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一篇dissertation动辄一两万字,很多人看到字数就已经频临崩溃了,更别提写一篇好的dissertation了。但是你不知道的是dissertation也是有结构技巧的。Dissertation有其标准结构,并且Uk的老师对结构要求非常严格。一般一篇dissertation分为五个主题部分,introduction、literature review、methodology、data analysis、conclusion。其中,LR、methodology、data analysis是dissertation中的重点。但是严格细化的话abstract,appendix,reference list都算dissertation的部分。下面就由英国高阶论文AdvancedThesis网为您简单按顺序介绍一下dissertation各部分内容。
第四个部分是literature review,也就是文献综述。这一步需要大家大量阅读相关文献,从中整理出文章所需要的内容,通过自己的表述与论文紧密结合,需要展现出你所找的文献与所写论文之间的关系。
第六个部分是data analysis,把自己收集到的所有信息包括数据进行处理得到直观的数据处理结果,然后用可视化的形式展现出来,常用的包括饼图、柱状图等等,让大家一目了然。然后对数据结果进行分析说明,验证topic主题。



维纳斯吉尼特里克斯神庙,凯撒广场。凯撒广场被发现是第一个帝国广场。建造论坛涉及在卡皮托林山的侧面的土地,它是长方形的160米* 75米。维纳斯吉纳特里克斯神庙是恺撒论坛的一个亮点,吉纳特里克斯是一位被恺撒尊为远祖的女神。这是大理石做的,女神坐在讲台的顶端。这个复杂的建筑被用作公元前46年凯撒胜利的示范建筑。



Venus Genetrix Temple, Caesar Forum.The forum of Caesar is found to be the first of imperial fora complexes. Building the forum involved a land at the Capitoline Hill’s flank and it is in rectangular shape 160 m * 75 m. 。Venus Genetrix temple is a highlight to the forum of Caesar and Genetrix is a Goddess that was celebrated as a distant ancestor by Caesar. This is made of marble where the Goddess sits at the top of podium. This complex was used as a demonstrative piece for Caesar’s victory in 46 BCE.

The Forum of Trajan was the last imperial forum and it was largest as well as lavishly built. Having completed and inaugurated in 112 CE, there are 6 areas in this forum. They are numbered accordingly representing forums of Caesar, Augustus, Templum Pacis, Transitorium, Trajan and Basilica Ulpia. The Basilica Ulpia is an integral part of Forum of Trajan. The column of Trajan as shown in the figure also has a free standing temple aside. The plan shows the respective positions and appearances. The reconstructions in the modern era have also permitted the presence of free standing temple – shrine against western exedra of Augustus Forum.








摘要不宜长篇大论,扼要介绍论文的背景和解决了什么问题就可以了。很多学生的毛病是把该写在引言里的内容都放到摘要里来了。 一般可以说:“本文首先介绍了…,然后用了什么什么方法,最后得出什么什么结论,可以有什么什么应用”,约两百多字就可以了,也可以先用一两句说说论题背景,然后说:“本文用什么方法解决什么问题得出什么结论等等”。

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損益表主要特點和結構:本報表又稱損益表,是財務會計報告。它顯示了一個公司在特定時間內的收入,具體包括收入和收入所產生的收入(Horngren et al, 2013)。損益表的結構可以解釋為損益表的應用,其公式為收入減去支出。損益表的格式為每個等式項建立詳細的格式。現金流量表的主要特點和結構:目標在於對財務報表使用者提供企業現金流量表的數據。該基地將在評估產生現金和現金等價物的企業能力,以及利用這種現金流的企業要求。當用戶評估企業產生現金和現金等價物的能力、生產時間和確定性時,他們就會做出經濟上的決策。


本標準負責通過現金流量表(Carlon et al., 2015)處理現金和企業現金等價物的歷史變化信息。這是負責在運營、投資和融資活動期間對現金流進行分類。現金流量表需要在已說明的分類期間報告現金流。一個公司以一種具有極大洞察力的方式呈現其現金流。經營活動現金流的例子有幾個。這些是包容性的收據從商品銷售和服務呈現的現金,現金收入從費用、佣金和收入,現金支付商品和服務供應商,代表員工的現金支付和支付現金或所得稅退款,直到確定具體活動的投資和財政。


