标签存档: 论文代写



According to the study conducted by Matthew, James Kushin and Masahiro Yamamoto published under the name of Mass Communication and Society (2010). In the recent times, there has been a significant growth in the behaviour of the political parties throughout the world, the emergence of a number of new and interactive media houses and other websites. It has been found that around one in every 5 person in America has used Twitter as a social networking medium for the purpose of political campaigns. The study has also revealed that with the use of social media, political views can opinions can be easily expressed. It is something that not only provides important information to the users but also helps them to interact with the help of online interaction such as by posting political comments on different blogs and social network websites (Hong and Nadler, 2012). The Facebook users have been expressing their views in a number of political campaigns by updating their status, messages, opinions and attitude. Thus, the research paper discusses how the social media has transformed the political campaigns in recent times. There will be investigation on the recent political campaigns, impact of social media on the same and the importance of the social media campaigns in future.
Negative Use of social media for political campaigns
There have been a large number of events where social media has been used in the political campaigns. Though with respect to political agendas, social media has been a very new and a recent term for the people to communicate during the political campaigns, and it may be important to note that there have been a number of changes in political campaigns because of social media. But along with this, there have been a number of negative effects of the use of social media for political campaigns (Ceron, 2014). According to the article by USA Today (2011), it was stated that a complete political campaign can be destroyed with a single post. Other problems arise when the social media is used by the campaigners without taking any help from the staff. Many times because of the lack of skills, the campaigners who are in local parties may get adverse impact of promotion through the use of social media (Larrson et al, 2012).
Internet and social media have changed the world. Each and every person is being impacted because of the same. It has made communication between individuals and groups much easier. Because of social media, people are connected to each other and the world is in a better manner. Political parties are also using social media for their campaigns. It has changed the manner in which the campaigns have taken place in the past. In this research paper, the ways in which social media has changed the political campaigns has been discussed. The analysis has been done on the use of social media in the 2008 elections by Obama. Further, studies have been conducted on how social media has been beneficial for the political campaigns in the present times. There has been a discussion on the negative impacts of the same. But, social media has largely changed the ways in which political campaigns were held in the past.

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  举个典型例子:Admittedly,the governments play a vitally important role in taking precautions against environmental destruction and combat pollution.在这个片段中,作者为了强调政府的作用,使用了play a vitally important role这一表达。其中vitally属于赘词,因为它的含义与后面的important有重复。如果是为了强调政府作用之大,可以直接写成play a vital role。像这种过度使用副词和形容词的现象也是与留学生们的汉语表达习惯有一定的关系。汉语文化中,我们会使用一些相同意思的词语来加强语气,比如无忧无虑、天真活泼……等,在汉语写作中是可以起到加分的作用的,但是在留学生paper写作中,就会造成句子冗长的感觉。


  对于一些不必要的词语要去除,不要为了凑字而写文章。很多的留学生们在写作英文paper的时候,都会出现繁琐的通病,生活中,多语的文字、拐弯抹角的修饰等都是随处可见,在写作中去掉语言中的繁琐,可以文章的可读性更加强烈。如,“a personal friend of mine”中的“personal”,“his personal feeling”中的“personal”,很多类似这样的词,都可以去掉。“personal friend”,这种说法,可以用来区别商业伙伴,表示友谊的深浅。有些人感觉,“his personal feeling”里,“personal”和“his”重复了。






