标签存档: 英国代写论文


本课题的研究范围是格拉斯哥市论文代写-艺术与设计的社会问题 。在这个讨论中,主要的支持者,社会和设计的影响和历史的主题与重要的证据解释。本文阐述了与社会问题相关、影响关键设计规范的原始参考文献。社会变迁、宗教信仰、社会责任、社会意识等都是通过这个讨论来描述的。当代实践者的角色及其对艺术和设计的影响是本研究关注的问题。

Art and designs are used to identify the particular social issues related to the art, creativity and society. The history of art and design involves the activities of human’s emotions, skills and expression of ideas. In Australia, the arts and design engaged the music, cinema, dance, theatres and visual arts, which was practiced by the indigenous Australians in the ancient time. It affected the Australian literature. The social proponents of art and designs are known by the following facts. It helps in promotion of the true prosperity, drives tourism and holds the export industry, and it is an outburst of creative thinking and innovation. Real Healthcare and the businesses are related to the art and designing (Winser, 2010). Many types of research have demonstrated that arts and design have social impacts. It leads to the social cohesion, higher child welfare, reduce poverty rates, reduce crime level, the engagement of more top civic and others. The art and designs have influences on society. It helps the society to change its opinion, increasing values and translating the experiences as per the time, place and situations. Sometimes, the creative arts and crafts can raise the voice against the political or social discriminations. The design impacts the society to be a bridge between the innovation and the social sectors. It is related to the modification of the developmental projects of the community. The art and design include the graphic, product design and the interactive designing (Leung, 2008). Art and design have an enormous contribution towards the improvement of the quality of life. To judge own values, art and designs are the best processes. Arts provide millions of job opportunities in Australia. Art is used as a therapy in health centres. The distribution of social and economic power highlights the relationships between the art and design which is described further with evidence.
Key design codes
Key design of arts and design is the core concepts of art and design in creative thinking. To generate the innovative ideas of art and develop the understanding and knowledge of historical development, art will have to refine in convincing and persuasive ways. It possesses the communication skills on the ongoing issues of art and design. It develops the social problems of art and design in need of creating the stimulating and informed presentations of different audiences. Intuition and imagination in the world of creative art and design are essential in the successful designing artworks and products. This particular unit needs to investigate in creative thinking and innovative ideas. As to art and design in the basis of social issues, the techniques are relevant in considering the opportunities of verbal communication and written skills in respect to various audiences (Matsumoto et al., 2012). An important part of this assessment is the imaginative and innovative abilities to generate the creative personal ideas. Some key codes of art and design such as annotated sketches, creating thumbnails, storyboards or working stage-managed designs digitally could be researchable and discussions in the planned practical activities. These social issues of art and design will develop and enhance the verbal and digital presentation in the response of presenting the creative merit and thinking techniques etc. in the distinction level. Key design codes of art and design are the range of verbal and visual reference in evidencing the explanatory annotated use of media. It generates the new ideas for creative thinking of art and design. These art and design analyse the creative individual communicating through collating and investigating the synthesis and innovative ideas of clearly storyboards and film clips etc. It is providing the review of articulate skills for different sophisticated purposes and ideas. Effective presentation of creative art and design is highly evident of communication skills through planned independently engaging presentations.

英国高阶论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构为留学生们提供英国代写、essay代写、paper代写等论文代写服务,帮助留学生们解决论文的写作困扰,圆自己一个留学提升学位的梦想!



