标签存档: 英国essay代写





它需要考虑电影中以上的科学,它们来自两个不同的序列。电影中的一些场景看起来完全是刻板的,因为观众确实接触到了这样一个国家的文化信息:1)女人不能自我驾驶,2)中东女人裹着罩袍,她们不能在公共场合炫耀西方服饰。现在,尽管电影制作人在Wadjda也提出了同样的观点,但这不能被视为刻板印象,因为它们是沙特阿拉伯的规则和规定,确实限制女性开车。加西亚(2013年)饰演的导演海法阿·曼苏尔(Haifaa Al Mansour)是一个“不像大多数沙特女性,也不像现在的大多数沙特女性那样,把头或脸遮起来,她也不是被塑造成一个女孩。”毫无疑问,阿尔曼苏尔代表了沙特社会拒绝传统生活方式的一部分”(第34页)。根据Garcia(2013)的说法,尽管她是自由的,但导演已经开始表现传统文化的主要观念,这些观念仍然强加给女性,并被大地上的女性所遵循,除非有某种形式的无法改变的革命性挑战。因此,场景再现仍然是这个国家大多数妇女日常生活的一部分。

Sometimes, this balance and conflict find itself into a scene. It needs to look at the below pictures from a scene sequence in the movie. This is the introductory scene to Wadjda. Elements of the mise-en-scene come into play to allow a peek into the rather conservative culture of the land.

The setting looks heavily shrouded. There are dark grey curtains which give the appearance of a theatre but do not look lively. The children are dressed in grey and their uniforms almost touch the ground adding to the heavily shrouded atmosphere. The hair is most held back with one girl as an exception and it reveals the conservative value of the country as well. Some of the girls are reciting the Quran and some look bored, which is quite typical of school age behaviour. The lighting is dark, and the general mood made is however something stricter than a school atmosphere. The absence of other brighter colours adds to the intrigue of the scene, and it reminds the audience of the strict traditions governing the land that encourages stricter upbringing of young girls. When Wadjda waves to another girl who is sent to a corner and is seen fidgeting with her toes, this scene reflects the light subtly indicating that everybody is not content to continue to maintain the shadows of their culture.

It needs to consider the above sciences in the movie which are from two different sequences. Some scenes in the movie appear to be downright stereotypical, as the audience is indeed exposed to such cultural information of the land where 1) women cannot self-drive, 2) women of the middle-east are shrouded in their burka and they cannot show off western attire in public. Now although the movie maker has presented the same in Wadjda, it cannot be rejected as stereotype, because they are rules and regulations in Saudi Arabia that indeed restricts women from driving. The director Haifaa Al Mansour, as represented by Garcia (2013), is someone who “does not cover her head or face, as most Saudi women, as most Saudi women do now, nor was she made to as a girl. No doubt Al Mansour, represents a segment of Saudi society that rejected the traditional way of life” (p. 34). In spite of her freedom, according to Garcia (2013), the director has set out to represent the major notions on traditional culture that is still imposed on women and followed by women of the land, unless there is some form of a revolutionary challenge that cannot be changed. Hence, the scene representations are still a part of the daily life of most women in the country.




Octavius Hadfield是一个影响教堂建筑的人,因为他应该作为首席牧师布道。这座教堂是在他的视察下建造的。早在19世纪,文化在它的实践和展示中占主导地位,因此它是沟通、业务交流、地域合作和招待客人的主要影响因素。文化决定了人们的生活方式和信仰方式,很少会发生变化和改变。各大洲之间缺乏联系,把较小的领土限制在自己和邻国之间,从而保持文化的活力和繁荣。



In addition, Octavius Hadfield was one who influenced the church building, as he was supposed to preach as the chief priest. The church was built under his inspection.Back in the 19th century, culture was predominant in its practice and display, such that it was the principal influencer of communication, exchange of business, and territorial collaboration and treatment to guests. Culture defined the way of life and way of belief, which was seldom subject to change and alterations. Lack of connection between large continents confined smaller territories to itself and its neighbours, thus keeping the culture alive and thriving.

