标签存档: 代写英国essay





  2、we(我们)这只有在指很大一个数不清的集体的时候可以用,比如 :our humans 我们人类,这样的可以用。要是只是指你和你朋友我们,那样的话不行。

  3、essay里一定不能有私人用语,比如 stuff 东西,这种说法感觉太私人。避免使用太过生僻的词语,但用词要专业

  避免用口语词汇和表达方法,例如:a little bit,well…I will talk about….

  4、essay 里的语句一定要很肯定,不能含糊,比如:she is like friendly towards him. 她好像对他很友好。 句子用了 ‘好像’,这就是不肯定。

  5、essay里的段落一定要有顺序, sentence(一个话题),然后支撑句 support sentence, 结合句 linking sentence,总结局 conclusion


  7、文章的INTRODUCTION要阐明自己的观点和立场,也就是你的THESIS STATEMENT,尽量不要在文章或段落的开头使用问句

  8、essay 里不能写缩写字,比如 cause,because 的缩写,不能有。例如:can’t, don’t, didn’t, wouldn’t 应该写成cannot,do not,did not, would not。

  9、举例非常重要,但是要符合论点 。以事实为依据,切忌杜撰





作为一个东正教徒家庭的孩子,在文化上,我认为自己是亚洲人。我现在把自己定义为一个心胸开阔的人,在生活中总是努力获得赏识。我也把自己定义为一个以知识为导向的人,总是专注于书本和文本分析。这让我逃离了我从小就过的正统生活的现实。我相信,如果我能在我生命的早期就理解布隆芬布伦纳创造的生态系统理论,我就能认识到我出了什么问题,以及我小时候必须经历的社会文化影响。影响程度由Bronfenbrenner离散提供,但宏观系统层面的主要影响对于理解儿童发展的影响程度至关重要(Houston, 2016)。根据他的理论,这一层次是一个主要的和最遥远的组成部分的个人和事情的孩子,但他们仍然对孩子有很大的影响。
与此同时,我想说的是,这个宏观体系对我也有很大的影响。我在家里的角色是一个长子。我不得不妥协,失去了快乐,因为这些妥协会让我的弟弟妹妹受益。这是我从小学到的东西,所以我长大后也遵循同样的指导原则(Keenan et al., 2016)。这与布隆芬布伦纳理论所描述的一致。家庭成员,尤其是我的父母对我期望很高,他们认为,即使在我的年龄之前,我应该开始工作,帮助我的家庭。我不认为这是一个良好的期望,从一个年幼的孩子。宗教仪式在本质上也是正统的,这意味着我必须毫无疑问地遵循所有的仪式。我不喜欢这种做法,这样的观念让我的童年变得酸楚。


As a child belonging to an orthodox family, culturally, I identified myself as an Asian. I now define myself as a broad minded person who has always struggled to gain appreciation in life. I also define myself as a knowledge oriented person who is always engrossed in books and textual analysis. This allows me to escape the reality of orthodox life that I have lived since my childhood. I believe that if I could understand the theory of ecological systems created through Bronfenbrenner early on in my life, I would have been able to acknowledge what went wrong with me and what socio-cultural influences I had to go through as a child. The levels of influence have been discretely provided by Bronfenbrenner, but the major impact from the level of macro-system is crucial in understanding the level of influence on child’s development (Houston, 2016). According to his theory, this level is a major and most remote component of individual and things for a child, but still they greatly influence over a child.
In alignment to this, I would say that this macro-system has a major influence over me as well. My role in the family was an elder son. I had to compromise and lose out on the happiness just because these compromises would have benefitted my younger siblings. This was what I was taught since the beginning of my childhood days and therefore I followed over the same guidelines when I grew up (Keenan et al., 2016). This is in alignment with what has been depicted in the theory of Bronfenbrenner. The family members especially my parents expected a lot out of me and they thought that even before my age, I should start working and help in my family. I don’t think that this is a good expectation to maintain from a young child. The religious practices were also orthodox in nature and this meant that I had to follow all of them without questioning. I did not like this practice and such notions kept making my childhood sour.



