标签存档: 英国代写论文



我认为公司应该首先解决库存问题,以迎合目前的客户,然后再考虑扩大业务。为此,公司应该解决移动货架,利用RFID技术维护供应,并有一个更好的供应链管理(Watson, 2013)。这样可以减轻员工的压力,满足消费者的需求。我认为公司应该首先解决这个问题,发展一个更好的供应链和库存管理,然后再考虑其他因素。mint berg的学习策略方法对公司来说是很有用的。就个人而言,公司的员工和蔼可亲,真诚地想为客户服务。这是因为公司关心员工。我觉得这是公司的强项之一。研究发现,零售空间具有良好的员工导向和亲切的环境。我们努力向员工讲授公司的每一项业务。他们确实让新人布兰迪·霍尔感到了欢迎。该员工对公司的运营也有广泛的了解。
工作人员对这些问题也有广泛的了解。对原料、用途、生产方式作了明确的说明。他们试图通过公司人员的口耳相传来销售产品。员工也倾向于谈论产品。正因为如此,公司的员工都是充满激情的员工。零售商店重视顾客服务(Armstrong, & Taylor, 2014)。公司的员工广告对某些产品的内部广告,总体上对员工有良好的激励,员工与管理层之间有良好的友好的环境维护。在产品上给员工的脸贴标签,是一种告诉员工他们在乎的独特而古怪的方式。这将导致产品品牌形象的全面提升。这导致了公司运营的全面改善。我认为他们目前的员工维护实践是积极的(Kiniki & Williams, 2009)。通过解决库存问题,员工将不会感到他们被迫面对敌意或不满的客户。因此,员工管理是一个很好的政策。


I think that the company should first address this problem of inventory to cater to the current customers before looking to expand operations. For this, the company should address mobile racking, utilize RFID technology in maintaining the supplies and have a better supply chain management (Watson, 2013). This would reduce the pressure of the employee and the demands of the consumers will be met by the company. I think the company should first address the issue, develop a better supply chain and inventory management before looking into any of the other factors. The mint berg approach of learning strategy can be useful for the company.Personally the employees of the company are amiable and genuinely want to serve the customers. This is because of the company caring for the employees. This I feel was one of the strong suits for the company. It was found that there was proper employee orientation and amiable environment in the retail space. There were efforts taken to teach about each operation of the company to the employees. They did make a newcomer, i.e. Brandi Hall feel welcomes. The employee also had extensive knowledge about the operations.
Staff had extensive knowledge of the issues as well. The ingredients, use, production patterns were clearly explained. They try to sell the product through word of mouth through the company personnel. Employees are also inclined to tell about the product. Owing to the fact, the employees of the company are passionate employee. There is importance given to customer service importance in retail stores (Armstrong, & Taylor, 2014). There is overall good encouragement of employee and good amiable environment maintaining between the staff and the management in house advertising of certain products by staff advertising of the company. The fact of labelling the employee face in the product is a unique quirky way of telling the employee that they care. This leads to the overall improvement in brand persona of the product. This leads to all around improvement of the company operations. I feel that their current practices of maintaining employees are a positive one (Kiniki & Williams, 2009). By addressing the inventory problem, the employees will not feel that they are being forced to face hostile or disgruntled customers. Hence, the employee management is a good policy.



而且,由于老板们都在镜头前,他们的行为举止可能会也可能不会与他们最初的态度有所不同。老板错误的肢体语言或行为可能会给品牌造成负面形象。这种不好的做法会严重影响品牌形象,给品牌或组织带来严重的损失,是无法很快弥补的。这可能会对客户产生长期的负面影响,导致潜在客户的流失(Rachel, Pavithra & Imran, 2016)。而很多时候,ceo们的矛盾和流畅的行为确保了工作区域内良好的氛围,同时也给客户留下了健康的印象。老板们沉湎于良好的行为举止,实际上他们在卧底工作的时候也会尽其所能做好事。因此,CEO的行为既可以是一种好的做法,也可以是一种坏的做法,应该加以注意。