Missionary Church were the primary functions, with economic activity being less dominant, due to which the cultural influence of how one lives, resides, behaves, and worshipped remained influenced. It is important to note that the primary influence of culture has been religion, because two third of the individual’s activity had been practicing religious duties. The aesthetics, the influence of churches from England, and the Maori tribes worshiping preference shaped the way the Rangiatea church was constructed. Cultural beliefs of bible reading, worshipping in groups, and exaggerating the building size are seen clear in the church.

In terms of technological influence, lack of resources underlined the man hours invested and the design standards and grandeur conceptualised. Since iron and steel were less prevalent and wood and stones were available in plenty, the church was built with large wood columns, beams, and support cellars, along with stone walls.




Jerome Kagan的《Three delight Ideas》中对依恋理论最主要的批评体现在一些例子中,这些例子强调了婴儿早期经验对长期心理发展的影响(Csikszentmihalyi, 2014)。批评认为,婴儿在其第一个发展阶段所形成的行为态度不能与无限的稳定性联系在一起。在这方面值得注意的另一个突出方面是依恋理论家关于婴儿的环境对他们发展的影响的推论。

该著作提出的第二个批评是利用复杂抽象的心理过程,如记忆、学习、调节、恐惧和注意,推导出依恋理论(Freud, 2017)。这些抽象过程的使用不能概括不同物种的结果,抽象过程理论化的模糊性反映了依恋理论的局限性。快乐的目标作为人类大多数行为的潜在动机,反映了对依恋理论的批判。

可以观察到,虽然可以从行为成分中识别出婴儿期依恋的影响,但快乐的目标可能会导致个体行为的改变(Larsen et al., 2017)。这一事实可以根据个人根据其道德标准描绘特征的固有愿望与决定行动过程时的愉悦或减少痛苦的感官感觉之间的冲突而得到证实。

Therefore, attachment theory can be considered as a conceptual underpinning of the attachment behavioral system which regulates infant behavior in terms of maintaining contacts and seeking proximity with other individuals for psychological or physical safety (Card, 2017). However, Jerome Kagan has presented explicit criticisms for attachment theory in his works which can be illustrated as follows.

The foremost criticism of attachment theory in Jerome Kagan’s ‘Three Pleasing Ideas’ is observed in the examples highlighting ambiguities related to the impact of early experience among infants on long term psychological development (Csikszentmihalyi, 2014). The criticism suggests that behavioral attitudes developed by infants in their first developmental stage could not be associated with indefinite stability. Another prominent aspect to be noticed in this context is the inference of attachment theorists regarding the influence of the environment of the infant on their development.

The second criticism drawn forward in the work was the use of complex abstract psychological processes such as memory, learning, regulation, fear and attention to derive the attachment theory (Freud, 2017). The use of these abstract processes fails to generalize the outcomes across various species and the ambiguity pertaining to theorization of abstract processes is reflective of the limitations of attachment theory. The objective of pleasure as the underlying motive of majority of human actions is reflective of a criticism of the attachment theory.

It can be observed that while impact of attachment in the infancy stage could be identified in behavioral components, the objective of pleasure could be responsible for changes in behavior of an individual (Larsen et al., 2017). This fact can be validated on the grounds of conflict between the inherent desire of an individual to depict characteristics in accordance with their moral standards and the sensory feeling of pleasure or reduction of pain in determining the course of action.




酒店的位置在双湾。它是悉尼郊区的一个港口前的富有的酒店。酒店有140间光线充足的客房和现代家具。地点不在风景区。因此,对于眼光敏锐的游客来说,这并没有多大意义。郊区既不是旅游区,也不是商业区。这个位置并没有什么特别的原因。然而,尽管有这个独特的选择,但它的竞争较小(Khoo-Lattimore & Yang, 2018)。这是唯一一家在商业区之外的五星级酒店。它让游客享受高档村庄和迷人的欧式步道以及悉尼的咖啡文化。有一种欧洲住宅的情调,屋顶游泳池增加了这个地方的氛围。




The location of the hotel is in Double Bay. It is a harbor front rich hotel in the suburb of Sydney. The hotel has 140 light-filled guest rooms and contemporary furnishings. The location is not in a scenic spot. Hence, it does not make a lot of sense for discerning tourist. The suburban area is neither a tourist area nor it is a business area. The location does not really have a specific reason. However, in spite of this unique choice, it had lesser competition (Khoo-Lattimore & Yang, 2018). This is the only five-star hotel that is outside the business district. It allows the tourist to enjoy the upscale village and charming Euro-like promenades along with café culture of Sydney. There is a sentiment of European residence and the Rooftop pool adds to the ambience of the place.