personal statement 代写:解释女性主义

personal statement 代写:解释女性主义

每一个人的存在都可以从他的具体情况来解释和理解。与她的处境有关的经济、社会、文化和历史的限制对具体存在的女性个体也提供了同样的定义(Bordo, 1993)。社会似乎只是通过解释女性主义的非历史和自然本质来降低女性的处境。在否定女性主义的这种本质时,不能考虑唯名主义,因为它完全否定了男女在经历和行为上的实际差异。即使女性主义不存在永恒的本质,但每一个女性个体存在的根本基础是当前的习俗和教育状态(Jaggar & Bordo, 1989)。
不论妇女在可能性、机会和经验方面的个体差异如何,妇女在特定的社会历史情景组合中所处的总体情况都清楚地说明了统一性。但是,关键的重点必须放在这样一个事实上,即在特定的历史时期考虑到社会的具体形成的这种统一性。在计算妇女的情况时,保持惊人的独创性、明确性和深度是至关重要的。然而,一些研究者,如De Beauvoir(1974),没有考虑到女性身体的定位和地位。这是进一步受周边地区的实际行动影响。在考虑女性的身体关系和身体存在时,必须考虑来自女性生理学的明显事实(Young, 1977)。

personal statement 代写:解释女性主义

The existence of every human can be explained and understood in terms of its specific situation. There is no less definition provided for the specifically existing female individuals by the economic, social, cultural and historical limits related to her situation (Bordo, 1993). The society appears to be reducing the condition of women simply by explaining it for appealing ahistorical and natural essence of feminism. In the denial of such essence in feminism, there cannot be a consideration of nominalism as it shows utter denial of actual differences in the experiences and behaviour of women and men. Even if there is no existence of eternal essence for feminism, the fundamental base underlying the existence of every individual female is the current state of custom and education (Jaggar & Bordo, 1989).
The overall situation of females in a specific socio- historical combination of scenarios, irrespective of individual differences in the possibilities, opportunities and experience of women, provides an intelligible description of unity. However, key emphasis must be laid on the fact that there is consideration of this unity to a specific formation of the society in the specific epoch of history. For accounting the situation of women, it is crucial for maintaining remarkable ingenuity, clarity and depth. However, a number of researchers such as De Beauvoir (1974), fail in considering the orientation and status provided to the female body. This is further affected by the surrounding region with the live actions. When considering the physical relation and bodily being of women, there has to be a consideration of evident facts from the physiology of woman (Young, 1977).




  1. 与考官见面用语

  Glad to meet you here.


  How nice to see you.


  Fancy seeing you.


  How are you?


  I’m glad to have had the opportunity to meet you here.


  I’m glad to meet you.


  I’m please to meet you.


  It’s a pleasure to meet you.


论文代写 教你一些面签常用语

  2. 对考官所提问题完全听不懂

  Could you please rephrase that question / topic?


  I’m not exactly sure what you mean…


  3. 对考官所提问题似懂非懂,要核实对考官所提问题的理解是否正确

  Do you mean…?


  If I understand right,…


  I’m sorry if I’m being a little slow, but…?


  I’m sorry, I’m not sure I understand. Do you mean (that)…?


论文代写 教你一些面签常用语

  So am I right in saying…?


  If I’ve got the picture, then…


  So what you mean is…, right?


  Sorry I don’t quite catch you. You mean…?


  Can I get one thing clear?


  Would I be correct in supposing…?


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鉴于上述各点,建议将大麻用于医疗目的合法化。这将意味着根据指定医生的处方药物建议持有大麻用于医疗的人应该被允许。这种管理将确保最初关于使用大麻的感知问题能够得到处理。它还允许有真正医疗需要的人有适当的出口和途径寻求使用大麻。其次,用于娱乐目的的大麻可以逐渐合法化,就像酒精制品的销售一样。然而,应该有一个渐进和缓慢的采用系统,这意味着应该有一个可控的管理工作,这种采用娱乐使用大麻的阶段性的方式(Fischer, Rehm & Hall, 2009)。这类建议将允许所有利益相关者对其利益和关注事项进行适当的管理。医疗团体赢得了为治疗病人而使用大麻的权利,而有可能使用大麻的普通公众将能够使用相同的大麻,而不必担心因此而受到伤害和刑事定罪。

