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代写 英文:宝马标志的由来

代写 英文:宝马标志的由来

定位是一种非常有用的商品营销工具。一旦细分了市场,确定了目标客户,定位就出现了。定位是关于感知的一切。每个人都有不同的感知,因此定位的结果也会因客户的不同而有所不同,但也有一些相似之处。宝马对自己的目标非常明确。它的目标仅仅是高端汽车,而不是在汽车行业的每一个细分领域做出额外的努力。它远离中档汽车的高容量市场,将重点放在豪华车领域。例如,与本田思域(Honda Civic)相比,Mini更小,但售价要高出约3000美元(合2300欧元)。这种做法使宝马成为全球主要赚钱的汽车生产商之一,尽管其规模相对较小。、

代写 英文:宝马标志的由来

BMW was started in 1917 from the amalgamation of two little aero engine manufacturers. Their well-known blue and white symbol has been taken from the shades of the Bavarian Luftwaffe. This symbol is assumed to look a lot like the one of their aeroplane by a propeller. BMW is well-known for its athletic, complicated and lavish icon which has been created from the decade of 1970’s with a lot of motor sport wins varying from Road Cars to Formula 1. The worldwide mission statement of BMW is to be the highly successful premium producer in the automobile business.Positioning is regarding what the clients think about the value of the woods, its benefits as well as its qualities. Positioning is the way to compare the base product to all the other existing alternate. The customers’ beliefs are generally based on their past experiences and happenings in spite of the knowledge spread by the advertisements and promotion. BMW needs to focus on the strategy of positioning. It involves rising, promotion, choice of the distribution channels which can help in maximisation of sales.
Positioning is a highly useful tool for marketing of goods. Once the markets are segmented and the target customer is decided, positioning comes into picture. Positioning is everything regarding the perception. Every person has a different perception therefore the result of positioning differs for each customer, however there are a few similarities as well.BMW is extremely clear regarding its targeting. It simply targets the top-priced cars and does not make extra efforts to struggle in each segment of the automobile industry. It keeps away from the high-capacity market of middle-of-the-road automobiles and lays stress firmly on the luxury segment. The Mini, for instance, is tinier in comparison of a Honda Civic, however is priced at around $3,000 (€2,300) more. This approach has led to BMW, regardless of its comparatively tiny size, being one of the globe’s largely money-making car producers.



  在国外,人们都管话题作文和论文统称ESSAY。它是国外大学课堂上的作业,所以要写作的数量是不计其数的。很多时候同学们写着写着就觉得没什么可写了,其实是同学们的方法没找对,不同的essay有不同的写作格式,如果没有按要求写,就会不通过。所以,很多留学生会找 代写essay 来帮忙,那我们也总结了essay的一些写作原则,希望对同学们有所帮助。


  ① 要做到言简意赅,要避免啰啰嗦嗦,不要过于冗长。

  ② 每一个句子都应该精简到只保留它的基本部分。任何冗余或者不能增加新意的词语都应该删除。

  ③ 。当你把文章精简并删掉不必要的词和短语时,文章的质量就得到了提高。要知道,导师在进行文章批阅时,要短时间内面对那么多essay,他是没有时间来看啰啰嗦嗦,没有主次的文章的。

  ④ 表述要精确。任何时候都要尽可能详尽而又具体。细节能让你的作品更具真实性。对于要表述的内容,想要表达的思想要精确的表达出来,感染到读者,让读者信服,从而体现文章的真实性。

  ⑤ 主题要明确。在写一篇essay时,导师给出的essay题目都是有很强的针对性的,所以,在撰写essay之前一定要想清楚这个题目的隐含意义,了解导师想通过这篇文章考察你哪些方面,想了解你哪方面的技巧,毕竟知己知彼,才能百战不殆。






耐克公司是一家美国公司,主要从事鞋类、点睛器材和运动服装的设计、制造和零售。该公司总部位于俄勒冈州比弗顿,被认为是最大的鞋和服装供应商之一(Kotler et al., 2015)。他们设法为这个品牌赢得了全世界的顾客。该公司被认为是他们所销售产品系列的市场领导者之一。产品范围体现了创新,并成功地吸引了各个领域的年轻人。它在世界各地都有业务,是这个领域的领先者。下面对公司进行了批判性分析。企业家精神不仅仅是创造一项新业务,它还包括在业务中维持下去,并采取一种独特的方法,以便在商业世界中维持下去。企业家精神是解决公司的市场需求,同时开发机会、创新和变化的结合。


