标签存档: 英国代写毕业论文




众所周知,所有这些方面都涉及服务或产品所提供的质量以及与这些服务或产品的运输、包装和生产有关的关键方法。美国的飓风、日本各地的地震、泰国的洪水等环境灾害有显著影响本组织绩效的趋势。此外,英国政府的政策和欧盟的不稳定最终影响了对电子及相关物品的需求,从而影响ARM在欧洲市场的表现。欧洲财政联盟是影响武装力量地位的关键政治问题之一。ARM的成功在很大程度上依赖于一支极具生产力和敬业精神的劳动力(Zackrisson and Bengtsson, 2012)。


The above mentioned requirements do not seem to be imposing specific standards of performance across different organization. The underlying scope highlighted in ISO 14001, in combination with different enforcement policies and national policies, it is more or less impossible for establishing parameters accepted for the protection of environment. Hence, ARM understands the need of approaching these requirements with respect to what has been imposed by local laws, state or provincial laws, and national laws. The standard ISO 14001 focuses on distinguishing between environmental impacts and environmental aspects and these aspects can result in causing environmental impacts. This provides a better scope of applying production processes and these can be applies to each and every process in delivering the service. Being an engineering firm, there is an involvement of each and every environmental aspect having association with a building or an object being designed. There is huge relevance of the processes of purchasing as there can be purchases of services and products that are associated with environmental aspects.

All of the aspects are known to be involving both, qualities delivered in services or products, and the key methods in association with their transport, packaging and production. Environmental disasters like hurricanes in the United States of America, earthquakes across Japan, and floods in Thailand hold the tendency of significantly impacting the performance of the organization. In addition, policies of the UK government and the absence of stability in EU has ended up influencing the demand for electronic and related items and hence, this affects the performance of ARM in the market of Europe. The fiscal union of Europe is among the key political issues impact the position of ARM in a significant manner. The success of ARM is highly dependent on an extremely productive and engaged work force (Zackrisson and Bengtsson, 2012).



特斯拉向人们承诺了很多花言巧语和承诺。就特斯拉而言,它承诺将改变世界和汽车行业。为此,它们利用了一项技术来取代使用可持续发展的传统矿物燃料。这种汽车的初期销量与新技术因素以及性能水平有关。然而,有很多成本参与这个过程,是非常昂贵的为大众市场提供这种产品(Gausen & Strømman霍金斯,2012)。产品制造所涉及的成本较高,因此产品的成本也较高。供应商在保持当前需求方面也存在问题。从经济角度来看,没有廉价的技术可以解决电能转换的问题。目前特斯拉生产的电池都是锂离子电池。

他们应该生产数百个这样的电池,但是他们不能像传统汽车那样高效。除此之外,它们既不具有成本效益,也不适合环境(Malik, Dincer & Rosen, 2016)。他们使用钴、镍,这些电池不能轻易丢弃。它们是不可生物降解的。这些锂离子电池对环境的危害更大。它们对环境的可持续性不如公司的项目。他们谈论的是该公司尚未开发的太阳能电池(Nandi, 2013)。他们需要聚焦并制造太阳能电池。简单地说,公司没有技术来制造环保型电池。他们作出了有希望的努力,但尚未取得成果。


Tesla promises a lot of rhetoric and promise to the people. In the case of Tesla, it promises to change the world and the automobile industry. For this they have utilized a technology to replace the use of the conventional fossil fuel for sustainable development. Initial sales of the vehicles were associated with the novel technological factors, as well as the level of performance. However, there are a lot of costs involved in this process and it is very costly to provide this product for the mass markets (Hawkins, Gausen & Strømman, 2012). The costs involved in the product manufacturing are higher and hence the cost of the product is also high. There is also the issue of suppliers in maintaining the current requirement. From an economic standpoint, there is no cheap technology available to combat this issue of conversion of electric energy. Currently, the batteries produced by Tesla are from lithium ion batteries.