Hence from analysis, it can be determined that the location choice is not the usual choice. Nevertheless, it makes a lot of sense and there is business strategy that is involved in the place. The positioning of the product has enabled the company to be successful in the recent times.

The hotel is positioned for the leisure and business travellers. The target group for the hotel is the upper-class traveller. This is ideal for the business travellers and people looking for destination weddings. The positioning of the hotel is that it is the perfect ambience for the luxury and the latest technology.

The Lodging trends have been relatively stable in the recent years. There was a dip in room booking. The RevPar was observed to be lesser when the AirBnB services were introduced. The company was observed to focus on the quality of services that it provided to the people. Owing to this, it was able to survive. However, with the growing business demand in the area, there was a result of increasing demand for the rooms. The company had already managed to gain a good brand image. Owing to this, the position of the product was considered as a good investment.

From this analysis, it can be determined that the location and the positioning of the hotel is considered to be ideal.




这部电影的语言可以说是极简主义的。少说,多关注演员的动作。这是一种刻意的尝试,试图将语言的非交流拟人化。这些人物不允许通过人民进行接触。演讲是一种逃避策略和交流的工具。电影中的对话很少,有很多象征性的陈述。这可以从神秘的或讽刺的企图暗示。最终,这部电影聚焦于人们从表面行为中建立起来的孤立感。主人公感受到一种独特的孤独感,并观察到一种天生无法沟通的状态。主人公有一种压倒性的经历。例如,电影中所描绘的美丽的模特只是一种假象(Chatman and Duncan, 2004)。真正的孤独是在这方面的尝试。他被迫扮演双重角色。作为一名侦探,他总是被迫扮演这个角色,他被赋予了一个无法与他人分享的知识。目睹死亡的行为对主人公来说是真实的。


The movie can be termed to have minimalist languages. There is less spoken and more focus on the actions of the actors. This was a deliberate attempt to personify the non-communication of language. The characters were not allowed to make contact through the people. The speech is used as an evasive strategy and a vehicle of communication. The dialogue in the movie is minimal and it has a lot of symbolic statements. This can be alluded from the cryptic or ironic attempts. Ultimately the movie focusses on the isolation that the people build from superficial actions. There is a distinctive loneliness that the main protagonist senses and an innate inability to communicate is observed. The protagonist has an overwhelming experience. For example, the beauties of the models that are portrayed in the movies are only a façade (Chatman and Duncan, 2004). The real loneliness is essayed in this aspect. He is forced to play a dual role. This is the role of being a detective that is invariably forced upon him and he is given a knowledge that he cannot share with others. The act of witnessing the death was real to the protagonist.

In many ways, the inability to communicate and the reasons as to why the people distance themselves from others is evident in this process. The people who are close with the main protagonist can feel him distancing himself. However, he is not able to discuss any of the events. The film ends with focus on the isolation that the main characters feel in this process. It shows how the people feel real emotions in a façade of glitter and allusion of money. There is a negative connotation that is evident from the look of anguish that is found on the face. These cuts are found to have extreme long shot of the people with small, isolated figure. The audience is given the message that each person has a story behind their silence.





全球城市可以定义为具有竞争优势的城市中心,并作为中心服务于全球经济体系。“城市”一词起源于20世纪80年代。这些研究考察了世界重要城市和城市中心的共同特征。在最近的全球化之后,越来越多的关注开始变得更加突出(Datta, 2012)。全球化的联系导致了全球化城市的形成。加入到这个模式中,城市开始获得对地方政治场所的更新特权,并发现在国家机构期间进行了重新配置(Keil, 2011)。现代全球组织作用的扩大和非工业化的后果导致某些领域获得突出地位。全球城市的例子可以是伦敦(哈克和西蒙兹,2013年)。伦敦金融城已经确立了自己作为一个连接银行业和金融业的地方的地位。这些全球城市也例证了现代国际政治经济学中以国家为中心的观点。全球城市被发现有相同的特点,因为他们的方面的联系和共同的经验。这些全球城市陷入了相互竞争之中,被迫将重点放在资源的增加和资本的引进上。


