标签存档: 英国代写report




服务型领导可以被认为是一种积极的领导,它与真正的领导的根本概念几乎没有什么不同。两个领导都有服务人民的愿望,并对授权他们的追随者感兴趣(Vecchio, 2007)。他们拒绝在原则上妥协。它们对建立与人民的关系具有高度的重要性。仆人式领导与真实式领导的根本区别在于,仆人式领导是服务的,而真实式领导是领导的。因此,服务型领导可以被定义为一种哲学,即领导者为其追随者创造一个公正和关怀的工作环境。两者有相似之处,因为真实的和仆人式的领导都会与情商相联系,从而帮助他们的追随者。现在在这个案例研究中,真正的领导被观察到,卡拉汉对他的追随者是开放的,他是诚实的,他的行为反映了他的正直。例如,他对他的员工所做的一些努力,是因为他直接了解长时间工作的影响,因此他希望有政策来纠正它。这些都不是简单地实施,因为他想在他的员工中获得一个好名声,而是他这样做是为了纠正他自己作为员工所面临的情况。真正的领导可以被认为是一种基于性格驱动的领导形式,它不承认领导风格。真正的领导是由于有一种独特的风格发展的经验和内省。这些都是与性格或个性一致的。总经理、他的性格和对工作场所的看法,直接指导着他想要的变革,因此可以说,行动的一致性确实让他成为一个真正的领导者。

Authentic leaders are the leaders who are confident or resilient individuals. They are aware of how the people think or behave. These people use a higher level of integrity and remain committed to building of the organizations. They are credible individuals. These elements of authentic leadership apply to MD Callahan. He is seen to be confident of his plan of recruiting only individuals with the right attitude, and his confident attitude and his unique changes in the company have even earned him the tag of “wacky”.

Servant leadership can be considered as the positive leadership which has emerged little differently from the root notions of authentic leadership. Both the leadership have the desire to serve people and are interested in the empowerment of their follower (Vecchio, 2007). They refuse to compromise of the principles. They provide high level of importance to establishment of relationship with the people. The fundamental difference that is developed between the servant leadership and the authentic leadership is that the servant leader serves and an authentic leader leads. Servant leadership can hence be defined as something of a philosophy where a just and caring work environment is created by the leaders for their followers. There are similarities, because both authentic and servant leadership will connect to emotional intelligence to help their followers. Now in the case of the case study, authentic leadership is observed, as Callahan is seen to be open with his followers and he is honest and his actions reflect on his integrity. For instance, some of his good efforts towards his employees are because he understands the effects of working long hours first hand, and hence he wants policies in place to correct it. These are not simply implemented because he wants to get a good name with his employees, rather he does this to correct those situations that he himself has faced as an employee. Authentic leadership can be considered as a form of leadership that is based on the character driven and it does not recognize the leadership style. The authentic leadership is since there is a unique style developed from the experience and introspection. These are consistent with the character or personality. The MD, his character and perceptions of the workplace directly guide the changes he wants and hence it could be argued that consistency in actions does make him an authentic leader.



  英国代写report的写作组成部分和技巧有哪些,英国report写作相对来说是比较难的,从report的结构和语言方面来看,report一般有六个部分组成 ,而且在report中可以使用第一人称,接下来英国高阶论文代写AdvancedThesis就为留学讲解下英国代写report的六个部分组成和写作技巧。


  一、Table of Contents

  这一部分必须使用Microsoft Office Word自动生成Content格式。Report如果没有明确要求字体大小的话,一般用用times new roman字体;12(小四);1.5倍行距;Word默认页边距;标题字体可加粗;每段落之间空一行;

  二、Executive Summary

  一般来说,这部分主要介绍 这篇Report的研究内容、研究对象、研究目的、研究意义等等一些概括性的东西。而在写作的时候最好使用 “The main purpose of this report is to……”这样的标志性语句。




  四、 Body

  正文的写作要坚持“少理论,不空谈,多结合实际情况分析”原则。根据要求具体分析,用证据支撑、用事实说话。列出标题、次级标题、有必要时列出下一级标题。每段内容用简洁的语言 提炼出要点关键词,然后进行解释和阐述。





