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首先Report 一般由Table of Contents, Executive Summary, Introduction,Body, Conclusion/Recommendation,Reference六部分组成。留学生们还需要明确报告的写作目的,仔细阅读老师提供的作业要求,并且确认你的写作目标和读者、你需要什么样的信息以及老师所要求的格式和对细节的详细程度。在此基础上,准备一个提纲,包括文章的题目,整体的机构以及最主要的观点。尽早地开始写作,确保你有足够的时间来丰富你的想法。具体方法如下:

1. 语言方面


2. 内容方面:



3.Table of Contents


4.Executive Summary

一般要出现 “The main purpose of this report is to……”这样的标志性语句。一般来说,这部分主要介绍 这篇Report的研究内容、研究对象、研究目的、研究意义等等一些概括性的东西。

5. Introduction

在一篇Report中,Introduction部分相当于是一个Background,而不是概括Report的内容。请注意与Essay的区别。Report中的Introduction不概括文章内容;不介绍文 章结构(因为目录里已经有结构介绍了);只介绍Background。

6. Body

总原则“少写理论,多结合实际情况分析”,不要空谈。根据要求具体分析,用证据支撑、用事实说话。列出标题、次级标题、有必要时列出下一级标题。每段内容用简洁的语言 提炼出要点关键词,然后进行解释和阐述。

7.Conclusion / Recommendation, 根据论文要求具体把握。


1、Table of Contents:

必须使用Microsoft Office Word自动生成Content格式。

2、Executive Summary

一般来说,这部分主要介绍 这篇Report的研究内容、研究对象、研究目的、研究意义等等一些概括性的东西。而在写作的时候最好使用 “The main purpose of this report is to……”这样的标志性语句。



4、 Body

正文的写作要坚持“少理论,不空谈,多结合实际情况分析”原则。根据要求具体分析,用证据支撑、用事实说话。列出标题、次级标题、有必要时列出下一级标题。每段内容用简洁的语言 提炼出要点关键词,然后进行解释和阐述。

5、Conclusion / Recommendation:


6、Reference: Reference 是导师最看重的,绝对不能出现编造的情况,一定要真实。国外对这个问题查得很严。一旦查出有作假或抄袭情况,会直接挂科,甚至开除学籍。一般来说,Reference包含两个部分,一种是In-Text Reference 也就是在文章里的Reference,一种是在文章最后出现的Reference, 也就是Reference List。一篇论文须要包含文中的In-Text Reference和文末的Reference List。老师有明确要求Report文章中几个Reference的,根据要求来把握;如果没有具体要求说必须有多少Reference List的话,大家就按照每千字3-4个来写就可以了。




在Fama的研究出现之后,全球各地的研究人员开始调查各个股票市场的股票市场的随机性,以找出国家(Abbas, 2014)的效率形式。然而,大多数研究人员关注的是发达国家和新兴国家,因为中东的股票市场没有受到关注,在研究中受到的关注较少。文献已经证实,对大马士革证券交易所(DSE)的随机性的审查比较少。新兴的股票市场价格波动很大,DSE也很年轻,并且对交易的看法(Abbas, 2014)。因此,对叙利亚股票市场中随机游走的特征进行调查,为对市场效率的实证研究和对中东地区的随机漫步行为做出贡献成为必要。


研究人员使用各种技术来检测线性和非线性依赖(Abbas, 2014)。在异方差和同方差的分布假设中,进行了方差和相关比的估计,并进行了非参数性检验,并利用BDs检验进行了序列相关性的评价。


After the emergence of the Fama’s research, various researchers across the globe started to investigate the stock market randomness across various stock markets to find out the form of efficiency present in the nations (Abbas, 2014). However, majority of the researchers focused on the developed and emerging nations due to which the stock markets of Middle East was left out of the focus and gained less attention within the studies. The literature has established that the examination of the randomness of the Damascus securities exchange (DSE) was less. There is high price volatility in the nascent stock markets and the DSE is both young and think on trading (Abbas, 2014). Therefore, it becomes essential for the investigation of the characteristics of random walk within the equity market of Syria for making contribution to the empirical literature on the market efficiency and random walk behaviour with emphasis on the Middle East region.