Based on the above introduction and brief description of the fourth industrial revolution, it can be said that the skills that are required to succeed are in contrast to those that were required in the past. Earlier possessing certain skills could have been quite important than others for succeeding and exploiting the opportunities. However, in the fourth industrial revolution, integrated and comprehensive efforts involving all the stakeholders are required. The key aspects related to the fourth industrial revolution and how it is different from the ones that occurred in past providing understanding on the skills that are essential is discussed in detail.
Features of Fourth Industrial Revolution
Pace of Growth
Firstly, the levels of technological changes that are taking places in the fourth industrial revolution are much faster in comparison to the technological growth in the past. In all the three previous revolutions, there are significant but limited technological changes that are taking place (Schwab, 2016). However, the technological changes in the fourth generation are much quicker and the transition time has reduced. There is exponential growth in the fourth industrial revolution.
Second important aspect is the scope. Earlier, the technological changes were either confined to a certain region or resulted in the exploitation of other region. Thus, there was only a small fraction of population that had access to the technological changes that took place. Today, globalization has ensured that there is exchange of ideas, technology and access to these changes (Schwab, 2016). Technology itself has enabled and contributed to the connectivity and access to knowledge. This has triggered the growth in modern technology that was not possible in the past.
Systems Impact
Third aspect associated with the fourth industrial revolution is the ‘Systems Impact’ wherein the contribution of the advancement that has taken place is evaluated. The evolution in the computer technology and has ensured that the ability to handle huge amount of data has improved considerably. This leads to better interaction between different industries. This is one of the key aspects of fourth industrial revolution wherein the collaborative efforts to enhance the value is focused upon (Schwab, 2016).
There are certain challenges and opportunities related to these aspects. These efforts will contribute to growth in terms of revenue and improvement in the quality of the products. The efficiency in handing the business operations and cost reduction has been the pillars of the fourth industrial revolution. With respect to this discussion, it can be said that in the fourth industrial revolution, rather than introducing new technological inventions, the focus will be on enhancing the value of the existing technology.

英國論文代寫Advanced Thesis網站平臺是一家論文代寫信譽高的留學教育機構,其中有24小時專業客服為留學們提供隨時在線咨詢服務,還有一些論文代寫、paper代寫、essay代寫、硕士論文代寫等服務, 英國論文代寫Advanced Thesis 會以專業認真的教學態度來幫助留學生們完成學業目標,從而順利拿到專屬自己的學位證書!而且以上提供的論文範文,未經授權任何人不得私自轉發,如有發現將依法追究其法律責任!



The locality is known for its art gallery at one hand, home with bohemian culture, and being a commercial hub at other. The locality has made its own name between the visitors on basis of its diverse mixture of art and finance. Although the locality is a commercial hub, the planning of the locality is done exclusively as residential town. To maintain the image of locality and on the same time for the convenience of resident, it was essential that infrastructure of the locality should be revived again. The locality has shown a steep rise in number of cars in the last decades. It is planning as a residential town though its development as a commercial hub makes the life of resident and visitors more attractive. Locality which is known for its art gallery, the rising income in nearby small towns has made it easy for the resident to buy car and the lack of public transport to, the extent needed, make it essential for resident and visitors to use personal or rented vehicle for communicating here and there in the locality.
According to the chartered survey, the demand of shop and offices is the maximum in Porter Brook compare to any other locality in the Toronto. The survey was done by a British based Royal Institute of Chartered surveyor, which predicts that demand for commercial property in the area has reached a highest level ahead of Thailand, Russia and USA. A recent survey concludes that a city with 1.6 M population have 620,000 cars which is showing a steep rise in the coming years.
Graphical Location
The graphical location of the property is a notable variable which is to be considered while assessing the service quality provided to the customers. In Toronto, the higher property rates in the area like Porter Brook make it one of the lucrative places for investment. Many Investors from around the world wants to invest in these properties. The investment of Black money is one of the risks associated with these properties. A proper verification of documents is needed to proceed further in any transaction so that transparent business can be taken place (Britain, 2009).
Service provided
The expectation of the customer versus the proved service is defined as the service quality (Laxton, 1983). For an organization to be successful, it is important that they provide the best services to the customers of the organization and the same holds for the Porter Brook property. A lasting impression in the minds of the user of services is needed so that they feel worth of every penny invested .It is important for organizations to be proactive in their actions to provide the best service to the customers. It has been observed that, the organizations which provide the required services to the customers before they even need them outperform organizations who take action after the demand of the service (McCollough, Berry & Yadav, 2000).

