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英国英语语言学论文代写-战略管理。战略管理是指根据组织现有的资源制定战略。战略是由最高管理层在分析和评估组织运行的内部和外部环境后制定的。该决定是代表利益相关者作出的,目的是通过最佳利用资源、能力和核心竞争力,创造可持续的竞争优势。战略管理是一个针对决策的创建、实施和评估的管理过程。资源是指组织在生产过程中为有效运作而使用的材料或资产。资源包括财政资源、股票、人力资源、固定资产和信息技术(Analoui, F。Samour,。,2012)。资源的有效运作确保了组织目标的实现。能力是指一个组织完成既定目标的能力。核心竞争力是指组织利用资源和专业知识的组合来区别于市场上的同行。组织能力是指组织实现预定目标的能力。可持续竞争优势是指长期表现优于竞争对手的组织特征。这些属性可以表现为公司资产的形式、定性因素和定量因素。一个组织通过资产配置过程,根据能力有效地使用不同的资源。这样做是为了通过核心竞争力确保组织的可持续竞争优势。

Marketing management refers to application of marketing orientation and process for creation of company’s goods and services. In strategic marketing management, organizations use marketing mix for gaining sustainable advantage over their competitors. Marketing mix comprises of product, promotion, place and price. Organisations use differential pricing strategies and charge different prices from customers in different segments. Companies also use different packaging and texture for differentiation of their product in the marketplace. In strategic management, organisations develop new products to gain competitive advantage over their rivals. Organisations launch products in accordance with customer needs and preferences. Products represent face of the organization and hence corporate ensures delivery of quality goods and services in timely manner at affordable price (Tan, L., Ding, J., 2015). Organisations uses strategic marketing management for gaining market share and market penetration. The emphasis is on supply chain management for wider distribution of company’s products and services. Organizations maintain harmonious relationship with supplier to enjoy uninterrupted supply of raw materials. Promotion refers to creating awareness about the product in consumer fraternity. Organisations use offline and online methods for marketing their goods and services. With increased usage of internet and social media, managers focus on building customer relationship through presentation of information about company’s products (Tsai, S., 2011). In addition, customer’s feedback is used by organization for delivery of world class products and services. Thus, marketing management is used by managers to gain from existing capabilities for gaining core competencies through differentiation in their service offerings in the marketplace.

It can therefore be concluded that managers need to identity areas according to firms capabilities for creation of sustainable competitive advantage. Managers should use resources according to their capabilities for creation of core competencies and gaining sustainable competitive advantage.A business framework pyramid should be established for the organization. The framework should start with initial talks with senior and junior mangers, project scheduling based on risk ranking, provision for contingencies. Financial goals should be established after studying of business risk and SWOT Analysis. Effective and efficient business plans and strategies should be implemented for the achievement of desired objective consideration of customer’s expectations, needs and requirement from the business. The key features affecting businesses are organizational behavior and dynamics. In a linkage process, communication problems might lead to problematic conflicts among the employees and may affect their performance. The biggest threat of organizational risk comes from the top management as it lays down the desired set of policies and objectives which are expected to be achieved. Thus, stated objectives should be on the management agenda for accomplishment in a timely and cost effective manner. In addition, managersshould use talent management, financial management, management accounting and marketing management for utilization of firm’s capabilities. This would enable company to achieve high growth and outperform competitors.

英国论文代写Advanced Thesis网站平台是一家论文代写信誉高的留学教育机构,其中有24小时专业客服为留学们提供随时在线咨询服务,还有一些论文代写、paper代写、essay代写、report代写、研究生论文代写等服务, 英国论文代写Advanced Thesis 会以专业认真的教学态度来帮助留学生们完成学业目标,从而顺利拿到专属自己的学位证书!而且以上提供的论文范文,未经授权任何人不得私自转发,如有发现将依法追究其法律责任!