Profit and loss statement key features and structure: This statement is also known as an income statement which is a report of financial accounting. It shows income of a company at a particular time inclusive specifically of the revenues and expenditures resulting from the income (Horngren et al, 2013). The structure of the income statement can be explained as income statement application with equation comprising of revenues minus the expenditure. The format of the profit and loss statement builds detailed for every equation items. Cash Flow statement key features and structure: The objective lies in data over enterprise cash flow provision to financial statement users. The base will lie in assessing the enterprise capability of generating cash and equivalents of cash along with the enterprise requirements of utilizing such flow of cash. The decisions made economically are taken through users when they evaluate enterprise ability of generating cash and equivalents of cash along with generation timing and certainty.

This standard is responsible for dealing with information provision on the cash and enterprise cash equivalents historical changes through cash flow statement means (Carlon et al., 2015). This is responsible for classifying every flow of cash during the operational, investment and activities of financing period. The statement of cash flow needs to report flows of cash during the classified period as already illustrated. A company presents its flows of cash in a way with maximum considerable perspective. The operating activities cash flows examples are several. These are inclusive of receipts of cash from goods sale and services rendering, receipts of cash from fees, commissions and revenues, payments of cash to goods and services suppliers, payments of cash on employee’s behalf and payment of cash or income tax refunds until identified specifically with activities of investment and finances.


這個項目的觀眾是位於新威斯敏斯特的學校行政團隊。目前,行政部門約有10人,教師30人,最好使用Excel電子表格系統。整個團隊都不了解技術細節,他們想要一本關於如何使用microsoft Excel(硬拷貝版本)來管理操作的簡單培訓手冊。裘德所面臨的問題標識:學校(一所學校到年級8)手動記錄學校的數據是很難管理和維護。該學校還計劃削減不必要的人力資源,並參與一個項目,以緩解運營和學校管理。學生入學人數最近也有所增加。評估選項有三個主要的標準來評估選項。



The audience for this project is the administrative team of the school located in New Westminster. At the moment, there are about 10 people in the administrative department and 30 teachers who would preferably make use of the Excel spreadsheet system. The entire team is not exposed to technicalities and wanted a simple training manual on how to use microsoft Excel (hard copy version) to manage the operations. Problem identification:The problem faced by Jude school (a school upto Grade 8) is that recording school data manually is very hard to manage and maintain. The school is also planning to cut down unwanted human resources and to involve a program that will ease the operations and the school management. The student admission to school has also increased recently. Criteria to evaluate optionsThere are three major criteria set to evaluate the options.

These include: $15 per copy of Excel manual and 10 copies of the same manual.Easy to understand with clear screenshots.Does not require external training to follow As the next academic year has begun, the school wants the training manual on urgent basis. Taking the budget and time into consideration and also to regard the quality of the manual, the options will be chosen after thorough analysis from different sources. The main purpose of this proposal is to suggest the right training manual that will fulfill the criteria and let the staff to easily record data with no hassles. As the manual has to give a thorough idea and step by step instructions, the proposal is meant to highlight the possible options at the moment.



人们经常用流行的、流行的、流行的、流行的、时尚的、街头的时尚等词来描述时尚的现象。许多人对时尚的理解仅限于上述几句话,或者是一种含糊不清的混合物,或者是其中的一种。街头时尚目前没有一种大众流行的语言来理解(Okonkwo, 2016;佩里&塔,2013)。如果一个人忽视了时尚街时尚发展的历史,就会考虑到一系列的主观扩张。例如,唐代的胡风在街头流行,属于街头时尚。与此同时,目前的街头时尚是基于更现代的潮流(Kuang-Ying & Hackley, 2013)。这种理解忽略了两者之间的本质区别:大型生产加工背后的商品和商品的公共时尚仙境。

