标签存档: 爱尔兰论文代写



在我上大学之前,我认为文化是人们谈论的关于他们的种族,他们的背景等等,但是我没有看到文化是如何转化成一个机构的。或者一个机构可以有自己的文化因为它的协议,规则,组织事物的方式等等。“大学是具有独特文化的复杂社会组织。一方面,学术自由和自主性是不可侵犯的价值观,另一方面,不断变化的环境条件对大学的基本功能产生了强烈的影响。本文分析了大学文化适应这些变化的能力,并描述了反映大学特定文化的管理方法”(Sporn, 1992,第32页)。我相信我的大学有着复杂的文化。它已经存在多年了,并且已经看到许多学生来自不同的背景。大学内的正规教育过程以及大学内和网络上所有其他非正式的互动方式都是这种文化创造的产物。




Prior to my University education, I believed that culture was what one talked about with respect to their ethnicity, their background and more, but I did not see the connection of how culture would translate onto an institution. Or that an institution could have its own culture because of its protocols, rules, way of organizing things and more. “Universities are complex social organizations with distinctive cultures. On the one hand, academic freedom and autonomy are inviolable values, and on the other hand, changing environmental conditions exert strong influence on the primary functions of universities. This paper analyzes the ability of university cultures to adapt to these changes and describes management approaches that mirror the specific culture of a university” (Sporn, 1992, p. 32).I believe that my University has a complex culture. It has been in existence for years now and has seen many student population from very diverse backgrounds. Both the formal educational processes within the University and all other informal ways of interactions within the University and online are an output of this cultural making.

The first time I became aware of University culture was in knowing its history and traditions. History and traditional values of one’s ethnicity are usually respected as the culture of the person and their family. In a similar way, the stores associated with the university, some of the practices and customs of the University become the culture of the University. I came to understand and respect only when I was already a year with my University. Some of the University protocols came to be valued as traditions not only because they did not change over the years, but because of the value it adds. For instance, the new student orientation in the University is like any other, but there are some ways that the University differs from another, and I was able to appreciate it better when I volunteered for orientation programs in the second year. The University education believes in creating the curiosity in students to learn. This is more of creating learners rather than only just teaching. I believe that this creates better learners as the student would be on a lifelong quest for information and knowledge.






Japanese and Chinese films are one of the largest films making industry in the current times. They both had inception of film around 1896s. Selling films in a transnational market .Hollywood movies are received across cultures and accepted into the mainstream of many cultures. This is because of the confluence of creativity, interesting ways of storytelling made up by the executives of each studio. Amid this growth of these movies, it had affected the indigenous film studios such as film industry in Japan and China. It was found that in the earlier part of the 20th century, the movies from China and Japan were mainly propaganda movies that each had a specific message. These movies were created primarily to cause social awareness.

The people started to develop interest towards the Hollywood movies owing to the entertainment factors. In the 1980s in China, there was a growing middle class. The movie studios in these nations started to make movies to penetrate into the second third tier cities of China. There was increased importance given to creation of movies based on demography. Chinese movie makers started to focus on the Hollywood industry and focused on developing technical aspects of the movies. In the Japanese markets, they started to focus on International expansion to increase film sales and distribution. The Japanese market was limited and an aging population. Owing to this, they had started to focus on the international movies. They provided with specific anime movies to increase distribution.







Volkswagen (VW) is the second largest vehicle maker in the world in 2014 According to Statista (n,d), VW’s global market share reached 11.36 percent in 2003, in recent year, the VW had a global market share of 13.55 percent in 2014, which is a highest global market share in global vehicle manufacturers rank. The sales of their vehicle are never drop off since 2002. Before the scandal, VW became the representation of Germany vehicle, also reflect the Germany quality. However, in September, 2015, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) found that many Volkswagen cars being sold in America had being installed a software which is called “defeat device”, it can help VW diesel engines pass the emissions tests in the US.

