标签存档: 爱尔兰留学常识







Kalavrezou (1997) made a grand effort in describing the wealth of fashion objects made of gold, silver, pearl, silk, ivory, and semiprecious and precious stones. He made special mention of the Byzantine era during which the objects made resembled the visual vocabulary used by the people of those times. The objects made during the period were unique in their appeal and embedded the cultural values and beliefs that were dominantly practiced by the Byzantine city.

The decoration of the objects, the mythology flavour displayed through various figurines and the ornamental designs on the objects were not different from the culture practiced, hence they were an upfront expression of the mental energies of the people trying to communicate a special message to the masses. The objects as noticed were specially carved with multiple materials so as to make its duplication difficult and the message is clearer than verbal communication. Transmitting a sublime message through these objects was one of the prime purposes of fashion objects analysed. The objects specified the Roman culture which was the predominant culture in Byzantine era.





在1932年的选举中,共和党候选人之一h·胡佛当选,他创造了多种形式的救济方案(Irwin 17-28)。在1933年罗斯福担任总统后,他的自信和乐观的天性促成了新政的形成。新政的提出是为了发展一种不同形式的社会和经济方案。然而,人们注意到新政的进程是非常缓慢的,它需要几代人来从社会和政治问题中恢复过来。


During 1929, the collapse of the stock market generated Great Depression on a global perspective and US had suffered adversely for this reason. Apart from that, the other issues faced by the Americans during that era were the shaky political framework that had lasted for 3-4 years. The wealth in most of the cases was controlled by few political leaders and at that time the banks were unable to work properly and thus there had existed a public failure.

In the election of 1932, one of the republican candidates namely H. Hoover was selected and he created numerous forms of relief programmes (Irwin 17-28). After that in 1933, when Roosevelt undertakes the Presidential hold, his nature of confidence and optimism led to the formation of the New Deal. New Deal was introduced with a vision to develop a different form of the social as well as the economic programmes. However, it was observed that the process of New Deal was very slow by nature and it took generations to recover from the social and political problems.



2007年至2008年的金融危机被称为全球金融危机。它也被认为是20世纪30年代以后影响世界市场的最严重的危机。2007年,美国市场发生了次贷危机。2008年9月15日,雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)倒闭,引发了国际银行业危机。银行已经承担了过多的风险,这加剧了全球危机。


大规模的救助,缓和的货币和财政政策影响了世界金融体系。这场危机是由经济衰退导致的大萧条造成的。在此之后,欧元区受到了危机的影响。这场危机被认为是一场全球性的危机,影响了整个世界(Goodhart, 2008)。这影响了各个家庭在不同的领域。类似的影响在英国也得到了响应。


The financial crisis in 2007 to 2008 is known as the global financial crisis. It is also considered to be the worst crisis to impact the world markets after 1930s. In 2007, there was a crisis in the subprime mortgage in the American Markets. This became an international banking crisis with the collapse of the Lehman Brothers on 15th September 2008. There was excessive risk that the banks had taken and this has amplified into a global crisis.

There were massive bailouts, palliative monetary and fiscal policies that have impacted the world financial system. The crisis was caused by the economic downturn which leads into great recession. Subsequent to this, the Euro zone was affected by the crisis. This crisis was considered to be a global crisis that had impact across the world (Goodhart, 2008). This affected the individual families in different ways across the spectrum. Similar impacts were echoed in the United Kingdom as well.



《跨太平洋伙伴关系协定》(Trans-Pacific Partnership,简称tpp)将为澳大利亚的投资者、农民和制造品开辟新的市场。降低贸易壁垒将有利于亚太地区采矿设备、物流、工程、教育和金融服务提供商。澳大利亚的奶农可以通过费城的港口向美国出售奶酪和黄油。除此之外,澳大利亚每年还可以向美国出售65000吨糖。澳大利亚的红肉部门将受益于市场准入的改善。加拿大、新加坡、日本、美国和澳大利亚等国的劳动力成本相对较高。在这些国家,TPP允许制造业获得廉价劳动力,并为其商品和服务增加价值。


