标签存档: 英国代写论文


代写论文-文化旅游对经济增长的影响分析。值得注意的是,旅游专业国家的经济增长远远高于那些不专业的旅游国家。内生增长模式对旅游业具有独立的影响。专业国家非常喜欢确保可持续增长,因为他们的战略侧重于长期发展(Diamond, 1974)。但大多数研究都是在人均收入较低的国家进行的。只有当这些旅游专业化国家的人均收入达到可接受水平时,文化旅游才能被认为是经济增长中最重要的因素。

There are a limited number of studies, surveys, and research that effectively addresses the proper nature of the economic impact driven by the cultural tourism. The most effective and significant trend, in this case, is the use of CGE (Complete General Equilibrium) model. This model uses actual data. This model also helps to evaluate the impact of exogenous shocks on the economy. If the tourist demand decreases, CGE allows a drop down in the prices of the products and services. Several studies have been conducted with the help of CGE. These studies show that foreign tourism is indeed much highly taxed than the domestic tourism. This effectively contributes to the economic growth in a positive way, because the economic loss from the subsidized or less taxed price is made up by the highly taxed foreign tourism (Mankiw, Romer, & Weil, 1992). There are various sectors related to cultural tourism. Sectors like hotels, restaurants, and transportations are directly influenced by the tourism. But other sectors like the food, clothes and apparel industry are indirectly affected. Most of these sectors try to restrict or slow down the production output whenever there is a competitive exchange rate. This has a huge influence over the tourists demand and the real returns.
Various experts and researchers have also claimed that wage regression is positively influenced by the climate variables like snowfall, extreme heat and cloudy days. But the rent regression is negatively affected by these factors. In this case, these factors can be considered as disamenities. On the other hand, clear days have a negative impact on wage regression. But it has a positive impact on the rent regression. In this case, the influencing factor is considered as an amenity. If a season has experienced much of the disamenities, then the providers will be forced to increase the price. In some cases, this hike is so high that tourists completely turn their faces away from those goods or services. Thus, the overall economy feels a wrath. The situation becomes the opposite when a season is full of clear days. The wage regression is negatively affected. Therefore, the providers usually do not increase the price or increases a little. This is not at all a concern for the cultural tourists. The consumption either becomes stable or experiences a growth and this leads to the economic welfare of that region (Corden & Neary, 1982) .

中国留学生毕业论文不会写怎么办?英国论文代写推荐英国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,英国论文代写Advanced Thesis是一家论文代写信誉高的留学教育机构,其中有24小时专业客服为留学们提供随时在线咨询服务,还有一些英国代写、paper代写、essay代写、研究生毕业论文代写等论文服务, 英国论文代写Advanced Thesis 会以专业认真的教学态度来帮助留学生们完成论文写作,从而顺利拿到专属自己的学位证书!


代写之APA格式的论文写作注意事项解析。APA格式的论文一般用于心理学、教育学、社会科学领域专业方面的论文写作,这样的论文专业性强,写作难度相对比较高,中国留学生在写作此专业论文时需要专业性的文化知识和英语基础,还需要了解此专业写作方面的论文格式和一些注意事项,那么接下来英国高阶论文代写Advanced Thesis辅导老师就为留学生们解析如下:

1、中国留学生要了解APA论文格式是什么?PA论文格式是广为接受的研究论文撰写格式,针对社会领域的研究,规范学术文献的引用和参考文献的撰写方法。它采用的是哈佛大学文章引用的格式,比如“作者和日期”的引用方式和“括号内引用法”。主要包括文章内容文献引用(Reference Citations in Text)和文章结束后参考文献列举(Reference List)两大部分。

2、APA格式要求每一段的开头按Tab键后开始而不是直接空格,行距:double space ;字体要求:Times New Roman; 字体大小:12号; 需要有页眉第一页的页眉要有Running head:(你的文章标题的简版,要求全部大写)还有页码在页眉的最右边,而第二页的页眉内容不需要Running head,只需要你的文章标题的简版+大写,纸张的边距要求:1英寸(2.54cm);需要Title Page,上面要有文章名,作者名(你的),指导老师,科目,学校,日期,甚至于班级(这条按照不同的教授稍有不同的要求).