The researcher used varied techniques for the detection of both linear and non-linear dependency (Abbas, 2014). The parametric evaluation was performed in which the variance and correlation ratio rests were undertaken for the random walks within the distributional assumptions of the heteroscedasticity and homoscedasticity along with the tests of non-parametric nature made used the BDs test for the evaluation of serial correlation.





从这篇文章的使用来看,未来关于价格变化分布的研究已经有了两门可能的课程。在本文写作之前,大部分研究都集中在寻找与价格变化经验分布相一致的统计性质的分布(Fama, 1965)。相对而言,花费较少的精力去探索提供经验分布上升的常见过程。在这一视角下,任何一般的价格形成模型都不存在于股票市场中,用来解释价格水平和价格变动在一般经济变量行为上的分布。通过本文提供的建议,可以开发和测试模型,在理论上可以为建立强大的基础做出巨大贡献。本文还建议利用蒙特卡罗技术,建立一个近似的抽样理论。甚至当密度函数相关的显式表达不为人所知时,也会出现这种情况。


本文简要地指出,在不同的情况下,在不同的情况下,对于长尾自然的经验分布频率,在这样的结果下,个体的后续态度是相似的。然而,有效市场假说是最重要的贡献。根据这个假设,如果市场是有效的,那么价格的变化将会立即反映出来,否则他们将不会(Fama, 1965)。


The paper has added by providing some additional dependence tests for this hypothesis. It states that there are two distinct processes for independent testing. Pure statistics test can be carried out for example. All these have been utilized in order to elaborate completely the nature of whether this hypothesis is right or not. This has been a major contribution.
From the use of this article, two possible courses have been taken by future research over price change distribution. Until the writing of this article, most of the research was focused on only finding the distribution of statistical nature which can coincide with price change empirical distributions (Fama, 1965). Relatively there was lesser effort being spent to explore the much common processes providing empirical distribution rise. Within this perspective, any general price formation model did not exist within the market of stocks for explaining the level of price and price changes distribution with regard to the behaviour of general variables of economics. With the suggestions provided in this article, it has been possible to develop and test models that can greatly contribute towards establishment of a strong foundation theoretically. The article also recommended making use of techniques of Monte Carlo in order to develop an approximate theory of sampling. This was suggested even when density functions related explicit expression are not known.


The article in brief stated that provided the empirical distribution frequency of long tailed nature being under observation, in various situations, subsequent attitude of an individual under such results will be similar. Efficient market hypothesis however is the most essential contribution. According to this hypothesis, if market is efficient, then the price changes will immediately reflect or else they will not (Fama, 1965).


代写report 金融市场


代写report 金融市场


代写report 金融市场

The bubble of stock market across the globe resulted in the financial decline known as Black Monday. The financial markets of the UK and the US both were experiencing bull markets but the bear market was not experienced by the UK. There was 75 percent increment of the stock values in the start of year and the shared turnover in October reached the peak across New York prior to crash. The bull market phenomenon was experienced across all financial markets including Frankfurt and Hong Kong. As a result, most of the year’s gains were removed by the bubble’s burst and the recovery was low in till next year.

代写report 金融市场

According to the literature, the nature of bubble can be explained with the Greater fool theory. It implies the processes of the bubble articulation. As the prices of security rise rapidly, they tend of deviate at a greater distance from the intrinsic values but still continue to grow. Various investors buy with the knowledge that the securities are overvalues due to the belief that it can be sold at large profits towards another investors. However, the bubble suddenly bursts without any evident reasons and then there are no investors willing to buy the asset. The mass panic causes the individuals to unload the stocks due to which there is sharp decline in prices till the intrinsic value is reached. There are three theories which explain the nature of the stock market bubble with the rational behaviours by the investors.


