



Significantly, in a justified war, individuals are categorized into civilians and combatants. In the new era, there has been an increase in the number of people that undertake attack on civil people and militaries. Therefore, a new class has emerged with regard to unlawful combatants. These unlawful combatants are also governed under international humanitarian law. This law is just one of the tools used for regulating the behaviour of humans no law branch whether domestic or global, can be considered to regulate a specific process as complicated as some kind of violence. While International humanitarian law (IHL) has its aim on circumscribing specific behaviour within armed conflict, there still always exists a state, non-state armed groups and people who cannot be deterred from rules violation, disregard the involved penalty. The suicide attacks increase targets civilians internally and externally to armed conflict within or external to armed conflict which is simply a present case in consideration. In brief, this law, if depended upon as the only tool to eliminate or remove violence, needs to be acknowledged to have certain limits. Politics, economics, societies, cultures and other related factors that impact human behaviour just as decisive needs also to take it under consideration, when solutions comprehensively have to be contemplated to any violence forms. IHL is a uniform law which various countries are following in order to make sure that the act of armed forces is regulated during armed conflict times.
As per this law, the nations can be characterized into distinct categories inclusive of confronting nations, neutral nations and non-combatants. This is the main reason for IHL development. Such laws are governed through regulations and policies that are set through Hague convention, International treaties of Geneva Convention signed between nations and also laws that are standardized. International treaties that were signed between 1899 and 1907 are those included within Hague convention. Internationally, there does not exist any legal rule that can state suicide attacks as not legal. A suicide attack, on theoretical basis can meet every requirement needed for the same to remain as legal under IHL. For instance, suicide attacks would be regarded as legal when the force use could be distinguished between combatants and civilians and when doing this, the target was only at combatants. Theoretically, as such, they can only be proportionate in nature. But most of the suicidal bombings seen today such as in Iraq and Pakistan, they are neither proportionate in nature nor is their target at combatants and as such they cause a violation to a number of international legislations. Therefore, this paper has been prepared in order to analyse legally the unlawful combatants that indulge in suicidal attacks under IHL.