标签存档: 代写论文价格



迈克尔·吉本斯(Michael Gibbons)认为,就纪律程序而言,规定性的,不灵活的规定被认定是不成功的。这一论点被放在“吉本斯评论”中,其主要目的是简化和改进与解决雇员和雇主就业争端有关的每一个方面(Hall和Purcell,2012年)。随着“2002年就业法”的出台,小规模企业被发现对遵守法律所需的专业知识和资源水平表示担忧。


It has been argued by Michael Gibbons that prescriptive, inflexible regulation have been found to be unsuccessful, with respect to the disciplinary procedures. This argument had been placed in the Gibbons Review, the main aim of which was focused on simplifying and improving each and every single aspect related to resolution of dispute in employment for both, employees as well as the employer (Hall and Purcell, 2012). With the introduction of Employment Act 2002, businesses of small size had been found expressing their worries regarding the level of expertise and resources needed for being in compliance with the legislation.
After one year on the implementation of these regulations in the year 2004, it has been claimed that a number of organizations had been settling cases that could have been won by them. This is mainly due to the fact that they had been afraid of the high costs to be distributed to the tribunals (Barrett, 2000). There had also been a perception that the tribunals allowed vexatious and weak claims for being heard. However, it has also been found that with the introduction of these procedures, there will be certain benefits involved as well.
This essay will be evaluating the function and nature of disciplinary procedures, and the purpose behind maintenance of discipline in employment.
In the most basic sense, discipline is referred to as a systematic instruction with an intension of training an individual, at times that is referred to as a disciple, or for following a specific order or code of conduct by threatening the individual by punishment for ensuring that the provided instructions are being carried out (Hall and Purcell, 2012). This can be done by asserting the will power in comparison with more basic desires and is mostly understood for being the synonym of self- control.







记录采访:记录整个采访过程中记录与工作有关的要点,不管信息中断的流向。面试之后,开始下一轮面试之前,应该完成关于观察到的事情的完整文档。这个文件应该进一步反思事实,而不是本能或偏见(Charan et al 2001)。



Breaks should further be allowed in an interview for documenting the interviews and briefly reviewing the further applications by the applicant. Interviewing in thorough and effective manner is exhausting mentally. Henceforth, it has to be tried that more interviews than one is able to focus upon are avoided. The Interview environment further more should be private, free from distractions and should have appropriate arrangements.

The key to obtain success is the interview format. It is important for an interviewer to plan a general format on how the interview will be conducted and should be inclusive of the elements mentioned below (Dick 2009):

Applicant questions: Allowing the applicant to ask doubts regarding the agency, conditions at work and the position.

Closing the interview: Explain the selection process further steps. Arrange for Interviews subsequently if required. Appreciation should be expressed for the opportunity of knowing the Interviewee. Giving them some hint regarding the decision of selection.

Documenting Interview: Taking noted throughout the interview by recording the main points related to job disregarding the flow of information interruption. Immediately after the interview and prior to beginning the next round of interview, complete documentation on what is observed should be done. This documentation should further reflect on the facts rather than instincts or biasness (Charan et al 2001).

Making sure an Interview is Legal is another requirement to make interview effective. For helping ensure that the questions of interview have legality then it becomes important to understand the way in which answers are given through applicants and the way in which they should be used to make the decision on selection. If the questions are not related to the duties, responsibilities and working attitude of the applicant then these questions should be avoided.






The results of this project are based on a survey questionnaire and the recommendations of group discussions. In addition, a careful analysis of research publications and studies on management of e-waste has been undertaken. As the results from survey questionnaire shows that e-waste shipments can be classified into legal, enforcement, economic issues and awareness of the NYS disposal laws. On one hand, there exists a demand gap which suggests that there is an increasing demand for second hand products or the products coming to an end-of-life for recycling or for waste recovery(CEA, 2009). On the other hand, different standards for sustainability of environment and for health effects from disposal of waste results in export of electronic waste to places which are less cost intensive.
There is a need to ensure awareness of the existing legislation regarding regulation of e-waste to the consumers for effective implementation of the disposal ban on e-waste.
This section examines the growth in the usage of various electronic equipments and their contribution to the significant increase in the e-waste.
The market for mobile phones shows an increasing replacement rate in the countries causing the large quantities of the same to enter into the global waste stream. Although the urban market has reached saturation, it is observed that there is a continuing growth in the usage of mobile phones in rural areas. Various research publications show that e-waste stemming from frequently changing mobile phones is concentrated in a small section of the market captured by Nokia acquiring 54% of the market share and the remaining percentage is accounted by other actors namely Motorola, Samsung and other brands (Matthews, 2003).
Although the recent technological advancements show that sale of desktops has slowed among the individual buyers, there is a continuing expectation of increasing sales being driven by professionals for official purposes. The replacement of older models of PCs with laptops, notebooks and newer models of PCs indicate the increasing disposal of the computers.
The same is observed in case of televisions. However, it is also observed that there is strong and continual growth of the television industry.These electronic equipments at the end of their life are either disposed-off or are collected to be recycled for recovery of materials.










