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昆士兰卫生组织的员工进行了一项调查,以确定目前的情况。当员工对组织中的问题进行个人分析时,发现了各种各样的问题。决策不完整:本组织的一个主要问题是决策以及如何从地方行动和了解中作出决策。Omari(2013)评论道,当员工仅仅被用作完成组织任务的来源时,他们就不会觉得自己是公司的一部分。员工感到自己被剥夺了权力:当员工开始意识到自己在组织中没有价值和权威时,他们就会失去工作的动力(Fraser and Simkins, 2009)。昆士兰健康公司的员工表示,他们没有参与任何事情,甚至没有参与公司的次要决策。昆士兰健康文化没有整合:当文化在组织中没有恰当整合时,每个人都有自己的价值观和文化。

在这样的环境下会发生分裂,员工会将个人群体和团队置于职业群体和领导者之上(Taghizadeh and Shokri, 2015)。昆士兰健康公司(Queensland health)的员工表示,他们与团队其他成员相处融洽,他们有优先考虑的事情和担忧,而不是坐在最高管理层中间的领导。高层管理风格不好:当公司的高层管理人员不愿意理解与团队成员沟通的重要性时,决策就被强加于人(Northhouse, 2004)。昆士兰希思的员工评论说,他们对领导的沟通方式不满意,因为他们来来去去。“他们只告诉我们该做什么,怎么做;他们从不听取我们的意见。其中一名员工提到:“就像每次都被告知该做什么,这让人很沮丧。”


Survey was conducted by the employees of Queensland health organization for identifying the current situation. Various issues were discovered when employees presented their personal analysis about the issues in the organization.Decision making not integrated: one of the major issues in the organization revolved around decision making and how it was dispatched from local action and understanding. Omari (2013) commented that when employees are only used as a source for fulfilling the tasks of the organization, then they will not feel as a part of the company.Employees felt that they were disempowered: when employees start perceiving that they have no value and authority in the organization, then they will lose their motivation for working (Fraser and Simkins, 2009). Employees of Queensland health suggested that they were not part of anything and they were not even involved in the minor decisions of the company.Culture of Queensland health was not integrated: when culture is not integrated properly in the organization, every individual has their own values and cultures.

Fragmentation takes place in such setting and staff gives individual groups and teams more priority over occupational groups and leaders (Taghizadeh and Shokri, 2015). Employees at Queensland health suggested that they feel comfortable with their fellow team members and they have priorities and concerns for them not their leaders sitting among top management.Style of top management was not good: when top management of the company is not willing to understand the importance of communication with their team member, then decision making becomes imposed (Northhouse, 2004). Employees at Queensland heath commented that they are not happy with the communication style of their leaders because they come and go. “They only tell us what to do and how to do it; they never take input from us”. One of the employees mentioned that: “it’s like being told every time what to do and it’s frustrating”.






Technology has improved with the passage of time resolving various baffles of the century. As time goes by, individuals get more experienced in the field of technology and utilize the best of their abilities. Mechanical engineering in this context has resolved many issues by creating a variety of solutions for people. If we look at the field of mechanical engineering, it is a vast field carrying various sub fields involving concepts like development, design, repairing and remaking of various machines and equipments. Students of mechanical engineering always start with a vision of producing something unique that will change the way people think. Solutions will be provided for making world a better place for all of us. When I started mechanical engineering, I had the same vision; but now when I have completed one year of my education, I have came to the realization that this vision is vague.Every day I came closer to mechanical engineering in a unique manner and assure myself that I will do something extra ordinary in my career.

A few years back when I was completing my physics assignment I discovered that most of the cars are 20 to 30% efficient only. Back then I only took this as a statistic, but now when I have entered in this field, I think I can use this statistic for producing something good. I would have to learn about rotary engine, variable transmission, desmodromic valve control, hydraulic and pneumatic. Sometimes, I want to pursue automobile engineering. At other time, aerospace engineering interests me because of its wide scope. In the world we live, there are various gaps that need to be filled and only an engineer can discover these gaps.If I look at the demand of engineers, it is very high especially in Canada, UK, US and Australia. In UK over a quarter of employees in the work force are working as mechanical engineers. All top four professions in the country are linked with engineering and aerospace engineering is among the top of these jobs. I have the vision of pursuing aerospace engineering where I can develop machines working in the outer space.



