标签存档: 英国代写paper



  The specific aim of this study is to find the probability of land loss and the degree of land fragmentation in the Lower Mississippi River Basin (LMRB), which is located in southeastern Louisiana, USA, and extends from the parishes north of Lake Pontchartrain to the coast. In order to decrease the statistical deviation of the results, the data is collected randomly from study area. Use ICAMS (Image Characterization and Modeling System) to acquire the spatial analysis to show the relationship between land fragmentation and land loss. Then, depend on the analysis to make suggestions for local department to provide powerful policy in friable area (McCulloh et al 37).

  The two groups of comparison images should be described in the background, seems more fragmentation more land loss.

  It can be observed from the research that there are large portions which have been occupied by the water bodies. There have been around 150 random boxes in the coastal regions. According to Dr. Witt H Braud, it can be said that 101 * 101 pixels is the best size as it gives the best idea for looking into the coastal line which has 50 % of land to water ratio.

  Because the high fragment structure of the land is easier to be destroyed, my hypothesis is that the degree of land fragmentation and land loss has positive correlation, which means the higher the fragmentation the more lands will be lost. However, it is also important to consider the rise in sea level, because the lands are still connected under water level (Haer & Toon 1327). The fragment regions demand to have more strengthened protection to prevent loss.

  Moran’s I is used for the spatial auto-correction of the land related attributes.

  It can be seen that when the value of factual dimension is found to be around 2.25, the amount of land loss is identified to be 0. Also, when the value of factual dimension is 2.3, there is a 3% of land loss. When the value of factual dimension is nearing to 2.4, the land loss is 10%. However it has been observed that while the factual value has reached 2.6, the land loss has increased beyond 20 %.The peak value of land loss has been observed at the fractal dimension of 2.6 which is nearing 50 %. After this, there has been a slight variation in the land loss and it has begun to decrease (Smith et al 442). When the factual dimension is between 2.6 and 2.7, it can be seen that the percentage of land loss has decreased below 40 %. The percentage of land loss has been found to decrease further by the increase in fractal dimension. Further, when it has been found that the value of fractal dimension is 2.7, the land loss has further decreased below 20 %. In the range between 2.7 t0 2.8 it has been further observed the decrease. At the peak value of fractal dimension i.e. 2.85, the value of land loss is less than 10 % (Khalil et al 1467). Thus, it can be observed that the value of percentage of land loss initially increases and reaches a peak value of nearly 50 % and then begin to decrease with the increase in fractal dimension.

  论文范文英国代写-密西西比河流土地流失概率的研究就为留学生分享到这里。英国高阶论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构为留学生们提供英国代写、essay代写、paper代写等论文代写服务,帮助留学生们解决论文的写作困扰,圆自己一个留学提升学位的梦想!


  英国论文代写的语言规范和要求有哪些,对于英国论文写作的规范要求一般体现在格式、语言、字数、引用、摘要上 ,所以留学生们在写作过程中要注意这些内容的写作规范和要求。那么英国论文代写的语言规范和要求到底有哪些呢,接下来留学生就听听英国高阶论文代写AdvancedThesis的讲解吧








  综上所述就是英国论文代写的语言规范和要求的一些讲解。留学生论文不会写怎么办?英国论文代写推荐英国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,此代写平台还有一些paper代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务, 英国论文代写Advanced Thesis 会以专业认真的教学态度来帮助留学生们完成论文写作,从而顺利拿到专属自己的学位证书!










  单一作者的书的各部分 将该部分的标题先列出来,用罗马字体,并放入引号里。在指示词In后面给出书的标题。将该部分完整的页码跨度标在书名之后。

  在参考书目列表中,提供整本书的完整引用 信息以及每一部分的短形式。后者要有完整的作者名、出版日期以及该部分的完整标题:在提示词In后面,加上该书编者名字的短形式、出版日期和该部分的完整页码跨度。







  尽量用同义词替代,比如: 损坏=破坏;渠道=途径;原理=基本思路;不可见=隐藏;优点尤其突出=优势尽显无疑;













