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今天为大家整理一篇优秀的essay范文-英国论文代写推荐:测量与决策。本文讲述的是通过这门课程,我学到了很多东西,我相信这些东西让我更加意识到决策作为一种管理活动的重要性。例如,我了解到在库存管理中,管理者需要对需要购买或持有的材料的数量做出有效的决策。此外,我还了解到,管理人员需要采取有效的决策,以降低公司的总订单和持有成本(Greasley, 2007)。如需要完整内容的英国论文代写推荐范文资料,请联系我们的客服。


我了解到与库存管理相关的决策对公司的成败起着重要的作用。这是因为在当前动态的商业环境下,正确的库存决策可以确保企业的成功,反之亦然。我还学习了使用EOQ模型来做出有效的库存决策。EOQ是指为了降低企业的持有成本和订货成本,每个订单要购买的材料数量(VanDerbeck, 2007)。同时,我也了解到EOQ模型也存在一些不足,这让我更加认识到管理者也很难选择合适的方法来管理库存。



与此同时,我也了解了盈亏平衡决策对于新项目和当前商业项目的重要性。盈亏平衡点是指企业没有利润也没有亏损的情况(Brigham and Houston, 2015)。我了解到在计算销售时对预期利润的考虑如何影响有关销售单位和销售价值的决策。它提高了我对决策作为一种管理活动的重要性的认识。因为作为一个管理者,我可以运用所有这些知识,为公司做出有效的决策做出贡献。



Reflection on the Experience

Throughout the subject, I have learned many things that I believe have created an increases awareness of the significance of decision-making as a management activity. For instance, I have come to know that during inventory management, managers need to take effective decisions related to the quantity of material to be purchased or held. Additionally, I have also learned that managers need to take effectual decisions that lower the total ordering and carrying costs for the firm (Greasley, 2007). I have learned that decisions related to inventory management can play an important role in the success or failure of the company. It is because in the current dynamic business environment, a right decision about inventory can ensure the firm’s success or vice versa. I have also learned about the use of EOQ model to make effective inventory decisions. EOQ denotes to the material’s quantity to be purchased by each order with the purpose to reduce the firm’s carrying costs and ordering costs (VanDerbeck, 2007). At the same time, I have also learned that EOQ model has also some weaknesses which further acknowledged me that it is also difficult for managers to select an appropriate method for managing inventory.

Moreover, I have also learned about how special orders impact on the firm’s regular business. I have learned that managers’ decision-making skills and capabilities play an important role in relation to special orders. I have come to know that the managers need to consider different financial and non-financial aspects while making decisions related to accept such orders. I have also learned that mainly financial and profitability aspects are important for making such decisions. In addition, as the given scenario shows how customers can demand for price discounts as a result of special orders, it also learned me the importance of decision making. For the reason, it is essential to consider all the aspects while making decisions so that an effective decision can be made in order to maximize the business profits.

英语论文代写Observation Essay的写作

英语论文代写Observation Essay的写作 说到Essay写作,想必大家都十分的熟悉,可能还有不少同学感到十分的头疼。essay写作类型非常多,不过也不用太担心,因为常见的写作类型也就那么几种,只要把这些常见的essay种类掌握好就行了。今天,英国Advanced Thesis辅导网老师就来讲讲英语论文代写Observation Essay的写作。


当你写一个“Observation Essay” 的时候,你可能很容易将它混淆为“descriptive essay”,一个描述性论文(因为毕竟你是要描述你所见到的周围情况的)。但是,写一个“观察论文”不仅仅只是简单地描写。




在观察的时候,你最好准备一个问题列表。你不要觉得,简单带着几张纸和一支笔边观察边记录就可以了。英国Advanced Thesis辅导网老师提醒大家你需要根据你的目的去事先准备出一系列的问题,然后在你观察到时候,去回答这些问题。我们还拿这个观察动物园里的猴子做例子。你可能准备的问题有:













英国代写毕业论文的写作要素是什么?去英国留学虽然是一件美好的事情,但是英国留学的学业我们一定不能忽视,尤其是毕业论文更是影响到你能否顺利毕业。因此,我们一定要重视英国论文的写作,英国毕业论文的写作要素更要了解清楚。接下来,英国Advanced Thesis辅导网老师就来讲讲英国代写毕业论文的写作要素是什么。


要素2.有力论证 学生在自己的毕业论文中,提出一个观点,需要以理由支持这个观点,而这个理由是基于证据、承认与对其他观点的回应,有时还要解释你推理的原理(principle).这里面并没有什么奥秘,因为每当你要仔细探索悬而未定的议题时,你都会应用这些要素。



要素5. 以强有力的原则论证理由与观点间的关联即使导师同意有充分的证据支持你所提出的理由,他们可能仍不认为这样就该接受你的观点。






  2.每段之间空一行,但是首句不需要像中文那样空格,直接顶格写就可以了;保持行距1.5倍,Basic Font:Times New Roman 12pt;


  4.Introduction 主要是为了阐明自己的观点和立场,也就是我们经常说的thesis statement,此外,还需要注意不要在文章或段落的开头使用问句;



  7.避免使用口语性的词汇和表达方法,例如:a little bit,well…I will talk about…;必须按照文章要求写,有些是不需要写Abstract或者标题的。








  以上就是assignment代写格式要求和写作方法的讲解。如果留学生论文不会写怎么办?英国论文代写推荐英国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,此代写平台还有一些硕士毕业论文代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务, 英国论文代写Advanced Thesis 会以专业认真的教学态度来帮助留学生们完成论文写作,从而顺利拿到专属自己的学位证书!