In this concept in the show, it is kept in mind that in some scenarios there is proper control over the situations. The positions that top executives work in and the employees they work with are generally selected ahead of time. Some of the CEOs find it more suitable to work in the best performing sites, with best employees to check on their performance which is both a good and bad practice. Other bosses choose visiting and working with the worst performing sites and employee personnel to check on what exactly is going wrong. Sometimes bosses also choose working in newest and oldest sites. Choosing any particular site according to their performance is partially good as it will not give the boss enough time to look out for other sites which may not be performing well or sites which are completely dysfunctional (Miranda et al., 2012). Equal effort should be given by the employee to check on best, worst and normal performing sites and exploring all employees of particular site efficiently. In general, bosses are always expected to have an evil image in the minds of both employees and public.
And because bosses are on camera, they may or may not be able to behave in differently than what their original attitude is. Wrong body language or behaviour of bosses may form a negative image for the brand. This kind of bad practice can terribly affect the brand image and cause serious loss for the brand or organisation which cannot be healed up soon. It might result in long term negative effect on the customers and lead to the loss of potential customers (Rachel, Pavithra & Imran, 2016). While many a times the contradicting and smooth behaviour of the CEOs ensure good vibes within the work area, as well as creates a healthy impression on the customers. Bosses indulge in good behaviour and actually try to do good by means they can while working undercover. Thus, the behaviour of CEO can both be a good or bad practice which should be taken care of.



因此,对传统审美标准的物理颠覆也是当代女性主义的一种表现。基于这些概念,我发现某些情况下对莎拉·佩林在2008年美国总统大选的书都记录(2009年我们T),流氓:一个美国人的生活(佩林,2010),这篇文章在《实验社会心理学杂志》上称为物化萨拉·佩林:证据表明物化导致女性被视为减少主管和完整的人(2009年戈登堡Heflick N & J)。在LILY的博客(2005年9月15日)和《南方都市报》的文章《李宇春:穿衣服不是失败》(2015年10月)中,也有一些关于李宇春的案例。2008年美国总统大选中,萨拉·佩林作为一名女性副总统候选人在女性运动中有着非同寻常的意义,而与其他女性候选人一样,萨拉·佩林也在政党、媒体和选民三个方面遭遇到了性别政治。首先,关于政党。
在2008年。在美国总统大选中,共和党选择佩林作为麦凯恩的竞选搭档。根据沃,T(2009:194-195),萨拉平原在这次选举中有很大的魅力。当晚,麦凯恩成为副总统候选人,他的筹款已经达到400万美元。麦凯恩筹集资金的能力一直很低,但是直到8月,麦凯恩已经筹集了4亿7千万美元,比奥巴马筹集的资金略低。在佩林成为麦凯恩竞选搭档的三天之后,已经筹集了10亿美元。而在佩林在共和党大会上发表演讲的当晚,观众人数达到了37亿。佩林只用了五天时间来吸引这些观众。所以这就是为什么共和党选择萨拉·佩林的原因,不是因为她在事业上的成就,在很大程度上,共和党更喜欢用佩林的外表和形象作为女性候选人。刘,Y(2012: 33),在前六个月,奥巴马占据了大部分的媒体资源,麦凯恩的新闻曝光率远远低于奥巴马。


So the overthrow of traditional aesthetic standard in physical way is also a kind of the representation of contemporary feminism. Based on these concepts, I found some cases about Sarah Palin in the books All Records of 2008 U.S. Presidential Election (Wo, T 2009), Going Rogue: An American Life (Palin, S 2010) and the article in Journal of Experimental Social Psychology called Objectifying Sarah Palin: Evidence that Objectification Causes Women to be Perceived as Less Competent and Less Fully Human (Heflick, N & Goldenberg J 2009). And some cases about Yuchun Li in LILY’s blog (September 15, 2005) and the article in Southern Metropolis Entertainment Weekly called Yuchun Li: Wearing Dresses is not Failed (October, 2015) are also used for the analysis.In 2008 U.S. Presidential Election, Sarah Palin as a female vice presidential candidate has extraordinary meaning in the female movement, while as the same with the other female candidates, Sarah Palin also encountered the gender politics in three aspects, the political party, the media and the voters. Firstly, about the political party.
In 2008 U.S Presidential Election, the Republican Party has chosen Sarah Palin to become the election partnerunning mate of McCain. According to Wo, T (2009:194-195), Sarah Plain had great charm in this election. At the night, McCain became the vice presidential candidate, his fundraising has achieved 4 million dollars. McCain always had low ability of raising funds, but until August, McCain has raised 4700 million dollars, just at a slightly lower rate than Obama. And therein 1000 million have been raised after three days of Palin became the election partnerunning mate of McCain. And at the night of Palin did the speech in Republican convention, the number of audience is 3700 millions. Palin just used five days to attract these audiences. So that is reason why the Republican Party chose Sarah Palin, not because of her achievements in her official career, to a large extent, Republican Party prefer to use Palin’s appearance and images as a female candidate. According to Liu, Y (2012: 33), in the first six months, Obama occupied most of the media resources, McCain’s news exposure rate is far less than Obama.



