标签存档: 英国大学论文代写




这本书的新版还增加了许多家庭相册和公共档案中的新照片。这本书是一部重要的历史文献,也是一部重要的文学作品。天使岛见证了中国移民的艰辛和在岛上的忍耐。这本书也提供了中国移民的决心和毅力的洞察力,他们想在美国开始新的生活的开始。已故作家赖昌星著有《美国华人,1785-1980》和《成为美国华人:社区和机构的历史》。林金尼是旧金山土生土长的诗人、教育家和剧作家。她创作了三部诗集,并因戏剧《纸天使》而获奖。她的戏剧是关于天使岛被拘留的中国移民的。朱迪·杨(Judy Yung)是加州大学(University of California)教授,著有《天使岛:通往美国的移民之门》(Angel Island: Immigrant Gateway to America)和《解放的双脚:旧金山中国女性的社会史》(Unbound Feet: a Social History of Chinese Women in San Francisco)。


In the early period of twentieth century, the Chinese immigrants were held in custody at Angel Island situated at San Francisco Bay. These immigrants were the people coming to the United States. The detained immigrants were subjected to long detention with physical exams and interrogations. The purpose of this detention was to maintain the exclusion law that states to keep the Chinese out of the country. These detainees were the people who wrote their frustration, anger, desires and hopes on the walls of their barracks in the form of poetry.Angel Island witnesses the stories of the Chinese immigrants and highlights the issues of contemporary immigration issues. The book “Poetry and History of Chinese Immigrants on Angel Island, 1910-1940” edited by Him Mark Lai, Genny Lim, and Judy Yung was first published in the year 1980. This book displays some of the early works of Chinese literature in America. The poems written by Chinese immigrants were engraved on the Immigration Station’s barrack walls situated in San Francisco Bay. The book is now available in the expanded manner with a newly introduced historical introduction and 150 annotated Chinese poems with their English translation.This dissertation aims to discover the history of Chinese immigrants and their poetry through researching the book that provides details collected through oral histories of people.

Many new photographs from family albums and public archives have also been added in the new edition of the book. This book is an important historical document that can also be known as the important piece of literature. The Angel Island is the witness to hardships of Chinese immigrants and their endurance on the Island. The book also provides the insight of determination and perseverance of Chinese immigrants, who wanted to start a new beginning of life in the United States. The late Him Mark Lai was the author of The Chinese of America, 1785-1980 and Becoming Chinese American: A History of Communities and Institutions and was the dean of Chinese American history. Genny Lim is the native poet, educator and playwright from San Francisco. She has authored three collections of poem and also received award for her play Paper Angels. Her play was about the detained Chinese immigrants at Angel Island. Judy Yung is a professor at the University of California and has authored Angel Island: Immigrant Gateway to America and Unbound Feet: A Social History of Chinese Women in San Francisco.






英国社会学论文代写 :学术论文选题和材料选择方面的问题




英国社会学论文代写 :学术论文选题和材料选择方面的问题



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英国动物科学论文代写 :论文常见的写作方法

  ① 段意合并法 (说明文、应用文)

  第一步, 通读全文, 领略大意;


  第三步, 根据每一段的大意以及作者的侧重点, 综合归纳全文的大意.


  比如,可以概括如下 “This article points out the common phenomenon…”

英国动物科学论文代写 :论文常见的写作方法

  ② 要素串联法(记叙文)

  记叙文主要是记叙所发生的事情和经历。常见的形式有:故事、日记、新闻报道、游记等。记叙文通常要交待清楚五要素的内容,即where, when,what, who, how, 给读者一个内容完整、细节清晰的故事。事情的叙述通常按时间的顺序叙述,让读者易于把握所叙述内容之间的内在关联,我们必须抓住记叙文的写作特点或思路,从而更好地理解文章主题,概括出比较中肯的短文中心大意。

  ③ 主题概括法(议论文)


  第二、根据原文的词句(一般指关键词和全文或段落的主题句),进行改写: 或用相应的同义词,或进行句型转换(如主动句改为被动句等等). 千万不要原封不动地抄写原文的词句.