Global city can be defined as the urban centre that is found to have competitive advantages and it is used as a hub to serve the globalized economic system. The term city has its origin that was carried out from 1980s. These examined the common characteristics of the world’s important cities and urban centres. The increased attention started to gain more prominence subsequent to the globalization in the recent times (Datta, 2012). The linking of the globalization leads to the formation of the global cities. Added to this schema, the cities started to gain newer privileges for the sites of local politics and are found to reconfigure during the state institutions (Keil, 2011). The expansion of the role of the modern global organization and the consequences of deindustrialization led to certain areas gaining prominence. The example of the global city could be London (Hack and Simmonds, 2013). The city has been able to post its position as a place that would link the banking and the financial sectors. These global cities exemplify the state-centric perspectives of the modern international political economy as well. The global cities are found to have the same features owing to their aspect of connectedness and shared experiences. These global cities are locked in competition with one another and are forced to focus on the increase of resources and to bring in capital.

In this schema, when the companies choose a particular destination based on the scope of the business and the local economy of the place, the company needs to have a stable demographic profile and enable in the formation of the niche consumer base. The attitudes of the company are aligned with the people (Fox, 2013). These factors of alignment reflect from the community attitudes or outlook. These cultural factors add to the culture of the company in its other location.





首先Report 一般由Table of Contents, Executive Summary, Introduction,Body, Conclusion/Recommendation,Reference六部分组成。留学生们还需要明确报告的写作目的,仔细阅读老师提供的作业要求,并且确认你的写作目标和读者、你需要什么样的信息以及老师所要求的格式和对细节的详细程度。在此基础上,准备一个提纲,包括文章的题目,整体的机构以及最主要的观点。尽早地开始写作,确保你有足够的时间来丰富你的想法。具体方法如下:

1. 语言方面


2. 内容方面:



3.Table of Contents


4.Executive Summary

一般要出现 “The main purpose of this report is to……”这样的标志性语句。一般来说,这部分主要介绍 这篇Report的研究内容、研究对象、研究目的、研究意义等等一些概括性的东西。

5. Introduction

在一篇Report中,Introduction部分相当于是一个Background,而不是概括Report的内容。请注意与Essay的区别。Report中的Introduction不概括文章内容;不介绍文 章结构(因为目录里已经有结构介绍了);只介绍Background。

6. Body

总原则“少写理论,多结合实际情况分析”,不要空谈。根据要求具体分析,用证据支撑、用事实说话。列出标题、次级标题、有必要时列出下一级标题。每段内容用简洁的语言 提炼出要点关键词,然后进行解释和阐述。

7.Conclusion / Recommendation, 根据论文要求具体把握。


1、Table of Contents:

必须使用Microsoft Office Word自动生成Content格式。

2、Executive Summary

一般来说,这部分主要介绍 这篇Report的研究内容、研究对象、研究目的、研究意义等等一些概括性的东西。而在写作的时候最好使用 “The main purpose of this report is to……”这样的标志性语句。



4、 Body

正文的写作要坚持“少理论,不空谈,多结合实际情况分析”原则。根据要求具体分析,用证据支撑、用事实说话。列出标题、次级标题、有必要时列出下一级标题。每段内容用简洁的语言 提炼出要点关键词,然后进行解释和阐述。

5、Conclusion / Recommendation:


6、Reference: Reference 是导师最看重的,绝对不能出现编造的情况,一定要真实。国外对这个问题查得很严。一旦查出有作假或抄袭情况,会直接挂科,甚至开除学籍。一般来说,Reference包含两个部分,一种是In-Text Reference 也就是在文章里的Reference,一种是在文章最后出现的Reference, 也就是Reference List。一篇论文须要包含文中的In-Text Reference和文末的Reference List。老师有明确要求Report文章中几个Reference的,根据要求来把握;如果没有具体要求说必须有多少Reference List的话,大家就按照每千字3-4个来写就可以了。





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