标签存档: 英国代写assignment


  assignment代写-电子竞技游戏的分析。电子竞技是一种在线竞技游戏形式的电子多人游戏。电子竞技通常与利用电子战略进行在线游戏的专业玩家联系在一起。这里使用实时策略。大多数球员被认为是作为职业生涯的一部分参与其中,偶尔他们中的一些人把它作为一种爱好。多人在线竞技竞技场MOBA就是这样一个协作的游戏体育竞技场。现在电子竞技在很多方面都不同于一般的体育运动。电子竞技是一种新兴的游戏类型,人们使用虚拟现实来玩游戏。它的重点是创造一个更新的现实,在那里球员竞争,这些比赛有许多观众观看。它们与传统游戏不同,因为它不关注现实。它建立在虚拟现实的基础上,不需要实际的物理动作。 接下来有关assignment代写-电子竞技游戏的分析 如下:

  ESports are electronic multiplayer games that are played as a form of competitive gaming online. ESports are usually associated with professional players that play online making use of an estrategy. Real time strategy is employed here. Most of the players are seen to be involved in it as a part of career and occasionally some of them do it as a hobby. The Multiplayer online battle arena MOBA is one such collaborated play sports arena. Now eSports differs from normal sports in many ways. Some of the ways in which eSports and sports differ are in terms of venue, fan base, the revenue sources, the revenue sharing concepts, the form of sponsorships, ticket sales and merchandise etc. Given these differences between eSports and Sports, Multilayer Online Battle Arenas also called as MOBA can be considered an actual sports type, meaning it is anywhere accepted as a traditional sport. The literature review focuses on understanding if there is such an acceptable notion in research circles. Existing characteristic representations of MOBA, the comparison with traditional sport as preferred by experts etc. are presented in detail here.

  Multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) is a game that focuses on action real-time strategy (ARTS). It is a specialized genre of strategy oriented games. These are focused and developed based on real-time strategy. The main objective of this game is to ensure that the players can break through the computer controlled units and find feasible ways to victory (Griffiths, 2017). There are several ways in which the games are played. Typically, there are two opposing teams. Each of these goals tries to destroy the enemy’s base to win. There are many game options that the people develop in this paradigm. The teams are found to work in cohesion to meet the needs or the original objective of the team (Seo and Jung, 2016). There are several defensive structures that are found to be in place to destroy the opposing team base.

  英国高阶论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构为留学生们提供英国代写、essay代写、paper代写等论文代写服务,帮助留学生们解决论文的写作困扰,圆自己一个留学提升学位的梦想!


  在本篇英国论文代写-不同风能预测模型的研究和讨论中,将比较现有的不同风能预测模型。将讨论一些较新的模型,以及在NWP模型中取得的进展。根据优缺点和获得的关键见解,从模型中收集所需的特性列表。利用这些特性,提出了一种新的理论模型。来自现有研究模型的数据在模拟环境中用于验证理论模型的某些方面。现在大家都明白了,这个理论模型并不能得到充分的验证。研究人员在这个时候提出的建议,打算采取一些关键方面的模型,并通过模拟与数据的天气,风能和更多,并提出这作为核心的讨论。本研究的目的不是为了证明模型的正确性或错误性。相反,研究的重点是提出一个新的模型。新模型试图消除现有模型中的不确定性。将来可以通过调整不同的案例场景来改进它。 接下来英国论文代写-不同风能预测模型的研究和讨论 如下:

  There are no ethical issues in data collection as the data is not collected from human participants. Still, ethical issues have to be addressed in research as the data used is the secondary research data. The data will be referenced thoroughly and due credit will be given to the original author wherever possible in the main work. The original intention of the author will also be presented. Data will not be manipulated to fit a point, and the data analysis will proceed in a scientific manner.


  The research philosophy adopted in this work is positivism. Positivism is a research philosophy where it is understood that the discovery of newer learning takes place in a pure scientific paradigm. Keeping to this philosophy, the analysis is conducted in as much a scientific way as possible. From the sourcing of data to the end point of data analysis, the researcher makes the work as scientific as possible. The work is exploratory style of writing. An attempt has been made to include as much discussions on the topic as well. However, the main understanding of the forecasting model is not as a social construction, but as a scientific construction. Thence, it is necessary to use positivism as the research paradigm in data collection and analysis as well.