第1级:置中大小写标题(Centered Uppercase and Lowercase Heading)

第2级:置中、斜体、大小写标题(Centered, Italicized, Uppercase and Lowercase Heading)

第3级:靠左对齐、斜体、大小写标题(Flush Left, Italicized, Uppercase and Lowercase Side Heading)

第4级:缩排、斜体、小写标题,最后加句号(Indented, italicized, lowercase paragraph heading ending with a period)


4、文献引用和参考文献清单 文献引用是用来标注“参考来源”的。如果文章引用包含了作者名和发表日期,请以括号夹注(有时会再加上页数)的方式标注并放于引用文字或句子之后。“参考文献”中的人名须以姓氏的字母顺序进行排序,包括姓氏的前缀 。

有关代写之APA格式的论文写作注意事项就为留学们解析到这里,以上仅作为参考学习,具体写作还得根据自己的专业情况而定。如果留学生需要专业论文辅导,详情可以咨询英国高阶论文代写Advanced Thesis平台,英国高阶论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构为留学生们提供英国代写、essay代写、paper代写等论文代写服务,帮助留学生们解决论文的写作困扰,圆自己一个留学提升学位的梦想!


爱丁堡论文代写-组织行为理论分析。组织行为是以系统科学的方式对个体或群体进行分析,预测、理解和提高个体和组织功能的表现(Frederick, 2014)。虽然它可以被看作是一门学科,但它的应用可以使管理者做出有效的决策。本文从不同的角度探讨了相关的理论框架、模型和概念。应用本文所讨论的理论是最大的挑战。然而,有一些例子可以突出这些理论模型的应用,并最终使组织受益。本文以一些实际案例为基础,对组织行为理论进行了实证分析。

Conflict Management: The conflict is the process by which the actions of one party are perceived to negatively affect something that the other person cares about. Conflicts can have both positive and negative impact on the organizational success. There are various factors that have been considered as potential oppositions that cause conflict such as communication, organizational structure and personal variables. The study of these aspects is very helpful in real world scenarios and will reduce the uncertainty that arise due to conflict and understanding the reasons for conflict (Rahim, 2010). The Thomas Kilman’s conflict resolution model is extensively employed. In this model the behaviour of individual in conflict situation is studied and accordingly five modes of handling conflict is given. These have been described below.
Collaboration: Win Win situation for both parties
Competition: One party wins while other lose
Accommodation: Opposite of the competition negotiation
Avoidance: potential benefits are outweighed by the potential aggravation
Compromising: Both the parties are agreeable on mutually acceptable solution.
Leadership: There are several aspects related to leadership that have been studied. One of the aspects is the theories related to leadership include the leadership styles and the theoretical models. The two theories that have been considered are cognitive resource theory and the path goal theory. The Cognitive Resource Theory postulates that the experience and intelligence of leader influences his decision making under stress. Another theory is the path goal theory. According to this theory, multiple leadership styles can be displayed by the leader. The leadership style being displayed depends upon the goals of the followers. Lastly, the leader member exchange theory is to identify the leaders from the given followers (Frederick, 2014). This is done by identifying the members who can take up the role as leaders. Apart from this, there are several other theories related to leadership.
There can be several approaches to leadership which includes charismatic leadership, Laissez-Faire approach, autocratic approach, democratic approach and transformational leadership (Jennifer, 2009). A brief overview provides an insight into leadership that can have huge influence on the organizational success.

All the theories have been explained briefly. A greater understanding and relevance of these models with respect to applicability can be understood based on the detailed discussion in the next section.