They should make hundreds of these batteries but they cannot be as efficient as a traditional automobile. Apart from these, they are neither cost effective nor are they suitable to the environment (Malik, Dincer & Rosen, 2016). They use cobalt, nickel and these batteries cannot be discarded easily. They are not biodegradable. These lithium ion batteries are more dangerous to the environment. They are not as sustainable to the environment as the company projects. They are talking about solar cells that are yet to be developed by the company (Nandi, 2013). They need to focus and create solar cells. Simply put the company does not have the technology to create environmentally friendly battery. They have made promising efforts but are yet to achieve results.



生态女性主义或生态女性主义是以父权制社会是社会中存在的一切不平等的根源这一基本意识形态为基础的。它质疑关于生产的社会一致性(Gaard, 2010年第54页)。男性的贪婪和生产方法的根源被认为是造成环境和妇女压迫的原因。生态女权主义者认为,通过塑造社会的一致性,使妇女获得更多的自由,可以解决环境问题。这个研究分支将复杂的事件网络和元素联系在一起,这些事件和元素将生态学和女权主义的概念联系在一起。生态女性主义者指责社会中的父权二分法是所有环境问题的根源(Salleh, 1997)。生态女性主义把人类分为两类。生态女性主义的一些特征是本质主义。

许多人类学家和社会学家对这种本质主义概念提出了批评。在这种意识形态中,女性被认为是主要的养育者,而男性被认为是主要的动物本能,如打猎。妇女被认为是受压迫的阶级。在早期的生态女性主义理论中,人们将天生的贪婪归因于男性。前一个时代生态女性主义的一些核心价值观与自由主义女性主义的概念相矛盾(Gaard, Estok, and Oppermann, 2013 p 56)。在这种生态女权主义中,激进的女权主义和文化女权主义爆发了(Edwards, Edwards, Fields 2013)。这些意识形态与每种意识形态的一些基本信仰相矛盾。自由女权主义并没有得出生产率和增长是污染的原因的结论(Edwards, Edwards, Fields 2013)。


Ecological feminism or ecofeminism is based on the fundamental ideology that patriarchy society is the root of all iniquities existing in the societies. It questions about the societal conformities regarding production (Gaard, 2010 p 54). Greed of men and roots of production methodology has been cited to cause effect on the environment and women oppression. Ecofeminist believe that by shaping societal conformities for more liberalization of women environmental issues can be addressed. This branch of research connects the intricate network of events and elements that link notions of ecology and feminism. Ecofeminist’s accuse patriarchal dichotomy in society as the root of all environmental issues (Salleh, 1997). Ecofeminism classifies humans into two distinctive categories. Some of the characteristic notion of this ecofeminism is essentialism.

Many anthropologists and sociologist have critiqued this essentialism notion. In this ideology, women are considered to be primary nurturers and men to have primary animal instinct such as hunting. Women are considered to be the oppressed class. Innate greed has been attributed to men in the earlier ecofeminism theories. Some of the core values of ecofeminism in the previous era contradicted the notions of liberal feminism (Gaard, Estok, and Oppermann, 2013 p 56). Within this eco feminism radical feminism and cultural feminism had erupted (Edwards, Edwards, Fields 2013). These ideologies contradicted some of the fundamental beliefs in each ideology. Liberal feminism does not conclude that productivity and growth are the reasons for pollution (Edwards, Edwards, Fields 2013).





  第一, 把自己最好的故事呈现在申请老师面前。一篇成功的个人陈述,是一种比较有针对性的自我介绍,聚焦于申请表格提出的两个问题回答“我是谁”,“我能提供些什么”,成功的陈述从不偏离这两个主题介绍来进行介绍,描述你作为有竞争力候选者的潜能。



  第二, 个人评价中的具体内容。因为它提供了一个契机让你回顾自身。但要提醒各位准备留学申请的学生在文章展开阐述时,可以涉及到的主要内容:如嗜好,你曾经完成的项目,特定的工作以及职责和成就,你所克服的挑战和个人障碍,选该专业的相应原因,影响你、促使你,帮助你实施求学于某一领域某一学校的人士,以及你的目标的陈述等主要内容。