  Reference: Reference 是导师最看重的,所以请一定特别注意!一般来说,Reference包含两个部分,一种是in-text reference 也就是在文章里的reference,一种是在文章最后出现的reference, 也就是reference list。一篇论文须要包含文中的in-textreference和文末的reference list。论文有明确要求几个Reference的,根据要求来把握;没有明确说明个数的,一般按照每千字3-4个来操作。


  1.Harvard referencing system 哈佛文献标记系统

  2.CMS: Chicago Manua芝加哥写作和文献标注系统:

  3.APA Style:American Psychological Association. 美国心理学会写作和文献标记办法

  4.AMA:American Medical Association 美国医学会文献标注系统

  5.MLA: 现代语言学会写作和文献标注系统

  6.CSE: Council of Science科技编辑理事会文献标记和写作办法

  有关英国代写report的写作组成部分和技巧英国高阶论文代写AdvancedThesis就为留学讲解到这里,如果留学生论文不会写怎么办?英国论文代写推荐英国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,此论文代写平台还有一些研究论文代写、report代写、essay代写等论文服务, 英国论文代写Advanced Thesis 会以专业认真的教学态度来帮助留学生们完成论文写作,从而顺利拿到专属自己的学位证书!



  A speaker’s first responsibility is to prepare the speech according to his audience. Preparation includes organization, conciseness of content, punctuality and clarity. Firstly, the selection of topic for speech should be appropriate for the audience. The topic should have enough information and facts, sequenced logically. In case of written communication, at least one rough draft should be prepared to mark the errors and improve the content after seeking appropriate feedback before finalizing the speech. If communication to be done is oral, the speaker should practice it several times before speaking in front of audience. The analysis bases on age, gender, culture, values, family structure, education level and background experiences of audience should be done before preparing the speech. For example:

  When a speaker wants his audience to learn about four things when buying a diamond, he should do so by showing them the diagram of diamond with clear pictures of how a diamond is cut to prepare gemstones.

  Use of power point presentations should be done carefully and the selection of slides, graphs, figures etc. should be simple and clear in business presentations.

  While giving lectures to college students, it is necessary for the teacher to relate with students by giving real life examples to maintain their interest and make them learn at the same time.

  A21: Rhetoric is a part of oral communication which is used mostly in public speaking. The use of rhetorical in writing is also considered as a good practice. The three classic elements of rhetoric- logos (logic), pathos (emotional appeal) and ethos (ethics and credibility) are very essential for good writing. A rhetorical situation guides the audience to revise the whole argument and contribute to its effectiveness. By understanding the rhetorical situation, one can understand the context, expectations, audience and purpose of speech. From the perspective of an audience, it is the understanding of who, what, where, why, when and how of the speech. It is very important to include a rhetorical situation for the audience by the communicator in both verbal and written communication.

  While organizing a presentation I am imperative for the communicator to be respectful, trustworthy and think on egalitarian terms. Precisely, the communicator should be ethical in his approach while preparing a presentation. He should hold good character and reputation for doing what is right and treat his audience the way they want to be treated. For example,

  Sending out a promotional letter to announce sale of an item at $100 which originally costs $500, specially in a situation when there is only one piece of this item left in stock, which is not only unethical but also an illegal practice. Such strategy is mainly adopted by the seller to attract customer to the store and apologize to them on non-availability of this item. At the same time, the seller would urge the customers to buy a similar item costing $400. This method is known as “bait and switch” and is a punishable offence. To gain the trust of customers and build long term relations with them, the communication made to them should be ethical and true.

  论文不会写怎么办?英国论文代写推荐英国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,此代写平台还有一些report代写、essay代写、assignment代写等论文服务,良好的口碑和丰富的论文代写经验值得留学生选择和信赖!


