标签存档: 英国essay代写



来自该组织的剩余资金被重新提供给社区学院,如Warakirri学院。它试图为学员提供盈余,让他们变得更加自给自足,并在商界蓬勃发展。这个班由来自不同背景的十四名学生组成。他们主要是不懂英语的群体。这些项目的学生或受训者被发现对公司内部的澳大利亚文化并不了解。他们更适应本国的大学和班级(Cook, 2013)。人们有技术知识,但是他们没有英语知识。学员的入学目的是要特别了解澳大利亚的工作文化和组织程序。他们需要软技能和在澳大利亚工作环境中表现的信心。


My placement is MTC which is located at Chatswood. It functions as a secular organization. It has four classes for SEE program English learner. It is primarily created for the people to perform well in their jobs and to ensure that the people are able to sustain in the workplace. It is more focussed towards the development of social skills and the cognitive skills of the people. The MTC Australia is an social organization that has been in operation for more than 20 years. It is an organization that is dedicated to provide soft skill training for the trainees and to provide the people with employment and self-confidence. There are a range of trainings that are provided by the organization to aid the people to form the basic skills which required to sustain in the companies. It is aimed towards developing quality services for the people who are the risk of social and economic exclusion. There is assistance that is provided towards the people for them to gain the skills required by them to performance.
Surplus money from the organization is provided back into the community colleges such as Warakirri college.It tries to provide the trainees with surplus to become more self-sufficient and to thrive in the business world. The class comprises of fourteen students from diversified backgrounds. They are primarily the group that do not have knowledge about the English language. The students or the trainees of the programs are found to not have an understanding of how the Australian culture within the companies. They are more attuned towards the colleges and classes of their native countries (Cook, 2013). The people have the technical knowledge, however, they do not have the knowledge of the English language. The trainees are enrolled to particularly to have the knowledge of the Australian work culture and organizational procedures. They require the soft skills and the confidence to perform in the Australian working environment.

essay 代写:身体检查

essay 代写:身体检查

简今年36岁,第一次怀孕才13个月。避免潜在并发症的关键是定期监测母亲和婴儿的健康和幸福,并提供相应的产科护理和支持(昆士兰母婴中心,2012)。在澳大利亚,像Jane这样的女性有很多产前护理模式,它们是:全科医生共享护理、助产士/助产士团队护理、私人助产士护理和私人产科护理(SESLHD, 2016)。护理的强度因提供者的不同而不同。如果Jane处于一定的风险水平,可以推荐特定的模型;或者根据她的喜好、文化、宗教和其他因素来选择(GP Liaison Unit, 2014)。除了模特之外,还有常规的产前护理,这是强烈推荐给所有孕期妇女的。

essay 代写:身体检查

Jane is 36 years old, and she is 13 months into her first pregnancy. The crucial importance to avoid potential complications is monitoring the health and wellbeing of both mother and baby regularly, and providing maternity care and support accordingly (Queensland Centre for Mothers & Babies, 2012). There are numerous models of antenatal care made available in Australia for women like Jane, they are: GP shared care, midwife/midwife team care, private midwifery care, and private obstetric care (SESLHD, 2016). The intensities of care vary due to different providers. Specific model may be recommended for Jane if she is under a certain level of risk; or they may be chosen by her depending on her preferences, cultural, religion, and other factors (GP Liaison Unit, 2014). The models aside, there is routine antenatal care, which is highly recommended for all women during pregnancy.
The first visit to the hospital should happen between 10 to 12 weeks, during which Jane will undergo series of examinations, such as vital signs, weight, height, and urine composition. Her history will be taken and documented. The hospital midwife will examine her physical and psychological status in order to plan appropriate care. Some blood may be taken for tests. Further examinations, for heart or lung conditions, may be carried out if indicated (Government of South Australia, 2016). Then the second appointment is the best to be made at 19 to 20 weeks gestation, then again at around 28 weeks. After that, it is ideal to visit the hospital every 4 weeks for regular check-ups (GP Liaison Unit, 2014). In this case scenario, Jane chooses the model of GP shared care under the public health care system, this means during her pregnancy care is shared between an accredited general practitioner and hospital midwives.