Nike Company is an American company that is engaged in the design, manufacturing and retailing of footwear, spots equipment and sports apparel. The company is headquartered in Beaverton, Oregon and is considered to be one of the largest suppliers of the shoes and apparel (Kotler et al., 2015). They have managed to gain brand patronage for the brand across the world. The company is considered to be one of the market leaders of the product range that they sell. The product range epitomizes innovation and has managed to attract the youth demography across the spectrum. It has operations across the world and is a leading player in this arena. Critical analysis of the company has been done in the following analysis. Entrepreneurship is not only about the creation of a new business, it is also about sustaining in the business and adopting a unique approach in order to sustain in the business world.Entrepreneurship is about a combination of addressing marketing needs of the company, while developing opportunity, innovation and change.
To become entrepreneurial there should be the ability of the company to develop the spirit, focusing on leveraging the entrepreneurship capabilities and developing effectiveness. This is an integrated effort that combines the heuristics of technology, innovation and meeting consumer requirements. The entrepreneur needs to factor in the tangibles and the intrinsic variables. The dimensional focus of Nike Inc. has always been constant innovation and creation of newer products. It had focused on the product design and in unique marketing techniques. The company had launched a series of products that were a complete new design. There was considerable innovation and creative disruption that was involved in this process of the company. Apart from this the company had forged strategic relationship with companies such as Apple, Facebook to develop market range. Based on these factors and the direction of focus of the company, it is evident that the dimension that the company focuses on is the innovative breakthrough. The reasons for considering are that the justification of this dimension has been probed in the following.



宗教,除基督教外,或就此而言,任何宗教都不鼓吹对人类的歧视,不论其背景、种族或出生条件如何。因此,富兰克林有一句话:“你看到一个勤奋工作的人吗?”他将站在国王面前”,永远不能被视为对劳动者的神圣证明和赞美。圣经只是富兰克林带来的一句话吗?这不也是建立平等,帮助所有人,不贪婪吗?当然,它是。如果资本主义的精神受到宗教的影响而不受质疑,那么要么是宗教宣扬的道德冷漠,要么是资本主义对新教伦理的错误解读。最简单的原因是资本主义在世界各地的不良影响,资本主义给少数人带来了财富,给大众带来了饥饿,给大众带来了歧视,给贫富差距带来了不可逆转的影响,给大众带来了社会孤立(Duhrssen 233-236)。


Religion in addition to Christianity or for the matter any religion does not preach for discrimination of humans irrespective of their background or race or birth conditions. Thus, Franklin’s one statement, “Seest you a man diligent in his business? He shall stand before kings”, can never be taken as a divine proof and praise for the working man. Is the bible just one sentence, which Franklin brings here? Is it not also about the establishing of equality, helping all others, not being greedy? Certainly, it is. If the spirit of capitalism is religiously influenced and not to be questioned, then either the religion preaches moral apathy or capitalism is the wrongly interpreted message from the protestant ethics. The simplest reason is the ill-impacts of capitalism across the world, which has delivered nothing but wealth for a handful, hunger for the masses, discrimination for the masses, irreversible for the income gap between the rich and the poor and social isolation for the masses (Duhrssen 233-236).
Religious influence of work ethics is understandable, but it is not to be employed in works that is the seed of creating polarised economic disparity. Capitalism has created more wealth concentration in one section of society, leaving aside the masses by themselves. The ideal of wealth creation and profit generation at the cost of labour wages is a contradictory theory in itself, demanding immediate opposition. If a wage is a cost to the capitalist, how will he be happy to consistently upgrading the wage to reduce his profit? He never would do that. The theory of capitalism itself is without basis. If the protestant ethic is applied here, the workers work their entire strength and give all they can to their capitalist master, then why are the workers not happy today? Why have their income remained stagnant or grown at a snail’s pace, whereas their capitalist master’s income has grown as a horses pace?