计算机对分配的任务作出响应。与人类不同,计算机不会根据感知形成观点或以某种方式行事(Rayner, 2012)。个人的日常活动有几个方面。在这个分析中,有一个食谱用于制作墨西哥鱼蛋糕。在这个过程中收集到的洞察力是基于观察分析的。下面详细探讨了制作鱼糕只涉及视觉感知的制作过程。在制作墨西哥鱼饼的过程中,人们发现要做出一道美味的菜肴,需要遵循以下具体步骤。这一过程中最重要的一步是将混合物分成八份,并将形状确定为圆形。在这个过程中,每一面都被压平成一个鱼饼。在这之后,应该把它们卷在玉米粥里,并把它放在一个有衬里的托盘上。放在冰箱里至少30分钟。这可能是判断菜肴整体效果所需要的最重要的因素。在这个过程中,烹饪的人需要根据自己的感觉来判断菜肴。他们可以根据菜肴的视觉效果来判断结果。这从根本上重申了这样一种意识形态,即对于像烹饪这样简单的人类行为,需要一些认知功能。

它解释了大脑机制比计算机更先进(Rayner, 2012)。脑图表明大脑可以从根本上分为左右脑(Gibson, 2014)..大脑的左半球处理理性思维和逻辑。它主要涉及顺序分析和判断。在大脑的这个部分有很多分析和顺序的方法。右脑活动构成创造力和天生的创新潜能。神经网络和神经元连接着大脑的这些部分。从根本上说,人类力学模型表明,大脑处理活动的方式要么是斯金纳、巴甫洛夫提出的行为主义方法,要么是认知方法。在行为主义方法中,大脑以观察分析的形式处理信息。在这种方法中,学习者选择被动,从周围人的刺激中学习(Gibson, 2014)。在这个模式中,大脑通过感知和反应外部环境来处理信息。在认知主义方法中,大脑以图式的形式学习和存储信息(Fiske & Taylor, 2013)。


Computers respond to the tasks that have been assigned. Unlike humans computers do not form opinions or act in a certain manner based on the perception (Rayner, 2012). There are several aspects for regular activities by individuals. In this analysis there is a recipe used to make Mexican Fish cakes. The insight that has been gathered in this process is based on observational analysis. The process of making the fish cake only visual perception involved in making the fish cakes has been probed in detail in the following. Whilst making the Mexican fish cakes it has been found that the specific steps to be followed in order to create a delicious dish. The most important step that has been identified for this process is dividing the mixture into eight and conforming the shape into rounds. In this process each side is flattened each one into a fish cake. Subsequent to this, there should be rolling them in the polenta and placing it on a lined tray. This is kept inside the fridge for at least 30 minutes. This is probably the most important factor that is required to judge the overall outcome of the dish. In this process, it is required that the person who is cooking should gauge the dish based on their senses. They can judge the outcome based on the visual aspects of the dish. This fundamentally reiterates the ideology that for simplistic human actions such as cooking requires a number of cognitive functions.

It explains that the brain mechanics is much more advanced than the computers (Rayner, 2012). Brain mapping indicates that the brain can be fundamentally divided into right and left-brain (Gibson, 2014).. The left part of the brain deals with rational thought and logic. It is primarily involved in making sequential analysis and judgment. There are a number of analysis and sequential methodologies that are carried out in this part of the brain. The right brain activities constitute creativity and innate potential to be innovative. Neural networks and neurons connect these parts of the brain. Fundamentally the human mechanics model suggests that the brain approaches activities either by behaviorist approach proposed by Skinner, Pavlov or through cognitive approach. In behaviorist approach the brain processes information in the form of observational analysis. In this approach the learners choose to be passive and learn from responding to the stimuli around the people (Gibson, 2014). In this schema the mind processes information by perceiving and reacting to the external situation. In the cognitivist approach the brain learns and stores information in the form of schema (Fiske & Taylor, 2013).