这部小说由三个年轻的男人和七个女人在十天里讲了100个故事组成。下面的陈述对于完成两个相互矛盾的要素是至关重要的:“Comincia il libro chiamato decamon cognominato prencipe Galeotto, nel quale si contengono cento novelle in diece di dette da sette e da tre giovani uomini”(薄伽丘3)。在明确的术语中,为整个作品提供了一个替代的标题,同时邀请读者带着爱来欣赏它。然而,含蓄地说,读者被警告,他们不应该解读相同。盖勒哈德王子,被称为盖勒托是亚瑟王的角色安排致命的幽会桂尼维尔和兰斯洛特。通过这个角色,薄伽丘成功地让人想起但丁笔下地狱般的一对夫妻,保罗和弗朗西斯卡。


Love and romance was albeit infamous, yet well-established theme by the time Boccaccio started to persuade a literary career. The Filostrato and the Filocolo were appealing the literary preferences of nations that he experienced at the court of Robert (Franklin 23). Throughout the formative period, Boccaccio used to frequently visit the Royal Library at the court of Angevin. The capital of Robert, under the minimum nobility started to flourish due to the funds provided by the banking houses of Florentine. These were presented through the preference of Baccaccio’s father with a thriving trade at sea. These were largely with foreigners such as Marseillais, Genoese, Catalan and Florentines (Boccaccio 20). He later on drew upon his experience extensively by using the theme of love in his novel, Decameron.
This novel consisted of 100 stories told by three young men and seven ladies in ten days. The below statement is crucial for the accomplishment of two contradictory elements:“Comincia il libro chiamato Decameron cognominato prencipe Galeotto, nel quale si contengono cento novelle in diece dí dette da sette donne e da tre giovani uomini” (Boccaccio 3).In explicit terms, there is provision of an alternate title for the entire work while inviting the readers to view it with love. However, in implicit terms, the readers are warned that they should not be interpreting the same. Prince Galehald, referred as Galeotto is the Arthurian character arranging the deadly tryst of Guinevere and Lancelot. By this character, Boccaccio was successful in bringing to mind the infernal couple of Dante that are Paolo and Francesca.



  在国外,人们都管话题作文和论文统称ESSAY。它是国外大学课堂上的作业,所以要写作的数量是不计其数的。很多时候同学们写着写着就觉得没什么可写了,其实是同学们的方法没找对,不同的essay有不同的写作格式,如果没有按要求写,就会不通过。所以,很多留学生会找 代写essay 来帮忙,那我们也总结了essay的一些写作原则,希望对同学们有所帮助。


  ① 要做到言简意赅,要避免啰啰嗦嗦,不要过于冗长。

  ② 每一个句子都应该精简到只保留它的基本部分。任何冗余或者不能增加新意的词语都应该删除。

  ③ 。当你把文章精简并删掉不必要的词和短语时,文章的质量就得到了提高。要知道,导师在进行文章批阅时,要短时间内面对那么多essay,他是没有时间来看啰啰嗦嗦,没有主次的文章的。

  ④ 表述要精确。任何时候都要尽可能详尽而又具体。细节能让你的作品更具真实性。对于要表述的内容,想要表达的思想要精确的表达出来,感染到读者,让读者信服,从而体现文章的真实性。

  ⑤ 主题要明确。在写一篇essay时,导师给出的essay题目都是有很强的针对性的,所以,在撰写essay之前一定要想清楚这个题目的隐含意义,了解导师想通过这篇文章考察你哪些方面,想了解你哪方面的技巧,毕竟知己知彼,才能百战不殆。