  In the uncertainty analysis and testing, the researcher intends to analyze the model critically with respect to probabilistic forecasting, by employing risk indices, and by means of multiple scenario generation, etc. In terms of probabilistic measures in specific, the variable units used are the quantiles, interval forecasts and probability density function (pdf).

  In conclusion, this research work makes use of a thorough understanding of the existing forecast models with respect to the wind energy. Now existing forecast models suffer from pros and cons, and for a better understanding of a futuristic model, it is necessary to do an exploratory study. This research work primarily presents a thorough exploratory analysis by means of its research background and literature review sections. Secondly, collection of key features of the existing forecast models is then made use of to construct an alternate futuristic model in theory. Aspects of the model are tested out in simulation with actual data.

  论文不会写怎么办?英国论文代写推荐英国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,此代写平台还有一些paper代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务, 英国论文代写Advanced Thesis 会以专业认真的教学态度来帮助留学生们完成论文写作,从而顺利拿到专属自己的学位证书!


  論文代寫-商業環境中員工自我表露的重要性。在商業環境中,自我表露是最重要的。這是因為它試圖揭示一個人的長處、短處、能力和無能。這有助於企業安排任務類型,並將其分配給理想的候選人,從而最大化生產力(Gregory & Pieczka, 2007)。例如,當一個員工不擅長會計但擅長管理時,把管理工作交給他是比較明智的,這樣可以挽救他的聲譽。企業也可以雇傭一名有生產力的員工,這一切都會增加增長和收入。當自我披露成為一種組織文化時,錯誤、失誤、違規、違法行為就會被最小化。

  A crisis situation is inevitable when many people are involved working together. There are multiple commitment levels which vary across the employee demographics. When there is a crisis and there seems no solution, chaos follows everywhere. Processes are disrupted, thinking power erodes, decision power dies out and the helpless people only become spectators and at the minimum try to save their lives. Risk management approaches can define each perceivable crisis in detail, prepare risk avoidance approaches and trains them regularly among employees who are then made aware of their individual and collective responsibility during a crisis.

  Determining the intent of the speaker, one who is experiencing a conflict, is the origin of resolution. When the intent of the conflict experiencing person is heard and understood, it becomes easier to resolve it than when the intent itself remains unclear. Once the intent is known, the best strategy to employ is empathy. Empathy makes everyone aware of their weaknesses, helps them to cope with their problems and also makes them aware of the inevitable nature of conflicts and not to deter from them. Empathising people helps them grow and not become victims of meaner and negligible issues.

  No verbal communication is an important contributor to one’s understanding and lack of the mind-set of the person speaking or who is to be judged and assessed. When one’s nonverbal communication methods are assessed, analysed and aligned with ethical and moral behaviours, it informs plenty about the person’s intrinsic mode of thinking and the way he or she generally represents things. Some people cannot say something openly. Hence a nonverbal communication understanding may be helpful in extracting such thoughts, which apparently may be the most important.

  Reactions of individuals are an important yet explicit indicator of what the person thinks in his mind. Watching reactions of people, which is a nonverbal mode of expression, informs about the person’s thoughts and beliefs about the subject. A weaker eye contact resembles weaker interest in the subject (Kaye, 2010). Body movements while listening speaks about the extent of attentiveness in the subject. These are underlying assumptions of gauging a person’s original response to a subject. If a person were multitasking while listening, it assumes that the person is less interested in the speaker than he is in other work areas.

  Theory X would be preferred the foremost in managing 12 workers. This is because, even in the best multinational company, people are primarily motivated first to fulfil their basic physical needs followed by psychological and objective needs. When a stomach is empty, even the wisest person would not be able to understand. The most important management decisions to be taken would be to understand each employee’s intrinsic needs, aligning their individual goals with management goals, offering individual rewards for each one based on their dominant need projected.