The above discussion highlights very important points. Firstly, the examples show that companies have to consider how these theories and models can be employed in their organization. This is to say that these theories are only the framework and its application depends on the complete setup of the organization. Secondly, it can be seen that the examples that have been given are from different industries. It shows that these theories can be applied to any organization irrespective of the industry. The level of influence these theories have depend largely on the implementation rather than the industry based factors.Overall, the study has been useful in understanding how these models can be applied to the organizations and the changes that can be brought about by these applications. The organizational behaviour concepts certainly have immense applicability for the managers. Increasing diversity and other challenges increase its utility.

英国高阶论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构为留学生们提供英国代写、essay代写、paper代写等论文代写服务,帮助留学生们解决论文的写作困扰,圆自己一个留学提升学位的梦想!


英国代写-特斯拉公司的商业成功。特斯拉公司,原名特斯拉汽车公司,是一家总部位于加州的美国汽车和能源存储公司。该公司由马丁•埃伯哈德(Martin Eberhard)和马克•塔彭宁(Marc Tarpenning)于2003年创建。它专注于电动车,家用太阳能电池板储存太阳能和锂离子电池储存能源(Eberli, 2014)。特斯拉成功的原因在于它有能力创新,改变和适应那些产生最好结果的变化(Van de Ven et al., 2013)。其最有意义的创新在于其商业实践与其他企业的显著不同。

The revolutionary direct to consumer sales model by Tesla has changed the way business works and is likely to change the traditional methods of sales through dealers to more creative and novel ideas of selling (Karamitsios, 2013). Unlike other American car companies, Tesla acquired the market by scoring 325,000 orders for affordable cars by the year 2015, without investing in any advertisements, auto exhibitions and a network of dealers (Schulze et al., 2015).
Strategic Innovations of Tesla

Tesla launched an electric sports car, Model X in September 2015. These sports utility vehicles were designed to be at par with traditional SUVs, in terms of the interior amenities and space. The results were highly impressive as Model X was designed to overcome all the drawbacks and complaints of the minivans and SUVs currently in market. Tesla focused on issues of families with children who had to install car seats in second row of a minivan, making the third row of seats very difficult to access. Parking was also a problem with these cars and vans, especially in tight spaces, as buyers need to help their children out. Model X solved these problems with its falcon-wing rear doors which would rise upwards when opened and fold out of way.
Tesla is actively creating its future with its bright engineers and high focus on anticipating customer needs. The success of Tesla’s innovations is spread in many other categories apart from its vehicles (Voigt et al, 2017). Tesla is working on several innovations such as delivery drones, autonomous cars and factory equipment, etc. Though Tesla’s vehicles are not completely automated, its autopilot feature is the best and most advanced on roads in today’s date.
Tesla has evolved as a company over the years by its deep awareness of customers’ experiences and innovating effective and radical solutions to their problems. It also maintains healthy relationships with its drivers. It maintained its top position in the Forbes list of Most Innovative Companies, 2016 with a market cap of $39.4 billion (Voigt et al., 2017). Tesla is working relentlessly to achieve its ambition of creating a mobile app just like Uber, where an autonomous Tesla car would generate income for its owner as a cab booked through Tesla’s mobile app, when he is at work or enjoying a vacation at his favourite place. Now that’s vision! (Bilbeisi & Kesse, 2017).
Tesla is expected to become the world’s largest battery producer by the year 2020, with its Gigafactory producing lithium ion batteries. This energy is enough to supply 150 gigawatt hours of batteries annually and power 1.5 million Model 3s vehicles. It is Tesla’s visionary CEO Elon Musk’s vision to create solar roofs for Tesla’s vehicles, with a seamless integrated system of storing solar energy. In this way, Tesla cars would be powered by not just batteries but solar energy (Bilbeisi & Kesse, 2017). This move of Tesla would transition it from an automotive company to an energy innovation company, expanding rapidly.

英国论文代写Advanced Thesis网站平台是一家论文代写信誉高的留学教育机构,其中有24小时专业客服为留学们提供随时在线咨询服务,还有一些硕士论文代写、paper代写、essay代写、assignment代写等服务, 英国论文代写Advanced Thesis 会以专业认真的教学态度来帮助留学生们完成学业目标,从而顺利拿到专属自己的学位证书!而且以上提供的论文范文,未经授权任何人不得私自转发,如有发现将依法追究其法律责任!