  平时的小作业有essay 和 report 两种格式

  essay — 结构分为introduction, main body, 和 conclusion. 不用太复杂的结构

  Report —要有 executive summary, 结构要求很高,文章分为几个部分,每个部分都要有大标题,下面还要有副标题等等。


  文章一定要有references (参考文献), 就是引用别人文章中的观点,但是这个引用不能整断整段的直接用书上,网上的文章,或者杂志上的文章的内容。如果完全是用自己的语言将别人的观点说出来了,就可以不用标。





  文后的references列表和附录 (appendix)是不算字的。

  比如,文章要求如果是4000字,那正文的字数就是4000 +/- 10% 字。

  如果要求no more than 4000 words, 那正文的字数就不能超过4000字。

  如果要求 no less than 4000 words, 那正文的字数就不能少于4000字。

  如果要求4000-4500 words, 那正文的字数就要写4000-4500字之间。


  因为写的作业都属于学术文章,所以不能用第一人称(I, we, in my opinion,…) 这样主观的说法, 可以用被动语态。不能说 I DO STH, 要说 XX HAS BEEN DONE。特别是写REPORT的时候, 老师喜欢看到被动语句。


  Introduction: 不能在introduction说出文章的结论,introduction是对文章的要写内容的介绍,结构的介绍。而对于summary,阐述文章得出的finding, conclusion, recommendations。

  在留学生写论文作业的时候,往往会遇到不少问题,善于发现问题并解决问题才是唯一之道。另外,想找代写的同学不要怕,我们英国高阶论文AdvancedThesis教育网essay代写价格 公道,代写品质有保证,不满意可修改,可随时咨询。

essay 代寫:權利距離

essay 代寫:權利距離

essay 代寫:權利距離

Power distance in any organization refers to the ability of workforce to understand this power distribution in the organization. In organizations which have high power distance, lower staff has s to be submissive to their managerial and executive staff. The high ranked staffs do not consult with their lower staff for suggestions or complains rather they just pass orders and low staff is supposed to follow them. The relation between manager and workforce is not a friendly one. They do not have meals together, recreation or outdoor activities. Contrarily, in low power distance organization, managers and labours work as a friendly team. Bosses consult to the lower staff and anticipate their participation in suggestions. This attribute is evaluated through PDI metric that is power distance index. Uncertainty avoidance refers to the capability of a person to feel either way in uncertain or unstructured situations. Uncertain situations may be irregular, unusual, surprising and unforeseen.
Here people have to take measures and act in a way that minimizes the anxiety created by the irregular event. This criterion divides countries into two branches, high uncertainty avoidance index and low uncertainty avoidance index countries. Countries having high uncertainty avoidance index are more likely to have rigid rules and believes. The people of these countries are reluctant to adapt unorthodox behaviour and innovative ideas. They always try to avoid instant changes and opt for careful and gradual changes in any circumstances. These people are usually more emotional and sensitive. On the other hand, countries with low uncertainty avoidance index have very relaxed and adaptive beliefs. They believe in practice more than principles. They welcome innovative ideas and changes for betterment. These people are better trained in adapting the changes even when unstructured situations arrive. They can tolerate uncomfortable zones to a great extent. This attribute is measured through UAI metric that is uncertainty avoidance index.



美国的人力资源管理实践模式不能在德国的背景下实施,因为人力资源管理实践构成了德国制度环境的核心部分。然而,德国的商业体系对人力资源管理的原则并不具有争议性。相反,德国的商业体系必须根据德国社会经济体系的需求和约束来调整这些人力资源管理的政策和实践(Festing, 2012, p, 41)。与初步职业培训、集体谈判和共同决定有关的劳动力市场机构需要一种多元的人力资源管理方式。在上述机构的支持下,人力资源管理原则得到了有效的实施,而其他原则则受到抑制。德国甚至与其他欧洲国家的人力资源管理模式有一些共同的特点。它还采用了美国采用的一些战略人力资源实践,这些实践被称为美国以外的最佳实践(Ehnert, Harry, and Zink, 2013)。