  学术论文一律使用英文完成,论文摘要用中英文完成。英文须使用正式文体,语言清晰流畅准确,用词恰当,段落分明,避免使用主观性语言(如使用“I think”、“I believe”之类),避免使用性别歧视性语言(如使用“he”代表整体等)。





  (1)字体和字号:大标题采用Arial 12 (小四)号粗体,其他层次标题采用Arial 10 (五号) 号粗体,正文采用Times New Roman 12号字;



  a.第一层:1、2、3、4 …

  b.第二层:1.1、1.2 …;2.1、2.2 …

  c.第三层:1.1.1、1.1.2…;1.2.1, 1.2.2 …

  (4)文中序号:文中信息列表采用1)à aà a) à i









  综上所述就是代写assignmentr 写作要求和技巧解析,如果留学生们有需要论文代写辅导的地方,详情可以咨询英国论文代写AdvancedThesis网站平台的辅导老师,此论文代写平台还有一些硕士论文代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!



  Along with complications among employees, companies are also skeptical about the ethics in today’s competitive world. One of the qualitative research estimated about sixty-six per cent employees doubt about the existence of ethics in leadership, situation often referred as “a crisis of trust” (Darcy, 2010, p. 200). The practice of non ethical behavior by the leaders give rise to these trust issues and is referred as the leadership’s “shadow side” which includes influences which are entirely negative in nature like privilege, inconsistency, power, power, deception, misplaced loyalties and irresponsibility (Frank, 2002, p.81). One can therefore sum up the ethical leaders characteristics by ones’ ability to establish honesty especially through their actions. Nevertheless, there are ambiguities in understanding the constituents of ethical leadership (Yukl, 2006) making it cumbersome to evaluate. Freeman & Stewart (2006), defines ethical leadership as “simply a matter of leaders having good character and the right values or being a person of strong character” (p. 2). The complications of ethical leadership do not arise from obeying the laid down laws and regulations or convincing the followers to behave in correct manner, but it lies in the gray areas of taking responsibility at the time of crisis (Plinio, 2009).

  Martinez-Saenz (2009) highlights the constituents of ethical leadership in the form of five paradigms recognized as egoistic, altruistic, autonomous, communitarian and legalist. When due to self driven motives, ethical behavior is adopted by the leaders. It is said to be an egoistic approach. While the same is done with selfless intentions, it is altruistic impetus. In autonomous style, the followers are given free rein to decide their own ethical boundaries and in communitarian approach aim is to extend benefits to the community and society in which the company exists. The last paradigm legalist explains the need of following rules, regulations and law by the leaders.

  Plinio (2009) illustrated three generally associated theories of leadership with the ethical behavior of the leaders. The first traditional theory of leadership closely correlated to the ethical leadership is called transforming leadership. In the transforming leadership approach, one can say that finally it attains moral grounds as leaders along with followers are inspired to uplift their ethical objectivity and human conduct to greater level. This approach affects both leaders and followers and transforms them (Burns, 1978, p. 134). The other theory is called servant

  leadership in which the impetus is placed on the service of people or followers and devoting the self to their development on ethical level. The third traditional theory of leadership theory is called authentic leadership which describes that being truthful and authentic to oneself is the prime gist of being ethical.

  论文不会写怎么办?英国论文代写推荐英国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,此代写平台还有一些硕士论文代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务, 英国论文代写Advanced Thesis 会以专业认真的教学态度来帮助留学生们完成论文写作,从而顺利拿到专属自己的学位证书!



  organisational goals would need to be developed based on customer satisfaction level. Along with this, the organisation will need to collect customer feedback for measuring their satisfaction level. The analysis of customer feedback would be helpful for reviewing best strategies for business and service development so that customer’s satisfaction level can be met. However, Gill & Johnson (2010) stated that customer demands are changeable. Therefore, it is necessary for the company to have alternate strategies to meet customer’s changing demands.

  Along with this, through the T-testing, it has been assessed that the result has come with a negative Pearson correlation of -0.149. Therefore, it could be concluded that customer satisfaction level and management goals are directly correlated to each other and there is significant linearity between those variables. Moreover, it has been cleared that management strategies of Computers R Us is not able to meet customer satisfaction level. Therefore, it is necessary for the company to increase the service quantity for satisfying the customer’s to have positive responses.

  T-testing application has been used to derive the relationship between the customer satisfaction and sex group of the customers. It has been found that the P value is less compared to T critical factor, as 0 < 1.96. Therefore, the alternative hypothesis, in this case, would be accepted, which automatically rejects the null hypothesis. This implies that the customer satisfaction level based on gender have a strong linkage with the communication level of the organisational staffs and the entire management. Therefore, organisational process related to communication is required to be developed for improving the level of customer satisfaction.