代写论文价格-爵士乐的特殊类型。爵士乐是一种特殊的音乐类型,它分别起源于19世纪和20世纪前后美国的非洲裔和美国裔社区。它的词根属于布鲁斯和拉格泰姆,被认为是音乐表现的主要形式之一。许多著名的音乐风格出现在传统和流行的音乐风格中,欧洲的美国风格和非洲裔美国人的表演和出身有着共同的束缚。它的特点是越来越多的存在摇摆和蓝色的音符类型,也与军乐队的音乐有很强的联系。摇摆爵士乐- – -大约在1930-50年代出现,它的编排曾经是精心制作的,而且总是摇摆的。

Free Jazz- Contemporary and modern day jazz with lot of room for innovation and experimentation, uses different genres of music in combination or solo.
Electric Jazz- Uses the electrified forms of guitar predominantly.
Neo classical Jazz- Similar to the traditional form of jazz and had a slow rhythm prevalent in the 19th century.
Basically by improvisation of Jazz, Redman has highlighted a very key point. This is related to vulnerability of the music. Basically, since of musicians play their specific parts which are completely coordinated but it is not preset and well planned, and during live performances they change agenda and often one person takes the lead and the other follows. It is not a pre designed and pre defined procedure and thus the musicians work in coordination with one another to maintain the overall essence of the piece they are playing.
Coleman and Bix were highly influenced by Armstrong’s innovation in the field of jazz. He has singlehandedly transformed the social type of music into art and it can be considered to be a place where any worthy musician irrespective of their geographical origin will be give a place. He also established the jazz harmonic fashion in the sector of blues. Jazz improvisation as music where individuals can express themselves and also introduce singing and loose phrasing of the lyrics.
Parker made a significant impact on the jazz music within a short span of time he lived, especially around the 20th century. In fact, the new genre of bebop was an invention of him and a few other friends who worked together in a restaurant. This form of bebop was initially rejected by the bop players of that era but it soon gained tempo and familiarity with the musical audience. He changed the entire scenario of the otherwise rigid bebop music and it saw a different form of light in terms of music which evolves in the later parts of 20th century.
The use of modal tones in jazz was an improvisation put forward by Davis and he along with other musicians of that time came out with a specific strip down style which was immensely appreciated amongst all as it showcased variations of modal tones and not just use of major and minor keys respectively. The modal style in modern day jazz is such an integral part of it that it often becomes increasingly difficult to actually explain its importance. Modal styles are not only restricted to jazz music but have been increasingly experimented in other musical styles and genres like hip hop, rock etc.
Coltrane was a saxophonist who used to work with friend Davis in his band but have been removed as he could not maintain the professional commitments due to his addiction to heroin. However, once he was over it, he happened to be one of the most brilliant saxophonists who did a lot of innovations in the jazz music around that time.
In fact, Bandleader was developed by him along with pianist monk and he made several solo debuts which were instant hits and liked by all. He had even penned the material for his solo performances and introduced the technique of sheets of sound. Overall, his contribution to the jazz music fraternity has been immensely significant.

英国高阶论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构为留学生们提供英国代写、essay代写、paper代写等论文代写服务,帮助留学生们解决论文的写作困扰,圆自己一个留学提升学位的梦想!