  英國高階論文代寫Advanced Thesis平台機構為留學生們提供英國代寫、essay代寫、assignment代寫等論文代寫服務,幫助留學生們解決論文的寫作困擾,圓自己一個留學提升學位的夢想!

assignment代写-20世纪60年代和70年代的中国 经济

assignment代写-20世纪60年代和70年代的中国 经济。上世纪六七十年代的中国比今天的中国更可靠、更稳定。当前,中国正面临着全球压力,需要用社会主义政策推动经济发展。带有社会主义约束的权力下放,在一些领域造成了巨大的经济泡沫,如果不加以遏制,就可能毁掉迄今为止取得的所有进步,使国家倒退。更早的时候,中国感到更舒服,因为经济衰退或经济低迷的程度不会像今天这样伤害那么多的人。由此推断,当前的中国更加雄心勃勃,无知导致了经济的盲目增长。一旦国内市场无法维持下去,吸引外国投资也会减少。经济政策比要求的要快,但60年代和70年代的政策更多的是在试验,以寻找最合适的政策。因此,20世纪60年代和70年代的中国与今天有着千差万别,在面对突然衰退的脆弱性方面,它比今天要早得多。

This was in event of the rise of modernism and the increasing demand of urban dwellers that desired to seek products that were not Chinese in particular. The modernisation program saw a major setback and economic inactivity again became prevalent. However, the leaders realised this and in 1978 started a full-fledged plan to economic revival. This gave way to more stabilised growth over the period of few decades. The introduction of private business was a major progressive event in the journey to economic revival, and price flexibility was established in the market. This led to a market system which was more open, transparent, demand and supply based, and relevance of open pricing made the market more attractive. Thus, the 1960s and 1970s saw multiple failures and successes of the Chinese economy with different leaders testing different theories as per the feasibility.

The current China is in more ways different from the China of 1960s and 1970s. The current China is more powerful in the areas of economic stability, share of the global trade, privatisation and centrally led economic policies (Hsü, 2000). China today is more open to foreign investments than it has ever been in the past, and it is, therefore, making more progress in each sector which it is trying to make competitive. With global companies present in China and selling their products in each sector, the knowledge and the skills required for remaining competitive have been growing in an unprecedented way. The country today is the largest owner of the US dollar which makes it more reliable in its economic prowess and its ability to allow and enter many international markets. It is in a position to lead the Asian countries, including India, to new heights in the wake of the protectionism approach that UK and the US under Trump are being executed. However, with all the progress, it has become more arrogant of its position and power. It continues to capture uncharted territories in the South China Sea, and claims over miles of open sea that to this date remain disputed with other Asian nations.
China today is increasing its defence investment and capabilities to a level not seen before, which it uses to intimidate other nations like India, Vietnam and Philippines etc. The setting up of several global special economic zones has made economic history and gave financial freedom to millions of households, but at the same time, it has destroyed its climate safety net by massive industrialisation (Benson, 2016). This climate disaster is creating new issues for the country, and is poised to give rise to multiple natural disasters if not checked properly. Decentralisation of provincial territories allowed new leaders to experiment and take relevant decisions for its province that gave rise to more meaningful and overall economic growth. It has become a successful socialist market economy now, and pledges to open up more when other nations are seeking to curtail international investments back. This period for China is more crucial than any other, since it will be tested in its capacity of being superiorly competitive. In all, it has not led its citizens to a highly superior education, but converted half of the nation into a mass labour market. Innovation and creativity is rare in China, which will lead to disastrous dependable policies for its future businesses.

论文不会写怎么办?英国论文代写推荐英国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,此代写平台还有一些paper代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务, 英国论文代写Advanced Thesis 会以专业认真的教学态度来帮助留学生们完成论文写作,从而顺利拿到专属自己的学位证书!