加拿大的文化、政治和经济结构在过去三十年中发生了重大变化。对加拿大来说,这种转变的过程并不是独一无二的,但它确实像任何工业化国家一样具有戏剧性(Waterman, 2001)。甚至在这一变革进程开始之前,加拿大就不是民主和平等的典范。虽然在第二次世界大战后期,加拿大经济经历了显著的增长速度。同时,加拿大的社会结构在这一时期也经历了重大的转型。接下来英国论文代写-加拿大的新自由主义转变的论文范文供留学生们阅读如下。

Canada was catching up to the United States both socially and economically, thus removing the traditional tag of “poor cousins” to the North. Since, the real wages of the people rose; it improved the living standards dramatically. This “golden age” post-World War II ran up to defy its own internal contradictions and limits. The fine tuning of Keynesian welfare state which was defined by rising standards of living, strong profits and investments in capitalist countries had begun to disintegrate. Michal Kalecki, an economist from Poland, predicted that just as Keynesian welfare state era was consolidated, the free market capitalism would also experience a situation of ‘full-employment”. Also, workers were empowered by the income security and long-run employment. This had led to increasing conflict in maintaining of low cost workforce by capitalist employers. This, in turn, leads to the formation of an interventionist state which brought with it strict regulations and substantially rising taxes. The geographic scope of the capitalism was curtailed by the movement of national liberation throughout the world. Consequently, the underlying engine of the expansion in post-war Canada—business investment—had slowed eventually.
Despite correcting market distortions, neoliberalism has not been successful in creating the global economy which is efficient and stable. Consistent with the trend throughout the world, Canada has experienced the harsh effects of neoliberalism. This has also highlighted the weaknesses in the capitalist system of Canada. There have been three historical moments of neoliberal practices and principles in Canada which best describe the varied impact of neoliberalism. These three key moments (which led to the evolution of a resource dependent, business dominated and unequal society) in the trajectory of Canada are discussed as follows:
Firstly, there was a dramatic shift in the impact of monetary policy in the mid-1980s. The emergence of high rate of interest and the abandonment of full employment level was considered as the prime goal of the macroeconomic policy of Canada (Friedman, 2002). This change in the monetary policy is a common feature of neoliberalism which was applied everywhere, even in Canada. Secondly, in 1989, free-trade was implemented between United States and Canada. This was followed by the inclusion of Mexico into the NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) free trade zone. NAFTA has increasingly impacted the economy of Canada by providing free deals of trade around the world (Robinson, 1998). Thirdly, just after the turn in the century, beginning in 2002, Canadian economy witnessed a dramatic rise in the country’s dependency on the extraction of resources and exports especially petroleum. The resource-driven structure has had huge implications on the labour market, trade between countries, and on the environment. This restructuring occurred based on the foundation of FTA (Free Trade Agreement).
The problem of Neoliberalism as the dominant force in Canada has more to do with the abrasion of democracy for the participation of people and less to do with the persuasion of mass.

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Colonialism is known as the policy which was adopted by some nations. Through this policy, a nation uses its power and extends its territories to occupy other territories through the process of colonization. The European countries became rich and powerful in the 18th and 19th century through industrialization. The countries outside Europe could grow and become weaker as they failed to industrialize. Thus, European countries tried to capture the markets of non-European countries to buy raw material and to sell their goods. Thus Colonialism also stands for acquiring political power over other countries.
Colonialism also affects economic, religious, social and cultural aspects of the colonized territories. Colonialism leads to both negative and positive impacts on the developing nations. The positive effects on colonialism led to improvement in the field of education, social standards, development and also modernization. The negative effects may include the loss of land, loss of culture and cultural values, different system of government and also disturbance in traditions and values. Thus Colonialism also leads towards imperialism.
In the last few years, the new empirical studies and literature has emerged, which explains how the historic events have importance in determining the economic development of present day. The beginning of this literature can be traced by the three subsequent studies done three decades earlier. Sokoloff & Engerman (1997, 2002) conducted the research to examine the importance of colonial rule and its effect on economic development within American colonies. In the year 2001 and 2002, Acemoglu et al. put forward the research in order to understand the historical origin of the present day institutions that lead to the long-term economic development.
This study that proved to be important in the study of the colonial rule is the research done by La Porta et al. (1997, 1998), which examines different legal institutions presented by diverse colonial nations and their continuing consequences over financial development. This essay will evaluate the influence of modernization theory and dependency theory on development of Africa. In the conclusion, the essay will inform how both the theories are unsuccessful to develop Africa and how Renaissance theory of development can become a hope for Africa.
The modernization and dependency theory, both failed to improve the development of Africa. Africa has been manipulated by giving temptation of wealth and prestige. The modernization theory lied that it will bring wealth and economic growth to the nation. All through its long history of colonization and after that, Africa has been left in a place of exploitation and dependency. Africa became the place which is open for corruption and manipulation. The dependency theory also could not provide concise solution for the development of Africa. The dependency theory resulted in poverty in the rural areas and constant robbery of human and nonhuman resources from the dependency to the metropolis.
The end of colonialism has also not been able to save Africa from the domination imperialists. The independence negotiated in Zimbabwe by the Lancaster House Agreement extended the endurance of unfair economic order. Thus continent still suffers, which could find some hope with African renaissance theory. This theory is founded keeping in mind the values and norms of Africa which are also back bone of African life.