代写论文 商业交易


代写论文 商业交易


代写论文 商业交易


代写论文 商业交易


代写论文 商业交易

It is found that when the businesses in the London issued shares, the organizations were securing funds before when the first business transaction was made. The organizations stopped the payment of dividends to the investors as a result of which the England government banned the shares issuance till 1825. However, the London Stock Exchange was formed initially in the year of 1801. This resulted in the limited exchange that prevented London Stock Exchange prevents the emergence of New York Stock Exchange in the year of 1817.
The New York Stock Exchange has been trading stocks since the initial day. The NYSE became the strongest stock exchange in the nation due to the lack of competition and it’s positioning within the New York economy.
The London Stock Exchange remained primary market for the European nations while the NYSE remained primary exchange from United States and the globe. The researchers indicate that the initial challenge took place in the year of 1971. The organizations namely Financial Industry Regulatory Authority and National Association of Securities Dealers established the NASDAQ stock exchange.
The electronic trading from NASDAQ provided with various advantages to the individuals over the competition. The essential element was the reduction of the spread for bid-ask. Majority of the bubbles are created through the panic selling that causes the market to decline and eventually crash.









How are successful businesses differentiated from others? They get differentiated based on many elements, such as the quality of the products they sell, the services they offer, unique selling propositions of the goods, the heritage and history that goes into the making of a goods, and more. While these are differentiation elements of the business product, how does the customer know that he is getting the product for what he pays? This is where the trademark comes into being. A registered trademark for the business will indicate to the consumers that the products they are buying are from the company they think they are buying it from. It protects consumer interests and it also protects the business interests. The trademark of a business will protect the business reputation; it is a symbol of the business product, connecting the product to the business.


It saves company A from liabilities that might occur when someone buys a product thinking it is from company A, but is actually from company B and suffers some form of harm or loss from it. It is also a symbol of the business strength and history as over time people associated brands symbols with a product more than they would ever associate a name or a registration number. It is not much different from the website names that one uses on the internet which are quite unique. Nobody remembers the URI number but the name is easier to remember. Better than a name, the symbol is much easier to remember. This symbol which can either be an image or a combination of an image and text is the trademark.




为了应对衰退的挑战,员工必须非常适应即将到来的变革。在这种情况下,除了工人采用这种改变之外别无选择。如果Galaxywire仍然决定外包,那么对于工作人员来说,忘记他们过去的工作也是非常重要的,因为他们没有任何新的东西能够探索新的东西,除非他们心中有空间接受它(Glogovac,2014) 。工人们需要探索他们的热情和兴趣,在其他领域前进。对于一个需要深入了解的行业的员工而言,这将是非常有帮助的,例如银行和金融领域的程序复杂,并且也在不断变化,因此这些领域中更准确和更新信息的人更需要不太可能被外包。


The senate has also passed few bills to discourage outsourcing. Among these first is the Omnibus Appropriations Bill that was passed in 2004 (Otterman, 2004) to prohibit the outsourcing of work by companies to overseas with federal contracts. Latest is the Stop Outsourcing and Create American Jobs Act of 2013. Under this act there will be a penalty on corporations if they pay less tax, did not disclose their assets and give understatements or false statements involving transactions in countries where there is less tax imposition.

If the Galaxywire decides to operate in the town due to the sacrifices that people were willing to give so that the company can save its cost, then the company should provide good working conditions to the employees to increase their moral and motivation level. The company can also expect to face ethical problems related to employee behaviour because the employees have fear in mind that company can outsource at any point in future.
In order to cope with the challenges of recession employs must be very adaptive to the upcoming changes. In this scenario there is no choice except the workers adopt the change. If the Galaxywire still decides to outsource it is also very important for the workers to forget about their past jobs because nothing they would be unable to explore anything new until and unless there would be a space in their minds for accepting it (Glogovac, 2014). There is a need for workers to explore their passion and interest to advance in some other field. It would be very helpful for an employee to shift in an industry that requires in depth knowledge for example the banking and finance field has complex procedures, and also changes constantly therefore people who have more accurate and updated information in these fields are more in demand are less likely to be outsourced.






The concept of capital was the one which fascinated me a lot and it was after going through the session in which we were taught about different kinds of capital that I started to look all the things around me from a point of view of an entrepreneur. Before I attended this session, the word capital only struck one bell in my mind which was money, resources, wealth and assets which are either owned by an organization or by an individual and are available to be accessed, used, spent and traded with one another. For me, the only form of capital was money which was invested by a businessman in his business to earn profit. However, I have realized that a business needs more than just money to run the business and to make it profitable.