  批判思维很重要,文献综述是评论性的(Review就是“评论”的意思),因此要带着批判思维(critical thinking)来归纳和评论文献,而不仅仅是相关领域学术研究的“堆砌”。评论的主线,要按照问题展开,也就是说,别的学者是如何看待和解决你提出的问题的,他们的方法和理论是否有什么缺陷?要是别的学者已经很完美地解决了你提出的问题,那就没有重复研究的必要了。

  有的论文选题同时具备了创新性和价值性,但还要考虑现有的文献资料能否有力地支撑论文的写作。文献资料等于作战中的弹药,名军事家有再好的指挥,如没有弹药武器,也不可能取胜。所以能否搜集到与论文相关的文献并加以利用是使毕业论文选题得到实现的重要环节。在整篇毕业论文的形成过程中,始终离不开对文献资料的检索和利用。新的成果观点的形成都是建立在前人研究基础上,我们必须充分利用图书馆的丰富馆藏,收集到足够多的文献资料。同时,在论文写作过程中,我们会经常用到别人文献中的观点用以支撑自己的观点或者跟自己的观点形成反差,目的是强调本论文论证过程和结论的合理性,指出前人的 观点、结论等存在的问题并进行修正。


  重要性在于能够帮助了解该话题已有的研究,他人的论点和你的论点不一定要相同,而且要致力在前辈们研究的基础上进行延伸拓展,避免和前辈的研究重复。 所以,导师强调写literaturereview的目的就是让你多读文献,从而对你的课题有全面细致的认识,一来你更了解你的话题,二来可以把话题的范围缩小一点。 简单来说就是用自己的话,把前人相关研究的观点,结论等阐述一下。最后还要将写好的文献综述再看一遍,看看是否符合逻辑。或者某些论点过少,可以再去相应地找资料。




  Nostalgia as a sentiment cannot be associated with it, a photographer by presenting his past can give the viewer a non-committal or a partially sympathetic glance into his past, but unless the audience want to understand the photographer and his photograph they would be non-committal. The sense of pseudo participation that would be invoked would not be real participation, when it comes to nostalgia in photography.

  Why burn a photograph? Why put it on a hotplate and let the paper slowly be consumed by heat? Why allow the image to go up in smoke so that perhaps another image must be printed before I can look at it again? Why engulf a photograph in flames and make it smoulder until there is nothing left, but a sort of crater in the middle, a temporary parenthesis, a respite, or a pit, for nostalgia (Duttman, 2012)?

  It is true that the burning of the photograph is to create a public spectacle. Placing a photograph on the hotplate, narrating a story about the photograph, and then letting the photograph burn to a cinder even as one watches it is the scene from the movie of Frampton. Frampton tries to reel in the audience to his nostalgic moments. Firstly, the burning of the photograph is used to attract the audience. What would a normal person do when they did not want a photograph (assuming such a situation happens) or want to discard some paper? They would trash it. They would not want to burn it; instead they would just trash it. However, Frampton is not content with just trashing it, and he wants to burn it. This is dramatic and is drama created for the people who are watching it (Klacsmann, 2012). Something in the burning of the photograph, the way it has been placed on the hotplates and is allowed to burn to a cinder, even to the point that it has reduced to ashes and the remnants are flaying on the plates makes the audience watch it in wonder. It is not often that one watches something burning with the people nearby not being worried about it, especially something as important as a photographic memory from the past. Secondly, the act of burning itself helps the audience focus. It is like Frampton has purposefully used the trick of burning to help the audience focus on what was being said. In the first photograph, the audience is still being attuned to the process (Frampton, and Jenkins, 2009; Andre et al, 1980). They listen to how Frampton took his first photograph are understanding how this came to be, and how he felt on taking his first picture but even as they are processing this information, the burning of the picture begins.

  有关论文代写-通过“怀旧”的演绎来分析摄影师的意义就为留学生们分享到这里。英国高阶论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构为留学生们提供英国代写、essay代写、paper代写等论文代写服务,帮助留学生们解决论文的写作困扰,圆自己一个留学提升学位的梦想!



  It is important that like many other branches, HSBC is required to ring-fence its business in UK. The primary reason which has been given by the company for the flagging of the business in UK is that the company has observed a major growth in South China. The UK retail bank was built in the year 1992. Moving in the headquarters of HSBC’s headquarters to Hong Kong will save an amount of around 1.1 $ billion.