  ① 在你的經歷中,有哪些獨特與吸引人的地方,哪些你生活中的細節(家庭、歷史、影響你人生的事件)能夠使審閱人較好地了解你,並認為你與眾不同。

  ② 你何時開始對你所學的專業產生興趣,為什麼感興趣,當時你對它的認識是什麼。

  ③ 如今你對你申請的專業了解有多深,你的奮鬥目標是什麼。

  ④ 如果你的成績(大學成績、標准考試成績)不很理想,你是否需要為此解釋一下。

  ⑤ 你曾經克服過什麼困難,有什麼樣的經歷、技能、或優點。


  ⑥ 你為什麼會選擇這所大學。



  ① 這篇讀書計劃在為哪所學校而寫,這所學校有沒有內容上的規定,如果有,規定是哪些。

  ② 你正在準備的是一篇個人讀書計劃,無論從哪個角度來寫都要突出文章的獨特性,而不能模棱兩可。

  ③ 有選擇性地選擇材料,詳細說明有利於獎學金申請的材料,去掉與主題無關的材料,也不要加入太多的細節,否則會導致評審意見被引入一個誤區。

  ④ 無論在談及成功還是失敗,都需要保持一種樂觀的態度與口吻。儘管一些過去的失敗與挫折會在一定程度和方面上被認為是不利,但是如果能仍然樹立起一種自信和認真,那是很會令人欣賞的。


  ⑤ 如果你的生活沒有太多的與眾不同,那麼選擇一個新穎的角度來寫。

  ⑥ 第一段就抓住審閱人的注意,適當以與眾不同的形式表現,但不要過分。有位在美國法學院招生的朋友告訴我,當他們說起錯誤,他們常拿一名以引用莎士比亞名言作為讀書計劃開頭的申請人開玩笑,他在開頭時寫上:“我們所要做的第一件事,就是殺死所有的律師”。

  ⑦ 如果你申請了幾所不同學校,你是否寫了不同的讀書計劃。審閱人如果感到你的讀書計劃是完全的空談,那麼會把整個材料否定的。如賓西法尼亞大學(University of Pennsylvania)招生辦主任在談到讀書計劃時說:“最令我們失望的是,當我們在閱讀一篇讀書計劃時,我們十分清楚這名申請人對我們學校一無所知,而可以把這篇文章寄到全美的各個學校”。


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因此,商业银行的贷款能力将会下降。他们将减少对公众的贷款。因此,货币供应量下降。货币供应量的进一步减少将使LM曲线向左平移。其结果是,利率将上升,接着投资将减少,国民收入将下降。在短期内,货币政策可能是有效的。在扩张性货币政策下,LM曲线向下平移,AD向右平移。由于利率的降低,产出水平将会提高。因此,在短期内货币政策导致高产出和低利率。根据新古典主义的弹性价格水平假设,名义变量和实际变量(GDP、就业)互不影响。因此,名义货币供应量的增加导致价格水平的按比例增加,不影响所有实际变量(Aghion, et al., 2010)。


According to the Keynesian model, prices are constant in the short run. The Keynesian model focuses on the market for goods and services and the financial markets or money market. The equilibrium takes place when goods and service market interacts with the money market.In case of recession, central bank follows the expansionary monetary policy. In that case, expansion in money supply will lead to the fall in interest rate, keeping demand for money unchanged. Low interest rates induce businesspersons to invest more, which will increase aggregate demand and income. Thus with monetary transmission mechanism, an economy can achieve low interest rates and high-income level. Under inflationary conditions, central bank adopts the tight monetary policy. In this money supply can be reduced by using open market operation i.e. by selling government bonds or securities. The other measure, which is used by central bank to curb out inflation, is to raise cash reserve ratio (CRR). High CRR means that every bank has to keep more cash reserves with the central bank.

As a result, the lending power of commercial banks will decrease. They will offer fewer loans to the public. Therefore, money supply declines. Further reduction in money supply will shift LM curve to the left. As a result, interest rates will increase followed by reduction in investment and fall in national income.In the short run period, monetary policy could be effective. With an expansionary monetary policy, LM curve shifts downward and AD shifts to the rightward direction. The level of output will increase due to decrease in rate of interest. Therefore, in the short run monetary policy leads to high output and low interest rates.According to the neoclassical assumption of flexible price levels, nominal and real variables (GDP, employment) do not affect each other. As a result, an increase in nominal money supply leads to a proportional increase in the price level, keeping all real variables unaffected (Aghion, et al., 2010).