很明显,高质量的新闻报道与盈利是相互关联的。Meyer(2010)指出,大多数研究都描述了高质量和高流通之间的联系,这是相关研究(Wolfsfeld, 2011)。它们描述了因果关系,但这不是关键原因。在他看来,可能存在一种强化循环,在这种循环中,质量会带来商业上的成功,从而带来更高的质量,比如《西澳大利亚报》(the West Australia)。然而,与SBS news的其他新闻文章相比,这些插图缺失,事实上,这篇新闻文章缺乏意义。由于这一点并没有出现在文章中,它缺乏新闻参与,也缺乏对推测上下文的定义。同时,根据第八周的文章set reading, Media Effects,每一种新闻媒体都使用框架作为组织和创造一个连贯的故事的手段。

例如,西澳大利亚报纸使用的框架类型是无争议的框架,它在媒体的每一篇报道中都有一个占主导地位的框架(fly, 2009)。当国家敌人被陷害时,这种情况尤其有可能发生。从这个角度来看,这篇来自西澳大利亚的新闻文章似乎赋予了重要的阶级和信仰假设以力量。在这篇文章中,比较和对比了关于同一新闻但不同新闻来源和作者的两篇新闻文章。这些文章似乎是好的新闻与不好的新闻质量的例子。好的新闻从《西澳大利亚报》的新闻文章中就可以看出来,因为它具有对所有合适的新闻框架和调查结果进行了批判性的评价和制定。

Also it was evident that good quality journalism and profit making are connected. According to Meyer (2010), it was pointed out that most studies have depicted a connection between high quality as well high circulation are studies of correlation (Wolfsfeld, 2011). They depict causality, but this is not the key cause. According to him, there probably is a reinforcing loop present wherein quality results in producing success for business, which allows for higher quality such as by the West Australia Newspaper. However, in comparison to the other news article of SBS news, these illustrations were missing and as a matter of fact, the news article lacked meaningfulness. As this was not present in the article, it lacked news engagement and it also lacked in terms of defining the speculative context. Also, according to the article by Week 8 set reading, Media Effects, every medium of news utilizes frames as devices for organizing and creating a story that has coherence.

For example, the type of framing used in West Australia newspaper is uncontested frame, which has one dominant used through every report of media (Flew, 2009). This particularly has a likeliness of occurring when national enemies are framed. From this perspective, the news article from West Australia seems to empower the significant class and assumption of belief. Throughout this essay, comparison and contrast have been presented between 2 news articles on same news but different news source and authors. The articles seem to be examples of good journalism versus not good quality of journalism. The good journalism is evident from the news article of West Australia newspaper, as it has all the appropriate news frames and findings critically evaluated and formulated.





There are some of the methods and additions with the help of which the rationalistic approach could be comprehensive. The first and most important point is that to make sure that whether it could be used to cultivate a philosophy of agreement and denial with obligations. The other important point is that if in a situation an individual is able to tell about the features of the situation, the rationalistic theory need to help in predicting the change that could take place. There are certain limitations also in rationalistic approach like it does not consider the prior institutional context. In order to over-come the weaknesses and the limitation there is a need of more historical, academically informed and practical work. This would help in understanding the specific situations due to which cooperation took place in much better way.
Whereas on the other hand in the reflective approach, institutions are mostly not created intentionally by people instead it develops gradually with less or no international process. Also as per this approach institutions are not taken very seriously by the individuals who are really affected by them. As per the reflective approach the assumption of utility maximization does not give information regarding the foundation of institutions[ L. Lisa, “International Organizations.” Handbook of International Relations (2012): 326.]. International institutions appeared from previous established situations, the most important of which cannot be described as if they were agreements among rational folks maximizing some utility meaning. The biggest drawback of the reflective approach is that the students of world politics were not able to get a clear reflective study program. The strengths of reflective approach or we can say the points which reflective approach could add to the rationalistic approach are like it takes into consideration the cultural variations. One of the other points was that the reflective approach disputes for a basic and deep rooted dynamic in a theory of institutions whereas we have seen that the rationalistic approach do not consider the prior institutional contexts.