英国代写论文-合资企业的业务外包风险。风险分担是指风险双方在确定固有风险的同时,共同承担风险损失发生的后果。这是在合资企业中进行的。在这种情况下,人们被发现要分担股权风险,并处理价值中的利害关系。外包交易中存在风险分担。在这种情况下,一方对另一方的表现有实际控制。外包交易被发现涉及典型的重复业务流程(Horvath, 2001)。外包是一种微妙的合资企业形式,旨在理解风险分担。外包和风险分担的内在问题是公司预期的回报。在外包的情况下,对业务的控制有相当大的损失。

There are two kinds of markets which are the downstream markets and the upstream markets. The downstream markets are found to hand from the product team to the remote engineering team. They are found to have little say in the market. They are measured using the transactional measurements (Kraljic, 1983). The down streaming markets are often not based on nuanced strategies and are more focused on the marketing tactics. They are usually found to be safe for the interim. The up streaming market, on the other hand, is found to be less common. In this group, there are many researchers that interact with the markets to develop long term cohesive solutions that are bound to develop (Kaplinsky and Morris, 2001). These are found to be key market product teams that are used to define the future directions for the company. These groups are found to have challenges. In this schema, there are more risks involved (Peteraf, 1993). The companies such as IBM and ELT are found to change their downstream market strategy to reposition the products. For this, they have developed nuanced ways of risk sharing.

Risk sharing is found to occur between two parties as they identify the innate risks and jointly agree to face the consequences during the occurrence of the loss of the risk. This is done in joint ventures. In this, the people are found to share the equity risks and address the stakes in the value. Risk sharing is found to occur in the outsourcing transactions. In this, one of the parties has a physical control over the performance of the other party. The outsourcing transactions are found to involve typical repetitive business processes (Horvath, 2001). Outsourcing is a nuanced forms of joint ventures that are developed to understand the risk sharing. The innate issues of outsourcing and risk sharing are the returns that are expected for the company. There is considerable loss of control over the operation in the cases of outsourcing. There are many more actors in the particular schema and would cause issues in maintaining the conventional power dynamics in the company (Fisher, 2003). The companies are at risk for sharing their confidential agreement with the stakeholders. The companies need to ensure that they meet the demands of the stakeholders. Outsourcing has been a proven way to reduce costs and optimization of the resources (Smith and Tardif, 2009). There is a generally lesser risk involved in this process. These needs to be addressed in order to create a cohesive solution between the parties involved.

英国论文代写Advanced Thesis网站平台是一家论文代写信誉高的留学教育机构,其中有24小时专业客服为留学们提供随时在线咨询服务,还有一些硕士论文代写、paper代写、essay代写、assignment代写等服务, 英国论文代写Advanced Thesis 会以专业认真的教学态度来帮助留学生们完成学业目标,从而顺利拿到专属自己的学位证书!而且以上提供的论文范文,未经授权任何人不得私自转发,如有发现将依法追究其法律责任!


英国论文代写-谷歌新产品Pixel市场失败的原因。为了说明谷歌Pixel在几个新兴市场或成长型市场失败的原因,有必要承认谷歌Pixel未能提供良好的用户体验(Shih et al., 2013)。考虑到一个类比,很明显,就像在豪华汽车领域一样,购买者不希望投资的资本具有适当的价值,智能手机也是如此。毫无疑问,印度市场需要一辆具有直接满足消费者需求的、具有理想价值的汽车(Laperche et al., 2013)。产品还应具有与之相关的间接的满足感,即所要求的注意力。毫无疑问,Pixel是一款令人向往的产品,但这也适用于其他产品,如三星Galaxy系列的S7 edge。这两款手机都运行在Android系统内。话已至此,了解一加三(Kim et al., 2015)等知名产品在该地区的表现就变得至关重要。