英国论文代写Advanced Thesis网站平台是一家论文代写信誉高的留学教育机构,其中有24小时专业客服为留学们提供随时在线咨询服务,还有一些论文代写report代写、essay代写、研究生论文代写等服务, 英国论文代写Advanced Thesis 会以专业认真的教学态度来帮助留学生们完成学业目标,从而顺利拿到专属自己的学位证书!而且以上提供的论文范文,未经授权任何人不得私自转发,如有发现将依法追究其法律责任!

美国 essay代 写:如何写论文的Introduction部分

美国 essay代 写:如何写论文的Introduction部分



美国 essay代 写:如何写论文的Introduction部分

内容提示:Introduction应含概的内容 Introduction作为论文的开头,以简短的篇幅介绍论文的写作背景和目的,缘起和提出研究要求的现实情况,以及相关领域内前人所做的工作和研究的概况,说明本研究与前工作的关系,目前的研究热点、存在的问题及作者的工作意义,引出本文的主题给读者以引导。


美国 essay代 写:如何写论文的Introduction部分



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personal statement 怎么写:媒介日益多样化的原因

personal statement 怎么写:媒介日益多样化的原因


personal statement 怎么写:媒介日益多样化的原因

personal statement 怎么写:媒介日益多样化的原因

Media content in television is often subjected to debate. The media attempts to portray different contents and ensures that it aids in inclusiveness. There have been many approaches in the modern media to ensure that people are all included in their content. There is often contention as to what direction media has been evolving and the future of media. The purpose of this analysis is to understand and critically analyze the ideologies professed by Hartley regarding media content development and evolution. Differential views and the growth of media in the past decades have been discussed in this analysis. The increasing diversification of media is also analyzed in this analysis. There is another ideology that there has been increasingly diversified content for the people owing to technology.

personal statement 怎么写:媒介日益多样化的原因
This is another view that states that the media has tried to personalize content for the people in the societies for enhanced use of media and media related tools. Harrington has made interesting deductions about the way in which television content has evolved. There have been historical discussions about television and the ways in which the media has been instrumental in shaping society. It also explores the ways in which the ideologies of people in the society shape media content. Harrington (2010) states that in the modern times there has been amalgamation of Internet, catch up TV content like Hulu, iPlayer, iView services have evolved. Along with this, there has been significant development of torrents and a number of different models through which media content is viewed through the different media services.




它能够通过保持现有技术产品的实力和质量的方式进行创新。企业的战略方向是一个基本的内部力量(Wright et al, 2013)。罗技的战略是确定电子行业中有机会的业务领域。罗技的案例研究表明,一旦公司能够发现这样的机会,它就会找到创新的方法来创造周边产品以满足这个机会。“例如,当游戏行业开始体验到认可和快速增长的时候,罗技在2000年设计并推出了它的第一个游戏控制台控制器(罗技GT赛车车轮为PlayStation 2)”(Hoffman, 2011,第273页)。


As can be identified from this situation, that the Logitech Company was able to identify a significant opportunity for itself shows the competency of the company. The company was competent in understanding industry demands. It is this competence of ability to identify how to make use of opportunities in the market, which enabled Logitech to understand that it cannot rely on one product alone. Logitech moved on to invest in computer peripherals in general ranging from computer keyboards, digital still camera, headphones and microphones, joystick and gaming peripherals. Towards meeting the production of diversified computer peripherals the company also continued to innovate in the mouse and keyboard product capabilities. So innovation is also a core competency of the company. In improving on innovation, the company applied strategic direction.

