标签存档: 硕士毕业论文代写


英国学院论文代写硕士论文写作准备 对于留学英国的学生来说,论文写作可以说是贯穿了他们的学习生涯。因此,与其是躲,倒不如去积极面对。而硕士论文写作就更是难上加难了,首先字数要求就是一个不小的难关。今天,英国Advanced Thesis辅导网老师就来讲讲英国学院论文代写硕士论文写作准备事项。




1.学校网络资源的良好利用。英国Advanced Thesis辅导网老师提醒大家去图书馆是可以的,但是效率可能会低一些,最快捷简单的办法来自网络,要注意:不要用地方常搜索,改用学校签约的网络数据库,因为这些网络资源包含很多的期刊杂志上的内容,文章资源丰富。对中意的你可以下载到电脑里或打印出来研究。你只要到图书馆前台去索取这些数据库的网址和登录名还有密码就可以找到一大批你想要的文章了。






它在本文中推断,对于每个人,都有更多可定制的个性化媒体内容。“电视”的概念在一段时间内已经发生了巨大的变化(Harrington, 2010)。根据哈林顿的观点,技术的发展只会导致思维过程的进一步进步和进化。Becker和Schonbach(2013)的观点也认为,媒介多元化是基于现代受众的演进和需求。随着互联网、社交媒体和数字电视应用的出现,人们越来越多地看到个性化的、有助于阅读的feed或内容。它在许多方面影响了人们。这些文章之间有一个共同的概念,那就是人类随着科技的发展而进化。

随着科技的发展,人们也可以根据个人兴趣使用不同的媒体。哈特利指出,对于媒体内容的发展,不能采取一种包涵一切的办法,即遵循包容性政策。差异化媒体内容的增加有助于迎合人们(Becker, and Schonbach, 2013)。现代媒体很大程度上是基于商业和迎合人们的需求。随着科技的发展,媒体内容的范式发生了明显的变化。哈特利说,媒体试图为社会中的所有人开发内容。电视中描绘的每一种媒体都试图具有包容性,并试图融合所有人的观点。


It deduces in this articles that there has been more customizable personalized media content for each individual. The very notion of the “television” has substantially changed over a period of time (Harrington, 2010). Growth of technology would only lead to further progressiveness and evolution of the thought process according to the perception of Harrington. Views by Becker, and Schönbach (2013) also state that the media diversification is based on the evolution and requirements of the audience in the modern times. The advent of the Internet, social media and digital TV apps has caused people to increasingly view personalized feed or content that aids. It has influenced the people in many views. One common notion between these articles that the people have evolved with the growth in technology.

The rising in technology has also allowed the people to use different kinds of media based on personal interest. There cannot be a blanketed approach towards development of media content by following inclusive policy as stated by Hartley. There has been a rise in differentiated media content that aids towards catering to the people (Becker, and Schönbach, 2013). Modern day media is largely based on the commerce and catering towards the people requirements. There has been an obvious shift in paradigm of media content owing to the development of technology. Hartley says that the media tries to develop content for all the people in the society. Each media portrayed in the Television tries to be inclusive and tries to incorporates all the views of the people.





推荐信(Recommendation Letter):在英国留学申请过程中,学校通常会要求2~4封来自申请者工作主管或者教授的推荐信函。推荐信是申请文书中非常重要的组成部分。因为推荐信是申请材料中唯一的一个从第三者的角度对申请人学习成绩、学术科研能力、研究潜质和性格特点的评价。



















At the time of its entry, it was a lifestyle company. A person is just required to push a button to get a car. At the time of its entry, Uber completely changed the way the private transportation has been done in many ways. At the time of its entry, Uber was a transportation network company which helped in connecting the passengers and drivers with the help of a mobile App without any kind of hassle. Right from the time of the entry, the world of mouth has proved to be a very important factor for the success of Uber. In the initial times, the company fostered the positive word of mouth by seeking the Silicon Valley movers and shakers and helped them to advocate for the brand. In addition to this, in the initial times, Uber concentrated a lot on sponsoring the events, giving the people the first time ride for free and adopting a hyper-local strategy. In addition to this, the referral programs of Uber give the free rides to the people and free credits as well.

This has been successful for many passengers who have earned around $50,000 in referral codes. Another massive differentiator of the services of Uber was to have the rating system for the drivers and the passengers both. Thus, there are various strategies which have worked for Uber at the time of entry. This kind of decisions at the time of entry has been advantageous for Uber at the time of entry. One of the most important advantages of the Uber’s decision is to have a great flexibility. Any driver of Uber can work as much as he wants to and he can turn off the phone application at any point of time. Therefore, they could easily create a schedule of their own. In addition to this, by creation of the referral system and free rides, the company had to spend least on the marketing of the company. The word of mouth was an important factor for marketing and it generated a lot of interest for the company by the people.