It is evident from market performance analysis that sales of the product are going up especially because the sales of its competitors are not reaching appropriate level. However, the performance will not be sustained due to various factors. The reason for not appropriately performing in the market for Google Pixel will be highlighted in this section especially from the perspective of global emerging markets such as India (Shu et al., 2016). India is a growth market but it also offers smart phone marketers with several issues and Google Pixel has been facing these issues considerably.
OnePlus 3 and OnePlus 3T (upcoming) are both such that they have specifications matching with Google Pixel but OnePlus products are half the price. The experience of users on the contrary is also not side-lined even though the price of these products is less. In terms of pricing particularly, it is evident that Google Pixel will not appeal to a majority of people in Indian market.
Whether Google Pixel will be a bestselling product or not will be a result that future will tell. The projected numbers however have depicted that market performance of the product will drop after experiencing some sales (Baker et al., 2014). However, it should not be forgotten that this is the first device made by Google. This is the reason why it has resulted in creating a buzz within the segment of premium smartphones. In order to sustain this, Google will have to continue offering a good experience to its users within the similar league.
From the market analysis on performance, it is evident that the company and its product are highly innovative but innovation has been offered at a higher price. Similar innovation is available at the same price by other companies such as One Plus. This is one domain where it is proved that Pixel is not performing well in the market.

This is to conclude that Google Pixel is a highly innovative product launched by the company. It not only reflects creativity but also reveals through appropriate performance that it is a tough competitor to many smartphones in the market (Vuori et al., 2016). However, price is one factor where the new product is lagging and hence has lost its popularity because it is even expensive than I-phone series of Apple. From performance analysis of the new product, it was evident that the company has aligned itself with the process of new product development. This has benefitted the company majorly.
There are several areas where change can be brought forward if the new product has to be made popular among the target audience. The company, Google, certainly is a competitor to another innovative company that is Apple but it can perform better if the products are not highly priced. With lower price and appropriate quality in terms of performance, customers will be compelled to buy this phone (Trott, 2008). Another performance issue is that there are some limited features in the phone. These features have inhibited performance of the phone. This has been already informed in the above analysis. To improvise, the company can look at the way in which the performance can be enhanced. Other smart phone companies are also offering similar features as Pixel but their prices are lower (Shu et al., 2016). This makes Google Pixel less innovative in nature especially because its innovative perspective comes forward in the form of higher price.
Lastly, this is to conclude that product and innovation management in firms is an ongoing process. It does not come to an end because when it does, it results in stagnating development and growth of firms. This paper has shown the way in which innovative products can be managed using leading innovator that is Google as an example.

论文不会写怎么办?英国论文代写推荐英国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,此代写平台还有一些paper代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务, 英国论文代写Advanced Thesis 会以专业认真的教学态度来帮助留学生们完成论文写作,从而顺利拿到专属自己的学位证书!


英国论文代写-日本时尚发展的变化。自上世纪80年代以来,日本时尚开始发生革命性的变化,Comme de Garcons、三宅一生(Issey Miyake)和Kohji Kamamoto等设计师的成功开创了日本时尚的先机,他们成功地扩展了自己的品牌——无印、优衣库(Uniqlo)和Kenz。在这一特定时期,随着日本最终进入泡沫经济,DC burando开始蓬勃发展,推广概念设计师品牌和特色品牌。为此,根据服装品牌引入了徽章等设计理念。这些都有助于明确地确定一些时装设计师。

Majority of the works of Japanese designers are known to be referencing the aesthetic principles of Japan. These principles are as follows:
Origami is a well- known art form of paper folding in Japan. Splitting the term, ori is referred to as folding, while gami is referred to as paper.
Ma is the void or space between objects or things possessing the incalculable energy.
Sabi and wabi: Wabi means simplicity without any luxury or decoration that is also an aesthetic strongly rooted in the long developed ceremony of tea out of the 16th century. Sabi is referred to as atmospheric and old.
Wabi- abi can be referred to as the beauty of simple yet modest things.
Some key attributes of fashion in Japan can also be in link with the influences of Western culture. Originated by Vivienne Westwood, the punk approach during the 1970s to the 1980s also faced major exemplification by rips, slashes and clothing frayed and akin to the principle of wabi- sabi. Black was used for expressing the social protest. Making fashionable clothes is all in relation with flat fabric to a figure of three dimensions in forming the body of human.
The designs eschewed to tailor accentuation of female form favouring layers loose- fitted fabric being enshrouded, shaping of abstract and asymmetrical hemlines. With key preference for monochromatic styles, these garments could be seen as solid black and were made out of fabrics of rough texture providing to elude weathering or tearing. Appalled initially by the creation of Yamamoto and Kawakubo, a number of journalists of fashion from that time had been assigning derisive labels like “bag lady look” or “ragged chic”.
There was key emphasis on the natural carving of a body in the style of Bodikon, while the shibukaji style was popularizing among university students and high school students. This increased the number of times this population visited boutiques especially from the shopping streets of Shibuya Ward in Tokyo. In this duration, bodikon styled clothes were adopted by a larger population of women that brought out an even large population of women. This encouraged them to come in the limelight while following the popular style of shibukaji that depicted simplicity and durability. The presentation of garments in Paris by Yamamoto and Kawakubo departures from the conventions of western area from fashion designing that challenges the overall notions related to gender and beauty.