論文代寫之研究報告中的abstract和introduction的寫作內容介紹。研究報告就是research proposal,需要留學生們陳述自己的研究課題和價值所在,以及是如何完成這個研究的過程和成果。研究報告中的內容結構組成部分有:有Abstract、Introduction、Literature Review、Methodology、Results,接下來英國高階論文代寫Advanced Thesis輔導老師就為留學生著重講下有關abstract和introduction的寫作內容。



第一個問題是What is your research question?先要告訴讀者你研究的問題是什麽,用一兩句話闡述一下你的問題,然後第二個問題是What is your research design,告訴你的讀者你是用Qualitative還是Quantitative,具體是哪種方法。最後是why is important?why do you choose the methodology?要告訴你的讀者你的研究的重要性和解釋為什麽這個研究方法是最適合解決這個問題的。讓他們聽上去非常的合情合理。


1.描述研究問題(Research Problem),通常也叫作研究目的(Research Purpose);



4.簡要描述該研究要解決的主要(Main Research Question)及次要問題(Sub-question);

5.確定你試驗中關鍵的independent and dependent variables。或者,明確說明你想要研究的現象;



留學生們最後需要註意的一點是,Introduction雖然也會有不少文獻引用,但同學們切記不要寫成了Literature Review,Introduction裏列舉的領域內的主要研究只是為了說明你研究的重要性而已!

綜上所述就是研究報告中abstract和introduction的寫作內容介紹。如果留學們想了解更多有關論文代寫輔導,詳情可以點擊咨詢英國論文代寫Advanced Thesis平臺機構,此論文代寫平臺還有一些report代寫、essay代寫、assignment代寫等論文服務,英國論文代寫Advanced Thesis 會以專業認真的教學態度來幫助留學生們完成論文寫作,從而順利拿到專屬自己的學位證書!


代写essay-系统思考方法对可持续性问题的作用。系统是为实现共同目标而运作的各种相互关联的部分的组合。系统思考的方法被认为对处理可持续性问题极为有用。这是因为该方法从宏观角度考虑问题,分析与问题相关的每一个元素(Hjorth和Bagheri, 2016)。在当今全球化时代,重大问题开始复杂化,必须从新的角度认识和解决问题。系统思考对于处理这样复杂的问题非常有用。测试系统是这种方法最关键的应用之一。在这篇文章中,系统思维在应对可持续发展的挑战时是有用的和关键的,这一点将得到强烈的认同(Fiksel, 2012)。

As a thesis statement sets for this essay, systems thinking is crucial for the development of solutions to deal with sustainability challenges. Accordingly, this essay will describe the extent to which this statement can be agreed with appropriate reasoning and evidences. For providing better evidences, the essay will apply systems thinking to deal with the sustainability challenge of renewable energy sources in Australia. As per the overall discussion, concluding points will be drafted completely agreeing to the thesis statement based on appropriate claims.The second factor was to understand the impact of IRR on the financial institutions. Then, the sustainability of the company in itself will be impacted by these changes. It is imperative to find ways to measure IRR with accuracy. In this system, the companies need to understand the role of the measurements. Conventional methods and the newer methods of analysis have been detailed along with advantages and disadvantages. The method of measurement is used based on the subjective nature of the variables.

Throughout the year, renewable energy sources allow reducing the prices of power in Australian regions where there is high penetration of solar PV and wind energy. However, in the current scenario, the regulatory and market structures of Australia should adapt for coping up with the international trends of sustainability (Hjorth and Bagheri, 2016). Strategic investments of transmission infrastructure will be opening up major untapped resources of renewable energy in Australia for its sustainable development.

From this approach, the context of energy should consider all factors affected by or connected to it. Hence, this includes the consideration of transportation, transmission and infrastructure, extraction of resource, economy with the demand and supply of services and goods. This further depicts to look at impacts like changing climate, emissions of greenhouse gas and pollution (Smith and Grin, 2010). Finally, this includes the dynamics of people like alleviated poverty, human health and growth in population. There is an appropriate alignment of these parts for making up the landscape or context of energy as per these dynamics. Therefore, when organizations consider consuming or sourcing energy, they should be thinking beyond the general basic approaches of sustainability. It becomes crucial for looking at interactions and parts under complete integration while considering various impacts and risks.

论文不会写怎么办?英国论文代写推荐英国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构,此代写平台还有一些paper代写、report代写、assignment代写等论文服务, 英国论文代写Advanced Thesis 会以专业认真的教学态度来帮助留学生们完成论文写作,从而顺利拿到专属自己的学位证书!