在德国,管理决策是在制度环境中有效制定的,但该国接受当前的管理范式,如人力资源管理哲学。德国独特地处理人力资源管理的想法,这是密切相关的机构的劳动力市场。与自由市场的美国经济相比,德国企业是在高度结构化的制度环境下进行经营活动的。管理自主权受到德国三大劳动力市场机构共同决定、集体谈判和初始职业培训的制约(Grund, and Martin, 2012, p. 3542)。这就是为什么在德国人力资源管理的一元论风格的应用受到阻碍的原因。对于德国公司,还有劳资委员会。如果组织的变化会影响到工作人员,则由工作理事会在其广泛的共同决定权的帮助下有效地处理。


The United States style of HRM practices cannot be implemented in the German context as human resource management practices form a core part of the institutional environment of the country. However, the business system of Germany is not argumentative to the principles of human resource management. Instead, the German business system has to adapt these policies and practices of HRM as per the demands and constraints of the socio-economic system of Germany (Festing, 2012, p, 41). A pluralist style of human resource management is required by the labour market institutions related to initial vocational training, collective bargaining and co-determination. With the support of the above mentioned institutions, the HRM principles are effectively implemented while others are inhibited.Germany even shares some features of the models of human resource management adopted in other European countries. It also adopts some of the strategic human resource practices adopted by United States that are well known as the best practices beyond United States (Ehnert, Harry, and Zink, 2013).

In Germany, managerial decisions are efficiently framed in the institutional environment but the country is receptive to current managerial paradigms like the HRM philosophy. Germany deals uniquely with HRM ideas that are closely related with the institutions of the labor market.In comparison with the US economy with free market, the German companies perform their operations in the highly structured institutional environment. The managerial autonomy is restricted by three major labor market institutions in Germany, which are co-determination, collective bargaining and initial vocational training (Grund, and Martin, 2012, p. 3542). This is the reason because of which the application of the unitarist style of HRM is hindered in Germany. For the German companies there are works council. In case instances of organizational changes that will affect the workforce are dealt effectively by the works council with the help of its extensive co-determination rights.



文化旅游在许多语境中是模糊的。在这一概念中存在着许多有形的和内在的相互联系的因素。有形的因素是遗产地点,纪念碑,在这些地点存在的主题。根据这些博物馆的定义,不同地方的美术馆也可以构成当地文化遗产的一部分(Prentice, 2001)。它们不能从它们的主要目的地移走。人们所持有的情感、文化习俗、信仰、土著风俗是一个地方的非物质文化遗产(Leslie, and Sigala, 2005)。 在许多情况下,人们发现,一旦某个特定的人工制品或场所的原始功能失去了它的价值,它就被用来促进旅游业。这有双重目的。因此,个体社会可以向世界表达他们的遗产,并增加收入(Leslie, and Sigala, 2005)。由于这一因素,个别社会的经济中有相当大的收入。有很多证据支持文化旅游促进和振兴旅游目的地的观点(Leslie, and Sigala, 2005)。来自不同国家的人们对独特的文化实践有了深刻的了解。游客在这个过程中获得了对文化的看法和更多的知识。

土著社会可以自豪地展示他们的遗产,并促进该地区的经济增长。通过这种努力,来自不同社会的人形成了折衷的混合体。这里是不同文化背景的人的聚集地(Leslie, and Sigala, 2005)。这可以导致促进社会和谐、和睦与和平。有益生活质量的主要原因是这一进程所带来的经济增长。经济增长导致就业增加,人民可支配收入增加(McKercher & Ho, 2012)。可以为人民提供更多的基础设施投资。这可以为居民带来更多的资源,让他们有更好的生活质量。旅游目的地的居民也可以传播他们的文化意识,表达他们的文化遗产自豪。为了取代这种意识形态,各国政府和社会采取了一系列促进旅游业的举措。政府和旅游组织创建了许多主题公园,主题和创造一个地方的身份,以增加旅游业(史密斯,2009)。这个过程可以获得有形的收入手段。