  The bank states that the new economic changes which are being faced by HSBC in the country have been major reasons for the failure of HSBC. The bank is also forced by the new rules set by the government, under which two different houses of UK are closed. Thereby, there have been a number of problems which the company has to face. The company is going under a vast change and it will lead through the huge attrition and the massive cutting of the Jobs (Hussain, 2016).

  Effects for the local and national economy and HR activities

  The company has failed to formulate such strategies which help in effective building of the organization and the achievement of the efficiency of the organization (Dunkley, 2015).

  The HR also needs to ensure that the global banking and marketing divisions of the company is performing in an efficient manner. But in case of HSBC, it has been observed that this department of the company has been performing worst as the profits of the company has fell by 38 per cent. In addition to this, there is a fall in the retail banking sector and the wealth management sectors as well.

  HR has to play a great role in business planning. Firstly, he/ she needs to ensure that there is the presence of the respectful business partner for strategic planning. Secondly, HR needs to determine how to connect the strategic plans with the real business planning. Thirdly, HR also needs to demonstrate the methods by which he/ she can overcome the obstacles. But in case of HSBC, the company has disposed its terms with many business and the countries which are considered very risk.

  Thus, it can be concluded that the HSBC bank has been undergoing a tough phase in UK and it undergoing a constant decline. There are a number of reasons for the same including the national economy, the changes in the economy which are coming in the recent times and the failure of the HR strategies and effective formulation of the same. In this research paper, the discussion has been done on HSBC’s decline in UK and the effects for the local and national economy and HR activities.

  英国高阶论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构为留学生们提供英国代写、硕士论文代写、paper代写等论文代写服务,帮助留学生们解决论文的写作困扰,圆自己一个留学提升学位的梦想!

research paper 代写-对音乐产生情感反应的因素

  research paper 代写-对音乐产生情感反应的因素,对情感和音乐的实证研究表明,听者对音乐的情感方面非常敏感。节奏、强度、共鸣和音高等因素会诱发人的情绪反应。每个人对这种情绪的理解都是不同的,而与年龄和背景无关。关键不在于人口统计,而在于音乐引发情感反应的方式。有趣的是,音乐是灵魂的语言;音乐本身并没有语言。有些人认为对音乐的情感反应超越了文化。一个快乐的曲调,不管它的语言,都会引起一个快乐或微笑的反应,而一个悲伤的曲调会带来眼泪和不快乐。因此,音乐可以被称为情感的语言。音乐深深根植于人类的灵魂之中,并具有在多个层面上带来情感反应的能力,这意味着听音乐的明显迹象可以在人们的情绪变化和情绪反应中看到,音乐的影响来自于潜意识深处。接下来有关research paper 代写-对音乐产生情感反应的因素分享给大家阅读。

  Empirical studies on emotion and music show that listeners are highly sensitive to the emotional aspects music. Factors like tempo, intensity, resonance and pitch induce emotional responses in persons. Each individual may interpret the emotion on a different level, regardless of age or background. The key lies not in demographics, but in the manner in which the music triggers an emotional response.for instance music with a slow tempo evokes low energy motions like sadness; while fast tempo introduces high energy emotions like happiness or anger. This is because slow tempo is associated with serenity, calmness, tenderness, and sorrow; while faster tempo awakens emotions like restlessness, anger, joy, happiness and excitement. These findings hold true for the same music played at different tempos a well, thus confirming the fact that tempo plays a significant role in influencing emotions in individuals (Thompson & Qunito, 2003).

  Interestingly while music is the language of the soul; by itself music does not have a language. There are some who are of the opinion that emotional responses to music transcend cultures. A happy tune, regardless of its language elicits a happy or smiling response while a sad tune brings about tears and unhappiness. Music can therefore be called the language of emotions. Music is deeply rooted in the human psyche and has the power to bring about emotional responses at multiple levels (Thompson & Qunito, 2003). This means that while the visible signs of listening to music can be seen in the mood changes and the emotional reactions in people; the impact of music comes from deep within the subconscious mind.

  Music conjures up images and feelings that awaken an emotional response in human beings (Mohana, 2015). The importance and impact of music in psychology can be gauged by the number of studies on the subject. Healthcare too relies on music to help treat individuals who are excessively stressed out. Music therapy is often used by psychologists as part of their efforts at controlling stress, enhancing and uplifting mood as well as soothing or calming a stressed out subject. Most individuals react to music like infants. A soft and soothing music helps control the aggression and stress, thus bringing a sense of calm and wellbeing.