作为一个东正教徒家庭的孩子,在文化上,我认为自己是亚洲人。我现在把自己定义为一个心胸开阔的人,在生活中总是努力获得赏识。我也把自己定义为一个以知识为导向的人,总是专注于书本和文本分析。这让我逃离了我从小就过的正统生活的现实。我相信,如果我能在我生命的早期就理解布隆芬布伦纳创造的生态系统理论,我就能认识到我出了什么问题,以及我小时候必须经历的社会文化影响。影响程度由Bronfenbrenner离散提供,但宏观系统层面的主要影响对于理解儿童发展的影响程度至关重要(Houston, 2016)。根据他的理论,这一层次是一个主要的和最遥远的组成部分的个人和事情的孩子,但他们仍然对孩子有很大的影响。
与此同时,我想说的是,这个宏观体系对我也有很大的影响。我在家里的角色是一个长子。我不得不妥协,失去了快乐,因为这些妥协会让我的弟弟妹妹受益。这是我从小学到的东西,所以我长大后也遵循同样的指导原则(Keenan et al., 2016)。这与布隆芬布伦纳理论所描述的一致。家庭成员,尤其是我的父母对我期望很高,他们认为,即使在我的年龄之前,我应该开始工作,帮助我的家庭。我不认为这是一个良好的期望,从一个年幼的孩子。宗教仪式在本质上也是正统的,这意味着我必须毫无疑问地遵循所有的仪式。我不喜欢这种做法,这样的观念让我的童年变得酸楚。


As a child belonging to an orthodox family, culturally, I identified myself as an Asian. I now define myself as a broad minded person who has always struggled to gain appreciation in life. I also define myself as a knowledge oriented person who is always engrossed in books and textual analysis. This allows me to escape the reality of orthodox life that I have lived since my childhood. I believe that if I could understand the theory of ecological systems created through Bronfenbrenner early on in my life, I would have been able to acknowledge what went wrong with me and what socio-cultural influences I had to go through as a child. The levels of influence have been discretely provided by Bronfenbrenner, but the major impact from the level of macro-system is crucial in understanding the level of influence on child’s development (Houston, 2016). According to his theory, this level is a major and most remote component of individual and things for a child, but still they greatly influence over a child.
In alignment to this, I would say that this macro-system has a major influence over me as well. My role in the family was an elder son. I had to compromise and lose out on the happiness just because these compromises would have benefitted my younger siblings. This was what I was taught since the beginning of my childhood days and therefore I followed over the same guidelines when I grew up (Keenan et al., 2016). This is in alignment with what has been depicted in the theory of Bronfenbrenner. The family members especially my parents expected a lot out of me and they thought that even before my age, I should start working and help in my family. I don’t think that this is a good expectation to maintain from a young child. The religious practices were also orthodox in nature and this meant that I had to follow all of them without questioning. I did not like this practice and such notions kept making my childhood sour.



2013年10月,麦当劳首席执行官格雷厄姆•麦克斯韦宣布,他们计划关闭几家sizzler餐厅,这些餐厅在业务上出现亏损,同时扩大肯德基的业务。(路透社,2016)他说,像9.95美元的九元套餐和1美元的薯条套餐这样的超值套餐总是能带来更大的收益,也是吸引顾客进入餐厅的重要驱动力。与此同时,盒饭和家庭餐带来利润,也增加了公司的实力。他宣布,与往年相比,新开门店增加3.1%,关闭门店增加4.8%。此外,今年sizzlers的销量下降了11%以上。柯林斯食品集团(Collins food group)对此印象深刻,因为该集团股价上涨至每股0.5美元,涨幅1.04%,至每股4.84美元,报1320澳元。肯德基净利润2910万美元,亏损1040万美元,营收增长0.47%,至5.743亿美元,最终股息增长1.5美分,至8.0美分。
最近科林食品集团宣布2011-12财年上半年净销售额下降1.2%。与此同时,柯林斯食品集团于2011年被澳大利亚证券交易所挂牌上市。根据公告,该公司股价下跌24%。帕金斯宣布,他证实了该公司的股息支付比例至少为税后净利润的50%。2012年由柯林斯食品有限公司宣布。肯德基和西泽勒的一些门店的销售额同比分别下降了2.4%和1.7%。公司股东预期较上年有所下降。CEO Kevin Perkins表示,公司2012年税后净利润预期为零(Australian food news, 2016)。他还评论说,肯德基和西泽勒的表现都很好,但竞争日益激烈。