英国论文代写Advanced Thesis网站平台是一家论文代写信誉高的留学教育机构,其中有24小时专业客服为留学们提供随时在线咨询服务,还有一些论文代写、paper代写、essay代写、研究生论文代写等服务, 英国论文代写Advanced Thesis 会以专业认真的教学态度来帮助留学生们完成学业目标,从而顺利拿到专属自己的学位证书!而且以上提供的论文范文,未经授权任何人不得私自转发,如有发现将依法追究其法律责任!


爱尔堡论文代写-RAP模型的理性选择。在任何问题情况下,都有必要弄清楚问题发生的原因。问题的发生是因为糟糕的决策。人都会犯错,犯错是人之常情。理解他们犯错的原因会让他们更容易改变。此时,rational actor范例就派上用场了,因为它可以用来建模行为。理性行为者范式源于理性行为者理论。在更广泛的抽象中,理性行为者理论认为人类是战略思考者。战略思考者总是缺乏结果,因此无论他们做什么都是有目的的。他们以目标为导向,并一直朝着这个目标努力。RAP扩展了理性行为者理论。它使声明更加具体。关于RAP模型的一些重要声明如下。

RAP presents a more atomistic view in rational choice making. All actions according to RAP can be reduced to the individual choices of people who initiate the actions. Secondly, RAP assumes that it will be possible to have a clear differentiation between means and ends for both institutions and people. RAP furthermore clarifies the role of the actor in the maximization of personal utility. The human actor will end up choosing that course of action when there is a better maximization. The course of action that helps the human actor become more satisfied will be the motivation for the choices.
RAP also acknowledges that existing knowledge on an outcome will make the person analyse the consequence of their decisions. It will increase the chances of their making a decision, which is more favourable to them. It also gives them the choice of preferences as far as decision making is concerned. They can evaluate their values and the benefits in a better manner when they are aware of the consequences and their preferences. Finally, RAP specifically states that the predictability in human action will increase because of the preference and existing subjective knowledge.
Two examples can be understood when RAP might not be applicable. Firstly, RAP might not perform well for assessing individual choices in decision making because people do not always act rationally. It is human nature to challenge rules and norms and humans might end up violating the norms of rational action more often. Therefore, even if it can be applied in some normative scenarios, it cannot be considered as a descriptive tool to judge and understand individual action. Even when a person is analysing the individual behaviour of another person whose preferences and subjective knowledge are known, he might not be able to judge them properly.
Secondly, there are social contexts where RAP seems out of place. There is multiple subjective knowledge when a decision is made. Cultural social contexts usually invite contingencies that not everybody can be aware of. In such cases, why an individual makes a certain decision cannot be explained satisfactorily by RAP.
The net present value NPV is useful for analysing profitability in investment. A basic premise is that net present value of a dollar in current times is the same value in future. Since the NPV logically draws from the most basic idea of the changing value of money, its most obvious advantage is its simplicity. NPV also holds the advantage of being able to incorporate inherent costs of risk and capital when projecting cash flows.
The disadvantages of NPV are that NPV has a certain amount of guess work involved in understanding the cost of capital of firm and the inherent risks. A lower cost of capital assumption will result in investments that are less then optimal. Hence, this becomes a significant disadvantage by using NPV.
The purpose of breakeven analysis is to assess cost volume and profit relationship in order to understand investments. The breakeven point is where the business will not make any profit nor will it incur any loss. The money generated is the money spent in production. The advantage of the breakeven analysis is that profit and loss can be measured by varying production levels. The corresponding effect on sales can be analysed and future predictions can be made. The influence of fixed and variable costs and the costs on profitability can also be understood better.
The disadvantages in using breakeven analysis are the assumptions made on sales price. More often, the sales price has to be fixed and assumed as being constant across different levels of output. Another disadvantage is that this analysis is only applicable for one product.

留学生论文不会写,请关注英国代写论文Advanced Thesis网站平台,英国代写论文Advanced Thesis平台网站是一家论文代写信誉高的留学教育机构,其中有24小时专业客服为留学们提供随时在线咨询服务,还有一些论文代写、paper代写、essay代写、研究生论文代写等论文服务,英国代写论文Advanced Thesis会以专业认真的教学态度来帮助留学生们完成论文写作,也不会出现论文字数和抄袭的情况,留学生们可以放心的选择英国代写论文Advanced Thesis网站平台!