一是消费文化的本质,追求一致和服装的主题是公共服装公司,是全球时尚一体化和统一的远大目标(Rook, 2016)。另一个则更具社会意义。街头时尚造就了特立独行的个性群体。有些人认为这是他们对阶级、金钱或地位的反对(Baptiste, 2012)。他们利用街头时尚,反对社会结构划分的基准。其他人可能会用街头时尚来追求自我满足,享受个性的体验,他们的终极目标不是融合,而是创造一个公共时尚的叛逆(Hinerasky, 2012)。在这一点上,可以说街头时尚是原创的,但同时,社会影响力也可以被用来主张街头时尚适应变化的环境(Arbuckle, 2010)。


People often use fashionable, popular, fashion, pop, fashion, street fashion and other words to describe the phenomenon of fashion. The understanding of fashion of many is limited to the above few words, or a vague mixture or one of the words. Street fashion does not currently have a public prevailing language for its understanding (Okonkwo, 2016; Perry & Tower, 2013). If one is to ignore the history of the development of fashion street fashion, a range of subjective expansion would come into consideration. For instance, the Tang Dynasty Hu Feng popular in the street scenes belong to street fashion. At the same time, current street fashion is created based on more modern trends (Kuang-Ying & Hackley, 2013). The understanding ignores the essential difference between the two: a public fashion wonderland of goods and commodities behind the machining of large-volume production.

One is the nature of consumer culture, the pursuit of consistent and clothing the same as the subject is public fashion clothing company and their lofty goal of global fashion integration and unity (Rook, 2016). The other has more social significance. Street fashion hence creates maverick personality groups. Some present it as their opposition to class, money, or status (Baptiste, 2012). Using street fashion, they oppose the benchmark of the division of social structure. Others might use street fashion to pursue self-satisfaction, and enjoy the experience of individuality, their ultimate goal is not convergence but to create a public fashion rebel (Hinerasky, 2012). In this, it could be said street fashion is original, but at the same time the social influence could also be used to claim street fashion adapts to changing conditions (Arbuckle, 2010).




在这一分析中,将讨论目前的发展贸易政策——TPP(跨太平洋伙伴关系)。与欧盟(Elliott et al., 2016)相比,亚洲市场的贸易协定并不十分明确。有很多模棱两可和混淆的地方(Bergsten, 2015)。TPP旨在让12个国家更具竞争力。2016年2月签署的跨太平洋伙伴关系代表了全球40%的经济产出(弗格森,McMinimy & Williams, 2015)。它的目标是加深各国之间的经济联系,并削减关税,以促进增长(Friel et al., 2013)。协议的目的是建立一个类似于欧洲联盟的范例(Williams, 2013)。该协议的目的是确保12个成员国批准该协议(Carrere, 2017)。

许多商品和服务预计将在两国之间进行贸易(Yeboah等人,2017年)。国家之间的关税和进口税减少了(Feldman, 2017)。实际的TPP协议有30多个章节,需要了解各个国家(斯廷坎普,2017年)的各个方面的细微差别。在这方面,主要玩家是美国和它的2.5亿消费者市场。然而,美国选择放弃这项交易(Ruckert等人,2017年)。TPP的未来现在还不为人所知(Chen, 2017)。在这一分析中,澳大利亚和亚洲国家越南的观点将被探讨。这样做是为了了解剩下的11个国家如何能够在两国之间形成贸易政策。


In this analysis, there will be discussion of the currently development trade policy the TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership). The Asian markets trade deals are not very clear when compared to the European Union (Elliott et al., 2016). There is a lot of ambiguities and confusions (Bergsten, 2015). TPP was aimed at making the 12 nations more competitive. Trans Pacific Partnership that was signed in February 2016 represents 40% of the economic output of the world (Fergusson, McMinimy & Williams, 2015). It is aimed towards deepening of economic ties between the nations and slashing of tariff with the primary aim of bolstering growth (Friel et al., 2013). The aim of the agreement was to create a paradigm similar to that of European Union (Williams, 2013). The aim of the deal was to ensure that 12 member nations ratify the deal (Carrère, 2017).