  Music in all forms triggers emotional responses in human beings of varied ages. The deep rooted link between music and emotions is seen from a young age onwards. The manner in which babies intuitively react to music is the first and most visible example of the emotional responses that music is capable of triggering in human beings. Babies who are restless or crying tend to calm down when they listen to the soft cooing or lullaby being sung by their mother (Thompson & Qunito, 2003). As the individual continues to grow, music too continues to be intricately entwined with the individual. The enhanced mood levels of individuals exposed to music is found to be an indicator of the impact of music on individuals.

  英国高阶论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构为留学生们提供英国代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文代写服务,帮助留学生们解决论文的写作困扰,圆自己一个留学提升学位的梦想!



  By reliability in accounting, businesses means – if the financial or money linked data can be confirmed and applied unfailingly by speculators, investors and leasers with the similar outcomes. In effect, reliability alludes to the steadfastness of the fiscal reports. It is the actuality if the users/stakeholders have faith on the information shared by the financial reports. Reliability, principle needs that the data ought to be correct and genuine and reasonable. In the event that person who’s making decision cannot trust what is on the fiscal reports, then the reporting is generally termed as pointless. That is the basis that the FASB is so worried by way of the reliability of fiscal reports.

  The FASB portrayed three traits that every one of reliable fiscal data has: verifiability, figurative authenticity, and neutrality.

  Financial report or data is verifiable if various, self-sufficient ways are utilized to furnish the similar outcome. As such, evaluators, stakeholders and other outsiders can determine and weigh up the firm’s financial records and close with the identical outcome. In case the auditing parties are unable to verify the financial data, they cannot rule out the correct judgment.

  Figurative authenticity just implies that the financial reports show reality or what really had taken place amid the past year (Beaver, Christie and Griffin, 2012). For instance, in case a firm reported COGS of $70,000 when its outflow was really $109,000, the financial articulations would not precisely reveal reality or what really took place. In all actuality, this organization had expenses of $109,000 for COGS and should demonstrate that on their books of accounts.

  At long last, all together for financial articulations to be reliable, they have to be impartial. By definition, financial reports that are set up by organization are to some degree one-sided in light of the fact which the managers wish to witness the improvement in business. This implies that they will probably report better performance and disregard to account the adverse occasions. Lack of bias i.e. neutrality needs that managers and chiefs make totally impartial financial reports.

  英国高阶论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构为留学生们提供英国代写、essay代写、paper代写等论文代写服务,帮助留学生们解决论文的写作困扰,圆自己一个留学提升学位的梦想!


  在本篇論文代寫-雅思成績作為預測因素的分析中可以了解到,雅思考試在世界范圍內被所有國家和學術機構所接受,尤其是雅思考試,它的有效性是為學生制定學習計劃服務的。雅思考試的目的是幫助學生在國外的新生活中使用英語。由於缺乏課外語言的接觸,雅思成績的預測效度和課堂上所需的能力傾向表明,外國學生的初始英語水平可能實際上需要高於英語國家。另一方面,在實踐中,有時也可能是相反的,因為負責英語教學的教師可能會調整他們的風格,以適應非母語的觀眾,提供額外的視覺支持,或將一些語言支持納入課程計劃(Kurtan, 2003;Panday, Hajer和北極,2007)。因此,將IEST分數作為有效預測因子的必要性越來越大。接下來有關論文代寫-雅思成績作為預測因素的分析內容分享給大家閱讀。

  ELTS is needed for Taiwanese students as with all other foreign nations. As the IELTS site argues, taking IELTS examinations will create many opportunities for students. For instance, in the case of worldwide organizations, from government organizations to academicians, employment institutions and more, it is argued that IELTS is the only language that is accepted for immigration. It is accepted worldwide by all countries and academic institutions in particular, the IELTS and its validity serves for the construction of an academic plan for the student. Now as the previous sections on the issues of English language learning for the Korean student suggests, a transition from English as a second language to English as the only language in the classrooms of the UK student environment could be improved with such a plan.