Such images include the phenomenon of the simultaneous contrast. The contrast of the same color makes the image more powerful and thus influences the perception of people looking towards it. Same colors can look different in different backgrounds. Black and white color in the peter and paul goblet crates more perception for the audiences. The perception can be towards the vase or it can be towards the two faces. “Insight into the ways in which these design elements can be harnessed to improve the effectiveness of visual communications design” (O’Connor, 2015). Black and white colors are completely opposite colors thus they make the image more perceptual and appealing. The Gestalt perception theory increases the emphasis on the phenomenon of the ground and surface colors.
In the cultural context, theorists believed that perception is experienced as whole and it could not be experienced in parts. “Edgar Rubin’s figure Peter and Paul Goblet, may appear as two faces in white staring at each other, or a goblet in black framed by two white shapes. It illustrates the interdependence of figure and ground and the way they may flip back and forth with shifts in viewer’s attention” (Kern, 1983). The figure is striking, but ground also plays an important role. Thus the ground plays an important role in other two images as well. Which means, according to cultural context everything element of nature is meant to provide support and to interact with each other.
Gestalt theory of perception was given by the first group of psychologists, who provided the systematic study of the human visual perception. With the advent of modernism in the world, the art, literature and social organizations has transformed to provide the different view towards everything. The philosophers and psychologist, developed new theories to understand human perception towards realism. These theories were concluded from art works, writings and even poetries. This essay explored the theory of Gestalt towards perception of the visual images. It was developed in the modern era to provide a different view of how people perceive reality and illusion. The major contribution has been given by Koffka, Wertheimer, Köhler and Lewin in the emergence of Gestalt theory of perception. This theory could be divided in six different principles that explain the visual perception of humans towards visual arts.
The essay explored the famous Peter and Paul Goblet illusion, My Wife and My Mother-In-Law and My Husband and My Father-In-Law ambiguous illusions as the best examples of Gestalt theory, which also informs about semantics and color perceptions. These images are presented in black and white colors and provides figure and ground perceptions. The first image shows one vase in black color and two faces in white color. The other two illusions also display two faces, one is old and other one is young. According to the theory of perception, a visual image is looked as whole and not in parts. When audience looks at peter and paul goblet, and the faces in My Wife and My Mother-In-Law and My Husband and My Father-In-Law, they could either figure or ground. Both the images could not be seen at once. The mind moves back and forth to see both images. When the vase is seen in the image, the two faces disappear into the background, but when faces are seen, the vase disappears. Same way when the young girl or young boy faces are seen the old faces disappear in the background. According to cultural context, every element of nature is meant to interact with each other and to support each other, like that in the images figure is supported by ground and ground is also supported by the figure.

英国高阶论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构为留学生们提供英国代写、essay代写、paper代写、report代写等论文代写服务,帮助留学生们解决论文的写作困扰,圆自己一个留学提升学位的梦想!



“The analysis of the extent to which prices in financial markets incorporate fundamental information is central to the theoretical and empirical finance literature. […] Prior research has examined the links between financial and real variables by studying the effects of the disclosure of macroeconomic information (often without first identifying its surprise content) on stock and bond markets (often separately) (Brenner et al., 2009, p. 1286). The purpose of this literature review is to present the findings from some of these existing literature works.
Researchers Jiang et al. (2012) conducted three steps to analyse the underlying issue. Firstly, they in analysing the existence of volatility spillovers, the researchers provide evidence and insights. Secondly, they are concerned with the magnitude. Researchers focus is on how and why the macroeconomic news announcements affect the magnitude of implied volatility spillovers. Thirdly, both scheduled and unscheduled news have been examined. There were differences in how the scheduled and the unscheduled have an impact on the implied spillover. Differences observed are twofold. First, there were differences in the way spillover of implied volatility, which was observed in synchronous international markets during the 2007-2010 time periods. This was the intense financial period where the financial crises had already creased some uncertainties. There were significant differences in the US and European market, and within European markets itself. The second major set of differences was observed in the case of the scheduled and the unscheduled news releases. It was observed that scheduled news released had a more calming effect on the market as information was reduced in the market that led to resolutions in information uncertainty. Where uncertainty was reduced, then there was a decrease in volatility (Scharnagl and Stapf, 2015). In the case of unscheduled news releases on the other hand, information uncertainty was created. Hence, this resulted in increase in implied volatility. While the researchers Jinag et al. (2012) were able to identify that there was increase and decrease in volatility when there are announcements, they were not able to assess the magnitude of volatility spillovers. The magnitude changes do not come under their prediction, and this is one research limitation that could be addressed in this paper. Furthermore, the model work of Jiang et al. (2012) and Krieger et al. (2015) also used in this current work because how their model was able to predict spillover effects based on news broadcasts in the case of both extreme market events and other international markets.