较高的技术和原材料将继续在较富裕的国家制造,但在其他国家的成本较低(Peiris, 2015)。例如,美国、日本和澳大利亚的高质量技术和原材料的制造商将最终受益于最终消费者,因为现在生产的总成本可以在低工资和高工资的选择之间混合。澳大利亚政府将在经济相当开放的情况下接受来自TPP国家的高质量产品。除了农业以外,主要的受益者将是采矿设备、天然气和石油到北美和文莱。澳大利亚和美国可以在胡志明市、河内或马来西亚的任何一个经济加工区发展跨太平洋贸易投资和战略。国内组织将从国际市场的竞争中获益。


The Trans-Pacific Partnership will open new markets for investors, farmers and manufactured goods in Australia. The lowering of trade barriers will benefit the service providers of mining equipment, logistic, engineering, education and finance in the Asia Pacific region. The dairy farmers of Australia will be able to sell cheese and butter to the United States through the port of Philadelphia. Apart from this, Australia would be able to sell 65,000 tons sugar a year, to the United States. The red meat sector of Australia will be benefited from improved market access. The labour costs in the countries such as Canada, Singapore, Japan, the United States and Australia are relatively high. In these countries, TPP allows the manufactures to acquire cheap labour and add value to their goods and services.

Higher technologies and raw materials will continue to be manufacture in wealthier nations, but processing will be accomplished at lower costs in other countries (Peiris, 2015). For example, American, Japanese and Australian manufactures of high-quality technologies and raw materials will ultimately benefit the end consumers as the total cost of production can now be mixed between low and high wage cost options. The government of Australia will accept high quality products from TPP countries as the economy is quite open. Apart from the agriculture industry, the main beneficiaries would be mining equipment, gas and oil to North America and Brunei. Australia and America can develop a Trans-Pacific Processing investment and strategy in Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi or any one of the economic processing zones in Malaysia. The domestic organizations will be benefited from the competition in the international market.

personal statement代写:货币与医疗

personal statement代写:货币与医疗

在《国际货币基金组织贷款对健康结果的影响》(the Effects of International Monetary Fund Loans on Health Outcomes)中,梅根•默里(Megan Murray)和加里•金(Gary King)指出,这些问题与国际货币基金组织(IMF)制定的医疗改革政策有关。这些政策的实施导致了宏观经济的变化,减少了收入,同时也增加了商品的价格(Murray & King, 2008)。对结构调整方案的需要在此分析中已经讨论过。

personal statement代写:货币与医疗


personal statement代写:货币与医疗

In the article “The Effects of International Monetary Fund Loans on Health Outcomes” by Megan Murray and Gary King, the issues identified are regarding the healthcare establishment policies by the IMF. The implementation of the policies leads to the creation of the macroeconomic changes which reduce the income and also increase the prices of the goods (Murray & King, 2008). The need for the structural adjustment programs” has been discussed in this analysis.

personal statement代写:货币与医疗
The need to redress the issues and the need to have more regulated environments are discussed. The article discusses about the need for fiscal austerity and the requirement to removing of barriers of international trade and increase in the privatization are discussed in this analysis (Estrada et al., 2017). From a personal standpoint, this seems to be the need for the current situation. There must be a balance between the governmental spending and increasing of the trade. The reduction of the barriers must be a sensible approach. A fair and balanced system is needed to address this issue.



经济概念的分工把它看作是一个经济概念,它意味着生产过程划分不同的阶段,使工人的注意力分散,并保持对特定角色的集中。从经济学的角度来看,当工人们关注于生产的一个小要素时,考虑到足够的质量和产量(Berkman et al., 2014),整体效率会提高。亚当•斯密(Adam Smith)提出了这一概念,他认为,当工人们分开时,生产效率会提高,并提供不同的角色。


从社会学的观点来看,对迪尔凯姆的劳动分工在很大程度上受到了8月份Comte的影响。社会对分工的看法依赖于两种团结形式和社会一致性。原始社会在本质上是节段性的,由机械团结和现代社会构成,构成了社会分化的有机团结(Bowring, 2016)。因此,在集体协商一致的基础上,劳动分工被认为是社会一致的。


The division of labour from the economic conception considers it as an economic concept that implies production process division across variety of stages for segregating the focus of workers and maintaining the concentration on the specific roles. It is considered from the economic perspective that when the workers focus on one small element of the production, the overall efficiency increases given that adequate quality and volume are produced (Berkman et al., 2014). The concept was argued by Adam Smith on the manner in which production efficiencies enhance when the workers split up and are provided with distinct roles.