Sometime, in the market come different types of challenges, when any company introduces the product in the Indian market. These challenges may have critical threats such as bad economy, mature markets, government rules and regulations, volatile revenue, customer change in attitudes etc. Thesethreats create several types of barriers for the business activities at the time forlaunching the product in the current and new market. As per the bad economy, companies face inflection and a downturn environment which is responsible for the low profitability of the products. Along with this, mature market is competitive which is difficult and expensive and competitive market effectively changes the customer attitudes to purchase the different and innovative products (Lamb, Hair, & McDaniel, 2011). It is because; any product depends on the customer need and its information






40persons were chosen from the NBA randomly. National Basketball Association (NBA) is the pre-eminent men’s professional basketball league in North America and this is considered as one of the men’s professional basketball league. In this context random sampling provides an easy way to include subjects from a vast population in a study especially when there is a necessity to not include any bias in the study. Random sampling employed here will offer a very convenient way to collect data. It will be faster and will not be expensive (What is Random Sampling?, 2013). Also NBA players are a very large population; in such cases use of any other sampling will mean more work. However random sample selection will also come with its own risks. For instance it can be seen that results from the sample may not be 100percent accurate. There are chances that the results might reflect only a certain section of the population. In this case it may be possible that some teams are not included at all. The data collected on the NBA players are as follows


地理学作为一个学科可以粗略分为两个较小的领域:人文地理学及自然地理学。前者专注于人类建造的环境和空间是如何被人类制造、看待及管理与及人类如何影响其占用的空间。后者调查自然环境及如何造成气候、植被、生命、土壤、水及地形的各种现象及她们的相互关系。因为以上两者的原因,使用不同的方法令第三领域出现,为环境地理学(environmental geography)。环境地理学融合了人文及自然地理学及观察人类与自然的相互关系。



在西方音乐发展进程中,各种音乐体裁都随时间的推移而产生、发展、蜕变、消逝,自17世纪以来,生产的进步与乐器制造业的发展促使器乐逐步脱离声乐母体,形成具有独立意义的音乐形态,一系列新的器乐体裁(如前奏曲[Prelude]、托卡塔[Toccata]、幻想曲[Fantasia]等)应运而生。在这种由混生到独立的发展过程中,各类体裁在遵循各自不同界约以保持自身独特性质的同时,不同体裁间相互借鉴、彼此渗透交融也成为一种普遍现象。滥觞于16世纪末的协奏曲,在漫长的发展过程中,从最初意指为一个或几个歌唱声部伴奏的器乐曲到成为管弦乐部类中最为重要的音乐形式,其体裁内部特性在随时代的变迁而逐渐清晰完备的同时,也始终与其他类型的音乐体裁(如奏鸣曲、交响曲等)产生密切的相互作用关系,乐队协奏曲便是协奏曲体裁内部体现交融生长的典型代表。乐队协奏曲,因其相对独特的演奏形式(由乐队单独演奏的协奏曲,没有独奏部分或任何附属的成分)而得名,无论是演奏形式还是肢体结构方面,都更切合Concerto一词原意中所隐含 “协调一致”“相互联合”的特点。巴洛克时期,协奏曲的发展到达一个高峰,成为具有重要意义的管弦乐类型之一。1720年以后,乐队协奏曲逐渐与诞生之初的早期交响曲的发展合流,直至20世纪上半叶,随着协奏曲中乐队表现力的进一步提升,交响曲创作中借鉴协奏曲体裁特性(突出独奏乐器技巧性与个性)的现象层出不穷,协奏曲与交响曲这两种交响乐体裁间又开始新一轮的相互渗透,而在20世纪作曲家们创新精神的引领下,具有边缘性体裁特征的交响协奏曲(Symphony-concerto)与新型的乐队协奏曲(Concerto for Orchestra)也应运而生。



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针对英语文学论文的写作,我们有专业的创作老师为您执笔。学习英语文学专业的学生,针对一个名字绝对不会陌生,那就是英国著名的作家Jane Austen。其一生创作多部作品。Sense and Sensibility, Emma, 最著名的是其作品 Pride and Prejudice.其作品以平常人,平常事揭示深刻的社会关系。包含遗产继承,妇女地位及道德风俗。其作品以深刻清新和细致敏锐而著称,包含超越历史是空的对人性的透视和哲理。所以,如果要写英语文学论文,Jane Austen及其作品绝对是论文创作丰富的素材。