It has been seen that in order to deliver the services and products on time and as per the needs of the consumer the firm has to use five kind of capital. For an organization to survive the competition in the market and be competent for the rivals it has to focus on maintaining and enhancing the stock of capital and not aim towards degrading or depleting them. The five kinds of capital which I got to learn were Natural Capital, Human, Social, Manufactured and Financial Capital. Capitals other than the natural capital are encompassed in the natural capital only. Natural capital is the flow or stock of material and goods which helps in the production of goods or services like minerals, trees, land, water etc. I have realized that whenever I went for fishing I was exploring the natural capital. The products which we get out of natural capital could be either Renewable or Non-renewable.






The disciplinary procedures have been stated in the code of practice that consists of general guidelines to be applied in the setting of work place (HSE, 2013). This helps in promoting the best practices in providing impact over these types of procedures. This code has been outlining the principles related fair procedures for the employees and employers in general. It is of specific importance to certain situations of basic representation.
While arrangements are made to handle issues of grievance and discipline that have certain variations in a considerable manner from different employment (Labour Research Department, 2005). These are highly dependent on a number of different factors that include the terms stated in contracts of employment, procedures that have been locally agreed, agreements of industry and whether unions of trade are identified for the purposes of bargaining, the procedures and principles of this particular code of practice.

The application of these should be done until or unless alternate agreed procedures are present within the work setting which contribute in conforming towards the general provision to deal with issues of discipline and grievance.
It has been stated that the disciplinary and grievance procedures have contributed in bringing certain benefits. With respect to this legislation, employees, specifically those within the settings of work place as this have contributed in providing the ability of raising the grievance with the employers and for being accompanied by a rep of trade union or an employee when this is being done (Barrett, 2000). This has contributed in providing assistance to the employees in order to access their statutory rights in employment, which had otherwise been ignored by the employers and has resulted in reducing the requirement for claims to the tribunals of employment.



为了更好地理解这一点,Thomas V Thomas的案例就是一个很好的例子。原告每年支付1英镑的房租,使房子保持良好的状态。如果从道德的角度来看,现在的房租和保持房子状况良好的义务是一个很好的考虑因素。所有者要求更多的补偿并没有被视为道德上的动机。这个案例说明,即使是道德的决定,实际上也可以结束任何一个小小的审判案件,如果当事人在提起诉讼之前考虑到自己的道德价值,甚至在进入法院之前都可以解决。因此,对价的金额既可以是货币补偿,也可以是做对的行为,增强对方的财产。


To understand this better, the case of Thomas V Thomas is a good example. The plaintiff paid £1 rent per annum and kept the house in a good condition.Now the rent and the obligation of keeping the owner’s house in a good condition is a good enough consideration, if viewed from a moral perspective. The owner asking for more compensation was not seen to be morally motivated. This case registers that even moral decisions can actually end any case which is sub judice, and if the parties involved consider their own moral values before filing a case, it could solve the case even before entering courts. Thus the amount of consideration could be either monetary compensation or even an act of doing something right and enhancing for the property of the other.
Some legal historians do believe that courts have manipulated common law to support industrial growth and only help a select class of people at the expense of others.This could well lead to a thought that the selection of common law rules could have significant effect on the distribution of resources and wealth in the society. I answer to this there could be an antimonopoly law which prohibits private, inter alia, monopolies and restraint of trade, unfair methods of competition, unfair or misuse of one’s dominant position to gain more than what it should, etc.

The statement is considered valid for those who do not have any consideration and can still expect to receive some from the opponent, but it may also be harmful to those who do not have a definition of the consideration in the form of an act or monetary compensation before forming and promising the agreement. The value of consideration is a matter between the parties involved and defining it may solve many issues that may arise anew in the future, and can prevent financial and personal losses. The statement is still ambiguous and needs a lot of refinement to make it accurate because, when one word can have several meanings in law, it may be a factor of utmost concern. With proper and meticulous planning, the factor of consideration if mostly be based on moral values and principles, the claimants and the defendants could solve the case well ahead of the court’s decision.