Pass the emissions tests by cheating means the emission of VW’s diesel vehicle is excessive, the car will emit much more pollutions which damage the environment, ironically, the selling points of VW’s diesel vehicle is environmental friendly. The EPA define that there will be 482,000 cars in US have been installed this “defeat device”, those car are include VW’s sub-brand such as Audi. After that, VW admitted that there will be 11 million cars in the world which include this “defeat device”.After the scandal, the global sales of VW have drop off two percent in 2015. We all know scandal will impact organization sales, but what is the main element of the scandal that impact the sales. This research aims to find out what is VW’s credibility after the scandal. The review literature is regarding what is organization’s credibility. Ohanian’s (1990) Source Credibility Scale will be used to analysis the credibility of customers.


傳統的集體談判包括僱員工會和雇主代表的談判,他們的談判團隊多次開會討論工資、工作時間以及工人工作的條件。例如,工會可能會提議工人工資增加8%,而雇主只會增加4%,談判將繼續下去,直到雙方達成最終協議。相比之下,基於利益的討價還價涉及到雙方的利益和目的,涉及到所有的影響因素。這是一種雙贏的局面,傳統的討價還價是一種敵對的過程,與個人利益的實現有關,而不考慮對其他實體的影響。勞資衝突表明兩個實體之間的利益衝突或利益衝突,即僱員和雇主之間的利益衝突。他們可以是各種類型的,其中之一就是罷工。當雇主和僱員就某一問題發生衝突時,工人們會進行罷工,要求接受他們的提議或協商,直到罷工繼續(Rasmussen, 2004)。




Traditional collective bargaining involves the negotiations of an employee union and the employer represented by their negotiating teams who meet multiple times to discuss wages, number of hours worked for, and the conditions under which the workers will work. For example, a union may propose an 8% increment in the worker wages, whereas the employer offers about 4% increment, and the negotiations continues until a final agreement is reached by both. In contrast, interest based bargaining involves the consideration of the interest and purpose both parties pertaining to all factors of influence. This is a win-win situation model and the traditional bargaining is more of an adversarial process and linked with the fulfilment of personal interest irrespective of the impact on the other entity. Industrial conflicts indicate the disagreement or conflict of interest between two entities, namely, the employees and the employer. They can be of various types, one of which is strike. When there is a conflict between the employer and the employee regarding an issue, the workers go on strike and demand the acceptance of their proposition or negotiation until the strike continues (Rasmussen, 2004).

Another form is the lock-out used by the employer in case the employees do not accept an issue or a resolution and the employer keeping the factory shut until there is some agreement. Cornering the management of the factory is another form where the workers demand their rights or propositions, and threaten to hurt the management. There can be interest disputes over an issue, rights issues where some rights of the worker or management is not upheld and followed. According to Marxists, the employer can sustain without employees for a longer period than the employees can stay without work. The Marxists view the disparity of interest and personal motive between the employer and the employee as the primary reason for the rise of industrial conflicts. It is evident that the employers who want to reduce their costs will most likely pay less to employees and the employees who want to seek more pay from the employers fail to do so.


在1984年,Walter R. Fisher提出了一種新的範例,他對敘述修辭的使用進行了探索和強調。有一種觀點認為關於這種敘事範式的基本哲學似乎是本體論的,費雪認為它最終是包容而不是否認前面的。只要有新手和經驗者對其應用所尋求的限度,毫無疑問,敘事範式可以被認為是有影響的(Thanouli, 184)。這一範式受到了許多人的批評,因為它主要關注文本內現實的形成是如何通過使用關鍵事件和字符與敘述相關的。這種對修辭文本敘事特徵的深入研究,使批評家能夠發現、討論和評價文本中隱含價值的嵌入性。本文的目的在於界定經典敘事範式,同時考慮敘事建構的原則。基於這一討論,我們將對兩部電影進行分析,看看它們是如何挑戰或顛覆經典敘事範式下的傳統的。為此選擇的影片有《重慶森林》和《驚魂記》。