行政和政治力量的国家受益,因为这可能会减少财政支持有组织的犯罪网络,它也应当允许国家在政府开发一个认真机械可以控制和调节使用大麻在为政府收集重要的税收(大厅和房间,2008)。然而,这种建议可能会产生一定的道德和伦理问题。道德主义者和纯粹主义者会认为大麻合法化的举动是亵渎神明的想法,可能会撕裂社会的道德结构。人们担心这会增加大麻的消费,影响年轻人的健康成长,并对国家的道德结构产生负面影响。大麻合法化后随意使用大麻会增加人们的道德素质下降(Brown,Temple, Hammersley, & Laar, 2015)。


In view of the above points, the recommendation would be to legalize the use of marijuana for medical purposes. This would mean that people holding marijuana for medical treatment on the basis of prescribed drug recommendations of specified medical practitioners should be allowed. This kind of management would ensure that the initial perceptional issue about the use of marijuana can be handled. It also allows the people with genuine medical needs to have proper outlet and avenue to seek the use of marijuana. Secondly, the use of marijuana for recreational purposes could be gradually legalized like the sale of alcohol products. However, there should be a gradual and slow adoption system, which would mean that there should be a controlled working of the management of this adoption of recreational use of marijuana in a phased manner (Fischer, Rehm & Hall, 2009).This kind of recommendation would allow all the stakeholders to have proper management of their interests and concerns. The medical community wins the right to make use of marijuana for the purpose of treating the patients, while the general public who are likely to use the object would be able to make use of the same without the attached fear of being victimized and criminalized for the same.

The executive and political force of the country stand to benefit as this is likely to reduce the financial support of organized crime networks, and it also shall allow the country to develop a serious manner in which the government machinery can control and regulate the use of marijuana while collecting crucial taxes for the government (Hall & Room, 2008).However, this kind of recommendation is likely to create certain moral and ethical issues. Moralists and purists would consider the move of legalization of marijuana as blasphemous idea, which is likely to tear the moral fabric of the society apart. There would be concern that it would increase the consumption of marijuana and affect the healthy growth young people and negatively impact the moral fabric of the nation. The unrestrained use of marijuana after the legalization of marijuana would provide an increased fall in the moral conditioning of the people (Brown,Temple, Hammersley, & Laar, 2015).



本研究的目的是使用ZMET技术连同MEC为了画精神图然后分析人均精神图为了发展结构定义个人和餐饮公司提出建议。本研究利用MEC的方法,总结了主要结构的HVM图12受访者。四个值被认为是构造发展这是安慰的/有趣/满意度和新鲜/幸福。研究的目的是评估通过ZMET和MEC技术消费者如何看待产品的餐饮行业和餐饮公司选择的研究提出建议。这项研究的目标是:从理论上理解和应用ZMET MEC的过程。识别不同的心智模式、集体属性,后果和普通消费者心灵的地图对餐饮服务。

结论与建议餐饮业与主数据收集的消费者。ZMET(左特曼隐喻提取技术)技术首次用于帮助参与者用户收集必要的图像和只有在ZMET应用MEC (Mean-End链)可以被用来结合消费者的倾向上形成chain-relation“attributes-result-value”。使用ZMET MEC是用于收集丰富的产品内涵,提出了价值观,情感和心理的产品和消费者之间的交易。企业为了获得竞争优势必须寻找那些目前没有在现有市场的情况下解决。ZMET技术和MEC的使用将有助于发掘这些元素。


The purpose of this research is to use the ZMET technique along with MEC in order to draw mental diagrams per person and then analyse the mental diagrams in order to develop constructs defining the individual and make recommendations for the catering company. This research makes use of the MEC method and summarizes main constructs from the HVM diagrams that were developed for 12 interviewees. Four values are considered for the construct development which are that of reassurance/fun/satisfaction and freshness/happiness.The aim of the study is to assess by means of ZMET and MEC techniques how consumers perceive the products of the catering industry and make recommendations to the catering company selected for the study. The objectives of the study are:To theoretically understand and apply the ZMET and the MEC process.To identify the different mental models, the collective attributes, the consequences and the common map of the consumer mind with respect to the catering service.