英国动物科学论文代写 :论文常见的写作方法




  尽可能客观简要地转述阅读材料的观点。可以采用如下方法概括:The writer of this article thinks that… 或者你认为本材料的观点代表了一些人的思想,就可以说Some people think… 还可以从中立的角度或用“无人称”的方式来说The article gives the view that…





西澳大利亚鲨鱼捕杀是最常见的一个术语是听到世界各地,部分因为人们不理解这个政策已由澳大利亚政府已强调,实现如果海滩附近发现鲨鱼,它将被捕获并死亡,滚筒线表示例用作鱼饵。这项政策是在2014年实施的,考虑到澳大利亚游泳者和冲浪者的“安全”,从2010年到2013年,澳大利亚西海岸发生了7起死亡事件。使用鼓线作为诱饵,以及以这种方式捕杀鲨鱼立刻遭到了许多组织的反对,并引发了全国性的抗议。“海洋守护者协会、国际人道协会、澳大利亚动物保护协会、澳大利亚海洋保护协会、澳大利亚绿色和平组织、动物公正党和冲浪骑士基金会”是少数几个强烈反对这项政策的组织(Lago, 2009)。


Is culling of shark actually moral panicking?Moral panicking refers to a situation where the mass majority of the people feel threatened by something which might be a concept of ‘evil’ or something in the same context is taken to be a life threatening situation. Earlier women were burnt alive because they were thought to be witches. That was moral panicking. The current situation, in Western Australia where sharks are being killed in numbers in a way which is disturbing their habitat completely, wouldbe an example of panic attack too? Clearly a man of common prudence would not call this mass killing of sharks a moral panic. This is not what people do when there are sharks present in the nearby water bodies. Sharks are not equivalent to the ‘evil’ people are talking about and the mass destruction of this habitat and the species cannot be justified in the name of moral panic. And there are several reasons, justifications and facts which support the above said.

Western Australian shark cull is one of the most common terms which is being heard all over the world, partially because people don’t understand this policy which has been implemented by the Australian government which has emphasized that if sharks are found near the beaches, it will be captured and killed and the drum lines in the said cases are used as baits. This policy was implemented in 2014 keeping in mind the ‘safety’ of the swimmers and surfers of Australia as seven deaths were noticed from 2010 to 2013 in on the western coastline of Australia. The use of drum lines for baits, and the killing of sharks in this manner immediately garnered opposition from many organizations and there was a national protest as well. ‘Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, Humane Society International, Animals Australia, Australian Marine Conservation Society, Greenpeace Australia, Animal Justice Party and Surf rider Foundation’ are few of the organizations which heavily opposed this policy (Lago, 2009).



Zaltman隐喻启发式技术(ZMET)采用定性方法,引出驱动客户思维和行为的隐喻、结构和心理模型,以及定量分析,为营销组合决策和细分策略提供数据。凯利保留网格和梯子技术是该技术的组成部分,就像视觉(如。消费者提供的其他感官图像。访谈过程中产生的构念被聚合在一起,形成了一幅共识图,它代表了大多数人大部分时间的想法。此外,消费者使用数字成像技术来生成他们思维的总结图像”(Coulter,和Zaltman, 1994,第504-505页)当一个人想到一个品牌时,他们脑海中会浮现出一些视觉表象(Biel, 1993)。公司可能会在品牌中加入隐喻,以唤起这些心理意象。



“The Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique (ZMET) employs qualitative methods to elicit the metaphors, constructs and mental models that drive customers’ thinking and behaviour, as well as quantitative analyses to provide data for marketing mix decisions and segmentation strategies. The Kelly Repertory grid and laddering techniques are integral components of the technique, as are visual (eg., photographs) and other sensory images that consumers provide. The constructs elicited during the interviews are aggregated to produce a consensus map which represents most of the thinking of most people most of the time. In addition, consumers use digital imaging techniques to produce summary images of their thinking” (Coulter, and Zaltman, 1994, pp. 504-505)When an individual think about a brand, some visual representations come to their mind (Biel, 1993). The firm might market the brand with metaphors in them with the intention of evoking these mental images.