經典敘事範式可以被稱為一種理論,沃爾特·費雪(Walter Fisher)在20世紀首次提出,每一種理智的溝通都是一種提供事件或講故事報告的形式。考慮到對這一理論的理解,人類傾向於體驗和理解生活作為一系列連續的敘述,每一個都考慮自己的目的、中間、開始、人物和衝突(Hansen, 62)。根據這一理論,每一種形式的交流都可以被認為是塑造故事的性格、文化和歷史。然而,當敘事範式與維特根斯坦的“理論態度”(McClure, 210)所包含的概念短語對立時,在概念上可以被創造為“敘述態度”(the narratistic attitude)。敘事範式中最成問題的異常顯示出對傳統理性在批判性評估中所扮演的角色的關注。這個理論中引入的概念,即理性世界範式或理性邏輯,最終隨著時間的推移而改變,但仍然模棱兩可。


In the year 1984, a new paradigm was proposed by Walter R. Fisher that explored and emphasised on the use of narrative rhetorically. With an argument that the fundamental philosophy regarding this narrative paradigm appeared to be ontological, it was claimed by Fisher that it ended up subsuming instead of denying the preceding. Provided with the limit to which neophyte and experienced have sought on its application, without any doubt, the narrative paradigm can be considered as influential (Thanouli, 184). The paradigm has been criticized by many as it has key focus on how there formation of intra- textual reality is related to the account by employing the key events and characters. Such close research on the narrative features of rhetorical text tends to enable critics for uncovering, discussing and assessing the embedment of implicit values within the text. The aim of this essay focuses on defining classical narrative paradigm, while considering the principles of narrative construction. Based on this discussion, an analysis will be conducted for two films as to how they tend to be challenging or subverting the conventions underlying classical narrative paradigm. The films selected for this purpose are Chungking Express and Psycho.

The Classical Narrative Paradigm can be referred to as a theory, first introduced by Walter Fisher in the 20th century that every sensible communication is a form of providing a report of events or storytelling. Considering the perception of this theory, human beings tend to be experiencing and comprehending life as a number of continuous narratives, each considering its own end, middle, beginning, characters, and conflicts (Hansen, 62). According to this theory, each and every form of communication appealing to one’s reason can be viewed as shaping the stories by character, culture and history. However, the narrative paradigm may be coined conceptually as “the narratistic attitude” when its presentation is done as opposing to the conceptual phrase incorporated by Wittgenstein that is “the theoretical attitude” (McClure, 210). The most problematic anomaly within the narrative paradigm shows concern with the role played by traditional rationality in conducting assessment critically. The concepts introduced in this theory that is rational world paradigm or logic of reasons has ended up changing with time, while remaining ambiguous.



本文以罗技公司为例,从四个不同的问题出发,进行了案例分析。首先,分析了公司的核心竞争力、优势和能力以及风险。然后讨论了外部环境对公司的影响以及公司改变战略方向的需要。讨论了罗技的先发优势和收购策略,并对罗技的未来发展提出了建议。公司的内部优势、能力、核心竞争力和弱点,其主要的内部优势和声誉源于其在计算机外设领域的悠久历史。公司成立于1980年中期,以计算机鼠标的形式利用了新兴的技术机会。从电脑鼠标到产品,许多产品都做出了多样化的决定。Wagner & Hollenbeck(2014)认为,构成公司的人和他们的决定将增加公司的竞争优势。


随着时间的推移,战略和成功决策的历史增加了罗技在计算机和周边行业的声誉。第二个内部优势是公司的战略,生产一种基于市场需求的产品。80年代中期左右的市场被认为在鼠标上投入了大量资金(Hoffman, 2011)。鼠标实际上是一些电脑制造商如麦金塔电脑的标准设备。该公司认识到这一需求,并开始更多地生产这一单一产品。专注于一个市场上非常需要的单一产品,使罗技品牌传播得更快。正如Saeidi等人(2015)所指出的那样,人们会对品牌有更多的认识,品牌声誉也会增加,在这种情况下会产生持续的品牌优势。公司的内部环境也会受到这方面的影响,因为他们所生产的一种产品的学习环境得到了改善,这将是有益的。


