标签存档: 论文代写






1.Title page—标题页
















(一)详读学校的写作说明并了解问题的重点,不遗漏,且在要求的字数内完成。如果学校要求以问答方式来叙述(Responses to essay questions… . Please limit your response to on page.),则依其要求回答不超过一页。


“I am attracted to your department by its brilliant faculty”——应说明对教授的认知是从何而来,如在何处读到某教授的文章而愿受教于他,或某位教授正在从事一项重要研究,与自己欲攻读的研究领域相同等;表达对所申请系所的课程、教师和特性有些了解,依学校不同而提及对某位任教于该校的教授、新课程或该校的某个学位感兴趣。

(二)不要用语意模糊的句子,如“Your esteemed school”——应代以学校的名字;“I will return to serve my country.”——应明确说出所要从事的到底是什么工作。










据了解,许多推荐信把被推荐者的成就和水平捧得过高,反倒帮了倒忙。其实,静下心来想一想,申请留学的目的不就是为了深造和发展自己吗?如果推 荐信把你捧成了大师,又何必要去留学呢?还有,推荐信与个人自述一样,没有必要刻意回避事业上的挫折和能力上的不足。












这四句话基本上是不搭调的。为了改善这种留学生普遍存在的问题,希望同学们关注下面的两件事:1) 每一段都只阐述一个主题,切忌面面俱到,这样可以保证“不乱”;2) 切忌对于一个意思翻来覆去不断重复,使得整个段落没有任何推进;3) 段与段之间的关系要明确,要么递进,要么转折(如果你描述的是一个完整的故事则不存在这样的问题),牢记两个段落是为一个主题服务的。
















BHAG模型被描述为一个庞大的大胆的目标,在特定的时间内提供战略意图,并且在大约10-30年的时间内完成。这个模型的关键属性是鼓舞人心的特性,可能的,一致的和适合的策略。它还提供了一个良好和清晰的沟通方向,以确定雄心的程度,并将整个组织(Mehta 38)统一起来。Spotify使用的BHAG模型提供了丰富的结果,为他们的服务赢得了大量的客户和访客。该模型的实施也使其在市场上获得了知名度、知名度和声誉。该模型还提供了用于设置Spotify提供的服务的性能目标的路径,还提供了易于处理和控制服务的帮助。在这个模型的帮助下,公司可以很容易地实现预定目标,包括安全措施和实现预定目标的技术。

在商业领域中使用的另一种商业模式是艺术家的个人网站。这被称为潜在的模型,鼓励用户从艺术家的网站购买音乐收藏。这使得艺术家可以控制他们的音乐专辑,而Radiohead乐队正在测试这个模型,在第7张专辑《Rainbows》(Wikstrom 67)的首张专辑中。这为客户提供了关于支付最新专辑的决定,而旧的收藏品是那些愿意购买专辑的人。这个模型在著名的小艺术家的市场中很有名,他们在使用这个模型时遇到了困难。这也使得艺术家们的专辑销量上升,这是一种简单的方式,可以让他们了解顾客的口味(Koster 46)。它还帮助消除了记录水平,并且独立地允许艺术家单独在这个竞争市场与他们的个人产品。


The BHAG model is described as a Big Hairy Audacious Goal which provides the strategic intent during the specific period of the time, and the achievement can be made within the period of about 10-30 years of the time. The key attributes of this model are the inspiring nature, being possible, consistent and fit to the strategy. It also provides a good and clear communication direction with fixing the level of ambition and also aligns the whole organization (Mehta 38). The BHAG model used by the Spotify provides the fruitful results with gaining a large amount of customers and visitors for their services. It also gained name, fame and the reputation in the market with the implementation of this model. This model also provided the path for setting the goal of performance for the services provided by the Spotify and also aids in easy handling and controlling of services. With the aid of this model, the company could easily achieve the prefixed goals by including the safety measurements and the techniques for the achievement of the predefined goals.

The other business model which is used in the business industry is the Artist’s Personal Website. This is referred to as the potential model which encourages the users to purchase the music collection from the website of the artist. This allows the artist to have the control over their music albums and the Radiohead band is testing this model during the creation of the debut of the seventh album In Rainbows (Wikström 67). This provided the customers for taking the decision regarding the payment of the latest albums with the old collections which are indicated to those who are willing to buy the album. This model is well known in the market of the well known and minor known artists who faces difficulty with the usage of this model. This also created the rise in the sales of the albums of the artists in an easy way with gaining the ability to know the taste of the customers (Koster 46). It also aids in eliminating the record level and also independently allows the artist to stand alone in this competitive market with their individual products.


executive summary格式:抗肿瘤药物

executive summary格式:抗肿瘤药物


executive summary格式:抗肿瘤药物

executive summary格式:抗肿瘤药物

MDR is the biggest challenge faced in successfully completing chemotherapy for the treatment of cancer. There is a complicated mechanism involved with several factors affecting the same such as proteins functioning, ABC transporters and extrude drugs and toxins. Survivin is a new member in the family of apoptosis inhibitors. The functional role is possible in the case of apoptosis control and cell division. This is up regulated in case of human cancers that make it a new potential target for the treatment of cancer. For the purpose of overcoming MDR, some compounds of small molecule were utilized in the form of functional inhibitors like promethazine, cyclosporine A and verapamil. However, their unknown pharmacokinetic interaction with toxicities and chemotherapeutics restricted their utilization in clinics.

