


公司的主要缺陷是董事的素质,董事虽然成功了,但是他们的背景不同,对公司的发展和对旅游公司的正确指导是不够的。董事没有任何旅游行业的经验,而且是本公司的新人,在为团队提供相关和必要的指导方面可能没有那么有用。高层管理薄弱,对组织及其商业模式缺乏足够的了解,团队的结果显然会转化为较弱的绩效和整体缺乏成为旅游业领导者的动力(Pugh & Mayle, 2009)。董事会成员必须能够为公司增加价值,而不是仅仅因为他们在不同领域的成就或拥有良好的过往经验而进入董事会。因此,董事会成员的选择是一个大问题,它不能指导团队以一种将使公司成为探险旅行领导者的方式工作。另外,财务业绩显示销售在逐渐增长,但净利润却在定期下降,说明成本因素在增长,或者无法控制成本的上升。

当成本上升,利润也必须上升,以保持底线的可持续和积极(Pettinger, 2002),这是可能的创新和智能营销,带来利润的核心专业知识或销售他们最好的产品。管理费用预计每年都在上升,这可能会扼杀利润的产生,给企业提高销售和利润的愿望带来更大压力。培训三名导游导游经验不足的导游,使其成为更有经验和经验丰富的旅游专业人员,提高服务水平。有三名员工,布朗尼,蒂娜和安德鲁,他们在旅游指南方面有非常丰富的经验,他们必须被提升为全职员工,而不是合同。理想情况下,任何企业都必须雇佣最优秀的人才,以便在不超出成本的情况下实现最大的生产力和组织目标。


The primary flaw in the company is the quality of directors which, though successful, are coming from different backgrounds which do not suffice to the progress and appropriate guidance to the travel company. The directors without any experience in the travel industry and are new to the company, may not be as useful in providing relevant and essential guidance to the team. The top management being weak and not possessing enough knowledge about the organisation and its business model, the results of the team will apparently convert into a weaker performance and overall lack of motivation to be a leader in the travel industry (Pugh & Mayle, 2009). The board members must be able to add value to the company and not just be on the board for their achievement in a different field or having a good past experience. Thus, the selection of board members is a big problem which does not direct the team to work in a way which will make the company a leader in adventure travel. In addition, the financial performance says that the sales are growing gradually but the net profit is declining on a regular basis, indicating the growth of the cost factor or its inability to control the rising cost.

When the cost goes up, the profit must go up as well so as to keep the bottom line sustainable and positive (Pettinger, 2002), which is possible with innovative and smart marketing, bringing in profits from their core expertise or selling their best products. The overheads are seen to be rising every year and this is probably killing the profit generation and putting more pressure on the business’ desire to improve its sales and profits. The three tour guides who have low experience in guiding are to be trained to become more experienced and seasoned travel professionals so as to improve the service standard. There are three employees, Brownie, Tina, and Andrew who have very high to high experience in travel guides and they must be promoted to full time employees and not be kept on contract. Ideally, any business must hire the best of talents so that it produces maximum productivity and the organisational objectives are easily achieved without any cost overrun.