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代写论文-文化旅游对经济增长的影响分析。值得注意的是,旅游专业国家的经济增长远远高于那些不专业的旅游国家。内生增长模式对旅游业具有独立的影响。专业国家非常喜欢确保可持续增长,因为他们的战略侧重于长期发展(Diamond, 1974)。但大多数研究都是在人均收入较低的国家进行的。只有当这些旅游专业化国家的人均收入达到可接受水平时,文化旅游才能被认为是经济增长中最重要的因素。

There are a limited number of studies, surveys, and research that effectively addresses the proper nature of the economic impact driven by the cultural tourism. The most effective and significant trend, in this case, is the use of CGE (Complete General Equilibrium) model. This model uses actual data. This model also helps to evaluate the impact of exogenous shocks on the economy. If the tourist demand decreases, CGE allows a drop down in the prices of the products and services. Several studies have been conducted with the help of CGE. These studies show that foreign tourism is indeed much highly taxed than the domestic tourism. This effectively contributes to the economic growth in a positive way, because the economic loss from the subsidized or less taxed price is made up by the highly taxed foreign tourism (Mankiw, Romer, & Weil, 1992). There are various sectors related to cultural tourism. Sectors like hotels, restaurants, and transportations are directly influenced by the tourism. But other sectors like the food, clothes and apparel industry are indirectly affected. Most of these sectors try to restrict or slow down the production output whenever there is a competitive exchange rate. This has a huge influence over the tourists demand and the real returns.
Various experts and researchers have also claimed that wage regression is positively influenced by the climate variables like snowfall, extreme heat and cloudy days. But the rent regression is negatively affected by these factors. In this case, these factors can be considered as disamenities. On the other hand, clear days have a negative impact on wage regression. But it has a positive impact on the rent regression. In this case, the influencing factor is considered as an amenity. If a season has experienced much of the disamenities, then the providers will be forced to increase the price. In some cases, this hike is so high that tourists completely turn their faces away from those goods or services. Thus, the overall economy feels a wrath. The situation becomes the opposite when a season is full of clear days. The wage regression is negatively affected. Therefore, the providers usually do not increase the price or increases a little. This is not at all a concern for the cultural tourists. The consumption either becomes stable or experiences a growth and this leads to the economic welfare of that region (Corden & Neary, 1982) .

中国留学生毕业论文不会写怎么办?英国论文代写推荐英国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,英国论文代写Advanced Thesis是一家论文代写信誉高的留学教育机构,其中有24小时专业客服为留学们提供随时在线咨询服务,还有一些英国代写、paper代写、essay代写、研究生毕业论文代写等论文服务, 英国论文代写Advanced Thesis 会以专业认真的教学态度来帮助留学生们完成论文写作,从而顺利拿到专属自己的学位证书!



Those who take the extreme position on absolute freedom are referred to as staunch liberalists, who are in similar rigid position with those who advocate complete regulation on the freedom of speech. The midway is to find grounds for reasonable and qualified restriction on free speech, especially in cases where it goes against the ideals of democracy, truth and knowledge that it professes to achieve.
People should give priority to the freedom of speech, and then impose appropriate regulations

This call for the next step towards building regulatory framework is to create content monitoring and filtering tools. Researchers in different universities are hard at work designing and testing algorithms to filter pornographic, violent and un-wanted content on different networks (Oh & Aukerman, 2013). Some of these methods are technical blocking by way of Internet Protocol blocking, Domain Name System tempering, Uniform Resource Locator blocking. Other approaches include manual censorship where certain links are not displayed in the search results on the basis of content. Most of these are aimed at restricting the proliferation and access of pornographic content by minors, and prevention of hate speech/terrorist rhetoric on the internet. These tools and mechanisms are successful in achieving their aims, however, there is a lack of transparency around even the basic definitions of criteria such as obscenity, pornographic content, hate speech, etc. In some cases, the state has refused to make public the list of blocked sites because it might allow the users and the website owners to circumvent the restrictions. At the same time, in certain countries, the governments have tried to muzzle political dissent in the guise of regulating adult content for the minors. These practises are harmful for the future of democracy and unless the political will is inclined towards maintaining the freedom of speech at all costs, any attempt at framing regulations will be proved futile.

Public – private censorship, as explained by Hannibal Travis, is a means of internet regulation or more precisely, means of regulating content and practises on internet on the basis of explicit interests of the consumers and the owners. The market competition and legal suits make sure that as far as possible, the internet remains ethical and competitive. Ethical where copyright infringements and violations of intellectual property are concerned and competitive where users/consumer preferences are accorded the highest priority (Travis, 2013).

英国高阶论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构为留学生们提供英国代写、essay代写、paper代写等论文代写服务,帮助留学生们解决论文的写作困扰,圆自己一个留学提升学位的梦想!


