标签存档: assignment代写

assignment 代写:个人陈述的写作要点

assignment 代写 :个人陈述的写作要点



  研究你所申请的学校。大部分学校会在 admission page上提供校方对申请者的要求。充分了解该所学校, 你愈可能写好你的PS,以此证明你对该所学校确实十分地感兴趣。

assignment 代写 :个人陈述的写作要点



  在一篇个人陈述中介绍自己可以有着不同的形式格局- 就像每个人讲话一样风格不拘。然而,一篇成功的个人陈述,是一种比较有针对性的自我介绍,聚焦于申请表格提出的两个问题回答”我是谁”,”我能提供些什么”,成功的陈述从未偏离 过这两个主题介绍自身,描述你作为有竞争力候选者的潜能。


assignment 代写 :个人陈述的写作要点


  第一人称叙事 这是最基本最常见的方式,”我”字频频使用,对大部分体裁,它都可能用专业学校和研究生院经常使用此方法,因其直接切入主题,这种方法最大的危险在于你如 果不改变句型就极易使读者厌烦,别在通篇文章中给描述语前面加上主语,改变它们的词序,注意词语句子长度,改变文章的面貌和笔感。

  第二人称叙事 使用”你”字,这种方法极少见但地读者和作者之间建立心灵交流却有关键作用,通常在讲述故事的体裁中使用,其不足之处在于读者会觉得过于私人性质,交浅言深。   如果需要英国assignment 代写,就点击上方栏目列表,各种服务等着你!




大多数以发达经济体为基础的公司选择把重点放在新兴经济体中上层和中等收入阶层。这些国民提供的解释已经众所周知,如文盲、腐败、基础设施不良、种族或宗教冲突、不存在的分销渠道、缺乏强有力和可执行的法律结构。有时,甚至战争或暴力起义可以抑制这些跨国企业的热情服务于那些生活在经济金字塔底层的人们(Anderson & billou,2007)。因此,大多数大公司选择将这些特定的部分留给政府机构或当地公司,并决定集中在上、中段。


It is absolutely strange that the world of business have not captured the huge opportunity to expand the market which is available among the world’s poor. The consumers that constitute the bottom of the economic pyramid, i.e. the population for whom the per capita income are less than $1,500 are roughly estimated to be more than 4 billion. The per capita income of around one sixth of the world’s population is less than $1 a day. The twenty largest emerging economies comprise more than 700 million households, for whom the total annual income is estimated at $1.7 trillion. Based on this, it can be safely commented that the spending power is enormous. The significant examples to demonstrate the above statement are: Brazil’s 25 million households which are the poorest can spend $73 billion whereas 286 million poor households in China have an accumulated annual income of $691 billion. But it is extremely weird that the success of penetration of the multinationals has been inconsistent.

Most companies which are based in the developed economies have chosen to focus on the upper and the middle income segments of the emerging economies. The explanations which are provided by these multi nationals are already well known such as illiteracy, corruption, poor infrastructure, racial or religious conflict, distribution channels which are non-existent, lack of strong and enforceable legal structures. And at times, even war or violent uprisings can suppress the enthusiasm of these multinationals to serve the people who live in the bottom of the economic pyramid (Anderson & Billou, 2007). Thus, most large companies have chosen to leave these particular segments to the government agencies or the local companies and decide to concentrate on the upper and middle segments.





How is truth related to science? In an ideal way, being a prelude to answer this particular question, we must start by the specification of what truth is basically referred to as. However, in an unfortunate manner, though a number of philosophers related to science believe in the fact that the concept related to truth is relevant for considering to practice and results related to scientific work. There does not seem to be any consensus with respect to what concept of truth, between a numbers of philosophers have been established in a better general manner (Leeds, 2007).
As I suspect, almost everyone would consider agreeing to the fact that the scientific facts are within the business for the production of knowledge, scientific work contributes in producing explanations, predictions, models and theories that has been offered in a significant manner. This is known to be the prima facie considering candidates with respect to knowledge and the work of science ends up producing explanations, predictions, models and theories, one significant need for being a realist, however, for adopting a positive attitude with respect to the connection between truth and science (Piccinini, 2007). A specific level of pessimism in consideration with truth seems to be holding compatibility with a significant level of optimism. One might end up questioning the truths being produced by sciences at all, or that while this might be done on some occasions, there is less reasoning for thinking that they are specifically successful with respect to this. On daily basis, scepticism regarding the veracity related to scientific knowledge is known to be having its source within the scope of multiplicity related to motivations (Leeds, 2007). This is with respect to the epistemological towards the political, social and religious aspect. In consideration with the philosophy of science, it can be stated that these views are known to be having relevant political and social dimensions.