这是一个明显的面具,人们戴着它与社会成员互动,形成联系。这并不意味着人们所假定的表象不是他们真实的自我。它与社会可接受的东西混合在一起。这种被人们接受的人格是真实自我与社会期望之间的中介。容格指出,人民隐藏了社会中不受欢迎的因素。基于此,人们可以分为外向者和内向者。这些关于学生的知识对于了解学生和满足他们的需求是非常有用的。人的性格结构和走向往往受家庭环境和宏观环境因素的影响。教师可以在课堂上运用这些基础知识,对学生进行分类,发展叙事主题,为课堂上的每个学生进行教学。这些是荣格理论在现实生活中可以遵循的重要方面或应用。巴赫金的思想认为,表达是由生活语境决定的。这些表达和话语是这个语境中的主要单元(Stenton, 2011)。这些话语是在说话者与其他人的关系中形成的。一个词的发展是由于一系列的话语和正在进行的文化和政治运动。
这些话语的特点是可寻址性和可回答性。在这一概念中,话语基本上是为对话交流的目的而传递的,而对话交流是根据语境而产生或发展的。异舌是指他人的言语与他人言语的复杂变量混合在一起,包含文化话语的概念(Stenton, 2011)。复调音是指社会中存在的对不同声音的多种声音和思考。这一理论中讨论的最重要的方面之一是对话的概念。对话性的概念源于人们沟通的首要需要。这是一个有交流或观点和信息的行为(Stenton, 2011)。研究发现,它是人与人之间最有效的沟通方式之一。人们发现这种形式的交流有利于人们了解这个主题。在这个过程中,学生通过积极的对话向老师学习。教师们所作的讲座有活跃的听众。教师可以用这一概念来阐明观点,制定内容。这种方法的一个可能的困难是,学生在进行对话形式之前需要花时间来学习主题。但是当老师花时间解释不同主题的上下文时,这是可以避免的。


This was an obvious mask that is worn by the people to interact and form liaisons with the social members. This does not mean that the façade assumed by the people is not their true self. It is mixed with what is socially acceptable. This persona adopted by the people is an intermediary ground between the true self and the expectations of the society. Jung stated that the people hide the elements that will not be welcomed in the societies. Based on this, people can be divided into being extroverts and introverts. This knowledge about the students can be very useful in understanding about the students and addressing their needs. The framing and the direction of the personalities of the people are often dictated by their familial surroundings and their macro environmental factors. The teachers can use this primary knowledge in the classroom and classify the students and develop narrative themes to teach for each of the students in the classroom. These are the important facets or application of Jung theory in real life that can be followed.According to the ideology of Bakhtin, expression is due to the living context. These expressions and utterances are the main unit in this context (Stenton, 2011). These utterances are formed in relation of the speaker with the others. A word has been developed owing to a series of utterances and the ongoing cultural and political movements.
These words of utterances are marked by addressivity and answerability. In this notion, discourse is fundamentally delivered for the purpose of dialogic communications that are contingent or developed based of the context. Heteroglossia is the concept where the speech of other people is mixed with the complex variable of speeches of other people and encompasses the cultural discourses (Stenton, 2011). Polyphonic sounds refer to the many voices and consideration of these different voices that exist in the societies. One of the most important aspect that has been discussed in this theory is the notions of dialogue. The notions of dialogism are stemmed in the primary need to communicate by the people. This is an act where there is exchange or views and information (Stenton, 2011). It has been found from research that it is one of the most efficient forms of communication between the people. This form of communication is found to benefit people to learn about the subject. In this the student learn from the teacher through active dialogue. There is active audience to the lectures developed by the teachers. The teachers can use this concept to elucidate the views and formulate the content. Once of the possible difficulties in this approach is that student will take time to learn about the subject before engaging in dialogue form. But this can be circumvented when the teacher takes the time to explain about the different context of the subjects.