  As commented by Woodside (2013), the satisfaction level of the consumers could be improved with the application of suitable methods of communication. Along with this, the organisation needs to incorporate both top-to-down and down-to-top communication methods for ensuring smooth flow of information. Thus, ensuring such communication methods would help the staffs of the organisation to deliver effective messages to the customers. However, as argued by Hair (2015), the lack of knowledge and skills amongst the existing staffs might hinder the smooth flow of communication.

  Moreover, the negative Pearson correlation coefficient has been obtained in this case, which is equal to -0.3429711576. Therefore, it could be inferred that the satisfaction margin of the consumers and the communication techniques of the organisational staffs, and the entire management are negatively correlated with each other. Hence, there is clear cut absence of linearity between these two variables. Moreover, it also ensures that the management of Computers R Us has been inefficient to enhance its methods of communication for improving the overall level of customer satisfaction.

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  As a consequence, if destination is related with negative perception, often tourists simply select either to cancel or find destinations which are safe alternatives. Tourism is inclusive of an inner element related to prediction and uncertainties. Additionally, while travelling distance has always comprised of risks, the contrast is progressively much apparent. In various ways, such crisis have led towards modifying the worldwide industry of tourism and caused to harm the global picture of particular destinations that leads towards flights decrease and arrival of tourists along with subsequently influencing business activities related to tourism, events and hospitality. Such crisis furthermore have also included an enhancement in risk perception among advisories for travelling.

  Another essential factor is being ill-prepared towards an event, hospitality and tourism. Being ill-prepared towards crisis and disaster only result in evoking risk as well as challenge (Beirman et al., 2014). While various major organizations have developed teams for crisis management, small businesses have allowed comparatively to consider risk management plans and risk management strategies. There are also various products and services that can be utilized for risk management consequentially. These strategies have been discussed in the following section.

  The second step is monitoring and reviewing. To monitor and to review consists of allowing activities are important for consistent improvisation. Also monitoring ensures that the risk management process utilized within the sector of hospitality, event and tourism is up to the mark. Therefore, systems to monitor and review need to undergo maintenance and development through the following steps (Beirman et al., 2014):

  Arrangements being established to monitor, review and document risks as a component of strategy to manage risk within tourism, event and hospitality.

  Progress being measured and also incorporated into measurement of performance management and systems of reporting (Davies et al 2013)

  Evaluation of learning from processes of review and incorporation of these into proper type of plans. Also, it is necessary to amend methods and plans as needed

  Within the appropriate risk management procedure, the requirement is the following:

  Establishment of context- Key step lies in establishing the common parameters in which the activities to manage the risk will occur. It is also essential to consider development of criteria in opposition to the risks that require evaluation. It is inclusive of identification of relevant procedures, systems, policies and relationships of intra and inter organizations (Ritchie et al., 2013). The context of organization should be inclusive of understanding the environment externally and internally.

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  The Reform Club of Hong Kong was one of the oldest political affiliates and groups that was formed in Hong Kong. It was formed in 1949 and extended up until 1990. It was formed as a civic association to help the people and general criticised the ruling government of their oppressive polices. They were instrumental in bringing a number of changes and awareness about political manoeuvring to the people. This was allowed to be formed in the nation as a repercussion of the Pacific wars and a general criticism of the governmental activities. Hence a number of political reform groups was formed in the mainland and also in Hong Kong to deal with any oppressive practise of the government.

  Elsie Elliot had often said , “I’m not for China, I’m not for Britain. I’ve always been for the people of Hong Kong and for justice.”

  Elsie Elliot joined the Political Party “The Reform club” of Hong Kong. This was probably a very important political move that Elsie Elliot had to take to bring in order to the region. The Reform club of Hong Kong was one of the earliest political parties in Hong Kong. They were considered to be a very different organization that wanted to serve for the benefit of the public. It was in existence till the 1990. Elsie Elliot was elected to become an Urban Council member in 1963. This was an important political position. Elsie Elliot was able to bring in a lot of political change owing to this aspect. This councillor position helped her deal with many of the issues of the public and she was considered to be an ideal leader of the masses during her tenure as councillor. It was during this time she effectively used her British identity and her position as a local councillor to help the people. This body which dealt with the local district matters, it handled issues such as the health of the public, recreation and culture. The membership was a mixture of the publicly elected people and some people were partially appointed.

  Elsie Elliot ran the Bernacchi Reform Club and eventually quit

  “Bernachhi did not welcome challenges to his authority within the Reform club and Elsie Elliot did not submit to the discipline or indeed anything that would deflect from her self-appointed mission. She resigned from the club after receiving sever rebuke from Bernacchi”

  It was the club that was founded to bring constitutional reform of the colony. The fundamental notion of the club was to ensure that the people needs were satiated. However, there was difference of opinion between Elsie Elliot and Bernachhi. This was not because of governments principle of divide and rule. It was said that Elsie Elliot and Bernachhi had a lot of ideological difference. The inherent patriarchy of the movement was the reason for Elsie to eventually move away from the club.

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