A number of goods and services were expected to be traded between the nations (Yeboah et al., 2017). There was reduction in the tariff and import taxes between the nations (Feldman, 2017). The actual TPP deal runs more than 30 chapters and there is a need to understand the nuances of each aspect for the nations (Steenkamp, 2017). In this, the major player was the United States and its 250 million consumer market. However, United States chose to move away from the deal (Ruckert et al., 2017). The future of the TPP is now not known (Chen, 2017). In this analysis, the perspective from Australia and Asian Nation of Vietnam will be probed. This will be done in order to understand how the remaining 11 nations can form a trade policy between the nations.





这些都提供了维多利亚时代的风格,在这种情况下,它是集中的。通过说明维多利亚时代和男性时尚的变化比女性时尚(Marzel 473-475)更能体现出鲜明的特征。除此之外,时间的开始代表了女性穿着宽松的服装的时期。为妇女穿的服装正以高腰礼服的形式出现,描绘的是起源于巴黎的郊区。因此,时尚的重要性在于不同的季节。冬季来临的方式正在提供,以吸引男人和女人对时尚采用的风格(Saunders 1-17)。在尝试战斗时,可以看到在女性身上看到的半季的穿着风格,比如披肩。


As the fashion is being undertaken for the study, it clearly shows the variation of the dressing styles that are used to be continued during that era. It represents that the men dressed in particular attire consisting of the dark colors, baselines, use of the clean dresses were seen during that period. Therefore, the normal outfit of the stove tight pants was used by the men, and the women used to wear long apparel (Belleau et al. 103-112). These created differences in the style of the dress that were followed by the men and the women during the era of Victorian. Other details of the fashion seem to be comprised of the facial sizes and the descriptions regarding the accessories which were used by the people of that period. It enables the enhancement of the explanations of the materials used as an outfit which are the ties, cravats, carrying pocket watches, hats and wearing gloves.

These provide the style texture of the Victorian era which was being focused in this case. The distinct characteristics are being observed by illustrating the era of Victorian and the change of male fashion is more focused than the female fashion (Marzel 473-475). Apart from this, the beginning of the time represents the period where the women used to be in a loosely dressed position. The fashion of dressing for the women is being indicated to be in the form of the high waisted gowns by depicting the outskirts which had been originated from the place of Paris. Therefore, the importance of the fashion is focused with the varying seasons. The winter season approaches are being provided which attracts the style adopted by both men and women regarding the fashion (Saunders 1-17). For attempting the combat, the representation of the half quarter dressing style seen in the women with warmer materials like shawls is seen.







From this, it can be comprehended that Irene Watson feels that the aboriginal laws were reconstructed to fit into the notion of the European law (Watson, 2007). This was the ways in which the British government wanted to reconstruct its identity in a foreign land. According to Watson, the colonial project was about the efforts of the British governance to annihilate and to define the notions of “native”. The Christian mission tried to “civilize” the people and make them understand of the western notions. The First nation laws were in play for more than 500 years. It was started with the notion of being “savage” and “backward”. The European definition alluded that their way of life was more civilized and the first nations had to practice this law. This was the basic presumption that was made about the aboriginal law. The indigenous people were found to struggle the colonial states and their ability to ensure that there was annihilation to change the ancient identity.

Essentially, the European Laws were to ensure that their culture spread across the nation and the Aboriginal laws were about preservation of their identity. This was the main allusion that Watson makes in the analysis of the laws. Added to this, the notions of commerce were in play. The main view that Watson wanted to understand was the differences that existed between the Australians and the Western Australian. The importance of commerce to the European settlers had been differentiated by Watson. The most important allusion that was made in the argument by Watson was to referring to the western ideologies as the “demon spirit”. It was determined by her that the nation was built on the premise to provide the commerce needs to the British people.