柯达公司在摄影领域已经生存了几十年。他们曾经是电影摄影的市场领导者。标志性的“柯达时刻”被认为是该公司最受欢迎的流行语和口号之一。(革顺,2013)。优质的胶片摄影曾经是公司的竞争优势。由于这一点和柯达促销的流行广告促销,使该公司在80年代保持领先地位(Munir & Phillips, 2005)。公司从1990年初开始逐渐衰落。当数码摄影首次进入市场时,他们并没有欣然接受(Munir, 2012)。由于这一点,其他公司得以成功和建立自己。这导致公司面临问题(Munir & Phillips, 2005)。然而,尽管遭遇了这些挫折,柯达仍设法留在了市场上。这是由于柯达的品牌形象(Gershon, 2013)。巨大的品牌资产和消费者惠顾,使该公司得以在当今时代维持下去。

除此之外,他们还改变了自己的商业模式,以取代当前的趋势。这一点已在下文详细说明。这是由于没有鼓励创新和拥抱变革。柯达为了纠正这一问题已经开始了一系列的冒险。柯达在疲弱的金融时报下得以生存,并在当前的时代得以维持(Hollensen, & Opresnik, 2015)。他们将重心转移到数字印刷上,并开发出更现代的商业模式。柯达是一家高度整合的公司,在这一过程中获得了巨大的品牌价值。公司有足够的基础设施来开发新的创新产品(Hollensen, & Opresnik, 2015)。他们曾试图通过并购交易来平衡自己的地位。拥有11000多项专利,拥有一支强大的研发团队。


Kodak Company has survived over many decades in the field of photography. They were once the market leaders in sales for film photography. The iconic “Kodak Moments” was considered to be one of the most popular catch phrase and tagline for the company. (Gershon, 2013). Superior film quality of the film photography was once the competitive advantage of the company. Owing to this and the popular advertising promotions of Kodak promotions, it had enabled the company to remain a leader in the 1980s (Munir & Phillips, 2005). The company met a gradual decline from early 1990 onwards. They did not embrace digital photography when it was first introduced in the markets (Munir, 2012). Owing to this other companies were able to succeed and establish themselves. This led to the company to face issues (Munir & Phillips, 2005). Nevertheless in spite of these setbacks Kodak has managed to remain in the markets. This is due to the brand image of Kodak (Gershon, 2013). Immense brand equity and consumer patronage has allowed the company to sustain in the current times.

Apart from this they had also changed their business model in lieu of contemporary trends. This has been elucidated in detail in the following. This was due to not fostering innovation and embracing change. Kodak to correct this issue had embarked on a number of ventures. Kodak has managed to survive under weak financial times and has sustained in the current times (Hollensen, & Opresnik, 2015). They had shifted focus to digital printing and developed more contemporary business models. Kodak is a highly integrated company it has managed to garner immense brand equity owing to this process. There is adequate infrastructure for the company to develop newer innovative products (Hollensen, & Opresnik, 2015). They had tried to leverage their position by means of acquisition and merger deals. They have more than eleven thousand patents and a strong research and development teams.




他们会认为他们的投资可能会遭受损失。然而,一旦利率降低,企业就会愿意进行更多的投资。LM曲线会向右平移,此时收入增加,需求增加。货币供应量的增加会降低利率,从而刺激更多的投资需求。通过乘数过程增加投资需求会导致总需求和国民收入的更大增长”(Mukherjee, 2015)。当经济出现通货膨胀时,紧缩政策就会生效。然后,联邦银行将采取紧缩政策,减少对国家的货币供应,以控制通货膨胀。政府可能会出售证券,以确保货币资金是从公开市场募集的。因此,以增加货币形式出现的流动性将会减少。


When the Government makes changes in the monetary policy then it will be able to influence the economic activity of the country. The economic situation in the country at that time will be useful to decide if there should be an expansionary or contractionary policy in context. The IS-LM model can be used here to show how expansionary or contractionary policy steps taken in specific contexts will affect the economic activity. For instance, a change in the supply or influx of money will cause an expansionary effect. The LM curve will shift to the right in order to reflect this increase in money supply and in the case of the decreasing action the curve would shift to the left.When the economy is suffering a recession then the expansionary policy is adopted, this ensures that money supply into the economy increased. Rate of interest will fall because of the increased money supply. When there is an economic recession, business would not be willing to invest.

