在拉文德的死是他的错的立场上。他觉得自己本应该在事件发生的过程中一直保持警惕和精神状态。拉文德的死可能与十字架的迷恋有关,也可能无关。然而,克罗斯将这一不幸事件归咎于他假装的自满(Blyn 191)。战后,对玛莎的不满没有得到回应。当他遇到奥布赖恩时,他请他向玛莎称赞自己的表现。克罗斯的这一举动表明他仍然对玛莎有感情,想要得到她的欣赏和爱。克罗斯仍然爱着玛莎,对她也没有回报。


The most noted sentiment is the sentiment of unrequited love by Jimmy Cross. Ted Lavender is the first casualty of the war in this troop. There is mention of the tranquilizers and narcotics that Lavender was carrying in the perilous jungle. It symbolizes that Lavender was trying to handle a drug problem (Bloom 23). These were some of the burdens carried by the soldiers. Each of them were trying to handle the events of their war with a combination of emotions. Events of the war were taking a toll on the soldiers. They had to deal with their emotional issues and tangible threats .Cross was not able to control day dreaming about Martha and at times became oblivious to the events surrounding him. This was seen in the instances where Lee Struck was searching in the tunnels of Than Khe. Cross was lost in his own day dreams. At the juncture where Strunk emerges from the tunnel, Lavender is shot to death. In the aftermath of this unfortunate event the men sit and discuss about the events by smoking dope.
During the wait for the helicopter, Cross again seems to slip into the dreaming of Martha. At this juncture he feels that the death of Lavender would be prevented if he was more aware of the events surmounting the men. Every team members tried to deal with the death of Lavender by looking at varied perspective. Cross chose to take a stand where Lavender’s death was his fault. He feels that he should have been mor vigil and mentally present during the course of events. The death of Lavender may or may not be related to the Cross’s infatuation. Nevertheless, Cross blamed his assumed complacency for the unfortunate event (Blyn 191). After the war, Cross feelings for Martha was not reciprocated. When he meets O’Brien he asks him to laud his performance to Martha. This action by Cross shows that he still has feelings for Martha and wants to gain her appreciation and love. Cross still loves Martha and has unreciprocated feelings towards her.