英國論文代寫Advanced Thesis網站平臺是一家論文代寫信譽高的留學教育機構,其中有24小時專業客服為留學們提供隨時在線咨詢服務,還有一些畢業論文代寫、paper代寫、essay代寫、report代寫修改等 論文 服務, 英國論文代寫Advanced Thesis 會以專業認真的教學態度來幫助留學生們完成學業目標,從而順利拿到專屬自己的學位證書!而且以上提供的論文範文,未經授權任何人不得私自轉發,如有發現將依法追究其法律責任!

英国论文代写经验分享 初到英国留学的感受




通过不断的写论文作业,中国留学生是不是深刻感受到了英国教学的严谨性。那么英国论文作业不会写怎么办?留学生可以点击关注英国论文代写Advanced Thesis网站平台,英国论文代写Advanced Thesis平台网站是一家论文代写信誉高的留学教育机构,其中有24小时专业客服为留学们提供随时在线咨询服务,还有一些硕士论文代写、paper代写、essay代写、report代写等论文服务,英国代写论文Advanced Thesis会以专业认真的教学态度来帮助留学生们完成论文写作,帮助中国留学生安然无恙的度过英国留学的第一个学期!


《白雪公主与七个小矮人》大概是80年前迪斯尼出品的第一部完整的成功动画电影。从那时起,美国公司一直主导着全球动画电影产业。直到20世纪90年代,华特·迪士尼一直是动画行业无可争议的领导者。然而,在那之后,环球影业、皮克斯、梦工厂动画、蓝天影业和索尼影业都进入了联盟,彻底改变了动画电影产业。有了这么大的专业管理的公司,好莱坞从来没有受到来自美国以外公司的任何激烈竞争。英国和法国的动画作品多年来都是充满活力的,但是由于他们的观众都是国内的,所以这些国家不得不面对有限的财政前景(Cain, 2015)。然而,对美国动画电影产业构成严重威胁的国家是日本。日本动漫产业始于1917年左右,近年来取得了长足的发展(Yasuo, 2013)。美国动画产业的增长确实是惊人的,但是日本动画电影产业的发展是巨大的,他们的动画电影在国内和全球都获得了巨大和意想不到的份额(Sanders, 2017)。本ps代写-日本动漫对美国动画电影产业的影响研究的意义在于找出日本动画电影市场崛起的原因及其对美国最大的动画产业的影响。研究将提供与电影产业相关的事实和数据,并在此基础上得出结论。

This study will have a detailed description and evaluation of both the selected film industry. The first chapter will be the background and introduction about the topic and its overall significance. The paragraph will explain why the study is important for the future learners and researchers. This section of the research will include all theoretical work take from various texts and previous research articles. The complete hypothesis of the study will be framed in this section so that readers can understand the relevance of the study and they can learn useful facts about the western and eastern animation industries.
The second chapter will be the literature review. As name suggests, this chapter will include the review of all the texts read by the researcher for the study. This is a theory part, but it is not just the summary of the entire text read. The section will state various theories and views related to the research topic given by different scholars and experts. The section will contain what the early researchers think about the evolution and progress of both the animation industries and how their views differ or match with each other. However, finally, the researcher will follow the strongest argument of all and continue the review in the light of that argument. The study will follow an induction approach through content analysis. It will review various academic tests on Western and Eastern film animations recently. For that reason, the study will be based upon textual analysis.
Third chapter will be the research methodology. This section describes the research philosophy and research procedures used to conduct the research. It lets the researchers and scholars to know about the suitability of the methodology employed in relation to the community of academics to which this particular study belongs. As mentioned above, this study will be based on content and text analysis. Hence, it will use the secondary data collection method (Sani Cln, 2013). All the data will be collected through the case studies. For evaluating the evolution and development of American animated industry, the Snowhite and Seven Dwarfs will be studied, while for Japanese animation, the famous Doraemon will be studied. The animation effects, the techniques and tools, the type of audience and the market share of both the animated programs will be studied in detail to conclude how both the industries are different.
Fourth section of the study will be the data analysis and discussion. This section will include the complete analysis of the data collected in the previous methodology section. On the basis of the data and the facts and figures collected from various texts, a comparative analysis of American and Japanese animation industry will be provided. This comparative study will answer all the research questions mentioned in the previous sections. The analysis will fulfil the objectives of the study.
Fifth section will include recommendation and conclusion section. The researcher will recommend the changes required for the development of both Western and Eastern the animation industries, if any, on the basis of the analysis of both the industries, given in the previous sections of the study. These recommendations will be in general to make the study fruitful for the animation industry people and the people concerned with this study. The conclusion will be drawn according to all the sections and the answers of the research questions.