They would believe that their investments might suffer a loss. However, once the rates are decreased, the business would be willing to invest more. The LM curve will shift to the right as the income will rise and demand will be aggregated. So the immediate situation or a short term situation would be corrected because of the increased money supply, “increase in money supply lowers the rate of interest which then stimulated more investment demand. Increase in investment demand through the multiplier process leads to a greater increase in aggregate demand and national income” (Mukherjee, 2015). The contractionary policy will come into effect when the economy suffers the case of inflation. Then the Federal Banks will exercise the contractionary policy where money supply to the country will be reduced in order to control the inflation. The Government might sell securities in order to make sure monetary funds are collected from the open market. The liquidity in the form of increased money will hence be reduced.



Manolucci手袋鞋业公司被选为报道对象。Manolucci涉足手袋和鞋类制造业,一个财年的收入在500万至1,000万美元之间。该公司目前估值为700万美元,平均雇佣50名员工,在当前时代有扩张的想法(Zoominfo, 2016)。Manolucci经营纺织品、服装和消费品行业。该公司目前在纽约市的地铁区生产箱包、钱包、流浪汉、离合器等。成立于1983年(Zoominfo, 2016)。所有的公司、工厂和其他方面都需要战略管理。Manolucci的战略制造使其能够为客户制造定制和通用的流行解决方案。Manolucci的战略已经演变,以满足其在以下方面面临的制造层面的挑战。作为服装行业的一部分,Manolucci也处于快速变化的时尚潮流中。


The Manolucci Handbag and Shoe Company have been selected for the report. Manolucci is in the handbag and shoe manufacturing industry and has revenue of $5 million to $10 million in a fiscal year. It is currently valued at $7,000,000 and employs an average of 50 employees, with the ideas of expansion in current times (Zoominfo, 2016). Manolucci operates in the textiles, apparel and consumer goods industry. The company currently manufactures bags, purses, hobo’s, clutches and more in the New York city metro area. It was established in the year 1983 (Zoominfo, 2016). Strategic management is required for all companies, manufactories and otherwise. The strategic manufacturing of Manolucci is the one that enables it to manufacture custom and universal trendy solutions for its customers. The strategy of Manolucci has evolved in order to meet the manufacturing level challenges that it faces with respect to the following. As a part of the apparel industry, Manolucci comes under fast changing fashion trends as well.

The current apparel and fashion consumption industry is such that there are extreme uncertainties and threats. Small scale business manufacturing units like Manolucci would come under the threat of overproduction, if the buyer strength is low. The economic issues of the past have made more manufacturing units to be very careful in the context of production. Given this context, businesses like Manolucci cannot afford to stop production completely. Business corporations have to find the maximum feasible way to operate in order to make it in current situation. The corporate management of Manolucci hence is forced to identify the optimum level of efficiency it can bring to the company. It needs to have some form of continuous production and at the same time should also strive to reduce the wastage that it might face. Wastage would be generated if the company wants to invest in some form of mass manufacturing in order to keep up with its competitors.



亚马逊是一家总部位于华盛顿州西雅图的美国云计算和电子商务公司。它是美国最大的互联网零售商之一。该公司开始作为一个网上书店,而后来它多元化销售珠宝,玩具,食品,家具,服装,电子产品,视频游戏,软件,音频书籍流或下载,MP3流或下载,视频流或下载,cd,蓝光,和dvd (Roth & Ockenfels, 2002)。亚马逊以在墨西哥、印度、中国、日本、巴西、澳大利亚、荷兰、西班牙、意大利、德国、加拿大、法国、爱尔兰、英国和美国分别开设零售网站而闻名。亚马逊还为一些特定国家的产品提供国际航运服务。2011年,考虑在瑞典和波兰开设网站的意向(Nepstad, 2011)。


亚马逊的使命很简单,但执行起来非常复杂:“成为世界上最以客户为中心的组织,在那里,个人可以发现和发现他们愿意在网上购买的任何东西。”自亚马逊成立以来,贝佐斯一直致力于实现这一使命。公司一直坚持这一使命,以至于公司的每一个元素都与组织的成功相关(Manyika et al., 2008)。公司决策和管理基本方法的关键支柱是公司将持续不懈地关注客户。亚马逊的战略围绕着便利、高效的分销和客户服务。在数字时代,许多组织最有效的营销策略最终都来自移动应用和网站。这为在线零售商提供了相对于竞争对手的竞争优势,因为许多客户会考虑不顾针对特定组织的营销努力而上网。