So for the same firm to see the voice of the consumer, it is hence necessary for the firm to use techniques such as the ZMET. The ZMET will enable people to collect images representing the base concepts that the associate with a brand would collect non-verbal effects from the consumer. By means of storytelling, the concept that the consumer connects with the brand or the reasoning behind the image collection is extracted and later by the concept of laddering the richest in terms of examples, metaphors, universals and mental schemes. The laddering process is one that is useful for understanding the psychological consequence of the outcomes of a mental model or a construct that is perceived in the consumer mind. Laddering can be of many types, it could be a synonym seeking concept, looking out for parallels and related issues. Laddering-up is a type where the consequences of the feeling is questioned, such as where the phenomenon or the concept behind the image had its origin and laddering down looks at the causes of the phenomenon under investigations.






For any movie, there should be an audience or the end consumer. The director needs to make a movie to satisfy the requirement of the audience. There has been more active audience participation in the recent times. Owing to this, there has been more interaction in how the scripts are framed. Ultimately, it depends on the audience reception of the movies. In this case, the most common themes that have been popular are the romance and the action themes in different forms. In the Mood for Love is an interesting love story directed by Wong Kar Wai, and was released in Hong Kong, 2000. It is a romantic genre movie. In this the main protagonists suspect their respective spouses to have extramarital affairs. Hence even though they harbor feelings of love they choose to maintain platonic friendship. All That Heaven Allows is a movie that has been directed Douglas Sirk and was released in the USA in 1955.

This story is a romantic genre story which is about two people falling in love under palliative circumstances. It is about true love and how love develops in unexpected places. The same kind of theme has been observed in these two movies. The audience reception for these two movies has been very effective. Another common genre that has been welcome by the audience is the actions genre. In Mad Max Fury Road directed by George Miller is an action film that has been developed based on audience reception.In this the world is saved from a potential apocalypse. This movie is actually based on a chain of movies that have been released in the past and it is the fourth installment. These series of movies have been created only because they essay the views of the audience and cater to the requirement of the audience.



本研究是在考虑本组织目前与顾客满意程度有关的问题下进行的。因此,本分析的主要目的可以简要描述如下:确定相对于完全护理而言,顾客满意度的程度。做出有效的推论统计工具的基础上,研究确定分区之间的关系问题,客户的满意度水平,推荐合适的策略,可以帮助组织减少等问题,改善客户体验和满意度水平;above-framed目标的帮助下,对R Us计算机的管理将能够改进其决策过程,保证未来R Us部门更好的成长,完全的呵护。必要的伦理考量如下:伦理问题的关键在于研究者在问卷调查过程中没有包含任何反文化或反宗教的因素。这个伦理问题一直保持着顾客的心理参数。

另一方面,从客户那里收集的数据不会用于任何商业用途。所有客户的数据将被纳入本研究仅供完成本研究之用。此外,根据1998年的《数据保护法》,研究人员不允许公开被选中客户的个人信息,这些客户自愿参与问卷调查过程。采用t检验统计方法对相关假设进行了测量。通过t检验,发现p值小于T-critical factor(0.99 < 1.96)。因此,在这种情况下,替代假设(H1)将被接受。这意味着通过分析,可以看出,客户的满意度与管理层制定的既定目标是不同的。因此,可以得出顾客满意度满足管理目标的结论。因此,管理层需要制定组织目标来满足客户。


This research has been prepared keeping in mind the current issues of the organisation in relation to the customer satisfaction level. Therefore, the major objectives of this analysis could be briefly depicted down under:To ascertain the degree of customer satisfaction level relative to Complete Care.To make effective inferences based on the statistical tool of t-test to determine the relationship between the divisional issues and the satisfaction level of the customers .To recommended suitable strategies that would help the organisation to minimise such issues and improve the customer experience and satisfaction level .With the help of the above-framed objectives, the management of Computers R Us would be able to improve its decision-making process and ensure better future growth of the division, Complete Care. The necessary ethical considerations have been allocated below: The crux ethical issue is that the researcher has not included any kind of anti-cultural or anti-religious factors during the questionnaire process. This ethical issue has been maintained the customer’s psychological parameter.