executive summary格式:抗肿瘤药物
Additional reports were made that the encapsulation of chemotherapeutic agents within nanoparticles could end up evading the pumps of drug efflux. This further ended up increasing the concentration of intracellular drug. This rarely showed the effects of anti- tumor. In addition, such increased level of concentration did not lead towards proportionately increasing death of cell on blocking the apoptosis pathway. It was recently investigated and discovered that MDR can enable partial reversal as the gene coding expression is silenced. Their experiments on in vivo anti-tumor only ended up exhibiting the capability to reduce the growth of tumor but without decreasing the volume of tumor.








Bargh and Pietromonaco (1982) have presented the association of category memory to the social information interpretation. Every person has the stimulus to connect a specific activity to a trait category which is inbuilt. This connection arouses conscious awareness and also accessibility to that specific category. Having analyzed this subject through an experiment, the behavioral analysis showed that the stimulus is subjective to trait relationship. The information processing happens at a faster rate to those areas that the memory is already aware of and this is a reliable process. On the other side, the social stimulus works in a different way when the person is unaware of the subject. For instance, a natural result of a person who knows less about a topic offers conscious judgments to make sure that it is not deviating from the concept. The proportion between the conscious and unconscious subjects in social thinking is almost equal.

In the cognitive framework of a person, it is seen that there is a direct influence of culture. Kastanakis and Voyer (2014) have conducted cross cultural experiments to determine the variation in cognitive and perceptual orientations of people. They have found the presence of conditioning in cross cultural behavior process. This conditioning alters the information processing section and the cognitive ability of a person. A typical example taken here is the managerial reaction in an organization that has employed people from cross cultures. These people were the samples to the study. The first aspect of social perception studied is the environmental influence. In case of environmental association, aesthetics, habitual patterns and relationships are important elements. The next area is the sensory perception that directly influences the social understanding of people at various situations.





路透社(2016)已经阐明了投资者对这一有利可图的产品的兴趣。据观察,在未来10年内,市场可能会达到500亿美元以上。在这个市场中,利润的大范围是投资者、联邦机构和其他企业主迫使政府确认合法化的主要原因。据路透社报道,对市场的吸引力使政府有机会考虑这个问题并作出决定。然而,立法者们已经尽力拖延这一过程,因为零售大麻商店可能对用户有害。唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)的总统任期尚未宣布关于这个问题的决定,但有一点是清楚的。对于美国的贸易和商业部门来说,大麻必须合法化,而特朗普如果想要颠覆这个国家,他可能也会同意。


Marijuana legalization has been on news since the last few years. The reason is that it can bring huge investments to the country and this can add to GDP. States have voted in support of legalization and over 9 states have already been declared the legalization. Evins (2014) has predicted that legalizing marijuana can bring in umpteen issues as it is an addictive product and government has invested in dead diction programs to bring down the addiction towards this product. This legalization can only cause brain damages and enhance the healthcare costs to overcome ill effects of cannabis. This is known by the government but the decision, according to experts, is unhealthy and people are not aware of cost benefit decision making process.


Reuters (2016) has thrown light on the interests of investors towards this profitable product. It is observed that the market might reach more than $50 billion within upcoming decade. The large scope for profits in this market is the primary reason for investors, federal agencies and other business owners to force government to confirm legalization. According to Reuters, the attraction towards market has given a chance for the government to think of this subject and take a decision. The lawmakers, however, have tried their best to delay the process as retail marijuana stores can be harmful to users. The presidency of Donald Trump is yet to announce the decision on this subject but one thing is clear. For the trade and business sector to boom in United States, cannabis has to be legalized and Trump might certainly consent to the same if his notion is to uplift the country.







From this, it can be comprehended that Irene Watson feels that the aboriginal laws were reconstructed to fit into the notion of the European law (Watson, 2007). This was the ways in which the British government wanted to reconstruct its identity in a foreign land. According to Watson, the colonial project was about the efforts of the British governance to annihilate and to define the notions of “native”. The Christian mission tried to “civilize” the people and make them understand of the western notions. The First nation laws were in play for more than 500 years. It was started with the notion of being “savage” and “backward”. The European definition alluded that their way of life was more civilized and the first nations had to practice this law. This was the basic presumption that was made about the aboriginal law. The indigenous people were found to struggle the colonial states and their ability to ensure that there was annihilation to change the ancient identity.

Essentially, the European Laws were to ensure that their culture spread across the nation and the Aboriginal laws were about preservation of their identity. This was the main allusion that Watson makes in the analysis of the laws. Added to this, the notions of commerce were in play. The main view that Watson wanted to understand was the differences that existed between the Australians and the Western Australian. The importance of commerce to the European settlers had been differentiated by Watson. The most important allusion that was made in the argument by Watson was to referring to the western ideologies as the “demon spirit”. It was determined by her that the nation was built on the premise to provide the commerce needs to the British people.