A case study analysis of Logitech based on four different questions has been conducted in this essay. Primarily, the company’s core competencies, its strengths and capabilities are analysed along with its risks. The external environmental impact on the company and the need of the company to change its strategic direction is discussed then. Its first mover advantage and its acquisition strategy are discussed and recommendations are made for Logitech in order to plan for the future. Internal Strengths, Capabilities, Core competencies and Weaknesses .The company’s primary internal strength and reputation derives from the fact that it has a long history in providing computer peripherals in the industry. Established around the mid-1980 the company was represented to have taken advantage of the emerging technological opportunities in the form of the computer mouse. From the computer mouse as a product, decisions were made to diversify in terms of many product offerings. Wagner & Hollenbeck, (2014) argue that it’s the people who make up the company and their decisions that will add to the competitive advantage of the company.

Over time, the history of strategic and successful decisions has hence increase Logitech’s reputation in the computer and peripheral industry. The second internal strength was the company strategy towards manufacturing one product based on market need around the time. The market around the time the mid 1980’s was seen to be heavily invested on the mouse (Hoffman, 2011). The mouse was in fact made standard equipment for some of the computer manufacturers such as the Macintosh Computers. The company recognized this need and started manufacturing this single product more. Focusing on one single product for which there was heavy need in the market made the Logitech brand spread faster. People would have had more awareness of the brand and brand reputation would have increased, as Saeidi et al (2015) argues, a sustained brand advantage is created in such cases. The internal environment of the company would also have become influenced by this, as an improved learned environment with respect to the one product they manufactured would have been beneficial.



在本文中,我们将对巴黎恐怖袭击的主题——记忆、奇观和权力——以及这些主题之间如何以及是否存在关联进行分析。它可以被认为是一个有两种方式的过程,用骚乱作为一种来源来探索主题,就像用主题来讨论暴乱一样。与此相关的关键推理是,如果将记忆、奇观和权力视为常态化的过程,那么就会有一种不正常的事件发生,其中就有与主题相关的有效性度量(d’ancona 2013)。在这个例子中,我们认为归一化的过程是,这些因素往往共同作用于维持现状,这一点在本文的其他部分将会注意到。这篇文章的关键假设是,通过考虑这些因素如何做出关键的贡献,以及如何控制骚乱,而不考虑不同的工作方式,因为它们最终创造了一个由社会所经历的过程。这是由权力驱动的,在奇观的控制下,最终是记忆的延续。首先,重要的是要知道袭击是什么。在最初的场景中,2015年11月的巴黎恐怖袭击是由恐怖分子策划的一系列精心策划的袭击,这些恐怖分子与巴黎北郊的圣德尼(Saint- Denis)一起在巴黎发动袭击。


在2015年11月13日,有一个引人注目的三个自杀式炸弹袭击者从一句话CET(中央东部东京)开始,在圣丹尼斯,在法兰西大球场,紧随其后的是大规模枪击和自杀式炸弹袭击在音乐场所,餐厅和咖啡馆在巴黎的中心部分(勇和贝尔,2015)。攻击者最终杀死130人,其中包括89人在巴塔克莱恩剧院劫持人质与警察在订婚之前站——。它已经看到社会问题产生重大影响的青年,不平等,失业率和教育提供这些人的借口。抢劫训练员和电视可能不能被认为是对社会不公正的合理反应,但是,在这种情况下,在开始行动时可以认为是愤怒,而不是在它所做的事情的背景下。对不公平的权威的怨恨是对过去巴黎恐怖主义行为的驱动。从19世纪的爆炸事件,到20世纪的枪击事件,再到2010年以来的爆炸、枪击、刺杀、车辆撞击等事件,这些事件在历史上都很突出。这就确定了这篇文章要讨论的第一个因素,因为很明显,这些历史事件以及巴黎恐怖袭击都是由使用权力的机构发起的行动引发的(Norton和Thompson, 2015)。


