标签存档: 英国代写毕业论文



为了寻找熟练的劳动力,招聘经理必须有一个良好的网络和招聘专家和更多。在当今时代,口碑营销是关键,即使是离开公司的员工也必须有良好的工作经验。他们对公司的口头推荐将意味着公司将有更多的接触到有技能的资源池,因此将有更好的竞争优势。为了留住技术工人,应该在工作场所实施激励策略(Callan, 1993)。在认真了解员工需求的基础上,必须实施激励策略体系。



In order to source skilled labour, the recruitment managers must have a good network with recruitment specialists and more. Word of mouth marketing is key in current times, and even employees who leave the company must be let go with a good experience. Their word of mouth recommendations about the company will mean that company would have more reach into skilled source pools and hence would have a better competitive advantage.In order to retain skilled labor, there should be motivational strategies implemented in the workplace (Callan, 1993). Based on a careful understanding of the needs of the workers, the motivational strategy system must be implemented.

In addition, the lack of career advancement is often a single specific cause employees cite when they leave a company and hence this issue must be addressed by means of career development strategies or succession planning. Staffing in Kybram could be managed by temporary staff, or till the staff from the branch that is closing can be sent to the site (assuming there is a geographic distance). Instead of local staff, the company can bring its own employee setup to the site by relocation.



2014年,德國國際旅遊支出最高,總計703億歐元,其次是英國(478億歐元)和法國(367億歐元)。 2014年,西班牙是歐盟成員國中旅遊淨收益最高的國家(354億歐元),而德國的赤字最高(376億歐元)(Eurostat, 2015)。鑑於各國都注意到這種以GDP為基礎的競爭性經濟復甦和增長的形式,了解社交媒體空間如何對經濟的總體影響做出貢獻也至關重要。正是基於這個想法,目前的研究試圖理解消費者購買過程的影響是如何由社交媒體空間觸發的。這裡考慮了旅遊的具體參數。


The European tourism industry is a major industry, contributing to the collective economy of many nations. The international travel to these countries is seen to increase the benefits to tour operators and consequentially to the countries as well. For instance, as seen in the case of GDP increase in the EU member states, it was observed that countries such as Croatia had a GDP of around 17.2 %, Malta had around 14.4 %, Cyprus had a GDP rate of around 12.3 % and an overall GDP increase was also confirmed for other countries as well. Spain stood out in recording a much higher in GDP travels in the amount of EUR 49.0 billion and France was around EUR 43.2 billion, followed by the United Kingdom, Italy and Germany.

Germany recorded the highest level of expenditure on international travel, totalling EUR 70.3 billion in 2014, followed by the United Kingdom (EUR 47.8 billion) and France (EUR 36.7 billion). Spain was the EU Member State with the highest level of net receipts from travel in 2014 (EUR 35.4 billion), while Germany recorded the biggest deficit (EUR -37.6 billion) (Eurostat, 2015). With this form of a competitive GDP based economic recovery and growth noted in nations, it is critical to understand how the social media space would contribute to the overall impact of economy as well. It is with this idea that the current research attempts to understand how the impact or influence of consumer buying processes is triggered by social media space. The specific parameters for tourism are considered here.



会计制度是决定公司成败的重要因素。任何企业组织的会计制度都是为了评估、积累和转移不同业务目的的财务信息而建立的。在任何企业组织中,会计制度都是管理和经营活动的重要组成部分。它有助于总结管理和业务操作和活动。会计系统有助于管理组织雇员的账目。由于航空业必须有一个强大的会计系统,所以对航空业来说,拥有一个强大而高效的会计系统管理是非常重要的(Eckel and Singal, 2011, p.297)。

这是因为该行业的会计制度庞大,在运营过程中会出现很多风险。因此,本项目报告应着重于发现航空行业会计系统中存在的潜在风险。为了更好的了解航空业的风险和风险管理方法,研究者在研究项目中考虑了英国航空公司的案例。英国航空(British Airways)也被称为英航(BA),它被贴上了英国旗舰航空公司的标签。它是布列塔尼最大的航空公司。在载客参数上,它被称为第二大航空公司。


An accounting system plays an important role in determining the success of the company. The accounting system of any business organization has been framed in order to assess measure, accumulate and transfer the financial information for different business purposes. In any business organization, the accounting system is an essential part of the overall managerial and business activities. It helps to summarize the managerial and business operations and activities. The accounting system helps to manage the accounts of the employees of the organizations. Because the airlines industry have to have a strong accounting system, it is important for them to have a strong and efficient accounting system management (Eckel and Singal, 2011, p.297).

