标签存档: 代写论文推荐







Executive Summary
This report is being prepared to address the challenges in the procurement contracts in the construction industry. The industry as a whole is of prime importance to any economy and supports many small and medium industries as well. The procurement contracts are more or less traditional with a lump-sum value of its scope of work, but they differ to a large extent in contracts for projects which are of national importance. This report contains a case study of a construction organisation of the public sector who has been accepting traditional as well as specific and detailed contracts. The aim of the report is to find out if there is any better procurement contract system which can be followed. The research is to find out the advantages of all kinds of contract followed by the organisation, any alternatives to the current method of contracting, and what are the assessment factors that lead the organisation to select certain types of contracts. The overall report contains the practices followed by the organisation taken in the case study which is based in the UK.

Public sector organisations (PSU) are an important part of the industry and the government which offers valuable support to important infrastructure projects. These PSU’s are however acting on behalf of the citizens who benefit from projects of importance being developed by the PSU’s. These PSU’s have an important responsibility of procuring raw materials and goods for using in their projects, and the procurement of raw materials is considered an important activity which leads to better offering of infrastructure projects. Major construction projects done by a PSU requires a long list of procurement procedures and multiple contracts with contractors to assign them their scope of work and materials purchase. This paper will study the different types of contracts that are being undertaken by a public sector organisation in the construction industry, and also discuss various factors that affect the selection of certain contractors.



路易斯·卡恩(Louis I. Kahn,1901-1974)坚信建筑在社会中的价值和重要性。卡恩认为,精心设计的建筑可以影响和改善人们的生活。他以其不朽的建筑项目而闻名,也因其作为建筑艺术家,教师和哲学家的角色而闻名。乍一看,卡恩的作品在形式和程序上显得过于简单(Paulus等,2006)。然而,经过更仔细的调查,令人难以置信的程序复杂性和设计创新的层次变得明显。卡恩(“娄”,他的朋友和亲密的同事)在他的哲学坚决认为,建筑是思想的空间设计,其设计可以而且应该同时揭示其建设的故事,满足居民的审美和功能需求他们(Paulus等2006)。他坚信,建筑不仅要求实际和审美的需要,而且要追求服务人民和社区的人文需求。他不断地努力创造空间,引起一种精神感,这种感觉在当时的建筑环境中是缺乏的。
这种成功修复旧观念的例子之一就是卡恩对对称性的喜爱,现代建筑师通常认为这种对称性是缺乏想象力和顺从性的。卡恩设计了位于加利福尼亚州La Jolla的Salk研究所(Vollen 2006),作为建筑群的复合体,在中央喷泉的两侧相同。这样的对称是美术风格的特征,但是卡恩却没有受到这种明显倒退的影响。他说:“如果人们想看美术,那对我来说就没有问题。 “我和其他人一样对建筑感兴趣。”


Louis I. Kahn (1901–1974) believed strongly in the value and importance of architecture in society. Kahn felt that well-designed buildings could influence and improve people’s lives. He is known for his monumental building projects and also for his role as an artist, teacher, and philosopher of architecture. At first glance, Kahn’s work appears simplistic in its form and program (Paulus et al 2006). Upon closer investigation, however, layers of incredible programmatic complexity and design innovation become apparent. Kahn (“Lou,” to his friends and close colleagues) was resolute in his philosophy that architecture is the thoughtful making of spaces whose design can and should simultaneously reveal the story of their construction and meet the aesthetic and functional needs of the people who inhabit them(Paulus et al 2006). He believed strongly that architecture should appeal not only to practical and aesthetic needs but also to the humanistic needs of the people and communities it serves. He was continually striving to create spaces that evoked a sense of spirituality, a sense he felt was lacking in the built environment of that time.
One example of this successful rehabilitation of old ideas was Kahn’s affection for symmetry, which modern architects usually saw as unimaginative and conformist. Kahn designed the Salk Institute in La Jolla (Vollen 2006), California as a complex of buildings, identical on either side of a central fountain. Such symmetry was characteristic of the Beaux-Arts style, but Kahn was unperturbed by this apparent regression. “If people want to see Beaux-Arts it’s fine with me,” he said. “I’m [as] interested in good architecture as anybody else.”





The term FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) refers to the consumer products that are consumed in the retail markets with high speed and the stock is always getting replaced with new products. This is the primary category that makes a particular product eligible to be classified as a FMCG product. This property of FMCG products make these products different from the other general products of general home appliances, as the other products take a long clearing time which makes it easier to replace the existing products with newer stock. The FMCG products spend very little time on the shelf and last just a couple of days or weeks on the shelf before being replaced by the newer stock (Gough, 2004).
In the business environment of today, the business industries are becoming extensively competitive and the business organizations are becoming more and more cautious about developing a strategy and then implementing it. Extreme care is required in the project development phases these days, in order to stay relevant in the business industry and to remain loyal to the customers of the product. A new product in the market always faces several layers of struggle with the development of an appropriate strategy which ensures that the people select the new product over the products they are already using. It is important to note that the strategy development for a new product requires detailed research of the market and analysis of many different aspects of the market such as the potential for a new product, understanding the needs of the consumers, analysing the potential market for the product being considered, and knowing what things are important to make sure that the consumers remain loyal to the particular product category or a brand, etc.






Retailers have realized that traditional marketing approaches no longer satisfy consumers’ needs. Pine and Gilmore (1999) and Richards (2001) argue that many consumers are not only seeking to purchase goods and services but also expect engaging experiences. This is supported by the concept ‘hedonic consumption’ (Hirschman and Holbrook, 1982) which notes that consumers should have a multi-sensory, fantasy and emotive experience. It is an interactive and relational platform and active shopper’s multi-sensory engagement, which leaves the shopper pleasured in continuous buying efforts (Castaldo and Mauri, 2008). The consumer culture has started to change as customers are beginning to put greater value on local goods with the ability to talk to producers or manufacturers face-to-face. Therefore, retailers have tried to build face-to-face interactions and trust relationships with the consumer through these temporary shop formats.  Spena et al (2010) states Pop-Ups provide an interactive environment in which consumers can have active dialogue. Pop-up retail entails creation of a marketing environment that is highly experiential, focused on promoting a brand or product line, available for a short time period, and generally in smaller venues that foster more face-to-face dialogue with brand representatives, which is a top factor attracting people to the experience (Kim et al, 2010).

Unlike the traditional store format, Pop-Ups can be event-driven (Shanahan, 2005). It offers shopper with personally relevant lifestyle experiences, such as concerts or sporting events. The sensory environment in the Pop-Ups allow consumer to become immersed and engaged within the memorable experience proposed by the firm and this kind of emotional engagement helps retailer to build long term relationship with customer and strength brand loyalty (Prahalad and Ramasway, 2004).