Japanese anime started in 1917, when there was still the time of quiet/mute movies—through learning from the excerpts of already established markets of animation in US and France. Individuals began discussing the high calibre of Japanese “manga movies”. However, Japanese anime were costlier to create as compared to animated films in West and were eclipsed by the notoriety of Disney kid’s shows. They confronted a daunting struggle from the beginning (Kim, 2013).
Something that helped them discover their specialty was anime creation for advertising and reputation battles by open establishments. Local anime generation was starting to build up a little yet strong establishment when Tokyo and the encompassing region endured cataclysmic harm in 1923 by Great Kanto Earthquake. The anime business was compelled to begin once again starting with no outside help (Lahiri, 2014).
The importance of this study is to evaluate the impact of Japanese animated film industry on the world animation industry and how the Japanese industry is different from American industry from evolution till now.

英国高阶论文代写Advanced Thesis平台机构为留学生们提供英国代写、essay代写、paper代写、report代写等论文代写服务,帮助留学生们解决论文的写作困扰,圆自己一个留学提升学位的梦想!



Logistics is the detailed planning that is done in a supply chain as part of the supply chain management efforts towards coordinating sourcing, manufacturing and movement of goods to the end consumer, thus satisfying customer requirement. Logistics at each stage attempts to contribute something to meet customer requirements. At each stage of the supply chain, the contributing logistics varies as the aim is to add to the overall usefulness of the supply chain by making that stage exemplar.
In the production of feed for cows, feed quality is checked. Cows feed time and health regulations will apply in the milk production centre. In transportation, information systems for checking refrigeration temperature would be implemented. Fonterra will have information systems for quality checking. Distribution warehouses and the retail end point will have the necessary systems to keep products in the right temperature until end consumers purchase. Warehouses make use of Exceed.
Each point adds values, for instance, the refrigerated truck distribution ensures that the product is kept cooler so as to meet recommended expiry date. Retailers will hence not suffer loss because of lost shelf life. There are areas of loss. For instance, demand and supply at the end consumer end could be a problem zone. Where end consumer does not need much product, they would not buy it, and this could threaten the stability of the supply chain.
The retailer would be responsible for forecasting needed (demand) milk volume as well as warehouse parties. The retailer responsibility is fair and equitable as they are the ones who deal with the direct consumer demands. Thus, they will have a better chance to gauge the consumption rates and should request for products based on that demand. However, based on supply end, it could be said that the producer should forecast what volume he can supply.
In the last 4 years, much of the work within Fonterra and its associated partners in the supply chain have become automated because of information systems and tools. For instance, the use of Agrigate, which prototype was launched in 2016 with 70 farmers helped them to plan ahead for supply based on different farmer assessments, weather conditions and animal health etc. Agrigate helped farmers to track effects of factors on one another. This empowers the warehouse process system. A higher than usual capital expenditure was faced by the company when they were transitioning to the use of information systems, but over time, this changes as benefits can be reaped with their use (Gray, 2017).
b. The use of these information systems helps to collate information across many of the supply end sources. Information was disseminated in parallel to everybody. However, this form of information dissemination might serve as a hindrance to the normal way of communication and relationship building between different human entities in the supply chain.

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