随着业务技术的增长,本田遵循了必要的培训和开发流程,并对其人力进行了充分培训,使其能够意识到这些变化,并能够解释为什么未来的市场可持续性需要这些变化。人们以积极的态度对待它,并参与了本田管理层建议的技能和职业发展计划。在现实世界中,培训和发展包括学习、教育和发展三个主要活动。在这里,培训的重点是根据个人当前的技能发展个人的技能,他们必须执行一项活动。教育是一种个人为将来的工作表现所掌握的知识。它是根据这些工作来评估的。发展是一种活动,它关注的是雇佣个人的组织和他们在这方面应该扮演的未来角色,发展活动是有计划的(Mayrhoferet al., 2016)。培训和开发的实践被分成几个利益相关者。一个特定的赞助者或组织承担T&D项目,而商业策划者正成为这些计划的客户。在这里,直线经理或主管的角色是查看培训过程、工作的资源可用性和参与者的角色。他们会检查这些受训者是否在采取必要的行动,并为未来的成长和表现接受培训。
人力资源部门作为各种利益相关者之间的协调者,使过程成功。然而,这一行的每一个群体都可能有他们的议程和动机,而这些议程和动机可能与必须看到和消除的其他群体相冲突。这将为有利于业务的人员提供面向流程的培训和发展战略(Kalman, 2012)。在任何组织中,培训和开发计划都涉及多个涉众,比如高级管理层、直线经理、人员或同事。他们是经过培训的专家,应该为许多利益相关者提供培训。利益相关者在这样的倡议中扮演着重要的角色。高级经理的角色是决定人们需要的新输入。他们还检查在不断变化的商业环境中所需要的技能。直线经理了解对与他们一起工作的人员进行培训的需要,并对培训输入应该是什么给出一个概念。他们在非常初级的阶段根据对培训的需要进行评估来进行开发。同样,一旦培训计划获取了输出或开发的技能,就会由直线经理或主管人员访问,他们会度量培训和开发输出及其收益。


Honda has followed the needed training and development processes with the increment of technology in the business and has adequately trained its manpower to be aware of the changes and was able to explain why such is needed for the future market sustainability. People took it with a positive stance and got involved in skill and career development programs as suggested by Honda management.In the real world, the training and development encompass three main activities like learning, education, and development. Here, training is focused on the development of the skills of a person in accordance to the individual’s current skills, which they have to perform an activity. The Education is the learning that the individual may hold for their future performance of jobs. And it is evaluated against those jobs. Development is the activity which focuses on the organization employing the individual and the future role that they are supposed to take in that respect the development activities are planned (Mayrhoferet al., 2016). The practices of the Training and development are being divided amongst several stakeholders. A specific sponsor or an organization undertakes the T&D program, and the business planners are becoming the clients for such initiatives. Here, line managers or supervisors role is to see the coaching procedure, resource availability for the job, and the role of participants. They check whether those trainees are doing the needful action and taking the training for future growth and performance.
The HR department acts as the facilitator between the various stakeholders to make the process successful. However, each group in the line may have their agenda and motivation that may be conflicting with others which have to be seen and eradicated. This would give a process-oriented training and development strategy for the people that are beneficial to the business (Kalman, 2012). In any organization, the training and development initiatives involve multiple stakeholders like the senior management, line managers, people or associates. They are to be trained specialists who are supposed to give the training to many stakeholders. Stakeholders have a significant role in such initiative. The senior manager’s role is to make the decision of the new input that people need to have. They also check the skill that is needed in a changing business environment. The line managers see to the need of training of the people working with them and give an idea of what the training input should be. They do development as per the need assessment of the training at a very initial level. Again, once the training program has seized the output or the developed skills are accessed by the people who are line managers, or supervisors who measure the training and development output and its benefits.