有一些另一个形式的偏压,可以观察到经理。明显的偏置是另一个罕见的偏压,尽管这种形式的偏置是通常是罕见的意外。这是偏置的形式是抽象的偏见。据一位经理的莫兰据说企业组织内的偏置是一种很常见的和正常的人性(Bendick & Nunes,2012)。许多次,经理的使用他们的勇气和潜力得到员工雇佣的目的。他们也倾向如果他们发现任何的人有招聘的目的可能相处和选择。这是另一种形式的偏压,甚至更危险的是招聘的人根本不知道他是选为偏置的结果。



There are a few another forms of biasing which may be observed by the managers. Overt biasing is another rare form of biasing, though this form of biasing is something that is generally rare and unintentional. This is the form of biasing which is abstract bias. According to one of the manager ‘Moran’ it has been said that the biasing within the business organization is a very common and normal human nature (Bendick & Nunes, 2012). Many a time, the manager’s uses of their guts and potential for the purpose of getting the employees hired. They also bias if they find that any of the people who are there for the purpose of hiring may get along and be selected. This is another form of biasing which is even much more dangerous as the person who is recruited is not at all aware that he is selected as a result of biasing.

It has been said by Moran that it is important to take some or the other action in order to avoid these types of biasing and to define the hiring process and the structure that the companies need to take some or the other action. They need to make sure that the process of recruitment of the employees is completely unintentional. They need to define a proper structure which must be followed for the process of hiring. The structuring will lead to less number of assumptions. This will make the entire process of hiring better and more professional. Also, it will lead to the right form of hiring in the companies which would be without any form of biasing (Brooks, 2016).




无论是从文章的写作目的,还是从表面的层次结构,report与essay 都有着明显的不同,学生对此必须要有清楚的认识,在写作过程中加以留心和注意。






Report :一般要有摘要(abstract 或executive summary)或概论和建议(recommendation)部分,可能还会有附录部分。对于一些不需要参考其他资料的报考,如实验报告,参考书目部分可以省略。




Report:通常使用标题(heading)和次级标题(sub-heading ),并用序号标明,以使文章层次清晰。在标题下,人们习惯使用语言简练且不太长的段落,还可以采用要点排列的形式突出要点。

与report 相比,essay 一般不会采用序号标注的层次表达方式,但是可以采用标题方式来分清论述层次。另外,还可以采用各类关联词语来标示层次,并将上下文顺畅连接起来。




问题类型:动力模型对政府禁止烟草制品。将感受到的战略冲突有关各方(蒂斯,皮萨诺,& Shuen,1997)需要考虑这个再分析的目的.Government策略:在波特的五种力量理论中,政府的主要威胁烟草产品从严格的法律法规会对销售产生负面影响的产品(吸烟与健康行动,2015年),(斯莱文&共谋,1997)。复杂性:全球烟草游说影响力时,不能够承担任何政府在一场旷日持久的战斗,因为判决将倾向于政府实施这项禁令是谁确保子孙后代的健康。



Problem type: Influence of power models on the governmental ban on tobacco products. The strategic conflict that would be felt by all involved parties (Teece, Pisano, & Shuen, 1997) needs to be considered for the purpose of this reanalysis .Government Strategy: In the Porter’s five forces theory, the government is the prime threat to the tobacco products since stringent laws and regulations would have a negative impact on sales for the product (Action on Smoking and Health , 2015), (Slevin & Covin, 1997).Complexity: While the tobacco lobby is globally influential, it is not in a position to take on any government in a long drawn out battle, since the judgment would tend to favour the government who is imposing the ban to ensure the health of future generations.

The tobacco companies cannot protest against governmental initiatives directly. The ban on promotions would have an adverse effect on sales unless countered by any underhand strategy. Organizational structure: The House of Commons and the House of Lords make up the legislative bodies in the country. The tobacco lobby exerts a significant level of controls on the legislature (Team- Global Issues, 2014). Multiple perspectives.The government: Need to ban the sales of tobacco products, since several studies have identified the promotional activities by tobacco companies to adversely affect impressionable young minds (Cain, 2014). This would lead to significant loss of even for the manufacturers of tobacco products and the government through taxes .