  第三, 文章主要内容进行展开陈述。在申请英国留学文书的写作过程中,要展开来做比较重要的陈述,并表明这些事件,经验和人士如何地影响你,并在文书中以文字做好信息的记录这个将会为你申请成功加分,另外当你在完表格时。








来自各行各业的商业和电子书商店也在大幅增长。这导致了公司的重大问题(Hooper, and Rawls, 2014)。这家公司没有进入壁垒,因为它是一家老牌公司。赋予消费者的权力很大。这家公司发现消费者的议价能力很强。由于公司的数字化发展,替代威胁变得明显。公司无法想出办法来防止这些替换。就图书公司而言,供应商是作者、出版商、艺术家和内容作者。在这种情况下,传统零售企业也面临着与边境企业同样的问题。他们严重依赖零售和传统出版业。这导致了公司的倒闭。


Socially, there was a general preference towards the technological advancements. People started to look for innovation in their products. They wanted more functionality. In the case of developed nations, there is an increase in the number of competitors and people had access to all the basic requirements. The people were looking for extended functionalities and increase in technological support for their products. The PEST analysis suggests that the company not focusing on the multimedia to cater to the consumers which was the reason for the failure of the company. There is a need to analyze the competitors of a company in order to understand the reason for the failure of the company. The porters five force analysis has been prescribed in order to understand the root of failure of this company. There was high level of competition for the company. There was Barnes and Noble that was the major competitors. Apart from this, Amazon company had a working knowledge of Borders Inc because they were partners with this firm.

The commerce and eBook stores from around the spectrum was also increasing profoundly. This caused the company major issues (Hooper, and Rawls, 2014).The company had no barrier to entry as it was an established company. There was high power vested on the consumers. The bargaining power of the consumers was found to be high for this company. Threat of substitution become pronounced owing to the digital growth of the company. The company was not able to devise ways to prevent these substitutions. In the case of the book companies, the suppliers are the writers, publishers, artist and the content writers. In this case, the traditional retail companies were also facing the same issues as that of Borders. There was heavy dependence on the retail and conventional publishing. This had caused the company to fail.



首先,应联系指定和任命的人员,报告不符合规范的情况。在此之后,应提出适当的投诉,以清楚地确定案件的细节,以及在遵守方面出现的中断的方式。然后,报告要求应开始对该事项进行诉讼和调查,以便按照所制定的准则和政策对该事项有一个明确的后续进程。对于金融机构的合规管理体系,有一些相关的澳大利亚和国际标准是适用的。首先,国际标准ISO 19600-2014适用于所有相关组织。这种规则规定了必须以何种方式执行组织的进程。

其次,适用澳大利亚标准AS 3806-2006,该标准指明了需要遵守的守则和政策的规则。确定开发、实施、评审和维护拟议的合规管理系统所需的资源,包括人力资源?需要人力资源来管理适当的人员和工作人员,以便执行这种制度。这将意味着需要明确和适当地参与这些制度。此外,在建立适当和适当的信息系统方面将需要资源。这些信息系统将适合于对遵守需要的管理。此外,还需要有资源对项目进行定期审计,并对员工的培训进行投资。


Firstly, the designated and appointed officer should be contacted for the reporting of the non-compliance of the norms. This should be followed by the proper filing of the complaint that has to clearly establish the details of the case, and the manner in which there has been a break in the area of the compliances. Then, the reporting requirement should initiate proceedings and investigation into the matter for the purpose of clearly having a process of follow-up on the matters as per the norms and policies established. There are a number of relevant Australian and International standards that would be applicable to a compliance management system for a financial institution. Firstly, the International Standard ISO 19600-2014 applies to all such relevant organizations. This kind of rules stipulates the manner in which processes of the organizations have to be carried out.

Secondly, Australian Standard AS 3806-2006 would be applicable which indicates the rules regarding codes and policies that are required to be followed. Identify the resources including human resources required for developing, implementing, reviewing and maintaining a proposed compliance management system?Human resources would be required for the management of right kind of personnel and staff to implement such systems. This would mean that there would be a need to have clear and proper engagement of the systems. Further, the resources would be required in terms of establishing proper and adequate information systems. Such information systems would be geared towards the management of the compliance needs. There would also be a need to have resources for regular auditing of the programs and also investing in the training of the employees.