皮亞傑學習在案例研究中註意到的另一個主要方面是分類(Gray, 1994)。分類是孩子理解不同類別,通過理解這些類別解決實際問題和動手問題的能力。分類將根據具體的維度進行。這裡更具體的功能是對類別中的子組進行排序。現在根據案例研究,學生們正在研究種子。學生去尋找種子類型,這是分類學習的一種形式。除了分類,他們還學習了不同種類的種子是如何分散的。因此,學生似乎已經考慮了基於Ann的分類指令的多維度。序列化的認知操作包括按照可量化的維度(如身高或體重)在腦海中安排項目的能力。學生也在此情境中發展序列化的認知運作。序列化是子元素根據特定的維度來標識項的過程。學生研究降雨對螞蟻及其洞穴的不同影響;在這裡,他們研究了降雨量對螞蟻洞穴的影響。
皮亞傑理論的一個批評是,該理論可能不支持多種文化。不同文化背景的學生在教育和發展方面可能會有不同的增長率(Dasen, 1994)。研究表明,保護水資源的能力在土著兒童中來得更晚。研究對象為8-14歲的土著兒童(Dasen, 1994)。同樣,還有其他空間意識也可能以不同的方式發展。安似乎沒有考慮到需要一種適合所有孩子的差異化教學。皮亞傑的理論本身是建立在日內瓦學生的基礎上的,日內瓦是西方文化的土地。這裡的學生學習的方式不同,他們的思維方式也不同,因此沒有考慮到孩子基於這些因素可能產生的認知反應。 Gray(1994)等研究人員的測試似乎表明皮亞傑的正式和具體操作時期實際上取決於皮亞傑所考慮的西方學校。


Another main aspect of the Piaget learning which is noticed in the case study is that of classification (Gray, 1994). Classification is the capability of the child to understand different categories and to solve practical and hands on problems by the understanding of these categories. The categorization would be done based on specific dimensions. A more specific ability here is to order subgroups within the categories. Now according to the case study, students are studying seeds. Students go and find seed types, which is a form of categorization learning. In addition to categorization, they also learn how different seed types disperse. Hence the student seems to have considered multiple dimensions based on Ann’s instructions to categorize. The cognitive operation of seriation involves the ability to mentally arrange items along a quantifiable dimension, such as height or weight. Students also develop the cognitive operation of seriation in this context. Seriation is where the children lead to identify items by specific dimensions. Students study different rainfall impacts on ants and their burrows; here they study the quantity of rain for its impact on the ant burrows.
A critique in the case of the Piaget theory is that the theory might not support multiple cultures. Students from different cultures might have different growth rate when it comes to education and development (Dasen, 1994). Research studies show that the ability to conserve water came much later in the case of aboriginal children. The study was conducted with 8-14-year-old aboriginal children (Dasen, 1994). Similarly, there are other spatial awareness that could also develop differently. Ann seems to not have considered the need for a differentiated instruction that would suit all children. Piaget’s theory itself was developed based on students in Geneva which is a Western cultural land. How the students study here is different and so are their forms of thinking, and hence the cognitive reaction that the child could have based on these elements has not been considered. Tests by researchers such as Gray (1994) seem to indicate that Piaget’s formal and concrete operational periods are in fact dependent on the western schools that Piaget considered.


Easy Jet組織需要根據其外部和內部的業務環境,在更多的地區擴展其服務或領土,以進一步增長。為了提高盈利能力,該組織有各種不同的選擇,它可以遵循這些選擇來增長,贏得更多的消費者和收入。以下所遵循的不同的選項,可以簡單的飛機運營組織在歐洲航空業:開發一個優化資源利用計劃,確保公司利用其各種有形和無形的資源最優水平得到大多數來自這些資源輸出,降低成本和增加效益。通過提供更多創新設計的產品,通過提高易捷達組織提供的服務質量,將易捷達的消費基礎擴大到更多的消費者。改變組織的營銷策略,以吸引更多忠實於其他航空公司或使用高級航空公司的消費者。 Easy Jet還可以根據市場情況對併購等不同的擴張方式進行評估,選擇將服務擴展到歐洲更多的地區(Enz, 2010)。 Easy Jet利用其戰略業務方法為員工創造一個令人鼓舞的、積極的工作環境,作為提高員工生產力的一種方式。這樣的方法對組織來說是非常成功的,因為這些方法使得Jet組織能夠利用其資源和運營獲得極大的效率。
對於簡單的Jet組織,有許多不同的策略可以用於行業的增長。對於Easy Jet來說,提高其在歐洲航空業的市場份額,以進一步擴大其在該行業的市場份額,其主要策略之一就是吸引高端航空公司的市場份額。自成立以來,這一基礎就不是Easy Jet組織的目標。然而,現在歐洲航空業市場已經飽和,這對Easy Jet organisation來說既是機遇,也是挑戰,它要讓自己的服務吸引業內富裕的消費者群體,以提高自己的市場份額。易捷航空自成立以來,其品牌形象和營銷策略一直聚焦於低收入人群和更願意使用廉價航空服務的人群。然而,損失的成本肯定是一個吸引人的因素,而且簡易的Jet組織可以使其服務對高收入人群也有吸引力。這樣的戰略不僅可以讓簡單的噴氣機組織能力增加其市場份額,而且可以通過向高端消費者銷售更多的服務,提高該組織的收入(Cherunilam, 2010)。