In this essay, an analysis will be conducted for Paris Attacks with respect to the themes of memory, spectacle, and power along with how and if these themes have a link with one another. It can be considered as a process of two ways, with the riots utilized as a source to explore the themes as much as there is use of themes for the discussion of riots. The key reasoning related to this is that if one looks at memory, spectacle and power as the processes of normalization, there is acting of riots being an abnormal decidedly event in terms of which there is measurement of effectiveness related to the themes (d’Ancona 2013). In this instance, what is considered as the process of normalization is that these factors tend to act together for the maintenance of status quo, as it will be noticed in other parts of the essay. The key hypothesis set for this essay is that by considering how the factors make key contribution and have control over the riots, irrespective of working in a number of different ways, as they end up creating a process that is experienced by the societies. This is driven in terms of power, under the control of spectacle, and finally the perpetuation of memory.To begin with the discussion, it is important to know as what the attacks were. In the initial setting, the Paris Attacks of November 2015, were a number of well- coordinated attacks by terrorists that took place in Paris along with Saint- Denis that is its northern suburb.

In the year 2015 on 13th November, there was a striking of three suicide bombers starting from 21:20 CET, in Saint Denis, near the Stade de France, followed by mass shootings and suicide bombings at a music venue, restaurants and cafes in the central part of Paris (Yong and Bale, 2015). The attackers ended up killing 130 individuals that included 89 individuals taking hostages at the Bataclan theatre prior to having an engagement with the police in a stand- off. It has been seen that social issues have a significant impact on youth, in terms of inequality, unemployment and education being offered as an excuse to these individuals. Looting trainers and TVs might not be identified as a logical response to unfairness of the society, however, it can be considered as anger in the initiation of action significant in this context, and not in context with what has been done by it. Resentment for authority of unfairness is to keep with the drivers for past acts of terrorism in Paris. These have been prominent all across history from bombings in the years of 1800s, and the shootings of the years of 1900s, and recent incidents of bombing, shooting, stabbing, vehicle ramming and others since the year 2010. This results in identifying the first factor that this essay will address, as it appears to be obvious that these historical instances along with the terrorist attacks in Paris had been triggered by the actions initiated by institution with the use of power (Norton and Thompson, 2015).



过去,消费者通常在实体店购物,如购物中心和实体店。当他们想要购买不同的产品时,他们通常遵循同样的趋势。他们必须去实体店购买他们需要的产品。当他们这样做时,所有的企业都可以利用类似的特点(萧,2009)。在当今时代,由于各种通信技术的存在,这种趋势发生了变化。随着消费者接触到不同类型的网站、社交网络和媒体工具(Toomey和Wysocki),购物模式也发生了变化。随着社交媒体工具的使用,新的营销理念也加入了竞争。网上购物、网上购物行为、购买趋势、网上购物等都是通过网络购买产品和服务而产生的概念(Li and Zhang, 2002)。


在这种背景下,社交媒体的概念对于理解这些影响和趋势起着重要作用。社交媒体是一个笼统的术语,指的是覆盖了不同用户群体的关系和互动网络的不同社交网站(Kempe et al., 2003)。这种社交媒体对人们有很大的影响,因为它们促进了人与人之间的交流。Facebook、Instagram和Twitter等社交媒体工具让用户能够相互联系,有助于更好地分享信息。评论使用户能够在自己和他人之间保持良好的联系(Ellison et al., 2007)。与传统的传播方式不同,社交媒体的传播方式和表现方式也不同。用户可以通过评论、视频、照片等方式分享自己的想法。在此背景下,本研究试图分析和理解社交媒体对旅游行业消费者购买行为的影响。


In the past, consumers used to shop at physical stores such as shopping malls and physical stores. They used to follow the same trend when they want to purchase different products. They have to go to a physical store and buy the products they need. When they do so, there are similar traits that all businesses would be able to tap into (Hsiao, 2009). In more current times, the trends have changed because of the different communication technologies available. Shopping modes have changed with consumers exposed to different types of websites, social connections and media tools (Toomey and Wysocki). Newer marketing concepts come into the fray with the use of social media tools. Online shopping, online shopping behaviour, buying trends, internet shopping and more are the concepts created because of the buying of products and services via the internet (Li and Zhang, 2002).