To conclude with recommendations for the catering industry with the primary data collected from the consumers. The ZMET (Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique) technique is used first to help the participant user collect necessary images and only after the ZMET is applied can the MEC (Mean-End Chain) be used to combine the consumers’ inclinations sense to form the chain-relation as “attributes-result-value”. The use of the ZMET and the MEC would be useful for gathering rich connotations on the products, the values that are presented, the emotional and the psychological transactions between the products and the consumers. Businesses in order to have a competitive edge have to seek out those things that are currently not addressed in the case of the existing markets. The use of the ZMET technique and the MEC would be useful for unearthing those elements.





Ivory was also used in the Christian art. The main sculptures made with ivory were the images of the crucified Christ. The figure of crucified Christ was very popular. The intricate ivory carving of the Jesus Christ on the cross is the typical Indian Christian Ivory art. Great attention has been given to the body of the image. The anatomical features of the knees, ribs and abdomen have been intricately added in the image. Even the viewers can see the veins in the arms of Christ. In the Crucified Christ image, it can be seen that the head of the Christ leans slightly towards figure’s right. Eyes of the Christ are slight open and give the expression of being worn out and forlorn.

The artist in those centuries was highly talented and expressed the feeling through their art. The crucifix of the carved image was made with the rosewood. The style of the carved image is typically Goan, which displays the early Indian Christian artifact. The wood work and ivory work were highly popular art work in Goa in the 17th and 18 century. The crucifix was probably made for being mounted on the wall, but it could have also been used as the free standing artwork. The art historical period of Portuguese Goa is associated with the image of Crucified Christ.



企业社会责任(CSR)是一个概念,组织必须考虑社会感知到的利益,同时承担其活动对环境、社区、股东、员工和客户的影响,并与关键运营的每一个方面相关联(Jenkins, 2005)。主要的义务被认为是超越了遵守法律的法定义务,在更大的环境中看到企业组织采取额外的步骤来改善员工和家庭的生活质量,以及社会和当地社区。在20世纪70年代,CSR一词被广泛使用,尽管很少有缩写出现。利益相关者指的是那些受组织活动影响的群体,这个术语用于描述股东群体以外的公司所有者。

大量的商业组织在发布年度财务报告的同时也发布了企业社会责任报告。企业社会责任报告主要关注的是非财务性质的社会活动,而且大多倾向于在全自然中做出积极的贡献(Du et al., 2010)。企业社会责任引起了许多争论,一些人声称企业社会责任似乎是在挑选好的活动,其中有公司的关键参与,而忽略了坏的活动。因此,企业社会责任必须在更大的范围内处理,使企业的形象和声誉成为一个对环境或社会负责的组织。此外,还有一些人认为这可能会抑制自由市场平台(Carter and Jennings, 2004)。


CSR is a concept in which organizations have to take into consideration the interests perceived by the society, while taking up the responsibility the effect of their activities on the environment, communities, shareholders, employees and customers in context with each and every aspect of the key operations (Jenkins, 2005). The key obligation is known to be extending beyond statutory obligation for complying with legislation, and seeing the business organization taking up addition steps for an improvement in the quality of life for the employees and the families along with the society and the local community in the larger setting. There had been a common utilization of the term CSR itself in the years of 1970s, even though there had been an involvement of seldom abbreviation. Stakeholders are referred to as those groups who are affected by the activities of the organization, and this term was used for describing corporate owners beyond the group of shareholders.

A large number of business organizations have been seen issuing a report of CSR along with their yearly financial report. The report of CSR has key concentration on the social activities that are non- financial by the nature, and mostly tend to be making contribution positively all across nature (Du et al., 2010). CSR has attracted the attention of a number of debates as it has been claimed by some that CSR seems to deal to pick out the good activities, in which there is key involvement of the company, while ignoring the bad activities. Thus, CSR has to deal with the better scope for businesses greenwash their image and reputation as an environmentally or socially responsible organization. In addition, a number of others have argued that this tends to be inhibiting free market platforms (Carter and Jennings, 2004).