This is because as the accounting system of this industry is huge, a lot of risks can occur in due course of the operation. Therefore, this project report shall emphasize on finding out the potential risks in the accounting system of the airlines industry. In order to have a better insight about the risk and risk management approaches of the airlines industry, the researcher has considered the case of The British Airways in the research project.The British Airways also termed as BA is tagged as a flag carrier airline of the UK. It is the largest airline in the Brittanie. It is known as the second largest airline on the parameter of carrying passengers.




中小企业更倾向于区别因素,这些因素在本质上是个体的,这使得识别特定的学习成分变得困难(Higgins和Mirza, 2012)。这使得中小企业在其理想的发展中处于弱势。然后,它们被强制形成一个有意识的策略,使用其现有的能力并为组织学习安装系统开发实践。适用性将包括作为学习过程一部分的所有员工聚在一起,以及他们在日常工作范围内的有效应用。


If the learning is targeted towards improving more contribution so as to reduce the cost of employment, the results will be better financial results and better return on investment of employee cost. The impact of learning can build new capabilities of strong organisational culture of constant learning, internalising the decisions of learning by will and not by enforcement, leading to better business performance and closer alignment to desired objectives. Strategy of organisational learning brings in a new emphasis on the aspects which are to be learned, the fresh contents of knowledge that is to be learned, and these will depend on how they are applied to the small and medium enterprises (SME).

The SME’s are more inclined to differential factors which are individual in nature and which makes it difficult to identify specific learning components (Higgins and Mirza, 2012). This makes the SME’s weak in their desirable progress. They are then enforced to form an intentional strategy of using its existing capabilities and installing systematic development practices for organisational learning. Applicability will include the coming together of all employees who are a part of the learning process, and their effective forward application into their scope of work on a daily basis.



合并的目的之一是将一个高利润的组织与一个正在亏损的公司合并,从而将亏损作为抵扣税收的冲销,以抵消利润,同时也导致整体上的公司扩张。增加个人在市场上的份额是使用合并的另一个主要目的,特别是在大公司之间(Erickson, 2016)。通过与主要竞争对手的合并,一个组织可以控制他们竞争的市场,允许他们在买方激励和定价方面获得自由。

当两个主要的组织开始合并时,这种合并形式可能会引起一些问题,因为它可能会引发关于垄断法律的诉讼。其中一个例子是贝宝和e-Bay的合并(Auerbach, 2013)。合资企业:较新的企业是通过两个或两个以上的参与者拥有的吗?它们通常是为特定的目的而有限地形成的。它也是通过两个业务实体为特定业务目的和有限性质的持续时间贡献的资产子集的组合(depamuly2009)。


One purpose of merger lies in combining a highly profitable organization with a company that is losing, so as to use the losses as a write off for tax for offsetting the profits, while also resulting to expand the corporate on the whole. Increasing individual share in the market is another main purpose of using mergers especially among major corporate (Erickson, 2016). Through merger with main competitors, an organization can come at dominating the market they are competing in allowing them to obtain a free hand with reference to buyer incentives and pricing.

This merger form might cause issues when 2 dominating organizations start merging, as it might result in triggering litigation with regard to laws of monopoly. One example of this is the merger of PayPal with e-Bay (Auerbach, 2013). Joint Venturing: are newer enterprises owned through 2 participants or more. They generally are formed for unique purposes for duration limitedly. It is also a combination of assets subsets contributed through 2 entities of business for a particular purpose of business and for duration in limited nature (DePamphilis, 2009).

英国代写论文:Literature review的写作格式

英国代写论文:Literature review的写作格式

Literature review就是文献综述,与一般科技论文不同。科技论文注重研究方法的科学性和结果的可信性。而Literature review要写出主题(某一专题、某一领域)的详细资料,不仅要指出发展背景和工作意义,而且还应有作者的评论性意见,指出研究成败的原因。


因此,Literature review的书写格式比较多样化,除了题目、署名、摘要、关键词(这四部分与一般科技论文相同)以外,一般还包括前言、主体、总结和参考文献四部分,其中前三部分系Literature review的正文,后一部分是撰写Literature review的基础。

英国代写论文:Literature review的写作格式

前言:与一般论文一样,前言又称引言,是将读者导人论文主题的部分,主要叙述文献综述的目的和作用,概述主题的有关概念和定义,简述所选择主题的历史背景、发展过程、现状、争论焦点、应用价值和实践意义,同时还可限定文献综述的范围.使读者对Literature review的主题有一个初步的印象。