It was able to innovate in ways where the strength and quality of its existing technological products were maintained. Strategic direction for a company is a basic internal strength (Wright et al, 2013). Logitech’s strategy was to identify those areas of businesses in the electronic industry which has opportunities. As the case study on Logitech shows once the company was able to identify such an opportunity then it would find innovative ways to create peripheral products that would meet this opportunity. “For example, when the gaming industry began to experience recognition and rapid growth, Logitech designed and introduced its first gaming console controller in 2000(the Logitech GT Force racing wheel for PlayStation 2)” (Hoffman, 2011, p. 273).







Caudhuri and Holbrook (2001) modelled brand trust according to the functional quality of the product, highlighting the role of emotional and functional expectations from a brand. From this perspective, trust can be seen as an outcome of the dimension of functionality of product and personality of consumer. Similarly, Delgado-Ballester and Munuera-Aleman (2005) suggested two dimensions of brand trust. The first of these has a technical or competing structure and is the ability of a brand to keep its promises and to meet consumer needs while the second dimension relates to the intention and the expectation that the brand will act sensitively for the welfare or comfort of the consumer.

For the dimensions, Delgado-Ballester and Munuera-Aleman (2005) explain that trust is based on the promise related to the expected functional quality of the product and the satisfaction that the consumer has when they use the product. Trust has been conceptualized by many prior researchers. In this paper, we only discuss the concept of trust in an Internet shopping mall (or e-commerce context) because the concept of trust is so broad. We now briefly discuss several prior research studies dealing with the conceptualization of trust in an e-commerce context. Lien et al., (2015) defined trust in the Internet shopping mall context as a consumer’s willingness to rely on the seller and take action in circumstances where such action makes the consumer vulnerable to the seller.



国家的城市化进程和支持不同城市的新建筑的需求增加了(Iorio & Taylor, 2014)。如果建筑公司内部不负责这些因素,那么就有可能让外部市场的客户参与进来。为了避免竞争,并尽可能多地带来建设的前沿,个别公司需要确定基于通讯的威慑,以减缓它们的速度(Kaseem et al., 2015)。除了十项基建项目外,香港政府亦在内地投资兴建其他项目及发展项目。截至2017年,香港已经投资了2016年至2017年的790亿美元。目前无法接受可能会延误或破坏项目的项目的沟通问题(HKTC, 2016)。


中国和香港将在东亚地区的经济发展中发挥重要作用,从“一带一路”建设开始。丝绸之路经济带是一个重要的未来规划纲要,可以为国家发展和开放许多经济机遇。中国在其“十三五”规划中,将寻求利用这些机会,在这一点上,一个拥有更好的管理技能的强大的建设部门是必须的。香港通常以将专业服务引入建筑和建设而闻名,这有助于全面建设专业。然而,沟通中的问题可能会成为一种威慑。咨询、客户、建设机会、项目管理和相关领域可能会受到影响(Hale et al., 2009)。


Urbanization process in the country and the need for newer constructions to support diverse urban segments has risen (Iorio & Taylor, 2014). If construction companies internally do not take charge of these elements, then it could be possible for clients form outside markets entering the fray. To avert competition and bring as much as they can to the construction forefront, it is necessary for individual companies to identify communication based deterrents that could be slowing them down (Kaseem et al., 2015). In addition to the ten infrastructure projects, the Hong Kong Government is also invested in the Mainland for other projects and developments. HK has invested as of 2016-2017 an amount of K$79 billion for the fiscal year ending in 2017. Communication based issues in projects that could potentially delay or derail projects is not acceptable now (HKTC, 2016).