Amazon is a cloud computing and e-commerce company of America having headquartered in Seattle Washington. It is among the biggest retailer based on internet in the United States of America. The company started off as an online store of book, while it later diversified for sale of jewellery, toys, food, furniture, apparel, electronics, video games, software, audio book streaming or downloads, MP3 streaming or downloads, video streaming or downloads, CDs, Blu-rays, and DVDs (Roth & Ockenfels, 2002). Amazon is known for having separate websites of retail for Mexico, India, China, Japan, Brazil, Australia, Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Germany, Canada, France, Ireland, United Kingdom and United States. Amazon has also been offering international shipping to specific other nations for some of the lines of product. In the year 2011, it considered its intention of launching the websites in Sweden and Poland (Nepstad, 2011).


The mission of Amazon is simple yet highly complicated for execution: “To be the most customer centric organization of the world where individual can discover and find anything they are willing to purchase online”. Since the inception of Amazon, Bezos has key focus for the achievement of this mission. There has been an adherence to this mission such that each and every element of the company is connected with the success of the organization (Manyika et al., 2008). The key pillar for the fundamental approach of decision making and management of the company is that the company will be continuously focused on the customers relentlessly. The strategies of Amazon revolve across convenience, efficiency of distribution and service of customers. The most effective strategies of marketing for a number of organizations within the digital era ended up coming from mobile apps and websites. This has been providing a competitive edge to online retailers over their competitors, as a number of customers consider going online irrespective of the efforts of marketing over a specific organization.



1896年,法国电影制作人开发出了第一批短而无声的色情短片(Priceonomics, 2016)。随着科技的发展,公众对色情片的观看更多地转向网络下载或私人租赁,这使得越来越多的人观看色情片。最近,网络摄像头录制的色情视频扩大了色情市场。据《美国新闻与世界报道》(1997)报道,美国在“商业与技术”一栏发表了一篇关于色情的封面文章,明确描绘了该国的性不道德行为。最近,《时代》杂志发表的一篇文章估计,目前色情产业的核心价值超过80亿美元,而这个行业的收入估计在100亿美元左右。

美国的硬核色情产业已经超过了好莱坞的国内电影市场,因为它在1996年已经租赁了超过6.65亿的色情硬核视频。随着媒体的崛起,色情行业悄然成为世界上收入最高的行业之一(Refinery29, 2016)。媒体在美国色情产业的扩张中发挥了重要作用,这对美国人民的个人和职业生活产生了负面影响。色情已经成为家庭、儿童和婚姻的主要威胁。色情演员的婚姻生活受到了严重的影响,因为他们对自己的妻子没有同样的情感依恋,反之亦然。在美国,观看色情作品已经破坏了许多家庭的良好关系(旧金山纪事报,2016)。

In the year 1896, the first short and silent erotic clips of porn clips were developed by the filmmakers of France (Priceonomics, 2016). With the advent of technology, the public viewing of porn stag films shifted more towards internet downloads or private rentals which made more people watch fetish sexual porn videos. As of late, the introduction of webcam recordings of porn videos has expanded the market for pornography.
According to the US News and World Report (1997), the country has been explicitly depicted sexual immorality by publishing a cover article on pornography on the section titled as “Business and Technology”.Recently, an article published by the Time Magazine estimated that current worth of hardcore porn industry is more than $8 billion and the estimated revenues of this industry are around $10 billion.

Hardcore porn business in the USA has surpassed the domestic movie market of Hollywood as it has rented more than 665 million porn hardcore videos in the year 1996. With the rise of media, the porn industry has silently become one of the top revenue earning industries of the world (Refinery29, 2016). Media has played an important role in expanding the pornography industry in the USA, which has adversely affected the personal and professional lives of the people of the country. Pornography has become a major threat to the family, children, and marriage. The marriage lives of pornographic actors have been severely affected as they don’t feel the same emotional attachment with their real wives and vice versa. Pornography viewing has disrupted good relations of many families in the USA (San Francisco Chronicle, 2016).