英国论文代写Advanced Thesis网站平台是一家论文代写信誉高的留学教育机构,其中有24小时专业客服为留学们提供随时在线咨询服务,还有一些硕士论文代写、paper代写、essay代写、assignment代写等服务, 英国论文代写Advanced Thesis 会以专业认真的教学态度来帮助留学生们完成学业目标,从而顺利拿到专属自己的学位证书!而且以上提供的论文范文,未经授权任何人不得私自转发,如有发现将依法追究其法律责任!


assignment代写-公司产品价格的定价策略。本公司用于制定本公司产品价格的定价策略将完全基于本公司产品的价值。虽然公司目前是一家新公司,但它的运作方式将使公司的声誉继续得到很大的发展。该公司的声誉将有助于该公司在市场上保持和克服其在行业中的竞争对手(Berger et al., 1991)。产品的定价方式将使其价格低于竞争对手。人们普遍认为他们会从产品中获得最大的价值。以价值为基础的定价策略最适合目标市场。

The pricing strategy which would be used by the company for setting the price of the products of the company will be completely based on the value of the product. Though the company is a new company at present, it will work in such a manner that the reputation of the company continues to develop in the great manner. The reputation of the company will help the company to sustain in the market and overcome its competitors in the industry (Berger et al., 1991). The prices of the products will be set in such a manner that the prices will be lower in comparison to its competitors. It is generally expected by the people that they will get the best value out of their products.
The pricing strategy in case of the value based is most appropriate for the target market. This is because of the fact that in general, the target market mostly consists of the parents who wants their kids to get more and more better products. But they are also conscious that they get the best product at the lowest price.

The company’s strategy therefore will be to provide the value to the products and will also insure that the prices will be lower than the competitors. The company will make the people realize that how important is the products for their children and it will leave the decision to the people that they want to buy the valuable products at the lower price in comparison to the selling price of the competitor of the product. The major competition of the company at the present times will be with the XYZ Company which manufactures the same set of product. The company will keep the prices much lower than the products of the XYZ Company but it will provide the best quality products which would be even better in comparison to the primary competitor of the company.
The T shirts which are being manufactured by the company have been priced between $12 and $55. This is lower in comparison to the price which has been set up by XYZ Company whose products have been set at the price of $20 to $90. Also the shoes of the company have been set up at the price between $20 and $150. The price of the caps is as low as $5. Also the company will give a complementary offer initially under which it will give free caps on the purchase of shoes or T shirts. The company though has to figure out some of the other core competitors but it is sure that it will easily take a good place in the market.
Another most important thing is the distribution of any product. This forms to be the most important phase for the success of any product (Mohamed et al., 1999). The company will distribute the products with the help of the different wholesalers which would include the national level wholesalers. The wholesaler will provide the products to the retailer. In order to implement the proper control in this strategy it will be important to ensure that there is a proper distribution at different places in the nation. The company also needs to ensure that the retailers give the products to the customers at the fair price. Also, each of the products which have been sent from the company should reach the customer properly. There will be a complete scrutiny of the different products which would be sending to the wholesalers and the retailers. Also, it will be ensured that the money reaches the company after the sale of the product. With the help of this method the distribution will be done in different a part which ensures that there is no loss of the product during the time of distribution. The company will make sure that the products easily reach to the customers. The company will make sure that most of the products which are developed by the company are given to the national level distributors. It is very important to have a proper implementation of the different products which are manufactured by the company. The company is new in the market therefore it is important for the company that the different strategies should be implemented successfully.