代写essay-同伴指导和基于项目的学习。基于项目的同伴指导和学习的概念早在1975年就开始了。同年,埃里克·马祖尔(Eric Mazur)对一个物理概念感到沮丧。他多次向学生解释这个概念,学生们甚至无法理解这个概念的基本解释(Headden, 2013)。他要求他们转向坐在他们旁边的人,说服对方对这个概念做出正确的解释。Mazur(2009)的一项研究发现,即使是如此微小的同伴合作,即使话题极其复杂,也能让学生们更好地理解和参与。

The concept of peer instruction and learning based on project started as early as 1975. It was the same year when Eric Mazur got frustrated over a physics concept. He had engaged in explaining this to the students a number of times and they were not able to understand even the basic explanation of the concept (Headden, 2013). He asked them to turn to the person sitting next to them, and persuade each other to arrive at the correct explanation of the concept. It was found by a research conducted by Mazur (2009) that even such minor efforts of peer collaboration result in greater understanding and engagement among students even if the topic is extremely complex. This method was termed by him as peer instruction and he did believe in following an approach in which an educator reads out the content loudly in front of the whole class (Bozalek, 2013). The students were asked to read the text book and watch some videos before they came to class, so they could consider spending some time for discussion about the content with one another, rather than just going through and listening to any lecture (Bishop and Verleger, 2013). It had been noted by Mazur that as educators obtain expertise across the fields, they forget which types of breakdowns and misconceptions are faced by students in learning. And hence, more often students obtain a better position of knowledge establishment by supporting one another (Berrett, 2012).
It has been found by Sams and Bergmann (2012) that following the approach of flipped classroom was extremely advantageous to engage the students while maintaining their focus and interest. This was concluded by the researchers after they surveyed students for understanding their perception on flipped classroom approach (Herried and Schiller, 2013). As reported by a number of other related surveys, students who had been unfocused, restless or bored previously ended up becoming highly engaged (Bergmann et al., 2011). This change came forward because the educators did not just stand and talk with the kids. This led towards evaporation of issues underlying management of classroom.
When the students had active engagement within the classroom, they had been highly encouraged for expressing themselves through communication and participation in the classroom. The energy of the classroom used to be highly enhanced, and in such a scenario, it resulted in the translation of active participation (Bergmann and Sams, 2012). It was also found by Tucker (2012) that the approach of flipped classroom towards active learning assisted them to deal with the challenge of asking students, questions and motivating them to be engaged in class (Jenkins, 2012). Instead of reminding the students for listening and sitting still, Tucker (2012) started to motivate students for speaking up.

英国论文代写Advanced Thesis网站平台是一家论文代写信誉高的留学教育机构,其中有24小时专业客服为留学们提供随时在线咨询服务,还有一些硕士论文代写、paper代写、essay代写、assignment代写等服务, 英国论文代写Advanced Thesis 会以专业认真的教学态度来帮助留学生们完成学业目标,从而顺利拿到专属自己的学位证书!而且以上提供的论文范文,未经授权任何人不得私自转发,如有发现将依法追究其法律责任!



This case relates with the investigation of the income from the sale of subdivided land to be assessable as ordinary income or as capital in nature, since it was bought for a different purpose. The farmer used loans to buy land over a period of 10 years for grazing, farming, and growing crops. After two years of purchase, the farmer subdivided the land into multiple blocks and sold it for a profit. The farmer made substantial profits from the land sale and the income tax department demanded that the income be assessable. The court held that the farmer continued the process of selling land one by one and had all the characteristics of carrying on the business of land development and hence the income is taxable.

Casimaty acquired a large farm of 998 acres from his father and then purchased adjoining 40 acres on which he built a homestead. He carried out farming activities on the rest of the land and soon due to poor health, inability to pay debt instalments, and drought, he had to subdivide the land and sell a large portion. The income tax demanded to tax the gains either under section 25(1) or 25A of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 (Cth). The court held in the favour of Casimaty because he never intended to carry on the business of land sale and making profits never demanded exemptions for the interest paid, hence his income is not assessable.

Moana Sand had bought land for working and selling sand for business purpose and then decided to hold the land after the sand was exhausted until they get a good price for the same. The company sought relief under the income earned on the sale of land under the reason that their prime business was not land sale but sand sale, and this is an outcome of the sand business. The court held that the income made from the land sale is assessable under s 25(1) and the second limb of s 26(a). The rejection of the profit making purpose of the sand company was not reasoned enough in the decision.

Two brothers bought a land that had an old house which they demolished and built three houses, and soon put on for sale before their completion. With no response they lived in two houses and successfully sold the units a year later. The brothers then again bought other land and constructed more units for sale. The court held that the activity seems to be similar of a land development company and that in spite of having debt they did not secure a tenant for the third empty house and also put the house for sale before completion, hence the income from the gains is a profit and is taxable.

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