It is announced in October 2013 by Chief executive Graham Maxwell that they are planning to close few sizzler restaurants which restaurants are making a loss in the business and along with expands their KFC business. He said that Great value offers such as the nine for $9.95 offer and $1 chips offers are always provided greater benefit and important driver in pulling customer into the restaurants (Reuters, 2016). Along with this, Box meals and family meals give profit and also increase the strength of the company. He announced about the stores that store opening increased by 3.1 per cent and closures increased by 4.8 per cent as compared to previous years. In addition, sales of sizzlers declined in this year by higher than 11 percent. Collins food group is impressed because Group’s share price increased to five cents positively or 1.04% to $4.84 at 1320 AEST. Net profit of KFC is $29.1 million and loss is $10.4 million, Revenue is up 0.47pct to $574.3 million and Final dividend increased 1.5 cents to 8.0 cents.
Recently Collin foods group announced 1.2% drop in net sales for the first half of the year 2011-12 financial year. Along with this, Collins food group had been listed Australia security exchange in the year 2011. Its shares fell by 24 per cent according to the announcement. Mr. Perkins announced that he confirmed company’s dividend payout ratio of minimum 50 per cent of net profit after tax. It is announced in 2012 by Collins food limited. Some stores’ sales were being less than the previous year by 2.4% for KFC and 1.7% for sizzler. Company’s shareholders’ expectation decreased as compared to previous year. The CEO Kevin Perkins said the business’s net profit after tax was not expected for the year 2012 (Australian food news, 2016). He also commented that both KFC and Sizzler well performed but competition is increasing with intensity.





The Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara art work is located in Asian Art Museum of San Francisco. The entire piece is made of wood and dates back to 1100 – 1200. It is also called as Guanyin (Gyatso). The picture shows a serenity in the entire environment and deep meditational pose of this Buddhist who is middle aged and royal by nature. It is also to be noted that this sculpture has traces of willow pigments in it and multiple woodblocks are flocked together to give this a fine outlook at the end. In a seating position, the sculpture has the right hand rested over a bent knee and left hand in the form of granting gifts. With the appearance of Buddhist, the jewels and garments are found to be following the tradition of India. Typically, an Indian prince wears jewels in crisscrossed on the chest and this covers the top portion of the body and the bottom portion with a rich looking dress (Gyatso).
In this case, the dress that the sculpture wears appears to be free flowing. On the top, a crown can be seen and this is the only form of Avalokiteshvara that doesn’t adopt Buddhist representations in its crown. In close eyed seated structure, Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara supports peace and the outlook shows simplicity no matter what a person does. The meditation position of a royal prince is well represented through this sculpture. The way the right hand is rested can also seen as a pose of blessing and the right hand is slightly turned to let the peace and happiness flow from it. The jewel made here is extremely intricate and there appears to be a sacred thread on the chest of the figure. According to Buddhism, depiction of divinity is denoted as Water Moon manifestation. This sculpture can indeed be termed as the water moon manifestation where the person attains personal paradise.



  1、methods, sources, material etc—办法、来源、资料等




  3、Discussion and conclusion—评论和定论







海頓奏鳴曲在他的鍵盤音樂中扮演著最重要的角色。 F大調奏鳴曲(xvii .23)是六首奏鳴曲中的一首(Hob.XVI:21-26),創作於1773年,在他為他的保護神尼古勞斯·埃斯特哈齊王子工作的近三十年裡。這套六首奏鳴曲是出版商在他的監督下出版的第一部作品。我們可以從埃斯特哈齊宮廷的音樂中推測出王子的音樂品味傾向於加蘭特風格。加朗特的音樂風格以其簡約的音樂風格和以其形式為特徵的大眾號召力為代表。它與巴洛克晚期截然不同。在這種情況下,複調的短週期相減少了。它利用了和聲詞彙的概念,本質上幫助獨奏者和音樂的輔助元素的容易辨別。海頓的這些作品引起了王子的興趣。由於這一點,音樂的流行因素增加了相當多。在海頓的作品中,有一種折衷的音調混合。為了進一步闡明,海頓經常使用三重奏奏鳴曲循環。

人們注意到,海頓經常以標準的維也納三重奏奏鳴曲周期來組織這些樂章。它的特點是慢-快小步舞曲。在這次捐贈中也有中速慢板和快速板的證據。第一樂章再現是煽動的,輕鬆的,主題,隨後緊接著第二樂章抒情和緩慢的舞蹈風格6/8。最後,它以一個非常快節奏的激動的第三樂章結束。萊頓的五篇研究作品Op.22創作於1953年。 1957年3月,埃里克·帕金在倫敦威格莫爾音樂廳首次演出。這部作品讓人聯想到肖邦和李斯特的研究,有五部名家的研究作品,其中有一個華麗的人物。這是一個令人難忘的表演,華麗的元素和根深蒂固的敘事,只有經歷音樂才能感受到。這篇文章的特點是不死板教條。儘管音樂的演奏與十二音調一致,但似乎音樂是色彩學的,被認為是無調性的。