My initial thoughts when planning for the Co-Op were to ensure that I get the placement smoothly. I believe there were little challenges when it comes to landing the Co-Op. I believe this was because of the support given by my University. Firstly, the University strived to prepare students very well when it comes to developing student portfolios, and CV’s. This learning was significant to me. Student portfolio preparation showed me my strengths and areas of improvement. The CV preparation taught me how to present skills with integrity, and how to connect with the company I was posting the CV to the early stages of Co-Op application; I was also guided in terms of communication practices. My communication level improved significantly, as I interacted with different companies. I mailed some of them, with some a phone conversation was required. Two of the companies I interviewed with in person before I landed the job at were AA Taxation & Accounting Service Ltd.
Tom Grundy, an independent consultant for accountant training states that even when companies make use of software’s for basic accounting or outsource their accounting work to other accounting firms, they need a typical in house financial unit in order to help them with cash management. An intimate understanding of business and accountancy is hence required. I believe that in my workplace, I learned accounting tasks for different businesses and this makes me quite ready to start my career in any company.
I gained a sound ethical perspective on how to handle things in the workplace. There are professional ethics for accountants that have to be kept, and then there are ethical issues and resolutions based on context. Although I did not come across any ethical conflict from my end, the ethics workshop conducted for co-ops was useful. I was able to well differentiate how protocol need not always be ethical, and when required one should raise an alert or their concerns to their superior.
Not only I believe the workplace taught me many things, but also I believe I bought some values to the workplace which was an asset to my co-employees. An important value I brought to the workplace in addition to my professional skills is the value of communication, diversity acceptance and inclusion. Certain communication skills are appropriate for different work settings. In the case of the accountancy field, communication has to be detailed at times and succinct at others. The company I worked with provided better guidance towards incorporating diversity as well. They promoted effective workplace communication that is important for the companies with the workplace diversity. This helped me understand how to reduce the barriers erected owing to the language and cultural cases. Such training in effective communication greatly contributed to the productivity and reduced my operational discomfort. In my future with respect to my career, I understand the need for being culturally sensitive and inclusive. The managers of the accounting companies need to address global demands. They often take up clients internationally. They need to be aware of the cultural sensitivity. This would increase the cohesive flow of operations. I learned the valuable lesson of why effective communications is required for the businesses to look above the domestic borders. The benefits hold not only in the context of diversity acceptance and inclusion, but also for the overall productivity improvement in the workplace. As an employee, I felt lesser discomfort when I could connect well with other employees, and for this, effective communication is a basic. In cases where effective communication does not exist, there can be more frustration and confusion that will prevail.

英國論文代寫Advanced Thesis網站平臺是一家論文代寫信譽高的留學教育機構,其中有24小時專業客服為留學們提供隨時在線咨詢服務,還有一些碩士論文代寫、paper代寫、essay代寫、assignment代寫等服務, 英國論文代寫Advanced Thesis 會以專業認真的教學態度來幫助留學生們完成學業目標,從而順利拿到專屬自己的學位證書!而且以上提供的論文範文,未經授權任何人不得私自轉發,如有發現將依法追究其法律責任!


代寫論文-供應鏈夥伴關系。供應鏈夥伴關系一般強調的是長期和直接的聯系,目的是解決問題和相互計劃(Benton & Maloni, 2005)。權力對供應鏈至關重要,因為它可以影響企業間的關系。然而,對於電源和電源目標來說,了解這種電源的使用和存在是非常重要的。當電力合作夥伴不明智地使用供應鏈時,供應鏈更有可能被利用。

Literary sources have clearly differentiated the relationships between traditional thinking and partnership thinking. When it happens as a partnership between supplier and buyer, there exists a need for a long term alliance. In the traditional times, problem solving happened through power drivers and the supplier base was large to switch between them for the buyers to benefit from it. It is not the case today as the problem solving is mutual. Further, very few suppliers that encourage partnerships and offer value added services are available.
Power application is essential for two major reasons: better orientation and enhanced performance of supply chain. The power variable is rather powerful as it can affect the supplier satisfaction and buyer satisfaction too. Researchers find that differences in the relationships exist when a size asymmetry is visible. This happens when the purchasing power is large and supply power is lesser. Power implies trust and interpersonal relationships that drive the business further and impose greater impacts on the profitability and sustainability.
In the process of cost cutting, many suppliers have tried to transfer the responsibilities. This affects the win-win intentions (Benton & Maloni, 2005). The performance guidelines are compromised. Power is critical in the supply chain industry as it can ease the marketing process and the sustainability of the firm. On the other hand, the buyers gain satisfaction when the partnership is positive.
Case study
To study the aforementioned case about power, it is appropriate to learn the power relationship between National Health Service in UK and Pharmaceutical Supply Network. NHS has found numerous issues in the supplier management from PSN as the procurement and distribution require better expertise and safer handling (Chatziaslan et al., 2005). The buyer exercises the power by stating that on time delivery and affordability followed by accessibility are essential for the supplier. Analysed the state of PSN, it encourages the agents to retain the power and shift between various parties. While some products are unique and the usability varies, many others are dominated by the supplier (PSN). The structure followed by PSN allows better coordination and power management by its agents and structure competes with other suppliers in the market.
Application analysis
Power can be categorized into four types based on the type of products offered by the supplier and availed by the buyer.