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Those who take the extreme position on absolute freedom are referred to as staunch liberalists, who are in similar rigid position with those who advocate complete regulation on the freedom of speech. The midway is to find grounds for reasonable and qualified restriction on free speech, especially in cases where it goes against the ideals of democracy, truth and knowledge that it professes to achieve.
People should give priority to the freedom of speech, and then impose appropriate regulations

This call for the next step towards building regulatory framework is to create content monitoring and filtering tools. Researchers in different universities are hard at work designing and testing algorithms to filter pornographic, violent and un-wanted content on different networks (Oh & Aukerman, 2013). Some of these methods are technical blocking by way of Internet Protocol blocking, Domain Name System tempering, Uniform Resource Locator blocking. Other approaches include manual censorship where certain links are not displayed in the search results on the basis of content. Most of these are aimed at restricting the proliferation and access of pornographic content by minors, and prevention of hate speech/terrorist rhetoric on the internet. These tools and mechanisms are successful in achieving their aims, however, there is a lack of transparency around even the basic definitions of criteria such as obscenity, pornographic content, hate speech, etc. In some cases, the state has refused to make public the list of blocked sites because it might allow the users and the website owners to circumvent the restrictions. At the same time, in certain countries, the governments have tried to muzzle political dissent in the guise of regulating adult content for the minors. These practises are harmful for the future of democracy and unless the political will is inclined towards maintaining the freedom of speech at all costs, any attempt at framing regulations will be proved futile.

Public – private censorship, as explained by Hannibal Travis, is a means of internet regulation or more precisely, means of regulating content and practises on internet on the basis of explicit interests of the consumers and the owners. The market competition and legal suits make sure that as far as possible, the internet remains ethical and competitive. Ethical where copyright infringements and violations of intellectual property are concerned and competitive where users/consumer preferences are accorded the highest priority (Travis, 2013).

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In the previous literature, it is actually the self-serving motivation which may help in the determination of the selective use of the graphs. The management of the companies needs to have the incentives which may be help in the representation of the performance of the companies in the best possible manner which may result in the selective financial misinterpretation. The graphs have been generally adopted and designed in such a manner that they can help in the adoption of the financial signals which may be sent to the annual report users. This may also help in the adoption and design of the financial signals to different users, to help in the enhancement of the perception of the customers and the lead the users to make the sub-optimal decisions related to the financial information. In the financial graphs selectivity may be occurring whenever there may be a favourable trend. Whenever there is an absence of the graphs, it may conceal the poor performance of the companies (Dimaggio, 1983). On the other hand, the companies use the graphs for the purpose of making the good performance more salient to the users. The overall outcome of the management of the impressions is that the information which may be covered through the graph is not completely neutral. The information may be relevant in some or the other manner. From the previous studies, it has been found that selectivity has been used for the purpose of highlighting of the financial performance variables with the help of the graphs. The financial performance indicators may generally be graphed in the annual reports of the banks with a good annual performance of the banks.
As per the positive accounting theory, it may be predicted that the different managers who are the part of some of the highly visible firms are exposed to the public scrutiny and regulator’s attention of the media. This may also deem the large increase in the performance of the company which may be salient to the annual report users as these are among the regulators. Dilia and Jarvin (2010) also found that some of the large non-financial companies which have the greater financial performance may actually be less likely to volunteer the key financial indicators of the graphs.
The different banks may operate in case of the highly regulated industry which is under the consistent and the continuous attention of the media and the regulators. Thus, the potential selectiveness or the financial performance graphs can actually be driven because of the potential costs which may be incurred by the process of drawing the attention related to the high performance.
The different financial reporting practices may not be developed completely in the vacuum because of the formal and the informal rules of the company, rather than the result of the macro social processes (Frownfelter & Fulkerson, 1998). These are also likely to reflect the underlying situations which may be impact the financial reports of the company. The different national accounting practices may also vary because of the different environmental and the cultural factors. Thus the process of the adoption of graphs and the variable graphs may also vary across the nations.

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