Haydn Sonatas play the most important role in his keyboard music. The sonata in F major (XVI.23) is one of the set of six sonatas (Hob.XVI:21-26) composed in 1773, during his almost thirty years work for his patron Prince Nikolaus Esterházy. This set of six sonatas was the first work printed by the publisher under his supervision. We can speculate from the music used in the Esterházy court about the Prince’s musical taste inclined to the Galant style. Galant style of music was epitomized for its simplistic style of music and the mass appeal characterized by its form. It was starkly different from the late baroque era. In this there was a decrease of the polyphony, short periodic phases. It utilized harmonic vocabulary notions and essentially helped in easy discernment of the soloist and the ancillary elements of the music. These works by Haydn, managed to capture the interest of the Prince. Owing to this the popularity factor of the music increased considerable. There was an eclectic mix of tones that has been represented in the renditions of Haydn. To elucidate further the trio sonata cycle was often used by Haydn.

It was observed that the movements were often organized by Haydn in a standard Viennese trio sonata cycle of the time. It was characterized by the Slow-Fast-Minuet. In this donate there is also evidence of the Moderato- Adagio and Presto. The first movement renditions is to incite delightful,light-hearted, themes that was subsequently followed by a lyrical and slow second movement in 6/8 dance style. Finally, it ends with an excited third movement in a very fast tempo.Leighton’s Five Studies Op.22 was composed in 1953. First performance is in Wigmore Hall, London March 1957 by Eric Parkin. This work is a reminiscent of Chopin and Liszt’s studies, with five virtuosic studies and it essays a flamboyant character. This was a haunting rendition of the flamboyance of the elements and the deeply entrenched narrative that can only be felt with experiencing the music. Characteristic features of this composition were that it was not rigidly doctrinaire. Even though the musical rendition is in accordance with the twelve-tones it seemed as though the music was chromatics and perceived to be atonal.


從20世紀60年代初到70年代初,女性開始更多地關注自己的事業。職業婦女越來越受到重視。在這種情況下,女性和男性進入並競爭相同數量的工作(Standing, 1999)。由於婦女進入就業領域的影響,男僱員的失業率不斷上升,婦女失業率的下降幅度也在整個範圍內不斷下降。僅在英國,從1960年到1990年,就有400萬男性被迫呆在家裡,因為女性僱員進入了市場。從事這項工作的女性僱員人數有所增加。這一論點基本上表明,婦女僱員人數增加了,個人的經濟地位也提高了。在這種情況下,女性員工應該獲得更多的賦權和積極的態度(Standing, 1999)。然而,對於這一思想,一直有不同的意見。

從歷史上看,婦女在社會中所起的作用一直備受爭議。他們通常被認為是照顧家庭的人。由於情有可原的情況,婦女最近才開始工作(Standing, 1999)。在這個藉口下,有越來越多的人可以在勞動力中找到工作。這會給員工帶來更多的不安全感和壓力。據觀察,現代職業女性對工作的壓力更大。研究發現,與女性相比,男性的薪酬更高,人們普遍認為女性員工不重視自己的工作(Standing, 1999)。女性被發現與一些不易辨別的歧視作鬥爭(Standing, 1999)。這導致了更多的摩擦和社會不安全感的上升。婦女所面臨的壓力是不成比例的,人們發現這種壓力會引起更多的困惑,並增加壓力的因素。


Women started to focus more on their career from early 1960s and 1970s onwards. There has been growing importance given to career women. In this situation, the women and the men enter and compete for the same number of jobs (Standing, 1999). Owing to the impact of women entering the employment arena, there has been a rising level of unemployment of the male employee and decrease in the reduction of women unemployment rates across the spectrum. In the UK alone between the years of 1960 to 1990, 4 million men were made to stay at home because the women employees entered the markets. There was a rise in the number of women employees for the job. This contention essentially showcases that the women employee numbers increased and there has been a rise in the economic status of the individuals. In this situation, the women employees were supposed to have gained more empowerment and positive attitude (Standing, 1999). However, there have been varied opinions for this ideology.

Historically, the role of women in the societies has been greatly debated. They are conventionally thought of as someone who takes care of the family. Women only recently started to work owing to the extenuating circumstances (Standing, 1999). In this pretext, there is a growing number of people who are available for work in the labor force. This causes more insecurity and stress for the employees. It has been observed that there is greater level of stress that the modern day working women feel in relation to the work. Men have been found to gain a better pay when they are compared to the women and there is a general comprehension that the women employees do not give importance to their work (Standing, 1999). Women are found to grapple with a number of discrimination that is not easily discernible (Standing, 1999). This causes more friction and a rising level of insecurities in the society. The pressure encountered by the women is disproportionate and it has been found to cause more confusion and adds to the factor of stress.