On the basis of its external and internal business environment, Easy Jet organisation needs to expand its services or territory in more regions in order to grow further. For its aim of increasing its profit making abilities, there are various different options available to the organisation, which it can follow to grow and earn more consumers and revenues. Following are the different options which can be followed by Easy Jet organisation for its operations in European airline industry:Developing an optimum resource utilization plan which ensures that the company makes use of its various tangible and intangible resources on optimum level to get most output from these resources, cutting-costs and increasing benefits. Expanding the consumer base of Easy Jet to more consumers by offering more innovatively designed products and by enhancing quality of services provided by Easy Jet organization. Changing marketing strategy of the organization to appeal to more consumers who are either loyal to other airline companies or make use of premium airlines. Easy Jet can also select the option of expanding its services to more territories in Europe by making assessment of different expansion methods such as merger and acquisition based on market conditions (Enz, 2010).Easy Jet organisation makes use of its strategic business approaches to create an encouraging and positive workplace scenario for its employees, as a way of enhancing productivity among its employees. Such methods have been highly successful for the organisation as these led to Easy Jet organisation achieving great efficiency with its resources and operations.
For Easy Jet organisation, there are many different strategies to grow in the industry which can be used by the organisation.One of the primary strategies for the Easy Jet organisation to increase its market share in European airline industry to grow further in the industry is by appealing to the premium airline market segment. This is the base that has not been a target for Easy Jet organisation since its inception. However, now that the European market for airline industry has saturated, this presents an opportunity as well as a challenge to Easy Jet organisation to make its services appealing to the affluent group of consumers in the industry in order to increase its own market share. Since inception, the brand image and marketing tactics of Easy Jet has been focused on the lower-income people and people who prefer to use services of low-cost airlines. However, lost cost is certainly an appealing factor, and Easy Jet organisation can make its services sound appealing to the higher-income group of people as well. Such a strategy would not just allow Easy Jet organisation ability to increase its market share but also to enhance the revenues earned by the organisation, by selling more services to premium consumers (Cherunilam, 2010).

代筆 論文:論文摘要如何寫

代筆 論文:論文摘要如何寫





摘要字數有限,無論我們的研究採用了怎樣的方法,得出的結論是否具有說服性,都不要害怕爭議,並以陳述句來表述我們的立場。如果我們的論文所研究的是一個敏感的社會問題,也不要擔心,因為一篇論文只有觀點鮮明才具有價值,所以我們要確保自己的研究真實有效,確保自己的立場堅定不移。另外,不要使用帶有強烈主觀色彩或侮辱性的語句,語言表述也要盡量科學和客觀。 (PS:總有人會不同意我們的立場,但這恰恰是學術科研的樂趣,也是論文的意義所在。)



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员工:从公司的稳定性、安全性和成长性的角度来评估公司的盈利能力。上述讨论清楚地强调了财务报表的目标取决于财务报表的使用者。财务报表确实实现了不同的目标,因此非常重要。财务报表所包含的信息可以从不同的角度使用。这些视角依赖于使用者,因此财务报表变更的目标也随之改变(Nobes, 2014)。最后,可以看出,在某些情况下,可能没有直接的目标。然而,这些目标不能被否定。虽然财务报表包含大量的信息,可以被用户用来做决策,但是也存在一定的局限性,影响用户的决策。下面讨论了这些限制(Wood and Sangster, 2011)。