  The IELTS test is designed to help the student use English in their new life abroad. Because of the lack of exposure to the language outside the classroom, the predictive validity of IELTS scores and the needed aptitude in the classroom indicates that foreign nation students’ initial level of English may actually need to be higher than in English-speaking countries. On the other hand, in practice the opposite might also sometimes be true because the teachers responsible for courses taught in English may adapt their style to a non-native audience, providing extra visual back-up, or integrating some language support into the course program (Kurtán, 2003; Panday, Hajer and Beijer, 2007). Thus the necessity to understand IEST scores as valid predictors increases. Similarly, in the context of Taiwanese university students whose English is limited and with apparent pre-existing state of anxiety (with regard to oral communication, at least), learning English in a classroom with a native speaker teacher and international classmates, communicating with their host family and local people could be even more challenging and anxiety-provoking than sitting in an English classroom in Taiwan. In such environment, understanding IELTS as predictors would also help the institution better prepare for the student as well.

  Predictive validity studies of IELTS and academic performance have been conducted. However, there are not much direct studies on IELTS speaking and listening scores directly linking with the Taiwanese student ability to interact in an English speaking higher education environment. Most predictive validity studies in fact are focused on identifying how IELTS connects with academic performance, and even these have shown very inconsistent results, (Cotton & Conrow, 1998; Dooey, 1999). Some correlations are at the best weak.

  綜上所述就是論文代寫-雅思成績作為預測因素的分析內容,如果留學生們論文寫作不會怎麼辦?在這裏英國高階論文代寫Advanced Thesis平台機構為留學生們提供英國代寫、essay代寫、paper代寫等論文代寫服務,幫助留學生們解決論文的寫作困擾,圓自己一個留學提升學位的夢想!


  在本篇英国代写-食品的质量、安全和价值链中,客户和农民之间的操作价值链有助于确定质量、安全性和最终消费产品的数量。随着中国可支配收入的增长,消费者开始重视食品的质量和安全保障(Gu & Zhang, 2014)。具体来说,产品安全已经成为中国国内消费者最为关注的问题。新闻标题的问题与食品销售有关,食品安全摄入的价值链变得极其危险。食品和出口行业的跨国零售商对安全和质量提出了巨大的要求。可进口商品对于突出其他经济体在向中国市场出口时所面临的产品至关重要。在中国,食品的价值链在亚洲不同地区或多或少是相同的。由于食品系统涉及的整体结构,这些特别复杂(Hirata, 2011)。接下来有关英国代写-食品的质量、安全和价值链分享给大家阅读。

  Operating value chain among the customers and the farmer helps in determining quality, safety and a number of final product for being consumed. As there is a rise in disposable income across China, customers started placing significant value over foods with increased assurances of quality and safety (Gu & Zhang, 2014). In the specific sense, there has been growth in product safety as a crucial concern for domestic customers of China. The issues of headline are in link with the sale of food products and value chains become extremely risky for ingesting safely. Multinational retailers of food and export industry have been placing huge demands over safety and quality. Importable items are crucial in highlighting products that are faced by other economies when dealing with strategies to export to the market of China. In China, the value chain for food items is more or less same to different areas of Asia. These are specifically complicated because of the overall structure involved in the food system (Hirata, 2011). There is production of a number of food products by several small- size farmers. These have a heterogeneous nature with respect to their physical, social and human capital. Food is centralized with the religious and cultural practices of majority of the communities. Due to this reason, appreciating and understanding the food of different cultures is crucial for establishing individual cultural competence.

  For meeting the demands of customer and maintaining shares in the market, food retailer will hold the requirement of ability for meeting the private or public standards. These are crucial for the provision of consistent quality and for the delivery of sufficient quantity at a specific period of time (Honglie & Zhao, 2010). As a result, for gaining market accessibility, producers must have the ability of verifying their adherence with the required standards and methods of productions. More often, there is a requirement for specific systems of certification and traceability. Implementing these systems result in imposing substantial expenses over smallholders in the specific sense. These are excluded from the modern channels of market, specifically the export markets.

  英国高阶论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构为留学生们提供英国代写、essay代写、paper代写等论文代写服务,帮助留学生们解决论文的写作困扰,圆自己一个留学提升学位的梦想!