主体部分:Literature review主体部分的篇幅范围特别大,其叙述方式灵活多样,没有必须遵循的同定模式,常由作者根据Literature review的内容,自行设计创造。一般可根据主体部分的内容多寡分成几个大部分,每部分标上简短而醒目的小标题。部分的区分标准也多种多样,有的按年代,有的按问题,有的按不同论点,有的按发展阶段。然而,不管采用何种方式,都应该包括历史发展、现状评述和发展前景预测三方面的内容。


英国代写论文:Literature review的写作格式

总结部分:总结部分又称为结论、小结或结语。书写总结时,可以根据主体部分的论述,提出几条语言简明、含义确切的意见和建议;也可以对主体部分的主要内容作出扼要的概括,并提出作者自己的见解,表明作者赞成什么,反对什么;对于篇幅较小的Literature review,可以不单独列出总结,仅在主体各部分内容论述完后,用几句话对全文进行高度概括。

总而言之,在写作的各种部分当中,写作上的各项内容包括有很多,在文献Literature review的写作过程中,仅仅在写作主题的各部分的概括当中,写作的意见和建议,肯定了写作文献Literature review的研究水平。



英国代写论文:论文中annotated bibliography部分怎么写

英国代写论文:论文中annotated bibliography部分怎么写

在英语论文的写作过程中,annotated bibliography也是非常重要的一部分。本篇将讲解一下annotated bibliography部分该怎么写呢?首先,留学生们要知道到底什么是annotated bibliography?annotated bibliography 其实就是对留学生们所引用的书籍、论文和文件等通过整理而列出的一个列表。通常每个引用都是跟在一个很简短的描述性的评价的段落后面,还有就是注释。注释的目的是为告诉读者其实用性、准确性以及引用的来源的质量。

英国代写论文:论文中annotated bibliography部分怎么写

Annotations Abstracts


The process 过程

创建一个annotated bibliography是指对各种知识技能的一个集中应用:论述简洁、分析简洁和信息库的研究。

第一, 找到并且记录引用的书籍、期刊以及可能包含有对你的主题思想的有用的信息和文件。简要地审视和检讨实际的项目。然后,选择那些能为你主题提供不同角度的作品。


英国代写论文:论文中annotated bibliography部分怎么写

第三, 写一个简要的注释,它总结了文章的中心主题或者是书籍和文章的主要范围。它可以使一个或者多个句子,主要包括:





annotated bibliography如何写作相信同学们应该有了一个大致的了解了,我们对于写作的认识和认知的态度从未改变过,论文的写作内容的价值和意义都可以通过写作来慢慢体现。











1.词汇 准确地运用冠词,防止多加冠词,防止糟糕地省略冠词;运用长的、连串的描述词、动词,或者描述词加动词来润色动词;运用短的、容易的、详细的、相熟的词;防止运用那些既没有注明成绩 ,又没有任何含义的词组。

2.句子 要句子完好,明晰、简明;用容易句,为防止枯燥 ,改观句子的长短和句子的构造;运用自动语态而不是运用主动语态;要主观述说 ,用其三人称 ,没有得运用“we”“the author” 等作主语。





首先,现行SAT的写作部分(Essay)主要依赖学生个人的自由表达,例证可以来自事实也可以来自学生个人经历。由于不是每个人都有那么多素材可以挖掘,很多学生会瞎编乱造个人经历,严重违背了College Board一切以事实为准绳的严谨风格。其次,多项研究表明加不加写作后的结果对学生大学表现的预测效果并无太大影响。











Researchers suggest that despite there being much exposure on why it is necessary for businesses to have a very defined strategy, small scale businesses might still forge ahead without much defined objectives or clear strategy as such. Businesses might make plans for a social media platform usage and go ahead with it. Remaining active on only one or a few selective platforms makes these business have less forethought. Customers expect more and their interests and demands might not be satisfied with marketing information posted only on one of the social media platform. Opportunities to connect with the consumers are wasted and also the business success sustainability is threatened as other competitors might gain entry into the business’s targeted markets.

Furthermore, the use of a single social media space or tool might result in word of mouth marketing on third party websites which could also increase challenges for the business. Therefore, Social media entry without a defined strategy is hence as much a threat to a business as one that does not have any media strategy at all. Social media strategies have to be well planned, have to be comprehensive and should also ensure that it is planned around a goal. Media strategies have to fit the needs of the company, and furthermore should try to understand all actors in the marketing media space, such as the ones that the marketing is trying to reach, the ones who will be used in marketing, etc. Platforms, technology and a marketing plan that would be a futuristic are necessities here. The purpose of the project proposal is to present the need for a social media marketing strategy for Truffle Café which would help increase the number of customers for the Café.