The documentary then explores the corporate manipulation on the fast food industry and how the corporate are encouraging customers to consume foods with pitiable nutrition for their own profits. The director used to eat three times a day at the McDonald’s restaurants at different places.
He used to eat each and every item that the food chain used to offer in their menu at least once. He used to consume 20.9 mega joules or 5000 kilo calories (which is equal to 9.26 Big Macs) on an average on a daily basis during the period of the experiment (Lee, 2004). A daily intake of 2500 kilo calories by consuming balance diet is usually recommended for any common man in order to maintain his weight (Laurance, 2003). Spurlock who was then just 32 years gained an weight of 11.1 kilograms, an increase of body mass by 13 %, his cholesterol went up to 230mg/dl and he started experiencing sexual dysfunction and mood swings and fat accumulation in his lever. The director then took around 14 months to reduce the weight that he gained as a result of his experiment by consuming vegan diet as supervised by his then girl friend. His then girl friend was a chef and specializes in vegan dishes (Lee, 2004).
Content of the documentary film: The experiment conducted by Spurlock
At the initiation of the film, the director was having higher than average shape as per Spurlock’s personal trainer. He was looked after by three specialized doctors, a gastroenterologist, a general physician and a cardiologist. He was also monitored by a personal trainer and a nutritionist. All the health experts forecasted that Spurlock’s McDonald’s diet also stated as McDiet” might have undesirable impact on his body and health but didn’t expect any radical issues. Spurlock ate different diet but every evening he used to prefer vegan meal to soothe her girlfriend, Alexandra. At the beginning of his experiment with fast food, Spurlock who has got a height of 6 feet 2 inches or 188 cm had a body weight of 84 Kilograms or 185 pounds (Lee, 2004).
During his experiment, Spurlock followed some specific rules like he must consume McDonald’s meal three times a day i.e. at breakfast, lunch and dinner. He must consume all the items offered in the menu list at least once within the period of his experiment which was 30 days, but the director did it within 9 days. He was prohibited from consuming any food items from outside and was allowed to eat food on the menu list of McDonald’s which includes bottled water as well. He must consume “Supersize” of all the meals as offered by the stores. He will walk as much as a normal American citizen which is about 5000 standard steps a day. However, Spurlock didn’t follow this working schedule tightly. He used to walk more in the New York City while less in Houston (Lee, 2004).
On day, Spurlock started his experiment by consuming McDonald’s food for his breakfast in an outlet near his house in Manhattan. In that area, there are four McDonald’s stores per square mile. He aimed to keep his walking to 5000 steps per day. On the second day, he was offered Super Size Meal for the first time during his experiment which includes “Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese”, “Super Size French Fries” and a coke which was 42 ounce in size. This entire food needs approximately 22 minutes to finish. Once Spurlock completed the meal, he started feeling stomach discomfort and then vomited the parking area of McDonald’s. Within a span of five days, the director gained around 4.3 Kg or 9.5 pounds. Within a very short span of time, Spurlock started facing issues related to depression, lethargy and headaches, which he claimed that were cured immediately after eating a meal at McDonald’s. He was stated as “addicted” by his general physician. In the second time when his weight was measured, it was found that he gained around 3.6 Kg or 8 pounds. His total weight went up to 92.5 Kg or 203 pounds. At the end of his experiment, his weight went to 95 Kg or 210 pounds which was an increase of around 11 Kg or 24.5 pounds (Lee, 2004).

英国高阶论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构为留学生们提供英国代写、essay代写、paper代写等论文代写服务,帮助留学生们解决论文的写作困扰,圆自己一个留学提升学位的梦想!