  • Leverage product – It is a trust based relationship and a mediated power to increase the profit impact is present (Moorman et al., 1992).
  • Non critical product – Power does not work well in this case as the relationship is entirely trust based. When the trust is broken, the profit is lesser and supply risk is higher.
  • Strategic product – Power is the key in strategic products as the products are unique and the supply risk is limited but profit is high. Higher the impact of such profit, the power existing between the two ends is better and is not mediated.
  • Bottleneck product – Though the power is mediated, supplier is the king and can have a better profit rate if the power is exercised rightly (Ryu et al., 2007). In the case of bottleneck products, many suppliers attempt to exploit the buyers which will affect the strategic partnership and result in loss to the company.

留學生論文不會寫,請關註英國論文代寫Advanced Thesis網站平臺,英國論文代寫Advanced Thesis平臺網站是一家論文代寫信譽高的留學教育機構,其中有24小時專業客服為留學們提供隨時在線咨詢服務,還有一些碩士畢業論文代寫、paper代寫、essay代寫等論文服務,英國論文代寫Advanced Thesis會以專業認真的教學態度來幫助留學生們完成論文寫作,也不會出現論文字數和抄襲的情況,留學生們可以放心的選擇英國代寫論文Advanced Thesis網站平臺!






英国代写论文之论文结构之间的逻辑安排就为留学生们解析到这里。如果中国留学生毕业论文不会写怎么办?英国论文代写推荐英国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,英国论文代写Advanced Thesis是一家论文代写信誉高的留学教育机构,其中有24小时专业客服为留学们提供随时在线咨询服务,还有一些英国代写、paper代写、essay代写、研究生毕业论文代写等论文服务, 英国论文代写Advanced Thesis 会以专业认真的教学态度来帮助留学生们完成论文写作,从而顺利拿到专属自己的学位证书!



One specific problem noticed in the finding is that multimodal approach requires expertise of the teacher. Naive application does not yield desired results. The circles clearly displayed the interrelationship between different nodes that are essential and add value to the learning process. The author has the vision to simplify the teaching process with reliable pedagogical approach where the teacher should necessarily be ready to plan and implement it.
This evidence based research article with dialect and table is certainly helpful to the learners as well as teachers. It encourages the learners to adopt this format of learning to achieve better outcomes. In addition to it, the article presents a realistic solution that can solve the problems faced by multicultural learners throughout the world. It is customizable and accurate and these shape up the research implications with positive impacts.
Leung and Street (2012) have worked on the norms and practices meant for English as a part of their curriculum. The norms listed focused on competences over sociolinguistic, grammar, strategic and discourses. Though this was applied to the students at a classroom level, it has the potential to act as hindrance in the case of classes with students from multiple cultures. The norms might sound easier to practice for the native learners while the educators might find it difficult to communicate to the rest of the students. In this particular case, multimodal approach can be of specific help.
If multimodal approach is used here instead of the theories suggested by Leung and Street (2012), the former would have had positive outcomes than the latter. These norms can be distributed and taught through multiple modals such as digital platform, gestures and dialects. All these together can yield desired outcomes. Further, it is also feasible to achieve grammatical and discourse competences with the technique suggested by Walsh et al (2015). Instead of rigid practices for the students, it is appropriate to teach them in a flexible format with the use of multiple modals. This can be suitable for the native learners as well as others.
Yet another application of the research made by Walsh et al (2015) is in the study of Kaspar and Omori (2010). The latter has studied the language from the perspective of cultural competence. The authors have also assessed the case of multicultural learners with supporting psychological theories and communication accommodation theory which will serve as a motivating aid. The speech act pragmatics established by the authors would build confidence and interpersonal understanding. Unfortunately, it might fail to establish the foundation of learning and this can affect the learners on a long term. Further, the research also remains at the basic level and does not guide the teachers.
In the category of interactional sociolinguistics, it is appropriate to add the pedagogy researched by Walsh et al. (2015). This multimodal approach develops the interaction and also the understanding between the participants. This application can lay as the foundation to categorize between the members and choose the right pedagogy to perform knowledge transfer. This will also eliminate the cultural differences in classroom and bring a unity in the learning of the language English. This approach is even productive and assures of better results.