从个人的角度来看,这项研究的目的是找到公司如何确定其出口准备情况的方法。它们需要将目前的业务与成功出口所需的关键要素进行比较。这篇文章的目的是回顾学习的过程,理解公司在考虑出口业务时应该考虑的因素。回顾学习活动,已在本杂志讨论。从这个练习中,可以理解公司满足出口门槛的基本要求。一个公司的出口准备和出口前的行为是每个公司都应该处理的一个整体方面,以保持在业务。各行各业的公司都热切地对出口和国际化进程感兴趣。在此过程中,公司应具备基本的先决条件计划,以准备好满足新出现的需求(Jansson and Soderman, 2012)。在这个培训模块中,讨论了公司需要满足的基本因素,以确保它们能够满足出口要求。主要目的是确定公司在准备出口时需要解决的重要方面。公司需要有一个强大的组织切切因素和内在激励因素来满足这些要求。


在这一过程中,公司还需要应对大量的政府法规和贸易壁垒。为了进一步理解,我们在课堂上的小组中进行了案例分析。在课堂上,讨论了公司的出口前阶段。对这三个案例进行了讨论。澳大利亚海事配件公司、澳大利亚Amtech公司和澳大利亚奥兹格林公司是进行的三个案例研究分析。对于每一个案例研究,都有产品准备和组织准备的分析。分析所考虑的因素是人力资源、财务资源、制造资源、市场知识、过程知识和内部系统功能。小组成员做了一份抽样调查问卷。然后根据调查的核心问题进行比较。分析了每个公司的核心竞争力,以及公司的准备和产品在现代市场的需求。通过分析,我们确定澳大利亚Amtech公司最能满足出口前的需求。海运配件公司被认为是第二大准备满足出口需求的公司。Oz green有一些元素,它需要工作,以成为出口准备。然而,奥兹公司的泳装没有达到出口准备的最低门槛要求。


From a personal standpoint, the aim of the study was to find ways as to how the firms can determine their export readiness. They need to compare their current operations with the essential key factors that are required to be successful in exporting. The purpose of this essay is to retrospect about the learning process and develop an understanding of what is factors the companies should consider while considering export operations. Retrospection of the learning activities has been discussed in this journal. From this exercise, the basic requirement of a company to meet their threshold to export will be understood. Export readiness of a company and the pre export behavior are integral aspect that each company should address in order to sustain in the business. Companies across the spectrum are avidly becoming interested in export and internationalization process. In this process, the company should have the basic prerequisite plan in place to be ready to meet the emerging requirements (Jansson and Söderman, 2012). In this training module, there was discussions of the basic factors that the companies need to be meet in order to ensure that they are ready to meet the export requirements. The primary purpose was to identify the important aspects that the company needs to address to be export ready. The company needs to have a robust organizational tangential factors and intrinsic motivational factors to meet these requirements.

There are also considerable governmental regulations and the trade barriers that the company needs to address to be successful in this process. To understand further, case study analysis was done within the groups in the class. In the classroom sessions, there was discussion of the pre export stages of the company. There was discussion of the three case studies. Marine Fitting Australia, Amtech Australia and Oz Green were the three case study analysis that was undertaken. For each of these case study, there was analysis of the product readiness and organizational readiness. The factors that were considered for the analysis was human resources, financial resources, manufacturing resources, knowledge about the markets, process knowledge and the internal system functioning. There was a sample questionnaire that was made by the group members. Then, there was comparison based on the CORE survey questions. The core competency of each of the company along with the readiness of the company and the product requirements in the modern markets were analysed. From this analysis, it was determined that Amtech Australia was most ready to meet pre export demands. Marine fitting company was considered to be the second ready to meet export demands. Oz green had certain elements that it needed to work to become export ready. However, the company Oz Swimwear did not meet the minimum threshold requirements to be export ready.