Financial Institutions: The financial institutions are the lenders to the business and thus assess the performance of the company in terms of the ability of the business to generate sales from the given assets. These are the source of repayment and interest payments by the company. Suppliers: The requirement of the suppliers is similar to the financial institutions. The difference is that the suppliers are concerned with the cash and net profit while financial institutions are concerned with the gross profit of the company. Government: To determine the tax declared by the company and to assess the cash that will be available with the government is one of the objectives from the perspective of government. The policies and the tax calculation are also analyzed for correctness of the method employed. The government may also evaluate the policies and the standards that are being followed in preparation of the financial statements.Customers: To analyze the resources so as to understand the steadiness in supply of goods by the company, the higher profitability ensures that the company will continue the current product line.
Employee: Assess the profitability of the company with a viewpoint of stability, security and growth in the company. The above discussion clearly highlights the objective of the financial statements depend on the user of the financial statement. The financial statements do fulfil different objectives and hence are very important. The information contained in the financial statements can be used from different perspectives. These perspectives are dependent on the users and with this the objectives of the financial statements change (Nobes, 2014). Lastly, it can be seen that in certain cases the direct objectives may not be there. However, these objectives cannot be negated. Although the financial statements contain enormous information and can be used by the users in decision making, there are certain limitations that can impact the decision making by the users. These limitations have been discussed below (Wood and Sangster, 2011).



例如,有一些工人,他们想加班以获得额外的好处。然而,宜家的工作时间限制是8小时,因此公司面临着这些员工的道德问题(West, Ford, & Ibrahim, 2015)。这意味着宜家没有重视员工的利益,这意味着公司无法为提高工作绩效做出有效的决策。另一个与商业有关的道德问题是,宜家提供给我们工人的数量主要少于它自己工人的数量。这是工人工作表现差和提供服务差的结果。这些道德问题对宜家的业务产生了负面影响,由于种种原因,公司无法做出正确的决定,转而做出错误的决定。宜家的工作环境是弹性或灵活性。由于弹性或弹性的工作文化,该机构的员工可以在各种挑战下表现良好。管理层可以适当地应对挑战或风险,而不会变得不信任。
它支持公司通过提高信心水平来处理困难的情况(Elg & Hultman, 2016)。和公司一样,弹性也有利于员工应对不同的情况,实现目标。在这种背景下,弹性或灵活的环境有助于宜家做出正确的决定。与其他组织一样,宜家也对企业的社会责任做出了一些承诺。宜家设计了一些CSR政策,以获得环境和社会的优势。公司致力于以低廉的价格提供高品质的增强型产品,使每一位客户都能买得起产品。,2014)。该公司在全球拥有约15.4万名员工和338家门店。宜家在减少环境和社会方面也扮演着重要的角色。在这方面,通过采取主动来缓解社会和环境问题,企业能够做出良好的决策(宜家,2016)。


For instance, there are some workers, who wanted to work overtime for gaining additional benefit. However, the working limit in IKEA is eight hours, due to which the corporation faced the ethical issues with these workers (West, Ford, & Ibrahim, 2015). It means IKEA does not give the value to the interest of workers, which implies the company is unable to make the effective decision for the improvement of work performance. Another ethical issue with respect to business is that IKEA majorly provides the fewer amounts to the workers of US rather than its own. This is the result of poor performance of workers and poor delivery services. These ethical issues had negative impact on the business of IKEA and for these various reasons, the corporation is not able to make good decisions and it turns to make the bad decision. The working environment of IKEA is resilience or flexibility. Due to flexibility or resilience working culture, employees of this establishment can perform well under the various challenges. The management can respond properly related to the challenges or risks without becoming distrustful.
It supports the company to handle the difficult situation by enhancing the confidence level (Elg & Hultman, 2016). Along with company, resilience is also good for employees to tackle the different situations and gain the objectives. In this context, the resilience or flexible environment helps IKEA to make the good decision. Likewise other organizations, IKEA also has some commitments towards the corporate social responsibility. IKEA has designed some CSR policies to gain the advantage of environment and social. The company concentrates on delivering the quality enhanced products with low price so that each and every customer can afford products (Bertini, M., 2014). This establishment has near about 154,000 workers and 338 stores around the world. IKEA also plays some important roles in terms of reducing the environmental and social. In this regard, by taking the initiative towards the mitigation of social as well as environmental issues, the enterprise is able to make good decisions (IKEA, 2016).