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The assets that are connected to such risky settings will be termed a risky asset leading to market efficiency issues, especially in the situation where the person holds the risk for a certain period of time. The uncertainties hence have to be understood with respect to the asset for that period of time. Volatility knowledge is the basic requirement for estimating such uncertainties and the impact of such uncertainties. The volatility of an economic variable is basically the measure of the variable over a time period. In the context of financial assets, the volatility index is understood as the estimation of deviation from what can be normally expected for the value. In assessing assets, the deviation from the expected value like price or returns will hence be a significant measure for investors.

The concept of spillover can be understood from the work of Engle et al. (1990). According to this concept definition, spillover is of two types, the “own” and the “cross” spillover type. Spillovers act like heat waves. In nature, they are transmitted within their integrated markets and across markets. Any present volatility can be understood from the past volatility conditions. Similarly, spillovers are usually triggered from some form of a past market function. This leads to their being classified sometimes as volatility clusters. Another hypothesis when it comes to understanding spillovers like the meteor shower hypothesis. The meteor shower hypothesis states that spillovers draw from existing volatility in their market and from volatility from other market transmissions that could occur at the point of study. In the meteor shower standpoint of spillovers, it is hence assessed that both the own and cross aspect are included as part of itself.
In discussing spillovers, the “own” spilover type is perhaps the most discussed spillover phenomenon. The interdependence of markets makes it easier to understand how impact from external environment is transmitted and understood within the market. Individually, they are affected by news announcements of social, political, economic and legal contexts. While this research work discusses macroeconomic news announcements, the integration of the markets will decide whether the spillover effect studied is more meteor shower oriented or is a “own” spillover type. When markets are less integrated, then the “own” spillover type is more dominant and this is one reason that “own” spillover types are analysed and understood in detail. However, when markets are integrated to a strong extent, then the meteor shower phenomenon in spilovers could be observed.

Unconditional volatility cannot hence be defined or measured for specific time periods. Time invariance would be noticed in such context. On the other hand, in the case of conditional volatility, it is observed that the variables will change over time. The very nature of the stochastic process is that price and returns distribution of a varying nature could exist. A random distribution exists. The stochastic volatility introduces distributions that are more often observed to be a result of asymmetrical contemporaneous changes and returns, in which case there could be positive as well as negative returns. It is necessary for understanding the form of integrated upward or downward movement in the case of macroeconomic news impacts is hence a needed factor for the stock market analyst.
Understanding volatility spillovers is especially important in the context of recessions or financial crises situations. This is because every large decline in stock price will happen when a market volatility exists. The impact of macroeconomics news creates a form of leverage effect. As researchers like Wongswan (2006) note, in the context of macroeconomic news announcements it could so happen that any positive or negative effect could be even more reinforced. In integrated markets, the shock wave transmission could occur because of market recession and collapse. Therefore, market news understanding with respect to spillovers will play a major role in containing the shock or introducing a better way to understand the shock.

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