这部电影的主题之一是师生关系。它专注于老师因为学生的愿望能够实现所有核心义务,主人和学生之间发生。它还凸显了冲突,出现在这些关系以及教师的渴望有一个装修的学生。电影的主角,李μ白一直背负责任主人的死报仇,住在他的义务。他是着迷的前景有珍作为他的弟子,他经常出于(David Leiwei, 2007)。对于冲突,由于师生关系存在,总有开发潜力,可以创建由于学生的从属地位以及紧张时出现的学生倾向于抵制或超过老师。这些问题已经很好地解释了《卧虎藏龙》和隐藏的龙。

另一个重要主题,阐述了《卧虎藏龙》和隐藏的龙是“毒药”。在武术的世界,毒药会考虑个人的概念,是懦夫和不诚实。《卧虎藏龙》的上下文中,龙,唯一能够直接融入这样一个可怕的字符是玉狐狸。事实是毒药可以称作“仇恨和痛苦作为武器。它也被认为是作为复仇的一个强大的工具。玉试图毒药武当的主人甚至毒药珍。她成功地杀死它们。然而,这种毒药的不仅仅是身体(Kohm & Greenhill,2014)。修养玉狐狸离开了珍的有毒精神,这当然可以看到在偷窃的行为,说谎和背叛,珍。


One of the main themes of this film is the Student-teacher relationship. It does focus on the desire of a teacher for having a pupil that can fulfil all core obligations that happen between a master and a student. It also highlights the conflicts that arise in those relationships along with a teacher’s desire for having a note-worthy student. The central character of the film, Li Mu Bai has been burdened with the responsibility to avenge the death of his master and to live up on his obligation. He is fascinated by the prospect of having Jen as his disciple and he is constantly motivated by that (David Leiwei, 2007). Regarding the conflicts that exist due to student-teacher relationship, and there is always a potential for exploitation that could be created due to the subordinate position of a student along with tensions that arise whenever a student tends to resist or surpass a teacher. These issues have been really well explained within Crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon.

Another important theme that was elaborated in Crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon was “Poison”. Within the world of Martial arts, Poison tends to consider the notion of individuals that are coward and dishonest. Within the context of Crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon, the only character that can directly fit into such a scary character is Jade Fox. It is a fact that poison could be termed as a weapon for hate and bitterness. It is also considered as a powerful tool for vengeance. Jade tries to poisons the master of Wudang and even to poison Jen. She succeeds in killing them both. However, this poison is not merely of the physical sort (Kohm & Greenhill, 2014). The tutelage of Jade Fox’s had left Jen poisoned spiritually and this could be certainly seen within the acts of stealing, lying and betrayal that have been committed by Jen.






This kind of rhetoric can be used for the purpose of giving the explanations related to the hidden ways of thinking. This concept was understood more clearly by Karl Marx and he gave a very clear and a popular characterization. He stated that the people may not be aware about something, but they still do the same. He was thinking about the fact that the people generally have a hidden ways for thinking. There are many things which the people do without knowing the reason for them. For example, there are many people who follow some cultural ceremony without knowing why they are doing the same. In order to explain this kind of ideology, Bogost has given the example of Plato. In the famous parable of the cave in Plato’s Republic, the people understand the world as the prisoners who are watching the shadows that are being cast on their walls by the objects which may be passing above.

In case of Plato, the disparity which may be between the ideal and the materialistic realms can be reconciled through the recollection of some of the forms. This is related to video game as video game is one of the forms of real life. It gives the representation of the real life in one or another way. In case of video games, there is a significant difference between the idealistic and materialistic realisms. Many ideal things which may not happen in real life does occur in video games and others which are materialistic can also be the part of video games. Thus, both of them can be recollected in some or the other way. Thus, the same are considered to be involuntary. The term ideology was explained for the very first time by the French Revolutionary Antonie Destutt de Tracy. He conceived the same as the science of origin of ideas.




1)许多人对自己将来的职业规划不清楚,无法在Essay中很好的说明。或者职业规划和申请的专业或者目前的背景完全无法相符。很多人的career goal写的不够specific, 不够reasonable, 你的career goal务必能先说服自己及周围的朋友,否则不要放在MBA申请的essay里。



3)对学校一无所知也是申请中的大忌。在选择和申请学校的时候一定要仔细的研究学校的各种特点和优势,因为基本上每所学校都会问到why choose this school。然而,很多人对此目敷衍了事,以为其不是重点。然而,态度决定一切,并且你的态度在essay里面暴露的一览无余。通过这样的essay很难看出申请人对学校的兴趣和向往程度。