Cultural tourism is obscure in many contexts. There are numerous tangible and intrinsic interconnected factors that exist in this concept. Tangible factors are the heritage locations, monuments, motifs that are present in the locations. By these definition museums, art galleries in different places can also be constituted as a part of the cultural heritage of the place (Prentice, 2001). They cannot be moved from their primary destinations. Sentiments, cultural practices, beliefs, indigenous customs held by the people are the intangible cultural heritage of a place (Leslie, and Sigala, 2005).In many cases, it has been found that once the original functionality of a particular artifact or place looses its value, it is used to promote tourism. This serves for a dual purpose. Owing to this, the individual societies can express to the world their heritage as well as increase the income (Leslie, and Sigala, 2005). There is considerable income in the economy of the individual societies due to this factor. There are many evidences that bolster the viewpoint that cultural tourism enhances and revitalizes the destinations (Leslie, and Sigala, 2005). People from different countries gain insights about the unique cultural practices. Tourists gain perspective about the culture and gain more knowledge in this process.

Indigenous society can showcase their heritage with pride and increase the economic growth of the place. By this endeavor, there is an eclectic mix of people from different societies. This serves as a meeting point for people from different cultures (Leslie, and Sigala, 2005). This can lead to promote social harmony, amicability and peace. The major reason for beneficial quality of life is the economic growth that entails from this process. Economic growth leads to more increased employment, and increase in disposable income of the people (McKercher & Ho, 2012). More investments can be made towards the infrastructural availability for the people. This can lead to more resources for the residents to have better quality of life. Residents of the tourist destinations also can spread awareness of their culture and express pride in their cultural heritage. In lieu of this ideology, governments and societies embark in a number of initiatives to promote tourism. Governments and tourist organizations create a number of theme parks, motifs and create identity to a place to increase tourism (Smith, 2009). This process can achieve tangible means of income.

英国大学申请essay :棒球运动

英国大学申请essay :棒球运动


英国大学申请essay :棒球运动
早期的比赛被认为是双人比赛或接力比赛,九个人通过快速点击来达到预期的结果。关于棒球的热烈讨论和社会的巨大动荡导致了对棒球比赛诉讼的增加。2010年,德克·海赫斯特(Dirk Hayhurst)在《牛棚福音》(Bullpen Gospels)中对棒球运动的力量做了很好的解释。在我看来,这本书是关于棒球小联盟的最好的书之一。这本书与两到三本关于棒球的最好的书相比,提供了关于棒球运动内部现实的最好方面。当海赫斯特写这本书的时候,他也是圣地亚哥教士组织的成员。海赫斯特终于在教士队和猛龙队都得到了重要的投篮机会。他退役是因为他自己意识到与皮彻相比,他是一个更好的作家,也因为一些恼人的伤病。后来,他还写了许多其他关于棒球比赛的书。

英国大学申请essay :棒球运动

The natural impulses of the experienced value investors are not to be trusted. As subjectivity is allowed for commanding crucial decisions, more consideration is given to the stereotypes on the various judgments that sometimes create a situation of extreme misappraisals of various people and companies. It is the common human tendency or a human flaw that allows surface impressions instead of the object reasoning that will act as a guide in the decision making process. With this kind of human flaws, all types of markets are rendered for operating in a state of inefficiency that is permanent. It is a condition in the market place that the assets are undervalued or overvalued in the market they provide the investors with various opportunities of profits.After the game of baseball got its status of unification of America the teamwork in the game is required. When the triumphs of American technology on the large scale are looked at, the working of a refine nationalized machinery is observed. In this nationalized machinery that is related to baseball game, everybody in all the departments works in cooperation with each other effectively and leaves no room for time gaps.