China and Hong Kong will be playing a major role in economic advancements in east Asia commencing from the construction of the Belt. The Silk road economic belt is a significant project outline for future that could advance and open many economic opportunities for the country. China in its 13th five-year plan will seek to take advantage of these opportunities and a strong build sector with better people management skills is a must at this point. Hong Kong is usually renowned with bringing professional services into building and construction that helps the overall build professions. However, the issues in communication could become a deterrent. Consultancies, clients, construction opportunities, project management and related fields could take a hit (Hale et al., 2009).



在对项目进行详细评估之前,俱乐部应该有能力在项目中进行支付。应在初始阶段对其进行识别,以便在额外的经营资产下进行具体的投资。如果这是俱乐部依赖金融机构来感知资金的关键意图,那么应该在最初阶段就可能对条款进行评估,以进行偿还(Anderson, 2010)。在这个特殊的阶段,黛西应该专注于评估计划项目与主要资本项目的财务效果。评估应提供利润和损失的预测,以描述这个项目对Ascor俱乐部的成本和收入的影响。此外,还应该对资产负债表进行预测,以显示该项目对Ascor俱乐部财务状况的影响。最后,应该对现金流进行分析,以显示其对现金流的影响。黛西应该专注于选择独立的专家来处理整个项目的交付管理。



Prior to appraising the project in detail, the club should have the capacity to make payment in the project. Its recognition should be done in the initial point to make the specific investment under extra operating assets. If it is the key intention of the club for relying upon finance institutions to perceive funding, the stage should be initially approached for the likely assessment of terms to make the repayment (Anderson, 2010). In this particular stage, Daisy should focus on assessing the financial effect of planned project with major capital works. The assessment should provide projections of profit and loss to depict the effect of this project on the costs and revenues of Ascor Club. In addition, there should be projections of balance sheet to show the effect of this project on the financial position of Ascor Club. Finally, there should be analysis of cash flow to show its effect on the overall flow of cash. Daisy should focus on the selection of independent expert for acting upon the management of delivery in the overall project.


There has to be arrangements for employing needed consultant for the definition, design, documentation and gain approvals throughout the project. Daisy should focus on using specific processes for the conduct of this project by the sources of tender. The parties should not be submitting or seeking tenders in the absence of proceeding the firm intention. The parties should not be having any practical engagement that distributes advantage for both the parties improperly. In addition, for any specific project, the conditions provided in context with procurement have to be same. The clubs should ensure a clear specification of requirements in the documents of tender and indicating criteria to evaluate appropriately. The tender must be evaluated by Daisy on the basis of selection criteria and procurement conditions documented across the tender while ensuring that the information is confidential during the preservation of procurement. A negotiation can be initiated by Daisy with only one supplier for the achievement of outcomes specifically desired. This will further require formal acceptance of other members as well.










Before the major stock market bubbles are explored, it is essential that the positive feedback associated with the stock market bubbles is understood. The positive feedback takes place as rising price of share attracts the investor’s focus. This attraction leads to the investor to ignore the study of share intrinsic as researchers have established that the increment in price is considered a sufficient reason by the investors for making considerable investments. Furthermore, the extra investment delivers buoyancy towards the price that results in the completion of the positive feedback loop.
It is to consider that similar to the dynamic systems, the markets of finance operate in an equilibrium which is ever changing in nature and this results in the volatility of price. However, a negative feedback in the form of self-adjustment takes place on the market. This is considered as the systems that comprises of positive feedback enters within the position of growing disequilibrium. This is evident across the financial bubbles in which, the prices of asset increases vertically over the amount that can be regarded as economic value that is rational after which it falls rapidly.
It is identified through the literature that the new global financial system was agreed by the delegates of Bretton Woods. This system received support through the International Monetary Fund which was a new institution with the concentration of the stability in macroeconomics along with the economic growth was viewed as the elements that will guarantee peace. The demise of the post war Bretton Woods agreement in resulted in emergence of period where trade conflicts, low growth, inflation and exchange rate volatility was seen. Herein, the value of the finance shifted from the commodity to the confidence on value.