现阶段的收益和未来的收益前景对公司的利益相关者具有重要的价值。企业的管理层、债权人和供应商也关心当前经营活动的收益,因此对未来的展望具有十分重要的意义。对于英国石油公司(BP plc)这样的公司来说,流动性比率非常重要。因为它需要数十亿美元的营运资金。它需要保持足够的现金和现金资产,以便能够及时偿还债权人和供应商。在这方面的违约将破坏公司在供应集团内的信誉。因此,公司管理层有必要随时计划充足的流动资产。2014年,英国石油目前的比率为1.28,2015年略微上升至1.37。然而,在正常的商业周期下,像BP这样的公司需要维持略高的1.8 – 1.9的平均电流比,这是行业的平均电流比。因此,目前BP的比率低于预期(Atrill & Eddie, 2012)。2014年BP酸测率为1.022,已上升到1.082的水平。

这足以应付非常短期或立即的流动负债。因此,英国石油公司(BP plc)目前没有问题。面临现金短缺,求助于营运资金借款。2013年为2.11亿美元,2014年为3.2754亿美元,2015年为1.933亿美元。这意味着,尽管2015年营收大幅下滑,该公司仍能保持良好的运营现金流。因此,这表明公司的现金流不会立即受到中期威胁。公司的资产周转率清楚地表明了公司是如何利用这些资产创造和产生收入的。虽然英国石油公司(BP Plc)在2104年的创收能力是每持有1美元资产就能带来1.26美元的收入,但这一能力已经在很大程度上下降到了1.26美元。863年的2015人。因此,很明显,由于全球市场石油和天然气零售价格下跌,BP Plc的资产仍未得到充分利用(Bline & Fischer, 2014)。


Earnings in the present period and outlook of earnings for the future is of significant value to the stakeholders of a company. The management, creditors and suppliers of a firm are also concerned with the earnings of the current operations, and the outlook for the future is thus of immense significance. The Liquidity ratios are of much importance to a company like BP plc., since it needs billions of dollars for working capital purpose. It needs to maintain adequate cash and cash assets so that it is able to pay off the creditors and suppliers in time. Defaults made in this regard would spoil the goodwill of the company in the supplier group. Thus, it is necessary for the company’s management to plan adequate liquid assets all the time. The current ratio of BP is 1.28 in 2014 and the same has marginally gone upwards in 2015 to reach 1.37. However, under normal business cycles a firm like BP is required to maintain slightly higher current ratio of 1.8 to 1.9 which is average current ratio in the industry. So the current ratio of BP is less than what was anticipated (Atrill & Eddie, 2012). The acid test ratio of BP is 1.022 in 2014 and the same has gone upwards to reach a level of 1.082.

This is more than adequate to deal with very short or immediate term current liabilities. Thus, there is no immediate issue of BP plc. facing a cash shortage and resort to working capital borrowings. The same is demonstrated in the Operating cash flow of the firm, which is $21,100 million in 2013, $32,754million in 2014, $19,133 million in 2015. This means the company has been able to maintain a good cash flow from operations despite a severe decline in revenue in 2015. So this shows that there is no immediate to medium term threat to the firm’s cash flows. The asset turnover ratio of company is a clear indication as to how well the company is making use of them to create and generate revenues. While the revenue generating capacity for the BP Plc in 2104 is good at revenue of $1.26 for every $1 of assets held, the same has reduced to a great extent to $.863 in 2015. So it is evident that as a result of the fall in retail prices of oil and natural gas in the world market, BP Plc assets remain underutilized (Bline & Fischer, 2014).