On the other hand, the collected data from customers would be not be used for any kind of commercial purpose. All the data of the customers would be incorporated for the completion of this research study only. Moreover, as per the Data Protection Act 1998, the researcher would not be allowable for disclosing the personal information of the selected customer’s, who have willingly participated in questionnaire process. Relevant hypothesis has been measured through T-testing statistical method. Throughout the T-testing, it has been found that the P-value is less than T-critical factor (0.99 < 1.96). Therefore, in this case, the alternate hypothesis (H1) would be accepted. That means through the analysis, it has been cleared that satisfaction of customers varies from the set goals developed on the part of the management. Therefore, it can be concluded that customer satisfaction level meets with the management goal. Thus, the management level would need to develop their organisational goal for satisfying the customer.




  第一,参考资料丰富。 也就是说,无论选择专业的哪个方向,首先要保证这个课题有大量的研究成果供你参考,说的通俗一点,即便是对论文写作一知半解,但是无论怎样还是可以理清原因。

  第二,标新立异。 这一原则表面上看来与上一原则是矛盾的,实则不然。标新立异不代表一定要去写那些别人不曾研究或很少研究的课题,除非你对这种课题有足够的把握。



  第三就是范围要尽量小,不要过大、过空。 所谓拟题范围尽量小,就是指选择好一个方向再从该方向中选择一个点,比如研究人力资源,可以落在培训、人员流失、绩效考核等等。另外,论文研究讲究理论联系实际,也就是不能泛泛的去谈理论,一定要结合具体的对象去谈,这就涉及到了要以对象为例。



  以经典事件或经典人物为例。 这样的事件虽然不具有时效性,但是却具有代表性。

  如果不像结合热点。 相结合具体的案例 ,可以选定几个方向,你觉得好写或是你比较了解的方向,看看是否有丰富的研究成果,成果丰富的课题优先选择。上述是本人对论文拟题的一些心得,希望对有论文撰写需要的朋友有所帮助。





高语境文化,如日本,比低语境文化更能区分局内人与局外人。在高情境系统中长大的人比在低情境系统中长大的人期望更多的是其他人,比如美国。(霍尔,1976,第13页)。在低上下文系统中情况并非如此,在低上下文系统中,个人可能会让人知道是什么在困扰他们。此外,在工作场所的高情境系统中,当局将对其下属完全负责。另一方面,在低上下文系统的情况下,系统会被认为是错误的,或者会被认为是一个替罪羊。施瓦茨提出了七个文化类别。第一类是保护。这是一种文化范畴,与社会中更为传统的方面相一致,在这个社会中,安全、一致性和传统受到高度重视,任何可能挑战传统的行为通常都被避免(Schwartz, 1994)。



“High-context cultures, such as Japan, make greater distinctions between insiders and outsiders than low-context ones do. People raised in high-context systems expect more of others than do the participants in low-context systems, such as America. When talking about something that they have on their minds, high-context individual will expect his interlocutor to know what is bothering him so that he doesn’t have to be specific” (Hall, 1976, p.13). This is not the case in a low context system, where the individual would probably let the person know about what is bothering them. Also a high context system in the case of the workplace will have authorities that hold themselves completely accountable for their subordinates. And on the other hand in the case of the low context system, the system would be presented as being faulty or a scape goat would be identified to take the blame. There are seven cultural categories as Schwartz presents it. The first category is conservation. This is the cultural category that identifies with more traditional aspects of the society where security, conformity and tradition are given a high preference and any action that could challenge time honored traditions are usually avoided (Schwartz, 1994).

For instance, some socio-liberal countries or institutions might prefer to take risks or chances and might even make a choice, if it goes against their more traditional or normative beliefs. On the other hand, some countries such as China and India might go with their time honored beliefs more. The second category identified is that of hierarchy. Hierarchy in the case of any country identifies with the distribution of social and political power in the country. A country that is highly hierarchal and is highly conservative would be collectivistic as presented by Hofstede (1984). So China could be an example of a hierarchal order. The third category is that of intellectual autonomy wherein the individual from a culture could be autonomous and creative in the pursuit of their life and goals. This is akin to the individualistic category of Hofstede, but in presenting the independent pursuit of goals instead of being ambitious might also be akin to the femininity category of Hofstede.








  理解为活动及经历中的收获、反思及成长。比如英国本科common application系统中short answer要求申请者写一次活动或者印象深刻的经历,很多申请者的文章通篇写某此活动的时间、地点、内容,我担任什么职务,做了什么。