In this context, the concept of social media plays an important role in understanding these impacts and trends. Social media is the blanket term that is used to refer to the different networking sites which covers networks of relationships and interactions with different user groups (Kempe et al., 2003). These form of social media has a very influential role on people as they facilitate communication between different people. Social Media tools such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter enable users to connect with one another and helps achieve better sharing of information. Comments enable users to maintain great connections among themselves as well with others (Ellison et al., 2007). Unlike traditional communication, social media communication also has the advantage of different modes and representations. A user can share their thoughts either by means of comments, videos, photos, and more. Given this background context, this research attempts to analyze and understand the impact of social media on consumer buying behaviour in the tourism industry.







In this essay I am writing an account of a situation where I displayed my leadership skills.I remember while I was working in Siemens, the company was undergoing major layoffs. This was the reason behind the broken morale of the people around in the company. I was managing a small team and hence I was responsible for the productivity of my team. In such a sensitive situation, I called for a meeting with the team and discussed the strategy with the team members. I also appreciated their efforts during the challenging time. I along with the team brainstormed for some ideas which would be helpful in such sensitive times and would help the team to complete the work efficiently. After an hour we came up with five top options and I could sense that the team was out of the trauma of layoffs and were using their minds to come up with new ideas. As a leader, I used the approach of empowering them to find their own solution.

To this the team responded excellently. We discussed and came up with the two most efficient solutions of not making the weekly report as this was a tedious task and not making this would save eight hours for the team members which could be used in more productive ways. Thus frequent meetings and brainstorming helped us come up with new ideas which could be implemented instantly and took less time than the usual process. This brought the team together and they were more concerned about the productivity of the tam. This resulted in excellent results from the team which in turn motivated them towards working harder. When the team becomes the top performing team, there is no question of laying off the productive people and hence a difficult time was transformed into a successful event just by taking reign of the team at the correct time and in the correct manner. The team was happy and were far from the condition prevailing in the company. They were not bothered about the layoffs and knew that the company cannot expel people who are an asset.





旅游和活动是相关联的,因为它们构成了其产品交付和服务规定的基本性能。婚礼、会议、办公会议、约会、聚会等活动始终是酒店产品中最具活力的产品和服务之一,同样,也有相关的风险需要抑制其发生,避免其损害。在危机和类似灾难的情况下,有多种因素影响风险的发生,这些情况有时具有不可弥补的损害。影响风险的最重要因素之一是活动期间风险评估的管理不善和规划不周(Hall, Timothy, Duval, 2003)。当风险可能性较大时,说明在评估中没有察觉到并消除这些风险,这对相关的客人造成了严重的损害和损失,包括伤害。


Tourism, events and hospitality industry are full of excessive use of people, instruments, vehicles, and venues which constantly present new areas of the possibilities of risks. Risk is always likelihood unless it is assessed, attended to, and eliminated of its occurrence and resurgence. The hospitality industry is poised with multiple events and tourism related incidences where there are possibilities of risks to arise and this makes it necessary for the risk elimination team to constantly keep on assessing the damages and try to eliminate it completely for avoiding any risky act injuring or damaging any guests. This essay will analyse the factors which lead to the risks in crisis and disaster situations in tourism industry and also analyse the treatment of risks options available to manage such crisis like situations. Factors influencing the level of risks with crisis and disaster situations in tourism .

Tourism and events are associated, because they form the basic performance of its product delivery and service provisions. Events like marriages, conferences, office meetings, engagements, parties, etc. are always one of the most dynamic products and services of the hospitality product, and likewise, there are associated risks which need to be suppressed of its occurrence and save the damage. There are multiple factors that affect the occurrence of risks in terms of the crisis and disaster like situations which sometimes have irreparable damages. One of the most important factors which affect the risks is the poor management and poor planning of risk assessment during the event (Hall, Timothy and Duval, 2003). When the risk likelihood is more, it indicates that those risks are not perceived and eliminated in its assessment and this causes severe damages and loss for the guests involved, including the injury.