英国大学申请essay :棒球运动
The game earlier was regarded as the making of a double play or a relay in which nine men fight through speedy clicks for achieving the desired results. The heated discussion about the baseball along with the massive unrest in the society leads to increased litigation on the baseball game. The power of baseball game was well explained in “Bullpen Gospels” by Dirk Hayhurst in 2010. This book according to me is one among the best books written about the minor leagues of baseball game. This book in comparison to the two or three finest books on baseball provides the best aspects about the inside reality of the baseball game. At the time when this book was written by Hayhurst he was also the member of the San Diego Padres Organization. Hayhurst got major shots finally with both the Padres and Toronto. He retired due to his own realization that he was a much better writer in comparison to pitcher and also because of some nagging injuries. Later he wrote various other books on the baseball game.

essay 代写:名人文化

essay 代写:名人文化

Turner, G et al(2000: 11)认为,名人与其说是“特定个人的财产,不如说是通过个人的表现方式构成的散漫的财产”。duit, L et al(2009:42)也说过“名人不仅仅是一个人。”名人的形象是一种散漫的建构,并不一定与名人本人相符。因此,名人的形象不仅仅代表着名人自己的生活或经历,它具有广泛的意义。Duirs, L等人还提到,名人是“媒体表现的产物,是受众将这些意义融入自己日常生活的方式”。因此,名人是媒体、人们生活乃至当代社会价值的代表。当我们研究名人的形象时,我们可以发现社会某些方面的代表性。本文运用名人文化对佩林和李宇春的案例进行分析,可以揭示当代性别政治的代表性。关于性别政治的讨论是女性主义文学的核心。

essay 代写:名人文化
从女性主义运动开始,性别政治就被女性主义学者所讨论。在玛丽·沃斯通克拉夫特(Mary Wollstonecraft)的革命女权主义(Revolutionary, 1792)中,它展示了一些家庭主妇被一些公共场所拒绝的画面。沃斯通克拉夫特批评了传统的哲学思想,认为妇女不如男子。她还提到,如果女性能在法律框架内享有平等的教育、经济和政治机会,那么女性就能和男性做得一样好。更深层地说,Kate, Millett的《性政治》(1999)指出了父权制理论。他指出,男性在社会中被某些特定的意识形态和一些实际的方式所支配。其中一个例子就是贬低女性,剥夺一些女性的平等权利和权力。顾,Z(1999:2)认为女性的观察者是男性,即女性是视觉对象。男性对女性的审美标准已经成为女性美的标准。

essay 代写:名人文化

According to Turner, G et al (2000: 11), celebrity is less ‘a property of specific individuals, than it is constituted discursively, by the way in which the individual is represented’. And Duits, L et al (2009:42) also said that ‘a celebrity is more than a/one person. A celebrity’s image is a discursive construction that does not necessarily match who the celebrity is as an actual person’. So the image of celebrity is not just representing the celebrity’s own life or experience, it has extensive meaning. Duirs, L et al also mentioned that the celebrity is ‘a product of media representations and the way in which audiences appropriate these meanings into their own everyday life’. Therefore, celebrity is the representation of the value of media, people’s life and even the contemporary society. When we study with celebrities’ images, we can find the representation of some aspects of society. In this essay, using celebrity culture to analyse Sarah Palin and Yuchun Li’s cases can reveal the contemporary representation of gender politics.The discussion about the gender politics is the kernel of the literature of feminism.

essay 代写:名人文化
From the beginning of the feminism, gender politics has been discussed by feminism scholars. In Mary Wollstonecraft ‘s Revolutionary Feminism (1792), it shows the images about the housewives being rejected by some public areas. Wollstonecraft, M criticized the traditional philosophical thought that women are inferior than men. And she mentioned that if women can have some equal chances of education, economics and politics within legal framework, women can do things as good as men. And in deeper way, Kate, Millett’s Sexual Politics(1999) pointed the patriarchy theory. He pointed that men are dominated through some specific ideologies and some practical ways in society. One such instance is making some mindset of belittle female and deprive some women’s equal rights and powers. And according to Gu, Z (1999:2), the observers of female is male, that means female is the visual object. Male’s aesthetic standard of women has become the standard of women beauty.