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The developmental process of the real estate or the property business shows the interrelation between seven sequential stages. This stage includes the land banking sites, the land packaging sites, land development stage, building development stage, operating stage, renovation stage and the ultimate stage or the redevelopment stage. There are few requirements that include the service of professionals in the developmental process of real estate. The major requirements are the feasibility, underwriting, contract, and the due diligence (Cha, Kim & Ko, 2012). Due to the presence of the seven stages, the developmental process, the financing and the market research becomes easier. The clear and rational discussion about the competencies in the development of the professionals can be enhanced by the application of their marketing thoughts and presence of requisitions, necessary for the development process of real estate and property.
The evaluation of the development process can be demonstrated in the marketing and the policy aspects. Marketing strategies and marketing knowledge are one of the significant skills which should be present within a professional. To determine the current and the future market condition of the property, the most appropriate marketing strategies and the proper marketing tasks are required. Majorly, three policies are involved in the development process of the property or housing (Chan, 2011). The engaging policies are the project selection criteria, the target level of development activity and the elimination of production activity.
Risk factors in development process
This assignment highlights the risks and the types of risks in the development process of “1075 bay street, Toronto, Ontario”. The potential negative impact on that particular property may arise because of the application of strategies unknowingly. Majorly, the systematic and the unsystematic risks are related to the developmental process. In the development process of “1075 bay street, Toronto, Ontario”, the developer had to face many risks such as the sponsor risks which include property management and the asset management. The debt risks including the over leverage, debt maturity and the reward risk are a challenging factor of this development process. On the other hand, the developmental process of “1075 bay street, Toronto, Ontario” are negatively affected by the hazards related to the cap rate risk, the tenant risk which involves the rent roll quality and the rollover risk (Hakami & Yousif, 2014). The physical asset risk, construction risk, the employees’ labour market-related risk and the financial risks are disturbing factors during the development. The risks of overbuilding and the interest rate risk can be a high-risk zone for the developer.

留學生論文不會寫,請關註英國代寫論文Advanced Thesis網站平臺,英國代寫論文Advanced Thesis平臺網站是一家論文代寫信譽高的留學教育機構,其中有24小時專業客服為留學們提供隨時在線咨詢服務,還有一些論文代寫、paper代寫、essay代寫、研究生論文代寫等論文服務,英國代寫論文Advanced Thesis會以專業認真的教學態度來幫助留學生們完成論文寫作,也不會出現論文字數和抄襲的情況,留學生們可以放心的選擇英國代寫論文Advanced Thesis網站平臺!


1901年為統一所有島嶼而制定了澳大利亞憲法。在這一框架內,有意將土著居民和托雷斯海峽島民排除在《憲法》之外。原住民被認為是土地的原始所有者(Williams, 2014)。然而,人民一直生活在這片土地上,憲法不承認他們的存在。這是一個被廣泛討論的問題。澳大利亞人民一直在討論如何把被排斥的群體包括進來。然而,還沒有一個有凝聚力的政治行動來改變這一共識。公民投票被提議通過修改澳大利亞憲法來包括並賦予原始居民土地的權利(Williams, 2014)。可行性將由人民來決定。他們將通過投票來做出選擇。本代寫論文費用-澳大利亞憲法修改的分析目的在於瞭解澳洲公民投票修改憲法以承認原住民與托列斯海峽諸島。

The legal document came into effect on 1st January 1901 and the only way to make changes in the constitution is to ensure that the voices of the citizens are heard in this process. For a referendum to be passed, there must be a support of the majority of the states in the nation and the overall national majority of the people. Of the 44 referendum proposals in Australia, only 8 have been passed (Royer, 2014). In the 8, only 4 have had separate elections. One of the successful referendums was the referendum in 1967 to include the Australian and Torres Strait islander people to be included in the population count. The federal government made specific laws for the indigenous people. In this, more than 90% of the Australians voted to bring change in the laws and the system (Royer, 2014). Many of the people in Australia assumed that equal rights have been touted in this successful referendum of 1967 (Williams, 2014). They are not aware of the specific clauses in the constitution.
In spite of these changes, there is no specific reference that has been made with respect to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. The advocates argue that the recognition of the Indigenous people is important both symbolically and practically. There are a number of references to race in the documents that enable the government to discriminate against indigenous Australians. Specifically, Section 51 states that
“The Parliament shall, subject to this Constitution, have power to make laws for the peace, order, and good government of the Commonwealth with respect to:- …(xxvi)” (Williams, 2014)
Section 127 states that
“In reckoning the numbers of the people of the Commonwealth, or of a State or other part of the Commonwealth, aboriginal natives shall not be counted’. Both of these sections were changed in 1967 after 90.77% of eligible voters voted in a referendum to change the Constitution to remove the words ‘… other than the aboriginal people in any State…’ from section 51(xxvi)” (Williams, 2014)
In the current times, many of the Australians are not aware of the laws in the Constitution that permits the tenets of racial discrimination. Australia is the only country that allows the people to discriminate against the native people simply based on their race.