电影做得非常好,吸引了观者的眼球,使观者不断地思考这个事件和战争指挥官所表现的英雄主义(Cooke, 2011)。转换成电影语言,或多或少相当于观众可以容易理解和消化的一种标准语言形式,但与在德国现场实际发生的情况并不完全相同。这种影响是巨大的和情绪化的,并保持其魅力和记忆活了很长一段时间。电影语言和电影的展示是为了长久地被人们记住,这就是为什么他以一种绝对吸引人的方式来展示这部电影,而且是为现在的观众准备的,据说这些观众的注意力持续时间很短。


This movie has done wonders because it was emotional full of hardships, the toils of the army life and how a mother of army men has to bear the loss. The conversion if fantastic with tragedy, fighting, overcoming, triumphing, winning, and persistence are the core ideas which are showcased in the movie through effective scenes. The effect of such a conversion makes one wonder about the fragile nature of life and how it is about living on the edge of a sword and can be taken away any time. Such an effect is largely on the audience and it leaves a mental print on their mind which does not erased easily but stays on for a long time and is reinforced with the repetitive version of the movie being showcased from time to time. Fury is another such cinema example which is a conversion from the historical event of the World War 2 where the army officer charges against a tank and five men behind enemy lines and displays their heroic attempt of indulging behind the death zone and surviving and fighting with the enemies.

The movie is done up very nicely and catches the eye of the beholder with attraction such that the beholder never ceases to think about the incident and the heroism shown by the war commander (Cooke, 2011). The conversion into cinematic language is more or less equivalent to what is being acceptable as a standard form of language which the audience can easily understand and digest, whereas it is not exactly identical with what had actually happened at the site in Germany. The effect is large and emotional and keeps its charm and memory alive for a long time. The display of the cinematic language and the movie is meant to be remembered for long and that is why it is being showcased in a way which his absolutely engaging and meant for the current audience, who supposedly are alleged to have very short attention span.



在这些系统中还观察到先天种族主义和制度种族主义(Oikelome and Healy, 2007)。尽管有这些困难,医生们仍然在新系统中工作,尽管他们的外貌明显不成比例。这种形式的制度只能说明它最终会影响员工的士气(Oikelome and Healy, 2007)。如果不解决系统中的固有缺陷,就会出现大规模问题。全球化应该只对社会产生积极的影响。劳动力的灵活性和为新兴跨国公司工作的人数的增加都被认为是积极因素(Bradley et al., 2000)。此外,还十分重视外国直接投资比率、经济地位、可支配收入和国内总产值如何具有积极的属性。

自由化的意识形态被给予了更高的重视,新自由化意识形态似乎表现为只允许社会中人们发生积极事情的一个方面(Bradley et al., 2000)。技术的发展、基础设施的发展、产品交付体系的完善以及产品设计和质量的全面提高,都是当今时代的特征。各个阶层的人只重视全球化的积极因素(Bradley et al., 2000)。他们没有考虑到帖子中一些明显的问题,而是选择将目光从全球化的问题上移开。外包日益突出。在过去的几十年里,人们对外包的概念给予了越来越多的重视,关于这个概念的争论也越来越多(Taylor and Bain, 2005)。


There was also innate racism and institutional racism that has been observed in these systems (Oikelome and Healy, 2007). In spite of these odds, the doctors continued to work in the new system irrespective of their obvious disproportionate aspect. This form of system can only suggest that it will eventually cause the worker morale to be affected (Oikelome and Healy, 2007). There would be large scale issue if the inherent gaps in the system are not addressed.Globalization is supposed to have caused only positive effect on the society. Flexibility of the labour and the increase in the number of people working for the rising MNC have all been contended as the positive factors (Bradley et al., 2000). There is also importance given to how the FDI rates, economic status, disposable income and the GDP have been positing positive attributes.

There is higher importance given to the ideologies of liberalization and the Neo liberalization ideologies seem to have manifested as an aspect that allows only positive things to happen for the people in the society (Bradley et al., 2000). There has been technological growth, growth of infrastructure, better system of product delivery and overall improvement in the product design and quality has been attributed in the current times. People across the spectrum have been giving importance to only the positive attributes of the globalization (Bradley et al., 2000). They have not factored in some of the post apparent issues and have chosen to look away from the problems of globalization. There has been growing prominence of outsourcing. In the past few decades, people have been giving more and more importance to the notions of outsourcing and there has been more debate on this concept (Taylor and Bain, 2005).
