The division of labour from the sociological conception as per Durkheim is considerably influenced by August Comte. The social view on division of labour relies on the two solidarity forms and the social coherence. The primitive society were segmental in nature and consisted of mechanical solidarity and the modern societies comprise of the organic solidarity which brings social differentiation (Bowring, 2016). Therefore, the division of labour is considered socially coherent on the basis of collective consensus.





投资支出的波动性大于消费者支出,因为投资支出是在住房、食品和其他公用事业等必需品上进行的。因此,这一段是可自由支配的,且波动性更大。波动性指的是一个人手里握着的钱的时间,这是Currie (2016, p.62)所评论的。因此,很明显,在必要的部门中,资金总是在滚动,因为这个部门为客户提供了必要的商品。


The principle of effective demand is the key factor to the Keyney’s theory of employment. In a capitalist economy, effective demand is measured by the level of employment. Aggregate effective demand denotes to the total demand for goods and services in an economy. Therefore, the total demand for goods and services also refers to the total demand for investment and consumption as suggested by Keynes (2016, p. 43). Therefore, it can be said that the aggregate effective can be met through producing all kinds of goods, both consumption goods and investment goods.

Volatility of investment spending is more than consumer spending because the investment spending is done on necessities such as housing, food and other utilities. Therefore, this segment is discretionary and more volatile. Volatility refers to the time of money one holds in hands, as commented by Currie (2016, p.62). Thus, it is clear that in necessary sectors, money is always rolling because this sector provides the customer with necessary commodities.













近来爱尔兰签证方针方面,有些大学现已在详细实施的进程中跟相关部分有所联络,方针上有所倾向,比方:凡获得爱尔兰大学学位(包含学士、硕士和博士) 的我国留学生可再连续2年学生签证,在此期间答应在爱尔兰境内找作业,作业满4年后将获取爱尔兰长时间居留权。现在这一方针现已进入评论期间,而有些技能短 缺职业的毕业生现已享用到了这一方针的优惠,例如软件产业、医疗保护、修建等专业。

爱尔兰政府是想经过方针上的优惠招引那些真实想要去爱尔兰学习的优秀学生。比方签证方面就现已获得实质上的发展,别的,爱尔兰方面关于我国留学生的允 许借款及找作业的方针,一方面能够给予留学生一些作业经验,别的一方面也能够在经济上得到必定的弥补,以便他们非常好地完成学业。


绿卡请求六个月的逗留期满后,国家学生能够请求爱尔兰绿卡(green Card)或作业答应(Work Permit)。请求爱尔兰绿卡的条件是:年薪收入在6万欧元以上的一切职业从业的外籍人士或年收入在3万至6万欧元之间的一些爱尔兰紧缺职业(例如 IT,医疗与清洁,工程,金融效劳,教育等)的外籍人员。初次签发的绿卡有效期可长达两年,到期后延期或请求爱尔兰持久居民。






爱尔兰与英国相邻,教育体制也基本相同,学校多数都历史悠久,教学及科研水平世界一流,再加上爱尔兰还有醉人的美景,去爱尔兰留学的同学自然也不少。如果能申请到奖学金,留学生活就更完美了,高阶 爱尔兰论文代写网的小编来为同学们介绍下爱尔兰大学的奖学金情况。
爱尔兰在留学生的奖学金方面并不小气,只需学生真实优异并且有学习的意向,获得奖学金不是一件艰难的事。爱尔兰教育部、国立大学都会给留学生供给奖学金,比方University of Limerick为优异的留学生每年供给最低人民币5000元、最高20000元的奖学金,并且这个方针会一向延续下去。Griffith College Dublin为不一样成果的学生供给不一样金额的奖学金。假如高考分数到达二批本科录取线,雅思成果到达5.5分,每年可获得1000欧元的奖学金。雅思成果到达6.0分,每年可获得3000欧元的奖学金。爱尔兰考克大学,为到该校攻读理工科专业的大学预科班学生供给每年4000欧元的奖学金。