英國論文代寫Advanced Thesis網站平臺是一家論文代寫信譽高的留學教育機構,其中有24小時專業客服為留學們提供隨時在線咨詢服務,還有一些論文代寫、paper代寫、essay代寫、研究生論文代寫等服務, 英國論文代寫Advanced Thesis 會以專業認真的教學態度來幫助留學生們完成學業目標,從而順利拿到專屬自己的學位證書!而且以上提供的論文範文,未經授權任何人不得私自轉發,如有發現將依法追究其法律責任!


钻石用于重要活动的知识首先在印度被发现。钻石在当地的行话中被称为“金刚”,是印度教神的武器。根据公元前320-296年的印度梵文手稿,钻石是一种珍贵的材料。在欧洲文学中,钻石开始在欧洲皇室中被用作身份的象征。钻石被戴在珠宝上。然而,从13世纪开始的多年来,钻石逐渐被认为是贸易和贸易关系中的重要材料。鉴于这一背景背景,本文的写作目的是介绍钻石如何成为全球经济的一个对象。有关钻石经济的资料是在19世纪末收集的。确切地说,现在是19世纪70年代,几十年后。 格拉斯哥市论文代写-钻石经济探讨了投资形式、生产方式、供应链、环境社会问题等。

Diamond was a part of the economy from a very long time. Diamond cutting was introduced in Paris as early as in the 14th century and later the diamond route was seen cross over to Bruges and then Antwerp. Later in the 18th century, as diamonds came to be adorn by women, they became more fluent as a trade commodity. However, it was at the end of the 19th century in the 1870s that diamonds truly came to be understood as having entered the global economy. This is because of the abundance in sourcing. In the 1870s, many diamonds were discovered in South Africa. With the supply sources increasing, people who had the right amount of money were able to afford diamonds.
Investments and Production
The investments into diamonds during this time came to be for the huge market that was opening up for diamonds. The diamond deposits that were discovered in the 1870s had changed what once used to be a precious gem into a commodity that could be afforded by everyone. Investment opportunities could be tapped because people were interested in procuring the same diamonds that the aristocracy and imperialists of time had flaunted. Anybody who was able to afford the gems wanted them. With the increasing demand that was created, some jewels were sold to new capitalists. Especially in the United States, it was observed that people were interested in acquiring the jewels. They were interested in working with some suppliers from the continent who sourced their diamonds from South Africa.
Supplier, consumption, and retailer form of supply chain relationship was present here. The France had buyers such as Boucheron and Bapst and for New York, it was Tiffany & Co. These were some of the main retailers who were to go on and become some of the major buyers of the market. Even though some important suppliers were identified in Brazil, it was still South Africa and the finding of the diamond lode in 1870s that was to change how diamonds came to an open market. It resulted in a dramatic increase in diamonds and projected a supply demand relationship of all proportions.

留学生论文不会写,请关注英国代写论文Advanced Thesis网站平台,英国代写论文Advanced Thesis平台网站是一家论文代写信誉高的留学教育机构,其中有24小时专业客服为留学们提供随时在线咨询服务,还有一些论文代写、paper代写、essay代写、研究生论文代写等论文服务,英国代写论文Advanced Thesis会以专业认真的教学态度来帮助留学生们完成论文写作,也不会出现论文字数和抄袭的情况,留学生们可以放心的选择英国代写论文Advanced Thesis网站平台!














